907 research outputs found

    Bioenergy consumption and biogas potential in Cambodian households

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    &nbsp; Residential bioenergy consumption and bioenergy resources based on by-products of residential agricultural production and animal husbandry have been analyzed statistically, based on a nationwide residential livelihood and energy survey conducted in Cambodia in 2009. Furthermore, the potential for biomethanation, residential biogas consumption and small-scale power generation for non-electrified rural areas has been assessed. Household potential of biogas substrates in Cambodia, based on nationally representative data has not been presented earlier. This paper proposes mixtures of substrates for biogas production for various livelihood zones of Cambodia. The occurrence of biomass suitable for biomethanation is most favorable in unelectrified rural areas, except for fishing villages. The theoretical daily biogas potential from animal dung and rice husk appears to be promising for households in unelectrified rural villages, both for household digesters and units designed for small-scale electricity generation. Theoretical CH4 content of biogas was 63.9% and specific biogas yield 0.41 Nm3/kg for households in unelectrified villages. Based on the survey, the energy content of biogas potential is 25.5 PJ per year. This study shows that biogas has nationally significant technical potential in Cambodia. </p

    Yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen ilmeneminen esiopetusryhmässä

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yhteenkuuluvuuden tunne näyttäytyy esiopetusryhmässä sekä, mitkä tekijät vahvistavat lapsen yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta esikoulun arjessa. Tutkimukseni on lapsinäkökulmainen tutkimus, jossa lapset osallistuvat tiedon tuottamiseen. Lapsinäkökulmaisen tutkimuksen keskiössä on lapsilähtöisyys. Tällöin keskitytään lasten kokemuksiin, toimintoihin ja näkökulmiin. Teoreettisena lähtö-kohtana on yhteenkuuluvuus, erityisesti yhteenkuuluvuuden tunne. Yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteella tarkoitetaan positiivista tunnesidettä lapsen ja toiminnan välillä, joka rakentuu toiminnassa toisten lasten kanssa. Esiopetuksella on suuri merkitys lapsen yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen luomisessa ja kokemisessa. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty osana Oulun yliopiston Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders. NordForsk: NO. 85644 -tutkimushanketta. Aineiston keruussa on hyödynnetty ryhmähaastattelua ja lasten kuvakerrontaa. Kuvakerronnassa lasten ottamat valokuvat ja videot toimivat kerronnan lähtökohtana ja tukena. Tutkimuksessa lapset toimivat ”paparazzeina” eli ottivat vapaasti kuvia ja videoita heidän esikoulun toiminnoista. Tämän jälkeen lapset kertoivat pienryhmissä tutkijalle esikouluarjen toiminnoista ottamiensa kuvien ja videoiden avulla. Tutkimuksen aineiston analyysissa hyödynnettiin sisällönanalyysiä ja sen kolmivaiheista prosessia: aineiston pelkistäminen, aineiston ryhmittely ja teoreettisten käsitteiden luominen. Sisällönanalyysin avulla muodostui tutkimuksen pääkäsitteet: leikki, aikuisten rooli, välittäminen ja hassuttelu. Tutkimuksen tuloksista selvisi, että lasten yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta esiopetusryhmässä vahvistavat leikki, aikuisen rooli, välittäminen ja hassuttelu. Yhteenkuuluvuuden tunne näyttäytyi eniten lasten vapaamuotoisissa leikeissä. Erilaiset leikit vahvistivat lasten yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan aikuisten roolilla voidaan nähdä olevan merkittävä vaikutus lasten yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen vahvistajana. Lapset näyttivät yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta toisista välittämällä ja fyysisellä läheisyydellä. Hassuttelu ja huumori nousivat esille erityisesti poikien välillä

    Effects of Epistasis and Pleiotropy on Fitness Landscapes

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    The factors that influence genetic architecture shape the structure of the fitness landscape, and therefore play a large role in the evolutionary dynamics. Here the NK model is used to investigate how epistasis and pleiotropy -- key components of genetic architecture -- affect the structure of the fitness landscape, and how they affect the ability of evolving populations to adapt despite the difficulty of crossing valleys present in rugged landscapes. Populations are seen to make use of epistatic interactions and pleiotropy to attain higher fitness, and are not inhibited by the fact that valleys have to be crossed to reach peaks of higher fitness.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in "Origin of Life and Evolutionary Mechanisms" (P. Pontarotti, ed.). Evolutionary Biology: 16th Meeting 2012, Springer-Verla

