25 research outputs found

    Characteristics, outcomes, and predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients hospitalized with acute systolic heart failure (HFrEF): Two-center registry of acute heart failure from Iran

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    Background: Acute Heart Failure (AHF) is a common cause of hospitalization in many countries. Rehospitalization due to AHF is also a very important economic issue for health services. Registries for AHF have been made in many countries to characterize such patients, which have provided great information about these patients for better care. To date, there is insufficient information about these patients in Iran and their rehospitalization and short-and long-term follow-up is unclear. Objectives: This study aims to describe the results of a small registry of AHF (HFrEF) patients in Iran and their short-term follow-up. Patients and Methods: This study aimed to describe the earliest results of the AHF registry, which was started from September 2015 in two hospitals (Afshar Heart Center in Yazd and Rajaie Heart Center in Tehran). All patients with diagnosis of AHF and HFrEF were enrolled into this registry. During six months, 352 patients with diagnosis of AHF and HFrEF were entered into this registry. The patients� demographic, clinical, and Para clinical data were collected during hospitalization and they were followed up for all-cause mortality and hospitalization for three months. Patients suffering from heart failure with preserved ejection fraction were excluded because of their small number and incomplete data. Results: The mean age of the patients was 55 ± 16 years and 76 were male. Besides, 77 of the patients had acute decompensation of chronic heart failure and 17 had new-onset AHF. Etiology of heart failure was ischemic heart disease in 52 of the patients. Additionally, the mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 20. Moreover, length of hospital stay was 10.5±10 days and in-hospital mortality rate was 9.7. Conclusions: This small and limited registry of patients with AHF (HFrEF) in Iran delineated these patients� characteristics with some discrepancies and similarities with western registries. Thus, a larger nationwide registry is needed for further clarification of the issue. © 2018, Iranian Cardiovascular Research Journal. All rights reserved

    Characteristics, outcomes, and predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients hospitalized with acute systolic heart failure (HFrEF): Two-center registry of acute heart failure from Iran

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    Background: Acute Heart Failure (AHF) is a common cause of hospitalization in many countries. Rehospitalization due to AHF is also a very important economic issue for health services. Registries for AHF have been made in many countries to characterize such patients, which have provided great information about these patients for better care. To date, there is insufficient information about these patients in Iran and their rehospitalization and short-and long-term follow-up is unclear. Objectives: This study aims to describe the results of a small registry of AHF (HFrEF) patients in Iran and their short-term follow-up. Patients and Methods: This study aimed to describe the earliest results of the AHF registry, which was started from September 2015 in two hospitals (Afshar Heart Center in Yazd and Rajaie Heart Center in Tehran). All patients with diagnosis of AHF and HFrEF were enrolled into this registry. During six months, 352 patients with diagnosis of AHF and HFrEF were entered into this registry. The patients� demographic, clinical, and Para clinical data were collected during hospitalization and they were followed up for all-cause mortality and hospitalization for three months. Patients suffering from heart failure with preserved ejection fraction were excluded because of their small number and incomplete data. Results: The mean age of the patients was 55 ± 16 years and 76 were male. Besides, 77 of the patients had acute decompensation of chronic heart failure and 17 had new-onset AHF. Etiology of heart failure was ischemic heart disease in 52 of the patients. Additionally, the mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 20. Moreover, length of hospital stay was 10.5±10 days and in-hospital mortality rate was 9.7. Conclusions: This small and limited registry of patients with AHF (HFrEF) in Iran delineated these patients� characteristics with some discrepancies and similarities with western registries. Thus, a larger nationwide registry is needed for further clarification of the issue. © 2018, Iranian Cardiovascular Research Journal. All rights reserved

    Trace and rare earth elements distribution and mobility during diagenetic alteration of volcanic ash to bentonite in Eastern Iranian bentonite deposits

