757 research outputs found

    Leptogenesis in SO(10) models with a left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism

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    We study leptogenesis in supersymmetric SO(10) models with a left-right symmetric seesaw mechanism, including flavour effects and the contribution of the next-to-lightest right-handed neutrino. Assuming M_D = M_u and hierarchical light neutrino masses, we find that successful leptogenesis is possible for 4 out of the 8 right-handed neutrino mass spectra that are compatible with the observed neutrino data. An accurate description of charged fermion masses appears to be an important ingredient in the analysis.Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 4 pages, 9 figure

    Can tooth differentiation help to understand species coexistence? The case of wood mice in China

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    Five wood mice Apodemus species occur across China, in allopatry but also in sympatry up to cases of syntopy. They all share a similar external appearance, similar habitats of grasslands and forests and a generalist feeding behaviour. This overall similarity raises questions about the mechanisms insuring competition avoidance and allowing the coexistence of the species. In this context, a morphometric analysis of two characters related to feeding (mandible and molar) addressed the following issues: (1) Were the species actually different in size and/or shape of these characters, supporting their role in resource partitioning? (2) Did this pattern of phenotypic divergence match the neutral genetic differentiation, suggesting that differentiation might have occurred in a former phase of allopatry as a result of stochastic processes? (3) Did the species provide evidence of character displacement when occurring in sympatry, supporting an ongoing role of competition in the interspecific divergence? Results evidenced first that different traits, here mandibles and molars, provided discrepant pictures of the evolution of the Apodemus group in China. Mandible shape appeared as prone to vary in response to local conditions, blurring any phylogenetic or ecological pattern, whereas molar shape evolution appeared to be primarily driven by the degree of genetic differentiation. Molar size and shape segregated the different species in the morphospace, suggesting that these features may be involved in a resource partitioning between Apodemus species. The morphological segregation of the species, likely achieved by processes of differentiation in isolation promoted by the complex landscape of China, could contribute to competition avoidance and hence explain why no evidence was found of character displacement. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

    Finite dimensional quantizations of the (q,p) plane : new space and momentum inequalities

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    We present a N-dimensional quantization a la Berezin-Klauder or frame quantization of the complex plane based on overcomplete families of states (coherent states) generated by the N first harmonic oscillator eigenstates. The spectra of position and momentum operators are finite and eigenvalues are equal, up to a factor, to the zeros of Hermite polynomials. From numerical and theoretical studies of the large NN behavior of the product λ_m(N)λ_M(N)\lambda\_m(N) \lambda\_M(N) of non null smallest positive and largest eigenvalues, we infer the inequality δ_N(Q)Δ_N(Q)=σ_NN<2π\delta\_N(Q) \Delta\_N(Q) = \sigma\_N \overset{<}{\underset{N \to \infty}{\to}} 2 \pi (resp. δ_N(P)Δ_N(P)=σ_NN<2π\delta\_N(P) \Delta\_N(P) = \sigma\_N \overset{<}{\underset{N \to \infty}{\to}} 2 \pi ) involving, in suitable units, the minimal (δ_N(Q)\delta\_N(Q)) and maximal (Δ_N(Q)\Delta\_N(Q)) sizes of regions of space (resp. momentum) which are accessible to exploration within this finite-dimensional quantum framework. Interesting issues on the measurement process and connections with the finite Chern-Simons matrix model for the Quantum Hall effect are discussed

    Study of flavour dependencies in leptogenesis

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    We study the impact of flavours on the efficiency factors and give analytical and numerical results of the baryon asymmetry taking into account the different charged lepton Yukawa contributions and the complete (diagonal and off-diagonal) LL to BLB-L conversion AA matrix. With this treatment we update the lower bound on the lightest right-handed neutrino mass.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. typos corrected, some formulae modified. 2 figures and discussion adde

    Leptogenesis beyond the limit of hierarchical heavy neutrino masses

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    We calculate the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in thermal leptogenesis beyond the usual lightest right-handed (RH) neutrino dominated scenario (N_1DS) and in particular beyond the hierarchical limit (HL), M_1 << M_2 << M_3, for the RH neutrino mass spectrum. After providing some orientation among the large variety of models, we first revisit the central role of the N_1DS, with new insights on the dynamics of the asymmetry generation and then discuss the main routes departing from it, focusing on models beyond the HL. We study in detail two examples of `strong-strong' wash-out scenarios: one with `maximal phase' and the limit of very large M_3, studying the effects arising when delta_2=(M_2-M_1)/M_1 is small. We extend analytical methods already applied to the N_1DS showing, for example, that, in the degenerate limit (DL), the efficiency factors of the RH neutrinos become equal with the single decay parameter replaced by the sum. Both cases disprove the misconception that close RH neutrino masses necessarily lead to a final asymmetry enhancement and to a relaxation of the lower bounds on M_1 and on the initial temperature of the radiation-dominated expansion. We also explain why leptogenesis tends to favor normal hierarchy compared to inverted hierarchy for the left-handed neutrino masses.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures; corrected typo in Eq. (67); shortened Introduction, Section 3 and Conclusions; one figure removed; added 2 references; to appear in JCA

    Assessment of non-genetic parameters of the racing performances of Arabian and Thoroughbred horses in Algeria

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    From 1995 to 2007, flat racing data was collected for Thoroughbred and Arabian horses in Algeria. Non-genetic factors affecting racing performances have been identified and quantified using linear models. Performances are represented through the earnings and the rankings. Three traits were used: two earnings traits [the logarithm of annual virtual earnings (LAEV) and the logarithm of average annual virtual earnings per start (LAEV/S)], and one rank trait (the ranking transformed and normalised by application of the “performance rate” procedure, PERF). The results showed significant positive correlations (p &lt; 0.001) between the three traits in the two breeds, showing that the measurements quantify similar - although different - aptitudes. The effects of sex, age, year of the performance and the interactions between age and sex and between age and year of the race turned out to be significant (p &lt; 0.05) for the three traits LAEV, LAEV/S and PERF for the Arabian horses. However, for Thoroughbreds, the sex effect was only significant for the PERF trait and an interaction between the age and year of the performance was the only significant interaction (p &lt; 0.001) for the LAEV trait. The effects of these non-genetic factors will be used to correct the raw measures in a future genetic evaluation.Key words: Earnings, non-genetic factors, flat racing, race-horses, rankings, Algeria

    Flavour Matters in Leptogenesis

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    We give analytic approximations to the baryon asymmetry produced by thermal leptogenesis with hierarchical right-handed neutrinos. Our calculation includes flavour-dependent washout processes and CP violation in scattering, and neglects gauge interactions and finite temperature corrections. Our approximate formulae depend upon the three CP asymmetries in the individual lepton flavours as well as on three flavour-dependent efficiency factors. We show that the commonly used expressions for the lepton asymmetry, which depend on the total CP asymmetry and one single efficiency factor, may fail to reproduce the correct lepton asymmetry in a number of cases. We illustrate the importance of using the flavour-dependent formulae in the context of a two right-handed neutrino model.Comment: Additional typos corrected (in particular, the plots and captions now agree