209 research outputs found

    The distribution of local star formation activity as a function of galaxy stellar mass, environment and morphology

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Ā© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present a detailed inventory of star formation in the local Universe, dissecting the cosmic star formation budget as a function of key variables that influence the star formation rate (SFR) of galaxies: stellar mass, local environment and morphology. We use a large homogeneous dataset from the SDSS to first study how the star-formation budget in galaxies with stellar masses greater than log(M/MSun) = 10 splits as a function of each parameter separately. We then explore how the budget behaves as a simultaneous function of these three parameters. We show that the bulk of the star formation at z < 0.075 (~65 per cent) takes place in spiral galaxies, that reside in the field, and have stellar masses between 10 < log(M/MSun) < 10.9. The ratio of the cosmic star formation budget hosted by galaxies in the field, groups and clusters is 21:3:1. Morphological ellipticals are minority contributors to local star formation. They make a measurable contribution to the star formation budget only at intermediate to high stellar masses, 10.3 < log(M/MSun) < 11.2 (where they begin to dominate by number), and typically in the field, where they contribute up to ~13 per cent of the total star-formation budget. This inventory of local star formation serves as a z~0 baseline which, when combined with similar work at high redshift, will enable us to understand the changes in SFR that have occurred over cosmic time and offers a strong constraint on models of galaxy formation.Peer reviewe

    Lesson Study: an Opportunity for Collaborative Teacher Inquiry

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    Lesson Study is a form of teacher inquiry which relies on collaboration and focuses teachersā€™ attention to specific pupils that they are currently teaching. It uses a cumulative and cyclical plan, do, review structure and draws teachers into conversations through which they consider plans for teaching, develop hypotheses about pupil learning and engagement, participate in inquiry-based lesson observations and experience meaningful reflection and evaluation. In this chapter the characteristic features and qualities of Lesson Study are outlined. Two case studies are shared, one from a primary school and one a secondary school. Evidence from the Lesson Study groups illustrates the significance of the focus on case pupils, and reinforces how engagement in Lesson Study can actively change professional learning cultures. We hope to demonstrate that it is a means through which individual professional learning and whole school development might come together by paying close attention to the mechanisms through which teaching practices and teacher leaning can realistically be developed. We conclude with a consideration of the advantages of Lesson Study in supporting teacher inquiry, but also caveats about its possible limitations

    Not all players are equally motivated: The role of narcissism.

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    Abstract Research on motivational climates consistently demonstrates that mastery-focused climates are associated with positive outcomes and ego-involving performance climates lead to maladaptive outcomes. However, the role of personality within such a framework has been largely ignored. To redress this imbalance, we examined the potential role of narcissism in moderating the effects of different motivational climates on leader-inspired extra effort in training. Training is where rugby players spend most of their rugby time and we were keen to examine the combination of personality and climate that might maximise the yield of such training environments. Female rugby players (n = 126) from 15 clubs completed measures of narcissism, motivational climate and effort. Moderated regression analyses revealed that narcissism moderated the relationship between motivational climate and effort. Increases in either performance or mastery climates were associated with increases in effort for narcissists; no such relationship was revealed for low narcissists. The findings demonstrate the importance of considering personality within rugby training environments, as it is clear that not every player will respond the same way to specific training conditions. Coaches who understand this and are able to tailor individualised motivational climates will likely gain the greatest benefits from their different players

    A new model of collaborative action research; theorising from inter-professional practice development

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    The development of pedagogies to meet the needs of diverse communities can be supported through inter-professional practice development. This article explores one such experience, that of speech and language therapists developing a new video-based coaching approach for teachers and teaching assistants in multi-cultural settings with high numbers of children learning English as an additional language. To support them in developing and trialling the coaching approach, the expertise of a teacher-educator and educational researcher was provided through a university business voucher. It is this working relationship that the article has as its practical focus, as it transformed to one of collaborative action research. The action research is described, providing the context for a discussion of the characteristics of collaborative action research and the proposal of a new model. This model offers a way of conceptualising collaborative action research through time, and of recognising the importance of the partnersā€™ zones of proximal, contributory and collaborative activities in sustaining change and knowledge-creation

