975 research outputs found

    Reactions to Daily Events as a Function of Emotionality, Social Support, and Familiarity with the Environment

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    At the onset of the study, participants provided measures of their social support, familiarity with the environment, and emotionality. Participants then entered data daily for 2 weeks about their daily mood and the events that occurred each day. A series of multilevel random coefficient modeling analyses found that daily negative events co-varied with measures of negative affect and daily positive events co-varied with measures of positive affect, self-esteem, and depression. Participants who reported higher measures of trait-level anxiety were found to have significantly lower mean levels of daily self-esteem. Both anxiety and fearfulness were found to be negatively related to BDI measures, and negatively related to positive deactive affect. Anxiety was also found to be positively related to negative active affect and negative deactive affect. Fearfulness was negatively related to positive active affect. Sentimentality was found to be positively related to daily self-esteem, BDI scores, and positive active affect. Conversely, sentimentality was found to be negatively related to both negative active and negative deactive affect. Increased social support from both family and friends leads to higher average ratings of daily self-esteem. Support from friends was negatively related to depression and daily negative deactive affect. Family support was linked to higher average ratings of positive active affect. Familiarity with the environment was found to be predictive of measures of daily well-being. Academic adjustment was positively related to daily self-esteem and depression outcomes. Social adjustment was negatively related to depression. Personal-Emotional adjustment was positively related to self-esteem and positive active and deactive affect. Conversely, Personal-Emotional adjustment was negatively related to depression and negative active and deactive affect

    Estimation of the heat of reaction in traditional ceramic compositions

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    Most energy studies on the traditional ceramic manufacturing process focus on the firing stage because this is the process stage that consumes the greatest amount of thermal energy. At present in Europe, using typical technologies, about 50% of the energy input in the firing stage is still lost through the kiln stacks. A key issue in energy studies is the accurate determination of the energy efficiency of the process, an issue that may become crucial in coming years to enable the energy management of different facilities and products to be compared. To reliably determine energy efficiency, accurate determination is required of the energy needed for the necessary physico-chemical transformations to develop in the material in the firing stage. This energy is also the only strictly unrecoverable energy, as the energy contained in other streams could, potentially at least, be partly recoverable. The present study was undertaken to develop an analytical methodology for estimating the heat of reaction of seven different traditional ceramic products, involving a broad spectrum of compositions, with peak firing temperatures ranging from 850 oC to 1200 oC. The following industrial ceramic compositions were studied: four ceramic tile compositions (red-body stoneware tile, porcelain tile, red-body earthenware wall tile, and white-body earthenware wall tile); two structural ceramics compositions (white brick and roof tile), and a porcelain tableware composition. To estimate the energy involved in the physico-chemical reactions in the firing stage, an analytical methodology was developed, based on the mineralogy data of the unfired body composition and on the enthalpy of formation of the minerals in the fired tiles. The methodology was validated by comparing the results with experimental data.This study was funded by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE)in the Competitiveness Improvement Programme through project IMAMCA/2014

    Eficiência energética na fabricação de placas cerãmicas mediante a utilização de óleo térmico

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    O processo de fabricação de placas cerâmicas consome uma grande quantidade de energia, maioritariamente energia térmica, que se obtém da combustão de gás natural. O aumento do custo deste combustível, assim como a situação económica do presente, faz com que este custo seja crítico para as empresas e pode minar a sua competitividade. O processo de cozedura das placas cerâmicas em fornos de rolos não se destaca precisamente pelo aproveitamento da energia utilizada, visto que aproximadamente 50% perdese através das chaminés de fumos e de arrefecimento do forno. Com o propósito de melhorar o aproveitamento da energia consumida durante a operação de cozedura instalaramse, nas chaminés de um forno, dois permutadores de calor, nos quais os gases provenientes do forno cedem o seu calor sensível a um óleo térmico, que posteriormente o transfere, através de outros dois permutadores, aos gases de secagem nas condutas de recirculação de um secador vertical. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma instalação industrial experimental, na qual os resultados obtidos de economia energética se situam num valor médio de 650 kW, dependendo das condições de funcionamento e dos materiais processados

    Demographic changes and economic growth: a macroeconomic projection for 2020

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    Exploring the economic consequences of demographic changes is often carried out within simple accounting frameworks. Such approaches consist of projecting the impact of ageing on social security expenditures under exogenous assumptions about economic growth, productivity, wages and employment. Alternative attempts to consider richer interactions between economic and demographic variables are carried out with calibrated computable general equilibrium models with overlapping generations. These models are basically neoclassical. Up to now in France, this question seldom has been examined with macroeconometric models of keynesian inspiration. Studying the results provided by such models for France may therefore be of interest. This is the purpose of this work, which presents an economic outlook for 2020 carried out with MESANGE macroeconometric model. This model has short term keynesian and long term neo-classical properties. This exercise integrates the impact of demographic changes on savings, consumption, social expenditures and disequilibrium on the labour market. Labour force projections and the natural dynamics of the model lead to employment levels that remain insufficient to ensure balance in social accounts. Additional taxes would therefore be required. Two possibilities are explored: the CSG or Generalized Social Contribution (a constant tax rate on capital and labor income) or employers and employees social contributions (with or without an impact of employees contributions on the fiscal wedge). The model predicts that the level of employment is less penalised by the former modality. We also explore the consequences of tougher conditions to get full pensions which, at the 2020 horizon, would lead to a one-year increase of the age of new retirees. In this case, the increase of the CSG that would be required to meet Maastricht criteria amounts to 4.3 points. Choosing between CSG and social contributions might nevertheless depend on other considerations, such as their incidence on the relative standards of living of workers and pensioners, or the wish to keep a strong correspondence between pension benefits and contributions paid during working life.retirement, ageing, growth, sustainability of public spending

    Pedro el Veterano [Música notada manuscrita]: zarzuela en un acto

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, d2024Título y mención de responsabilidad tomados de la portada manuscrita.Probablemente producido entre 1850 y 1880.Obra perteneciente al fondo del Registro Central de la Propiedad Intelectual.Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual: Ley de 1847: [sin número]; firma del depositante: "F. Fiscowich