2,684 research outputs found

    Short-Term Hyperglycemic Dysregulation in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Does Not Change Myocardial Triglyceride Content or Myocardial Function

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    OBJECTIVE—To evaluate the effects of hyperglycemia due to partial insulin deprivation on myocardial triglyceride (TG) content and myocardial function in patients with type 1 diabetes

    Uso de drogas entre crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua: o que ajuda?

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    The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated to frequent and heavy drug use among street children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years. A sample of 2,807 street children and adolescents from the 27 Brazilian state capital cities was analyzed. A World Health Organization questionnaire for non-students was adapted for use in Brazil. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression and decision tree models. Factors inversely associated with frequent and heavy drug use were: being age nine to 11 years (OR = 0.1); school attendance (OR = 0.3); daily time (one to five hours) spent on the streets (OR = 0.3 and 0.4); not sleeping on the streets (OR = 0.4); being on the streets for less than one year (OR = 0.4); maintenance of some family bonds (OR = 0.5); presence on the streets of a family member (OR = 0.6); not suffering domestic violence (OR = 0.6); being female (OR = 0.8). All of these variables were significant at the p < 0.05 level. The findings suggest that being younger, having family bonds and engagement in school are important protective factors that affect drug use among this population and should be considered in the formulation of public policies.O objetivo do estudo foi verificar fatores associados ao uso frequente e pesado de drogas entre adolescentes em situação de rua no Brasil. Estudo transversal com amostra representativa nacional de 2.807 crianças e adolescentes (10-18 anos). Foi usado um questionário da Organização Mundial da Saúde adaptado para o Brasil e análise dos dados, modelo de regressão logística. Fatores inversamente associados ao uso frequente e pesado de drogas: faixa etária entre 9-11 anos (OR = 0,1); frequentar escola (OR = 0,3); permanecer entre 1 e 5 horas na rua (OR = 0,3 e 0,4); não dormir na rua (OR = 0,4); estar na rua há menos de um ano (OR = 0,4); manter algum vínculo familiar (OR = 0,5); permanecer na rua com algum membro da família (OR = 0,6); não ter sofrido violência doméstica (OR = 0,6); gênero feminino (OR = 0,8). Todas essas variáveis apresentaram p < 0,05. Os achados sugerem que ser mais jovem, ficar menos tempo na rua e manter vínculos com escola e família são importantes fatores de proteção para essa população quanto ao uso frequente e pesado de drogas. Esses são fatores importantes na formulação de políticas públicas para essa população.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina PreventivaUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da InformaçãoUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Instituto de PsicologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    Проведение подготовительных горных выработок с анкерной крепью

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    В цій статті вперше визначені головні чинники та умови застосування конструкцій анкерного кріплення для виробок, що проводяться для експлуатації в зоні та поза зоною впливу очисних робіт. Наведено типові схеми розташування анкерів у цих конструкціях для виробок, що зберігаються для повторного застосування, та порядок їх вибору.This article was first identified key factors and conditions of using of roof bolting construction for mine working carried out for using in the zone and outside the zone of impact of treatment works. The typical schemes of anchors location in these constructions for the mine workings, saving for reuse, and the order of their choice were shown

    Domain Walls in Two-Component Dynamical Lattices

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    We introduce domain-wall (DW) states in the bimodal discrete nonlinear Schr{\"{o}}dinger equation, in which the modes are coupled by cross phase modulation (XPM). By means of continuation from various initial patterns taken in the anti-continuum (AC) limit, we find a number of different solutions of the DW type, for which different stability scenarios are identified. In the case of strong XPM coupling, DW configurations contain a single mode at each end of the chain. The most fundamental solution of this type is found to be always stable. Another solution, which is generated by a different AC pattern, demonstrates behavior which is unusual for nonlinear dynamical lattices: it is unstable for small values of the coupling constant CC (which measures the ratio of the nonlinearity and coupling lengths), and becomes stable at larger CC. Stable bound states of DWs are also found. DW configurations generated by more sophisticated AC patterns are identified as well, but they are either completely unstable, or are stable only at small values of CC. In the case of weak XPM, a natural DW solution is the one which contains a combination of both polarizations, with the phase difference between them 0 and π\pi at the opposite ends of the lattice. This solution is unstable at all values of CC, but the instability is very weak for large CC, indicating stabilization as the continuum limit is approached. The stability of DWs is also verified by direct simulations, and the evolution of unstable DWs is simulated too; in particular, it is found that, in the weak-XPM system, the instability may give rise to a moving DW.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press

    Elastic constants of nematic liquid crystals of uniaxial symmetry

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    We study in detail the influence of molecular interactions on the Frank elastic constants of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals composed of molecules of cylindrical symmetry. A brief summary of the status of theoretical development for the elastic constants of nematics is presented. Considering a pair potential having both repulsive and attractive parts numerical calculations are reported for three systems MBBA, PAA and 8OCB. For these systems the length-to-width ratio x0{x_0} is estimated from the experimentally proposed structure of the molecules. The repulsive interaction is represented by a repulsion between hard ellipsoids of revolution (HER) and the attractive potential is represented by the quadrupole and dispersion interactions. From the numerical results we observe that in the density range of nematics the contribution of the quadrupole and dispersion interactions are small as compared to the repulsive HER interaction. The inclusion of attractive interaction reduces the values of elastic constants ratios. The temperature variation of elastic constants ratios are reported and compared with the experimental values. A reasonably good agreement between theory and experiment is observed