273 research outputs found

    Histological Course of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Japanese Patients: Tight glycemic control, rather than weight reduction, ameliorates liver fibrosis

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系OBJECTIVE - The goal of this study was to examine whether metabolic abnormalities are responsible for the histological changes observed in Japanese patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who have undergone serial liver biopsies. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - In total, 39 patients had undergone consecutive liver biopsies. Changes in their clinical data were analyzed, and biopsy specimens were scored histologically for stage. RESULTS - The median follow-up time was 2.4 years (range 1.0-8.5). Liver fibrosis had improved in 12 patients (30.7%), progressed in 11 patients (28.2%), and remained unchanged in 16 patients (41%). In a Cox proportional hazard model, decrease in A1C and use of insulin were associated with improvement of liver fibrosis independent of age, sex, and BMI. However, ΔA1C was more strongly associated with the improvement of liver fibrosis than use of insulin after adjustment for each other (χ2; 7.97 vs. 4.58, respectively). CONCLUSIONS - Tight glycemic control may prevent histological progression in Japanese patients with NAFLD. © 2010 by the American Diabetes Association

    Role of aetiology in the progression, regression, and parenchymal remodelling of liver disease: implications for liver biopsy interpretation

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    Clinicopathological concepts on acute and chronic liver disease have evolved rapidly during the last few years, with advances in general and specific treatment options and improved patient outcomes. The old paradigm of ‘irreversibility’ of cirrhosis had been challenged in major ways, and the validity of the usage of the term ‘cirrhosis’ has come into question. This paper addresses aetiology-based clinicopathological concepts and features that may deserve attention because they may determine disease outcome and, specifically, patterns of regression and remodelling. A variety of therapeutic interventions may influence remaining disease features after elimination of damaging agents (virus, alcohol, etc.), and determine the final clinical outcome including the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). New concepts create new responsibilities and opportunities for the pathologist to contribute to the understanding of liver pathology and communicate this with clinical colleagues and researchers

    Histology of portal vascular changes associated with idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: nomenclature and definition.

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    Idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (INCPH) is a rare vascular liver disease that has attracted new interest in recent years. It is characterised by clinical signs of portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis or severe fibrosis and any known cause of portal hypertension. As much uncertainty exists about INCPH pathophysiology, and no definite diagnostic tests are available, liver biopsy is an essential tool for achieving a definite diagnosis. Unfortunately, the histological diagnosis of INCPH is not always straightforward, as the characteristic lesions are unevenly distributed, vary greatly in their severity, are often very subtle, and are not all necessarily present in a single case. Furthermore, specifically for the characteristic portal vessel changes observed in INCPH, the terminology and definition are ambiguous, which adds complexity to the already complex clinicopathological scenario. An international study group of liver pathologists and hepatologists pursued a consensus on nomenclature for the portal vascular lesions of INCPH. Such standardisation may assist pathologists in the recognition of such lesions, and will possibly facilitate further advancement in this field

    Activation of Fas/FasL pathway and the role of c-FLIP in primary culture of human cholangiocarcinoma cells

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    Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) represents a heterogeneous group of malignancies emerging from the biliary tree, often in the context of chronic bile ducts inflammation. The immunological features of iCCA cells and their capability to control the lymphocytes response have not yet been investigated. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the interaction between iCCA cells and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the role of Fas/FasL in modulating T-cells and NK-cells response after direct co-culture. iCCA cells express high levels of Fas and FasL that increase after co-culture with PBMCs inducing apoptosis in CD4(+), CD8(+) T-cells and in CD56(+) NK-cells. In vitro, c-FLIP is expressed in iCCA cells and the co-culture with PBMCs induces an increase of c-FLIP in both iCCA cells and biliary tree stem cells. This c-FLIP increase does not trigger the caspase cascade, thus hindering apoptotis of iCCA cells which, instead, underwent proliferation. The increased expression of Fas, FasL and c-FLIP is confirmed in situ, in human CCA and in primary sclerosing cholangitis. In conclusion our data indicated that iCCA cells have immune-modulatory properties by which they induce apoptosis of T and NK cells, via Fas/FasL pathway, and escape inflammatory response by up-regulating c-FLIP system

    Cytotoxic activity of Thai medicinal plants against human cholangiocarcinoma, laryngeal and hepatocarcinoma cells in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cholangiocarcinoma is a serious public health in Thailand with increasing incidence and mortality rates. The present study aimed to investigate cytotoxic activities of crude ethanol extracts of a total of 28 plants and 5 recipes used in Thai folklore medicine against human cholangiocarcinoma (CL-6), human laryngeal (Hep-2), and human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cell lines in vitro.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cytotoxic activity of the plant extracts against the cancerous cell lines compared with normal cell line (renal epithelial cell: HRE) were assessed using MTT assay. 5-fluorouracil was used as a positive control. The IC<sub>50 </sub>(concentration that inhibits cell growth by 50%) and the selectivity index (SI) were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The extracts from seven plant species (<it>Atractylodes lancea</it>, <it>Kaempferia galangal</it>, <it>Zingiber officinal</it>, <it>Piper chaba</it>, <it>Mesua ferrea</it>, <it>Ligusticum sinense</it>, <it>Mimusops elengi</it>) and one folklore recipe (Pra-Sa-Prao-Yhai) exhibited promising activity against the cholangiocarcinoma CL-6 cell line with survival of less than 50% at the concentration of 50 μg/ml. Among these, the extracts from the five plants and one recipe (<it>Atractylodes lancea</it>, <it>Kaempferia galangal</it>, <it>Zingiber officinal</it>, <it>Piper chaba</it>, <it>Mesua ferrea</it>, and Pra-Sa-Prao-Yhai recipe) showed potent cytotoxic activity with mean IC<sub>50 </sub>values of 24.09, 37.36, 34.26, 40.74, 48.23 and 44.12 μg/ml, respectively. All possessed high activity against Hep-2 cell with mean IC<sub>50 </sub>ranging from 18.93 to 32.40 μg/ml. In contrast, activity against the hepatoma cell HepG2 varied markedly; mean IC<sub>50 </sub>ranged from 9.67 to 115.47 μg/ml. The only promising extract was from <it>Zingiber officinal </it>(IC<sub>50 </sub>= 9.67 μg/ml). The sensitivity of all the four cells to 5-FU also varied according to cell types, particularly with CL-6 cell (IC<sub>50 </sub>= 757 micromolar). The extract from <it>Atractylodes lancea </it>appears to be both the most potent and most selective against cholangiocarcinoma (IC<sub>50 </sub>= 24.09 μg/ml, SI = 8.6).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The ethanolic extracts from five plants and one folklore recipe showed potent cytotoxic activity against CL-6 cell. Sensitivity to other cancerous cell lines varied according to cell types and the hepatocarcinoma cell line. HepG2 appears to be the most resistant to the tested extracts.</p