    Major mergers are not significant drivers of star formation or morphological transformation around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation

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    We investigate the contribution of major mergers (mass ratios > 1:5) to stellar mass growth and morphological transformations around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation (z ~ 2). We visually classify a complete sample of massive (M > 1010M_) galaxies at this epoch, drawn from the CANDELS survey, into late-type galaxies, major mergers, spheroids and disturbed spheroids which show morphological disturbances. Given recent simulation work, which indicates that recent (<0.3-0.4 Gyr) major-merger remnants exhibit clear tidal features in such images, we use the fraction of disturbed spheroids to probe the role of major mergers in driving morphological transformations. The percentage of blue spheroids (i.e. with ongoing star formation) that show morphological disturbances is only 21 +- 4 per cent, indicating that major mergers are not the dominant mechanism for spheroid creation at z ~ 2 - other processes, such as minor mergers or cold accretion are likely to be the main drivers of this process. We also use the rest-frame U-band luminosity as a proxy for star formation to show that only a small fraction of the star formation budget (~3 per cent) is triggered by major mergers. Taken together, our results show that major mergers are not significant drivers of galaxy evolution at z ~ 2

    Glutamate cycling may drive organic anion transport on the basal membrane of human placental syncytiotrophoblast

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    The organic anion transporter OAT4 (SLC22A11) and organic anion transporting polypeptide OATP2B1 (SLCO2B1) are expressed in the basal membrane of the placental syncytiotrophoblast. These transporters mediate exchange whereby uptake of one organic anion is coupled to efflux of a counter-ion. In placenta, these exchangers mediate placental uptake of substrates for oestrogen synthesis as well as clearing waste products and xenobiotics from the fetal circulation. However, the identity of the counter-ion driving this transport in the placenta, and in other tissues, is unclear. While glutamate is not a known OAT4 or OATP2B1 substrate, we propose that its high intracellular concentration has the potential to drive accumulation of substrates from the fetal circulation. In the isolated perfused placenta, glutamate exchange was observed between the placenta and the fetal circulation. This exchange could not be explained by known glutamate exchangers. However, glutamate efflux was trans-stimulated by an OAT4 and OATP2B1 substrate (bromosulphothalein). Exchange of glutamate for bromosulphothalein was only observed when glutamate reuptake was inhibited (by addition of aspartate). To determine if OAT4 and/or OATP2B1 mediate glutamate exchange, uptake and efflux of glutamate were investigated in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Our data demonstrate that in Xenopus oocytes expressing either OAT4 or OATP2B1 efflux of intracellular [14C]glutamate could be stimulated by conditions including extracellular glutamate (OAT4), estrone-sulphate and bromosulphothalein (both OAT4 and OATP2B1) or pravastatin (OATP2B1). Cycling of glutamate across the placenta involving efflux via OAT4 and OATP2B1 and subsequent reuptake will drive placental uptake of organic anions from the fetal circulation.<br/

    Measuring dissociation across adolescence and adulthood:developing the short-form Černis Felt Sense of Anomaly scale (ČEFSA-14)

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    Background Dissociation may be important across many mental health disorders, but has been variously conceptualised and measured. We introduced a conceptualisation of a common type of dissociative experience, ā€˜felt sense of anomalyā€™ (FSA), and developed a corresponding measure, the Černis Felt Sense of Anomaly (ČEFSA) scale. Aims We aimed to develop a short-form version of the ČEFSA that is valid for adolescent and adult respondents. Method Data were collected from 1031 adult NHS patients with psychosis and 932 adult and 1233 adolescent non-clinical online survey respondents. Local structural equation modelling (LSEM) was used to establish measurement invariance of items across the age range. Ant colony optimisation (ACO) was used to produce a 14-item short-form measure. Finally, the expected test score function derived from item response theory modelling guided the establishment of interpretive scoring ranges. Results LSEM indicated 25 items of the original 35-item ČEFSA were age invariant. They were also invariant across gender and clinical status. ACO of these items produced a 14-item short-form (ČEFSA-14) with excellent psychometric properties (CFI=0.992; TLI=0.987; RMSEA=0.034; SRMR=0.017; Cronbachā€™s alpha=0.92). Score ranges were established based on the expected test scores at approximately 0.7, 1.25, and 2.0 theta (equivalent to standard deviations above the mean). Scores of 29 and above may indicate elevated levels of FSA-dissociation. Conclusions The ČEFSA-14 is a psychometrically valid measure of FSA-dissociation for adolescents and adults. It can be used with clinical and non-clinical respondents. It could be used by clinicians as an initial tool to explore dissociation with their clients