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    The chemical composition of the source magma along with the physiochemical conditions of the depositional environment are the main controlling factors in determining the behavior and mobility of trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) during the transformation of volcanic ash to bentonite. The purpose of the present study was to determine the distribution pattern and mobility of trace elements and REEs in several bentonite deposits formed by diagenetic alteration of volcanic ash in shallow alkaline water in eastern Iran. Using geochemical and statistical data, the degree of weathering in the parent rocks and the distribution and mobility of trace elements and REEs during the alteration process at seven deposits (Chah-Taleb, Chah-Keshmir, Chah-Golestan, Chah-Pirouz, Gholeh-Gelia, Kharman-Sar, and Khal-Kooh) were studied. None of the parent rocks showed an advanced degree of depositional reworking and, therefore, their chemical composition is representative of the volcanic ash from which the bentonites were formed. In the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of both parent rocks and bentonites, the light rare earth elements (LREEs) were found to be enriched relative to the heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). The variation in δEu and δCe values suggested a high-temperature (<200°C), suboxic, aquatic environment in which the conversion of volcanic ash to bentonite occurred. In the bivariate correlation analysis, Si showed a strong inverse relationship with Al and LREEs, while large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), high field strength elements (HFSEs), HREEs, and LREEs displayed a positive correlation between the elements of their respective groups. The R values in the binary diagram of potential immobile elements against Al suggest a qualitative classification in which Ti, Gd, Ga, Pr, Tb, Nd, Sm, Ce, and Nb are considered immobile, and U, Dy, In, Sc, Hf, Zr, La, and Eu are considered to have had poor mobility during formation of the Eastern Iranian bentonite deposits.This research was partly funded by the Iran National Science Foundation (contract no. 90004849), Spanish Group CTS-946 (Junta de Andalucia), and MINECO project CGL2016-80833-R. The authors acknowledge the School of Geology of the University of Tehran for sample preparation and some geochemical tests. The authors express their gratitude to Shaghayegh V. Navabpour for assisting with the statistical analyses. They also sincerely thank the reviewers for their careful reading of the manuscript and their many insightful comments and suggestions which certainly helped to improve the manuscript

    Genesis of the Eastern Iranian bentonite deposits

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    Numerous bentonite deposits are located in Southern Khorasan (Eastern Iran), especially in Ferdows and Sarayan counties. We studied the genesis of these bentonites at seven deposits (Chah-Taleb, Chah-Keshmir, Chah-Golestan, Chah-Pirouz, Gholeh-Gelia, Kharman-Sar and Khal-Kooh) using petrological, mineralogical and geochemical data (including X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) from both bentonites and parent rock samples. The deposits mainly consist of Na-montmorillonite and opaline silica, with lesser amounts of quartz, feldspars, carbonates, halite, zeolites, and illite. The studied deposits formed in a volcanic arc setting and their magma series are calc-alkaline, except for the Kharman-Sar deposit, which is tholeiitic in composition. The presence of significant amounts of opaline silica indicates a low fluid flow rate in these systems, in spite of the high leaching of alkalis. The strata-bound nature of the studied deposits, as well as the high amount of montmorillonite, the presence of gypsum layers alternating with those of bentonite and the lack of hydrothermal alteration suggest that these Iranian bentonite deposits were formed through diagenetic processes in lagoon environments, by means of the alteration of intermediate to acidic precursors, trachy-andesite to rhyolite, belonging to two volcanic provinces: one pyroclastic realm in Ferdows, and another volcaniclastic in Sarayan.This research was partly funded by the Iran National Science Foundation (contract no. 90004849 ), Spanish Group CTS-946 (Junta de Andalucia) and MINECO project CGL2016-80833-R . We also acknowledge the School of Geology of the University of Tehran for sample preparation and some geochemical tests

    Investigating the Periodontal Health in Patients with Coronary Heart Diseases

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    Introduction: Human studies have shown that patients with cardiovascular diseases have worse periodontal status. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the periodontal health in patients with coronary heart diseases who underwent angiography. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 135 patients with coronary artery disease participated who underwent angiography. Periodontal indices were assessed including bleeding on probing, plaque index, probing depth, furcation involvement, number of missing teeth and number of tooth with pathologic mobility. According to angiography results, the presence of coronary artery stenosis and its severity were recorded based on the number of involvement arteries. Data was analyzed by Mann-whitney test and N par test using spss software (version 16). Results: According to results of angiography, there were 106 patients with CHD that among them, 65% were with periodontitis, 6.6% with health periodontium. Out of the remaining 29 patients (with normal result of angiography) 44.8% had gingivitis and 44.8% had periodontitis. Probing depth index was significantly different in patients with and without coronary artery stenosis (p0.05). Conclusion: Patients with coronary artery disease have worse periodontal status compared to individual with normal angiography

