279 research outputs found

    Non-Preemptive Scheduling on Machines with Setup Times

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    Consider the problem in which n jobs that are classified into k types are to be scheduled on m identical machines without preemption. A machine requires a proper setup taking s time units before processing jobs of a given type. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the resulting schedule. We design and analyze an approximation algorithm that runs in time polynomial in n, m and k and computes a solution with an approximation factor that can be made arbitrarily close to 3/2.Comment: A conference version of this paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 14th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS

    Structural insights into Clostridium perfringens delta toxin pore formation

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    Clostridium perfringens Delta toxin is one of the three hemolysin-like proteins produced by C. perfringens type C and possibly type B strains. One of the others, NetB, has been shown to be the major cause of Avian Nectrotic Enteritis, which following the reduction in use of antibiotics as growth promoters, has become an emerging disease of industrial poultry. Delta toxin itself is cytotoxic to the wide range of human and animal macrophages and platelets that present GM2 ganglioside on their membranes. It has sequence similarity with Staphylococcus aureus β-pore forming toxins and is expected to heptamerize and form pores in the lipid bilayer of host cell membranes. Nevertheless, its exact mode of action remains undetermined. Here we report the 2.4 Å crystal structure of monomeric Delta toxin. The superposition of this structure with the structure of the phospholipid-bound F component of S. aureus leucocidin (LukF) revealed that the glycerol molecules bound to Delta toxin and the phospholipids in LukF are accommodated in the same hydrophobic clefts, corresponding to where the toxin is expected to latch onto the membrane, though the binding sites show significant differences. From structure-based sequence alignment with the known structure of staphylococcal α-hemolysin, a model of the Delta toxin pore form has been built. Using electron microscopy, we have validated our model and characterized the Delta toxin pore on liposomes. These results highlight both similarities and differences in the mechanism of Delta toxin (and by extension NetB) cytotoxicity from that of the staphylococcal pore-forming toxins

    Zaštitno djelovanje selenija protiv prekomjerne ekspresije apoptotskih gena povezanih s karcinomom u štakora izloženih o-krezolu

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    Cresols are monomethyl derivatives of phenol frequently used as solvents and intermediates in the production of disinfectants, fragrances, pesticides, dyes, and explosives, which is probably why they are widely distributed in the environment. General population may be exposed to cresols mainly through inhalation of contaminated air. In this study we evaluated the toxicological effects of o-cresol on differential gene expression profile of rat liver and prostate. Experiments were conducted on 80 male rats, 60 of which were exposed to o-cresol (1.5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, or 15 g kg-1) through feed for 8 weeks. Three groups of rats were supplemented with 0.1 mg kg-1 selenium (Se, in the form of, sodium selenite) in addition to o-cresol to evaluate its effectiveness against o-cresol toxicity. Control group received neither o-cresol nor Se, while one group received Se alone. Survival was similar between the exposed and control animals. Rats exposed to 15 g kg-1 of o-cresol showed a 16 % loss in body weight by the end of the study, which may have been related to o-cresol making feed unpalatable at this concentration. Liver and prostate tissue samples were collected at the end of the treatment. mRNA analysis revealed that apoptotic genes (CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1, and PKCα) related to cancer were up-regulated in liver and prostate tissues isolated from groups exposed to 5 g kg-1 and 15 g kg-1 o-cresol in comparison to control. Changes in gene expression profile were prevented when rats were supplemented with Se. The exact mechanisms underlying its protective effect remain to be clarified by future studies.Krezoli su monometilni derivati fenola koji se često rabe kao otapala te kao posrednici u proizvodnji dezinfekcijskih sredstava, mirisa, pesticida, boja i eksploziva. Otuda i njihova rasprostranjenost u okolišu. Opća je populacija izložena krezolima uglavnom putem zraka. U ovome se toksikološkom istraživanju ocijenilo djelovanje o-krezola, jednoga od tri krezolova izomera, na ekspresiju gena u tkivima jetre i prostate mužjaka štakora. Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 mužjaka, od kojih je 60 tijekom osam tjedana bilo izloženo o-krezolu (1,5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, odnosno 15 g kg-1) preko krmiva. Tri skupine štakora primale su uz o-krezol nadomjestak selenija u dozi od 0.1 mg kg-1 (Se, u obliku natrijeva selenita) radi ocjene njegove djelotvornosti protiv toksičnosti o-krezola. Kontrolna skupina nije primala ni o-krezol ni Se, dok je jedna skupina primala samo Se. Preživljenje je bilo podjednako u svih skupina životinja. Štakori izloženi najvišoj dozi o-krezola (15 g kg-1) imali su 16 % manju tjelesnu masu od kontrolne skupine na kraju ispitivanja, što može biti povezano s lošim okusom krmiva zbog primjese visoke doze o-krezola. S istekom osmotjednoga izlaganja o-krezolu životinje su eutanazirane te su prikupljeni uzorci tkiva jetre i prostate. Analiza m-RNA pokazala je značajno povišenu ekspresiju apoptotskih gena CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1 i PKCα, koji su povezani s nastankom karcinoma u skupinama štakora izloženim o-krezolu (5 g kg-1 i 15 g kg-1 u odnosu na kontrolu. Ova je prekomjerna ekspresija poništena u štakora koji su primali selenij. Još nisu jasni mehanizmi iza ovoga zaštitnog djelovanja, na što će odgovoriti buduća istraživanja

    Molecular architecture and functional analysis of NetB, a pore-forming toxin from Clostridium perfringens

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    NetB is a pore-forming toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens and has been reported to play a major role in the pathogenesis of avian necrotic enteritis, a disease that has emerged due to the removal of antibiotics in animal feedstuffs. Here we present the crystal structure of the pore-form of NetB solved to 3.9Å. The heptameric assembly shares structural homology to the Staphylococcal α-hemolysin. However, the rim domain, a region that is thought to interact with the target cell membrane shows sequence and structural divergence leading to the alteration of a phosphocholine binding pocket found in the staphylococcal toxins. Consistent with the structure we show that NetB does not bind phosphocholine efficiently but instead interacts directly with cholesterol leading to enhanced oligomerisation and pore formation. Finally we have identified conserved and non-conserved amino acid positions within the rim loops that significantly affect binding and toxicity of NetB. These findings present new insights into the mode of action of these pore-forming toxins enabling the design of more effective control measures against necrotic enteritis and providing potential new tools to the field of bionanotechnology