    Acute deterioration of idiopathic portal hypertension requiring living donor liver transplantation: a case report.

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    Case reports of severe idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) requiring liver transplantation are very rare. We report the case of a 65-year-old woman who was diagnosed as having IPH. At the age of 60 years, her initial symptom was hematemesis, due to ruptured esophageal varices. Computed tomography of the abdomen showed splenomegaly and a small amount of ascites, without liver cirrhosis. She was diagnosed as having IPH and followed-up as an outpatient. Five years later, she developed symptoms of a common cold and rapidly progressive abdominal distension. She was found to have severe liver atrophy, liver dysfunction, and massive ascites. Living donor liver transplantation was then performed, and her postoperative course was uneventful. Histopathological findings of the explanted liver showed collapse and stenosis of the peripheral portal vein. The areas of liver parenchyma were narrow, while the portal tracts and central veins were approximate one another, leading to a diagnosis of IPH. There was no liver cirrhosis. The natural history of refractory IPH could be observed in this case. Patients with end-stage liver failure due to severe IPH can be treated by liver transplantation

    CpG-island methylation study of liver fluke-related cholangiocarcinoma

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    Background: Genetic changes have been widely reported in association with cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), while epigenetic changes are poorly characterised. We aimed to further evaluate CpG-island hypermethylation in CCA at candidate loci, which may have potential as diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers. Methods: We analysed methylation of 26 CpG-islands in 102 liver fluke related-CCA and 29 adjacent normal samples using methylation-specific PCR (MSP). Methylation of interest loci was confirmed using pyrosequencing and/or combined bisulfite restriction analysis, and protein expression by immunohistochemistry. Results: A number of CpG-islands (OPCML, SFRP1, HIC1, PTEN and DcR1) showed frequency of hypermethylation in >28% of CCA, but not adjacent normal tissues. The results showed that 91% of CCA were methylated in at least one CpG-island. The OPCML was the most frequently methylated locus (72.5%) and was more frequently methylated in less differentiated CCA. Patients with methylated DcR1 had significantly longer overall survival (Median; 41.7 vs 21.7 weeks, P=0.027). Low-protein expression was found in >70% of CCA with methylation of OPCML or DcR1. Conclusion: Aberrant hypermethylation of certain loci is a common event in liver fluke-related CCA and may potentially contribute to cholangiocarcinogenesis. The OPCML and DcR1 might serve as methylation biomarkers in CCA that can be readily examined by MSP

    ASS1 Overexpression:A Hallmark of Sonic Hedgehog Hepatocellular Adenomas; Recommendations for Clinical Practice

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    Until recently, 10% of hepatocellular adenomas (HCAs) remained unclassified (UHCA). Among the UHCAs, the sonic hedgehog HCA (shHCA) was defined by focal deletions that fuse the promoter of Inhibin beta E chain with GLI1. Prostaglandin D2 synthase was proposed as immunomarker. In parallel, our previous work using proteomic analysis showed that most UHCAs constitute a homogeneous subtype associated with overexpression of argininosuccinate synthase (ASS1). To clarify the use of ASS1 in the HCA classification and avoid misinterpretations of the immunohistochemical staining, the aims of this work were to study (1) the link between shHCA and ASS1 overexpression and (2) the clinical relevance of ASS1 overexpression for diagnosis. Molecular, proteomic, and immunohistochemical analyses were performed in UHCA cases of the Bordeaux series. The clinico-pathological features, including ASS1 immunohistochemical labeling, were analyzed on a large international series of 67 cases. ASS1 overexpression and the shHCA subgroup were superimposed in 15 cases studied by molecular analysis, establishing ASS1 overexpression as a hallmark of shHCA. Moreover, the ASS1 immunomarker was better than prostaglandin D2 synthase and only found positive in 7 of 22 shHCAs. Of the 67 UHCA cases, 58 (85.3%) overexpressed ASS1, four cases were ASS1 negative, and in five cases ASS1 was noncontributory. Proteomic analysis performed in the case of doubtful interpretation of ASS1 overexpression, especially on biopsies, can be a support to interpret such cases. ASS1 overexpression is a specific hallmark of shHCA known to be at high risk of bleeding. Therefore, ASS1 is an additional tool for HCA classification and clinical diagnosis