1,334 research outputs found

    Antibacterial surface modification of titanium implants in orthopaedics

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    The use of biomaterials in orthopaedics for joint replacement, fracture healing and bone regeneration is a rapidly expanding field. Infection of these biomaterials is a major healthcare burden, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, the cost to healthcare systems is increasing dramatically. With advances in implant design and production, research has predominately focussed on osseointegration; however, modification of implant material, surface topography and chemistry can also provide antibacterial activity. With the increasing burden of infection, it is vitally important that we consider the bacterial interaction with the biomaterial and the host when designing and manufacturing future implants. During this review, we will elucidate the interaction between patient, biomaterial surface and bacteria. We aim to review current and developing surface modifications with a view towards antibacterial orthopaedic implants for clinical applications

    On Sw*- Regular Spaces

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    الهدف من هذا البحث هو تقديم ودراسة فئة جديدة من الفضاءات التبولوجية والتي اسميناها بالفضاءات المنتظمة من النمط  Sw*-  باستخدام مفهوم المجموعة المنتظمة - Sw وبعض خصائصها والتي قدمت من قبلL. S.  Abddullah, A. B. Khalaf [1]  في عام 2009 ، حيث ان هذا الفضاء هو فضاء جزئي من الفضاء المنتظم   .[2], [3] S*-اي ان الفضاء المنتظم - Sw*  تكون اقوى من الفضاء المنتظم  .S*- تمت دراسة العديد من خصائص هذا الفضاء وعلاقة الفضاء المنتظم - Sw* مع الفضاءات الاخرى كالفضاءات المتراصة - Sw ،غير متصل للغاية ، المنتظمة ، شبه المنتظمة ، Sw-T2  و يوريسون. علاوة على ذلك تم دراسة العديد من الصفات للفضاء المنتظم Sw*-  مع بعض الدوال  كالدوال المستمرة ، المستمرة  بقوة ، الدوال المفتوحة، الدوال المفتوحة المغلقة والدوال المفتوحة إلى حد ما. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، قمنا بالتحقق من ان الفضاء المنتظم - Sw* لها خاصية تبولوجية ، في حين أنها لا تمتلك الخاصية الوراثية ، الا باضافة شروط معينة  كأن يكون  الفضاء الجزئي مفتوح أو إذا كان الفضاء  الجزئي من الفضاء المنتظم -*Sw  دون الحد الأقصى  مفتوح قبلا وعندها يصبح الفضاء الجزئي فضاء منتظم من النمط Sw*-  .The purpose of this paper is to present and investigate a new class of topological spaces known as Sw*-regular spaces, by utilizing the concept of Sw-regular sets and some of its properties. which is introduced in 2009 by L. S. Abddullah and A. B. Khalaf [1], the new class is properly contained in S*- regular space [2], [3], means that Sw*- regular spaces is a stronger form to the space S*- regular. Several characterizations, properties and relationships of Sw*- regular space with other spaces such as, Sw-compact, extremally disconnected, regular, semi-regular, Sw-T2 and Urysohn spaces has been studied. Furthermore, several properties of Sw*- regular spaces with some functions such as, continuous, strongly continuous, open, clopen and Somewhat open functions are also explored. In addition we investigate that Sw*- regular space has a topological property, while it has not a hereditary property, only by adding certain conditions such as, a subspace is open or, if the subspace of an Sw*-regular submaximal space is  preopen, then it becomes an Sw*- regular


