474 research outputs found

    Measuring temporal gravitational variations using SLR data

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    Redistribution of mass within the Earth system changes its gravitational field, and thus changes the orbits of Earth satellites. While these variations are small, Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) to precise geodetic satellites such as Lageos-1, Lageos-2, Starlette, Ajisai, and Stella can detect these changes at their broadest spatial scales (currently greater than 10,000 km). The satellites sense only the combined variation in the solid Earth-ocean-atmosphere system; however, modeling of these different components has led to detection of long-wavelength variations in the distribution of atmospheric mass, changes in the amplitudes of atmospheric and oceanic tides, and secular variations caused by the post-glacial adjustment of the Earth's crust. The unambiguous detection of ocean mass redistribution by SLR has not been verified due largely to inadequacies in current ocean models. Great progress has been made in recent years in the determination of luni-solar tides and the braking they induce in the Earth-Moon-Sun system (leading to secular changes in the length-to-day and lengthening of the lunar orbit period) using a wide variety of techniques including ocean tide gauges, satellite altimetry, Lunar Laser Ranging, and near-Earth satellite orbit modeling. Recent investigations of the more complex and less predictable non-tidal temporal variations in the gravity field have generally proceeded along two fronts: 1) the determination of long-wavelength variations in the gravity field through the changing perturbations seen in the orbits of near-Earth satellites, and 2) the prediction of temporal variations in gravity using geophysical, atmospheric, and oceanic models. A convergence of these efforts is sought to better understand the source of observed changes in the Earth's gravitational field

    A 40th deg and order gravitational field model for Mars

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    Understanding the origin and evolution of major photographic features on Mars, such as the hemispheric dichotomy and Tharsis rise, will require improved resolution of that planet's gravitational and topographic fields. The highest resolution gravity model for Mars published to date was derived from Doppler tracking data from the Mariner 9 and Viking 1 and 2 spacecraft, and is of 18th degree and order. That field has a maximum spatial resolution of approx. 600 km, which is comparable to that of the best topographic model. The resolution of previous gravity models was limited not by data density, but rather by the computational resources available at the time. Because this restriction is no longer a limitation, the Viking and Mariner data sets were reanalyzed and a gravitational field was derived complete to the 40th degree and order with a corresponding maximum spatial resolution of 300 km where the data permit

    Optimizing the Earth-LISA "rendez-vous"

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    We present a general survey of heliocentric LISA orbits, hoping it might help in the exercise of rescoping the mission. We try to semi-analytically optimize the orbital parameters in order to minimize the disturbances coming from the Earth-LISA interaction. In a set of numerical simulations we include nonautonomous perturbations and provide an estimate of Doppler shift and breathing as a function of the trailing angle.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Submitted on CQ

    Experimental Observation of Classical Dynamical Monodromy

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    A Hamiltonian system is said to have nontrivial monodromy if its fundamental action-angle loops do not return to their initial topological state at the end of a closed circuit in angular momentum-energy space. This process has been predicted to have consequences which can be seen in dynamical systems, called dynamical monodromy. Using an apparatus consisting of a spherical pendulum subject to magnetic potentials and torques, we observe nontrivial monodromy by the associated topological change in the evolution of a loop of trajectories

    Simulation Study of a Follow-on Gravity Mission to GRACE

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    The gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) has been providing monthly estimates of the Earth's time-variable gravity field since its launch in March 2002. The GRACE gravity estimates are used to study temporal mass variations on global and regional scales, which are largely caused by a redistribution of water mass in the Earth system. The accuracy of the GRACE gravity fields are primarily limited by the satellite-to-satellite range-rate measurement noise, accelerometer errors, attitude errors, orbit errors, and temporal aliasing caused by unmodeled high-frequency variations in the gravity signal. Recent work by Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., Boulder, CO has resulted in the successful development of an interferometric laser ranging system to specifically address the limitations of the K-band microwave ranging system that provides the satellite-to-satellite measurements for the GRACE mission. Full numerical simulations are performed for several possible configurations of a GRACE Follow-On (GFO) mission to determine if a future satellite gravity recovery mission equipped with a laser ranging system will provide better estimates of time-variable gravity, thus benefiting many areas of Earth systems research. The laser ranging system improves the range-rate measurement precision to approximately 0.6 nm/s as compared to approx. 0.2 micro-seconds for the GRACE K-band microwave ranging instrument. Four different mission scenarios are simulated to investigate the effect of the better instrument at two different altitudes. The first pair of simulated missions is flown at GRACE altitude (approx. 480 km) assuming on-board accelerometers with the same noise characteristics as those currently used for GRACE. The second pair of missions is flown at an altitude of approx. 250 km which requires a drag-free system to prevent satellite re-entry. In addition to allowing a lower satellite altitude, the drag-free system also reduces the errors associated with the accelerometer. All simulated mission scenarios assume a two satellite co-orbiting pair similar to GRACE in a near-polar, near-circular orbit. A method for local time variable gravity recovery through mass concentration blocks (mascons) is used to form simulated gravity estimates for Greenland and the Amazon region for three GFO configurations and GRACE. Simulation results show that the increased precision of the laser does not improve gravity estimation when flown with on-board accelerometers at the same altitude and spacecraft separation as GRACE, even when time-varying background models are not included. This study also shows that only modest improvement is realized for the best-case scenario (laser, low-altitude, drag-free) as compared to GRACE due to temporal aliasing errors. These errors are caused by high-frequency variations in the hydrology signal and imperfections in the atmospheric, oceanographic, and tidal models which are used to remove unwanted signal. This work concludes that applying the updated technologies alone will not immediately advance the accuracy of the gravity estimates. If the scientific objectives of a GFO mission require more accurate gravity estimates, then future work should focus on improvements in the geophysical models, and ways in which the mission design or data processing could reduce the effects of temporal aliasing