    Genesis of the Eastern Iranian bentonite deposits

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    Numerous bentonite deposits are located in Southern Khorasan (Eastern Iran), especially in Ferdows and Sarayan counties. We studied the genesis of these bentonites at seven deposits (Chah-Taleb, Chah-Keshmir, Chah- Golestan, Chah-Pirouz, Gholeh-Gelia, Kharman-Sar and Khal-Kooh) using petrological, mineralogical and geochemical data (including X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) from both bentonites and parent rock samples. The deposits mainly consist of Na-montmorillonite and opaline silica, with lesser amounts of quartz, feldspars, carbonates, halite, zeolites, and illite. The studied deposits formed in a volcanic arc setting and their magma series are calc-alkaline, except for the Kharman-Sar deposit, which is tholeiitic in composition. The presence of significant amounts of opaline silica indicates a low fluid flow rate in these systems, in spite of the high leaching of alkalis. The strata-bound nature of the studied deposits, as well as the high amount of montmorillonite, the presence of gypsum layers alternating with those of bentonite and the lack of hydrothermal alteration suggest that these Iranian bentonite deposits were formed through diagenetic processes in lagoon environments, by means of the alteration of intermediate to acidic precursors, trachy-andesite to rhyolite, belonging to two volcanic provinces: one pyroclastic realm in Ferdows, and another volcaniclastic in Sarayan


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    HDL can prevent LDL-c oxidation. The low HDL-c State also may benefit clinically from supplemented antioxidant. This study was designed to evaluate the combination therapy of statin and vitamin E in hypercholesterolemic patients. The patients were randomized in a clinical trial aimed to avaluate the effect of vitamin E and/or statin.The life style of patients didn&apos;t alter during intervention. The subjects were randomized to two treatment groups A and B: (1) lovastatin 20mg daily at bedtime. (group A); (2) vitamin E 400 iu daily plus lovastatin 20 mg daily (group B). The lipid values of each patients at baseline and after 8 weeks of treatment were compared by paired t test. The mean baseline lipid levels for 60 subjects were as follows: plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-c and HDL-c 285 &amp;plusmn; 68, 268 &amp;plusmn; 121, 158 &amp;plusmn; 32, 49 &amp;plusmn; 11 mg/dl respectively. Serum lipid levels changes in group A (statin only) and in group B (statin and vitamin E) were statistically significant. In comparison of lipid profiles changes between two groups we observed that HDL-c changes in group B were significantly lower than in group A. Vitamin E supplement blocks the respons of HDL-c to lovastatin therapy in hypercholestrolemic patients

    Worldwide incidence and mortality of ovarian cancer and Human Development Index (HDI): GLOBOCAN sources and methods 2018

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    Objective. Ovarian cancer is known as the seventh most common cancer among women, accounting for about 4 of all cancers associated with the females. Method. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study based on cancer incidence data and cancer mortality rates from the Global Cancer Data in 2018. The incidence and mortality rates were estimated and ovarian cancer distribution maps for world countries were drawn. To analyze data, correlation and regression tests were used to evaluate association between its incidence and mortality with human development index (HDI) Results. Results revealed a direct and significant correlation between ovarian cancer incidence (R = 0.409, P < 0.0001) and mortality (R = 0.193, P < 0.05) with HDI. It also projected a direct and significant correlation between incidence with Gross National Income per 1,000 capita (GNI), mean years of schooling (MYS), life expectancy at birth (LEB) and expected years of schooling (EYS) (P < 0.0001). The findings also demonstrated a direct and significant correlation between mortality and GNI, MYS, LEB as well as EYS (P < 0.05). The linear regression model showed that a higher MYS B = 0.2, CI 95%: (-0.03, 0.5) can significantly augment the incidence of ovarian cancer while an increased MYS B = 0.2, CI 95% (0.03, 0.4) can induce mortality. Conclusions. Given the direct and significant correlation between ovarian cancer incidence and mortality with HDI, attention to risk factors in these countries can be effective in curbing its incidence and mortality. © 2021 Pacini Editore S.p.A.. All rights reserved

    Association of pulp stones with coronary artery stenosis

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    Background: Dental pulp stones are discrete calcifications in the pulp chamber which are often seen in deciduous and permanent teeth. It has been hypothesised that atherosclerosis can be associated with their development. Objective: To determine whether a higher prevalence of dental pulp stones is correlated with coronary artery stenosis. Clinical setting: Sixty-one patients aged 20-55 years referred to Afshar Heart Center for invasive coronary angiography were invited to undergo panoramic dental radiography. The panoramic radiographs were independently examined for the presence of pulp stones. Results: Pulp stones were present in 82% (31/38) of patients with at least one clinically significant coronary artery stenosis and in 48% (11/23) of patients with normal coronary angiography. They were present in 13% of the teeth in the former group and in 5% of the teeth in the latter. The findings show a statistically significant association between coronary artery stenosis and presence of pulp stones (odds ratio 4.83, 95% confidence interval 1.5-15.4). Conclusion: Coronary artery stenosis and dental pulp calcification are significantly associated. Dental radiography has the potential to be used as a rapid screening method for the early detection of coronary artery stenosis