    Concerning collaboration; teachersā€™ perspectives on working in partnerships to develop teaching practices.

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    Teachers are often encouraged to work in partnerships to support their professional development. In this article we focus on three forms of working partnerships based in English secondary schools. Each has an intended function of developing teaching practices. The cases of mentoring, coaching and an adapted lesson study come from both initial teacher education and continuing professional development, but have common practices of one-to-one meetings, planned activity and shared reļ¬‚ection. The participantsā€™ perspectives on these practices were investigated through a multiple case study using semi-structured interviews. We established the degree to which their experiences could be considered to be collaborative, basing our analysis on the extent to which there was evidence of working ā€˜togetherā€™, not just working ā€˜withā€™; and working towards a common goal, pooling knowledge and problem-solving. We conclude that collaboration for the development of their own teaching practices allows teachers to engage in more informed decision-making and to construct a shared understanding of the nature of the desired learning outcomes and how they might be achieved in their own contexts. The teachers indicate that this experience often runs counter to their experience of the school cultures driven by performativity

    Conceptualising Teacher Education for Inclusion: Lessons for the Professional Learning of Educators from Transnational and Cross-Sector Perspectives

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    Despite policy calling for enhanced inclusive practice within all schools and colleges, educators across Europe are facing increasing challenges when providing effective inclusive education for all students as a result of increased diversity within European society. This paper focuses on the development of our understanding of how to support educatorsā€™ professional learning around issues of diversity and inclusion. Specifically, it aims to explore what diversity looks like across countries, sectors, and roles, what challenges and dilemmas are posed for educators, and how new approaches to professional learning can support the educators across all sectors. The exploratory study described in the paper emerged from work undertaken as part of an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project called PROMISE (Promoting Inclusion in Society through Inclusion: Professional Dilemmas in Practice). Traditional approaches to professional learning to support teachersā€™ inclusive practice have tended to focus on discrete courses which address specific learning needs such as autism, literacy difficulties, or behavioural issues. The paper presents findings from a transnational study which indicate that the professional dilemmas facing educators are complex and unpredictable and argues, therefore, that educators require professional learning that is collaborative, interprofessional, and acknowledges that the challenges they face are multifaceted

    A catalogue of faint local radio AGN and the properties of their host galaxies

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Ā©: 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present a catalogue of 2210 local ( z < 0.1) galaxies that contain faint active galactic nuclei (AGN). We select these objects by identifying galaxies that exhibit a significant excess in their radio luminosities, compared to what is expected from the observed levels of star formation activity in these systems. This is achieved by comparing the optical (spectroscopic) star formation rate (SFR) to the 1.4 GHz luminosity measured from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters survey. The majority of the AGN identified in this study are fainter than those in previous work, such as in the Best and Heckman (2012) catalogue. We show that these faint AGN make a non-negligible contribution to the radio luminosity function at low luminosities (below 1022.5 W Hzāˆ’1), and host āˆ¼13 per cent of the local radio luminosity budget. Their host galaxies are predominantly high stellar-mass systems (with a median stellar mass of 1011 MāŠ™), are found across a range of environments (but typically in denser environments than star-forming galaxies) and have early-type morphologies. This study demonstrates a general technique to identify AGN in galaxy populations where reliable optical SFRs can be extracted using spectro-photometry and where radio data are also available so that a radio excess can be measured. Our results also demonstrate that it is unsafe to infer SFRs from radio emission alone, even if bright AGN have been excluded from a sample, since there is a significant population of faint radio AGN that may contaminate the radio-derived SFRs.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
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