34 research outputs found

    Traumatic events in the life of the deep-sea cephalopod mollusc, the coleoid Spirula spirula

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    Here, we report on different types of shell pathologies of the enigmatic deep-sea (mesopelagic) cephalopod Spirula spirula. For the first time, we apply non-invasive imaging methods to: document trauma-induced changes in shell shapes, reconstruct the different causes and effects of these pathologies, unravel the etiology, and attempt to quantify the efficiency of the buoyancy apparatus. We have analysed 2D and 3D shell parameters from eleven shells collected as beach findings from the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura), West-Australia, and the Maldives. All shells were scanned with a nanotom-m computer tomograph. Seven shells were likely injured by predator attacks: fishes, cephalopods or crustaceans, one specimen was infested by an endoparasite (potentially Digenea) and one shell shows signs of inflammation and one shell shows large fluctuations of chamber volumes without any signs of pathology. These fluctuations are potential indicators of a stressed environment. Pathological shells represent the most deviant morphologies of a single species and can therefore be regarded as morphological end-members. The changes in the shell volume / chamber volume ratio were assessed in order to evaluate the functional tolerance of the buoyancy apparatus showing that these had little effect. Key words: pathology; parasitism; Spirula; mesopelagic; ecology; predator; buoyancy; cephalopod

    A Hypothesis-Testing Framework for Studies Investigating Ontogenetic Niche Shifts Using Stable Isotope Ratios

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    Ontogenetic niche shifts occur across diverse taxonomic groups, and can have critical implications for population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem function. In this study, we provide a hypothesis-testing framework combining univariate and multivariate analyses to examine ontogenetic niche shifts using stable isotope ratios. This framework is based on three distinct ontogenetic niche shift scenarios, i.e., (1) no niche shift, (2) niche expansion/reduction, and (3) discrete niche shift between size classes. We developed criteria for identifying each scenario, as based on three important resource use characteristics, i.e., niche width, niche position, and niche overlap. We provide an empirical example for each ontogenetic niche shift scenario, illustrating differences in resource use characteristics among different organisms. The present framework provides a foundation for future studies on ontogenetic niche shifts, and also can be applied to examine resource variability among other population sub-groupings (e.g., by sex or phenotype)

    A Hypothesis-Testing Framework for Studies Investigating Ontogenetic Niche Shifts Using Stable Isotope Ratios

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    Ontogenetic niche shifts occur across diverse taxonomic groups, and can have critical implications for population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem function. In this study, we provide a hypothesis-testing framework combining univariate and multivariate analyses to examine ontogenetic niche shifts using stable isotope ratios. This framework is based on three distinct ontogenetic niche shift scenarios, i.e., (1) no niche shift, (2) niche expansion/reduction, and (3) discrete niche shift between size classes. We developed criteria for identifying each scenario, as based on three important resource use characteristics, i.e., niche width, niche position, and niche overlap. We provide an empirical example for each ontogenetic niche shift scenario, illustrating differences in resource use characteristics among different organisms. The present framework provides a foundation for future studies on ontogenetic niche shifts, and also can be applied to examine resource variability among other population sub-groupings (e.g., by sex or phenotype)

    The Barremian heteromorph ammonite Dissimilites from northern Italy: Taxonomy and evolutionary implications

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    A new acrioceratid ammonite, Dissimilites intermedius sp. nov., from the Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Puez area (Dolomites, northern Italy) is described. Dissimilites intermedius sp. nov. is an intermediate form between D. dissimilis and D. trinodosum. The new species combines the ribbing style of D. dissimilis (bifurcating with intercalating single ribs) with the tuberculation style of D. trinodosum (trituberculation on entire shell). The shallow-helical spire, entirely comprising single ribs intercalated by trituberculated main ribs, is similar to the one of the assumed ancestor Acrioceras, whereas the increasing curvation of the younger forms resembles similar patterns observed in the descendant Toxoceratoides. These characters support the hypothesis of a direct evolutionary lineage from Acrioceras via Dissimilites to Toxoceratoides. D. intermedius sp. nov. ranges from the upper Lower Barremian (Moutoniceras moutonianum Zone) to the lower Upper Barremian (Toxancyloceras vandenheckii Zone). The new species allows to better understand the evolution of the genus Dissimilites. The genus appears within the Nicklesia pulchella Zone represented by D. duboise, which most likely evolved into D. dissimilis. In the Kotetishvilia compressissima Zone, two morphological forms developed: smaller forms very similar to Acrioceras and forms with very long shaft and juvenile spire like in D. intermedius sp. nov. The latter most likely gave rise to D. subalternatus and D. trinodosum in the M. moutonianum Zone, forms which were probably ancestral to the genus Toxoceratoides

    Propeamussiidae, Inoceramidae, and other Bivalvia from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation (Valanginian–Cenomanian; Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy)

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    AbstractA bivalve assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation at the type locality, Piz de Puez (Dolomites, South Tyrol, northern Italy) is described. Given the large amount of sedimentary rock screened during the course of this study, the <50 bivalves examined here, although occurring in very low abundance, are considered to represent a reasonably comprehensive sample. The assemblage provides insight into an autochthonous, Mesozoic, deep-water bivalve community, which was dominated by glass scallops. Two species are described as new, Parvamussium pizpuezense n. sp. and the giant P. mordsdrum n. sp. Presumably, they lived as epifaunal-reclining carnivores and preyed on various meiofauna, occupying a similar ecologic niche as their modern counterparts. Scarce epifaunal, suspension-feeding Inoceramidae entered only by occasional recruitment of larvae into an environment that is inferred to have been characterised by low levels of suspended nutrients

    Spatiotemporal signals and palaeoenvironments of endemic molluscan assemblages in the marine system of the Sarmatian Paratethys

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    The present study is the first quantitative comparison of Sarmatian mollusc assemblages from the Central and Eastern Paratethys seas. The assemblages (47,840 shells, 32 samples, 84 species) derive from eight Middle and Upper Miocene localities covering an interval from 12.7–11.0 Ma, when a highly endemic mollusc fauna flourished in the entire Paratethys. Cluster analysis of samples yields two major clusters: one composed of late Sarmatian (Bessarabian) collections and the other composed of early Sarmatian (Volhynian) collections. The Volhynian cluster includes two subclusters: the first reflects a strong stratigraphic signal because it combines samples from the Mohrensternia Zone of the Vienna Basin and the western Ukraine. The second combines samples from the Upper Ervilia Zone of the Vienna Basin with samples from the Mohrensternia Zone of the Vienna Basin and Romania. Cluster analysis of species indicates that the sample clusters represent different palaeoenvironments with distinct molluscan assemblages: The Volhynian wellagitated shore is characterized by the Granulolabium–Venerupis–Ervilia biofacies, the Volhynian muddy foreshore by the Granulolabium–Mohrensternia–Ervilia biofacies, and the Bessarabian shallow to medium deep sublittoral by the Hydrobia–Venerupis–Pseudamnicola biofacies. Although not all biozones and regions of the Sarmatian Sea are covered, we suggest that these biofacies cover a wide range of possible assemblage compositions of Sarmatian nearshore and shallow−water assemblages