    Design Considerations for a Dedicated Gravity Recovery Satellite Mission Consisting of Two Pairs of Satellites

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    Future satellite missions dedicated to measuring time-variable gravity will need to address the concern of temporal aliasing errors; i.e., errors due to high-frequency mass variations. These errors have been shown to be a limiting error source for future missions with improved sensors. One method of reducing them is to fly multiple satellite pairs, thus increasing the sampling frequency of the mission. While one could imagine a system architecture consisting of dozens of satellite pairs, this paper explores the more economically feasible option of optimizing the orbits of two pairs of satellites. While the search space for this problem is infinite by nature, steps have been made to reduce it via proper assumptions regarding some parameters and a large number of numerical simulations exploring appropriate ranges for other parameters. A search space originally consisting of 15 variables is reduced to two variables with the utmost impact on mission performance: the repeat period of both pairs of satellites (shown to be near-optimal when they are equal to each other), as well as the inclination of one of the satellite pairs (the other pair is assumed to be in a polar orbit). To arrive at this conclusion, we assume circular orbits, repeat groundtracks for both pairs of satellites, a 100-km inter-satellite separation distance, and a minimum allowable operational satellite altitude of 290 km based on a projected 10-year mission lifetime. Given the scientific objectives of determining time-variable hydrology, ice mass variations, and ocean bottom pressure signals with higher spatial resolution, we find that an optimal architecture consists of a polar pair of satellites coupled with a pair inclined at 72deg, both in 13-day repeating orbits. This architecture provides a 67% reduction in error over one pair of satellites, in addition to reducing the longitudinal striping to such a level that minimal post-processing is required, permitting a substantial increase in the spatial resolution of the gravity field products. It should be emphasized that given different sets of scientific objectives for the mission, or a different minimum allowable satellite altitude, different architectures might be selected

    An Inversion of Gravity and Topography for Mantle and Crustal Structure on Mars

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    Analysis of the gravity and topography of Mars presently provides our primary quantitative constraints on the internal structure of Mars. We present an inversion of the long-wavelength (harmonic degree less than or equal to 10) gravity and topography of Mars for lateral variations of mantle temperature and crustal thickness. Our formulation incorporates both viscous mantle flow (which most prior studies have neglected) and isostatically compensated density anomalies in the crust and lithosphere. Our nominal model has a 150-km-thick high-viscosity surface layer over an isoviscous mantle, with a core radius of 1840 km. It predicts lateral temperature variations of up to a few hundred degrees Kelvin relative to the mean mantle temperature, with high temperature under Tharsis and to a lesser extent under Elysium and cool temperatures elsewhere. Surprisingly, the model predicts crustal thinning beneath Tharsis. If correct, this implies that thinning of the crust by mantle shear stresses dominates over thickening of the crust by volcanism. The major impact basins (Hellas, Argyre, Isidis, Chryse, and Utopia) are regions of crustal thinning, as expected. Utopia is also predicted to be a region of hot mantle, which is hard to reconcile with the surface geology. An alternative model for Utopia treats it as a mascon basin. The Utopia gravity anomaly is consistent with the presence of a 1.2 to 1.6 km thick layer of uncompensated basalt, in good agreement with geologic arguments about the amount of volcanic fill in this area. The mantle thermal structure is the dominant contributor to the observed geoid in our inversion. The mantle also dominates the topography at the longest wavelengths, but shorter wavelengths (harmonic degrees greater than or equal to 4) are dominated by the crustal structure. Because of the uncertainty about the appropriate numerical values for some of the model's input parameters, we have examined the sensitivity of the model results to the planetary structural model (core radius and core and mantle densities), the mantle's viscosity stratification, and the mean crustal thickness. The model results are insensitive to the specific thickness or viscosity contrast of the high-viscosity surface layer and to the mean crustal thickness in the range 25 to 100 km. Models with a large core radius or with an upper mantle low-viscosity zone require implausibly large lateral variations in mantle temperature

    Reconstructing Sea Level Using Cyclostationary Empirical Orthogonal Functions

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    Cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions, derived from satellite altimetry, are combined with historical sea level measurements from tide gauges to reconstruct sea level fields from 1950 through 2009. Previous sea level reconstructions have utilized empirical orthogonal functions as basis functions, but by using cyclostationary empirical orthogonal functions and by addressing other aspects of the reconstruction procedure, an alternative sea level reconstruction can be computed. The procedure introduced here is capable of capturing the annual cycle and El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signals back to 1950, with correlations between the reconstructed ENSO signal and common ENSO indices found to be over 0.9. The regional trends computed from the new reconstruction show good agreement with the trends obtained from the satellite altimetry, but some discrepancies are seen when comparing with previous sea level reconstructions over longer time periods. The computed rate of global mean sea level rise from the reconstructed time series is 1.97 mm/yr from 1950 to 2009 and 3.22 mm/yr from 1993 to 2009
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