    Research activities of STUK 1995 - 1999

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    Coopetitive business models in future mobile broadband with licensed shared access (LSA)

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    6siopenSpectrum scarcity forces mobile network operators (MNOs) providing mobile broadband services to develop new business models that address spectrum sharing. It engages MNOs into coopetitive relationship with incumbents. Licensed Shared Access (LSA) concept complements traditional licensing and helps MNOs to access new spectrum bands on a shared basis. This paper discusses spectrum sharing with LSA from business perspective. It describes how coopetition and business model are linked conceptually, and identifies the influence of coopetition on future business models in LSA. We develop business models for dominant and challenger MNOs in traditional licensing and future with LSA. The results indicate that coopetition and business model concepts are linked via value co-creation and value co-capture. LSA offers different business opportunities to dominant and challenger MNOs. Offering, value proposition, customer segments and differentiation in business models become critical in mobile broadband.openP. Ahokangas; M. Matinmikko; I. Atkova; L.F. Minervini; S. Yrjölä; M. MustonenP., Ahokangas; M., Matinmikko; I., Atkova; Minervini, LEO FULVIO; S., Yrjölä; M., Mustone

    Sensory profiles in women with neuropathic pain after breast cancer surgery

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    Purpose We performed a detailed analysis of sensory function in patients with chronic post-surgical neuropathic pain (NP) after breast cancer treatments by quantitative sensory testing (QST) with DFNS (German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain) protocol and bed side examination (BE). The nature of sensory changes in peripheral NP may reflect distinct pathophysiological backgrounds that can guide the treatment choices. NP with sensory gain (i.e., hyperesthesia, hyperalgesia, allodynia) has been shown to respond to Na+-channel blockers (e.g., oxcarbazepine). Methods 104 patients with at least "probable" NP in the surgical area were included. All patients had been treated for breast cancer 4-9 years ago and the handling of the intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) was verified by the surgeon. QST was conducted at the site of NP in the surgical or nearby area and the corresponding contralateral area. BE covered the upper body and sensory abnormalities were marked on body maps and digitalized for area calculation. The outcomes of BE and QST were compared to assess the value of QST in the sensory examination of this patient group. Results Loss of function in both small and large fibers was a prominent feature in QST in the area of post-surgical NP. QST profiles did not differ between spared and resected ICBN. In BE, hypoesthesia on multiple modalities was highly prevalent. The presence of sensory gain in BE was associated with more intense pain. Conclusions Extensive sensory loss is characteristic for chronic post-surgical NP several years after treatment for breast cancer. These patients are unlikely to respond to Na+-channel blockers.Peer reviewe

    Effect And Predictive Value Of Routine Preoperative Laboratory Testing For Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography

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    Background and Aims: Several studies and guidelines are questioning routine preoperative laboratory tests in surgical and endoscopic procedures. Their effect in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is not currently known. This study was carried out to evaluate the risk of adverse effects in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and their association with preoperative lab tests. Materials and Methods: A single-center, prospective observational study on all 956 patients undergoing 1196 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies in the Endoscopy Unit of Helsinki University Central Hospital from 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2013. Routine preoperative laboratory test results (basic blood count, creatinine, potassium, sodium, international normalized ratio/thromboplastin time, and amylase), health status, medication, and demographic information of all patients were analyzed in relation to adverse effects related to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and procedural sedation. Results: Multivariate analysis showed post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis (43 cases, 3.6%) to have no association with abnormal routine preoperative laboratory tests. Respiratory depression caused by sedation (128 cases, 11%) was not associated with abnormal routine preoperative laboratory tests, and anemia was found to be a slightly protecting factor. Cardiovascular depression caused by sedation was associated with thrombocytopenia (odds ratio = 1.87, p = 0.025) and, in male patients, hyponatremia (odds ratio = 3.66, p <0.001). Incidence of other adverse effects was too low for statistical analysis. Conclusion: Routine universal preoperative lab testing was not found to be successful in predicting adverse effects in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedures. Laboratory testing should be done focusing on each patient's individual needs.Peer reviewe