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    Abstrak Karakteristik guru menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses belajar mengajar, guru memegang peran penting di dalam kelas. Guru memiliki tugas untuk mendesain semua aktivitas di dalam kelas yang sesuai tujuan pembelajaran dalam kurikulum. Guru juga mempunyai peran penting untuk memotivasi siswa agar menguasai pelajaran. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mempertimbangkan karakter guru bahasa inggris yang efektif sebagai penunjang untuk proses belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang karakter guru bahas inggris yang efektif di SMP Al-Falah Deltasari, (2) mengetahui persepsi guru tentang karakter guru bahasa inggris yang efektif di SMP Al-Falah Deltasari, (3) membandingkan persepsi siswa dan guru tentang karakter guru bahas inggris yang efektif di SMP Al-Falah Deltasari. Deskriptif kuantitatif berdasarkan penelitian survey digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Al-Falah Deltasari Sidoarjo. Melibatkan lima puluh siswa dan empat guru bahasa inggris sebagai sampel penelitian. Kuisioner digunakan untuk pengumpulan data sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa sis lebih menekankan pada kualitas kompetensi guru sebagai efektif karakteristik untuk dimiliki seorang guru bahasa inggris. Akan tetapi, memiliki kepribadian yang bagus juga dipertimbangkan oleh siswa untuk dimiliki seorang guru bahasa inggris yang efektif. Sedangkan para guru mengatakan baik kepribadian yang bagus dan kompetensi yang bagus harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru bahasa inggris yang efektif. Nilai dari chi-square menunjukkan 12p"> = 4.1843, yang lebih besar dari 12p">  = .05. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara persepsi siswa dan persepsi guru tentang guru bahasa inggris yang efektif di SMP Al-Falah Deltasari Sidoarjo.   Kata kunci: persepsi, efektif karakteristik.   Abstract Teacher characteristics become one of factors affecting teaching and learning processes, teacher plays an important role in the classroom. Teacher has a duty to design all activities in the classroom that meet the objectives of curriculum. He also has a big role in motivating students to acquire the subject. Thus, it is important to consider the effective characteristics of English teacher as a booster for students’ learning processes. The purpose of this research are (1) to find out students’ perception on effective characteristics of English teacher in SMP Al- Falah Deltasari, (2) to find out teachers’ perception on effective characteristics of English teacher in SMP Al- Falah Deltasari, and (3) to compare students’ and teachers’ perception on effective characteristics of English teacher in SMP Al- Falah Deltasari. Descriptive quantitative design based on survey research was used in this research. The location of this research is in SMP Al-Falah Deltasari Sidoarjo. It involves fifty students and four teachers as the sample. Questionnaire was administered as the instrument in collecting the data. The result of the data analysis found that the students more emphasize to the quality of competence as the effective characteristic to be had by an English teacher. However, having good personal also considered by the students to be had by an effective English teacher. Whereas, teacher said both good personal and good competence must be had by an effective English teacher. The chi-square value shows 12p"> = 4.1843, it goes above 12p">  = .05. Thus, there is no significant difference in the students and teachers’ perception on effective characteristics of English teacher in SMP Al-Falah Deltasari Sidoarjo.   Keywords: perception, effective characteristic.   &nbsp

    Analisis Efisiensi dan Marjin Pemasaran Janggelan di Kecamatan Karangtengah Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    :This study aims to determine and analyze (1)the marketing channels and agencies, (2) the costs, benefits and marketing margins, (3) the most efficient channel marketing of grass jelly of Karangtengahin the regency of Wonogiri. The research method is using descriptive analytic. The method to choice the place in the reseach has purposive method. The farmers sampling has porposinal random sampling and agencie or marketing has snowball sampling. Analysis data that are used are (1) analysisof the farming work, (2) analysis of the channel and marketing agencies (3)analysis of cost, profit and marketing margin of grass jelly (4)analysis of the effeciency of grass jelly marketing channel economically.The results show that grass jelly that is marketed is dry and has two forms namely stem of grass jelly and grass jelly dried leaves.(1) Grass jelly marketing channels in which both stems and grass jelly dried leaves have four marketing channels with marketing merchantsagencieswho are collectors and wholesalers. (2) Based on the results of marketing channel I, stems have total marketing costs Rp. 5500, a profit of Rp 7,500 and marketing margins. 13,000. Marketing channel II stems of grass jelly total marketing costs Rp 2.400, a profit Rp. 600 and Rp.3.000 marketing margin and.Marketing channels III stems have a total cost of Rp. 4940, a profit of Rp. 5.650 and marketing margin Rp.10.600. Marketing channel IV stems have a total cost of Rp. 2225, a profit of Rp 575 and marketing margins. 2,800. Marketing channels Iof grass jelly leaves has total cost of Ro. 5650, a profit of Rp. Rp 7,350 and marketing margins. 13,000. Marketing channels leaves of grass jelly II a total cost of Rp. 2650, a profit of Rp. Rp.2.650 and marketing margins Rp. 5000. Marketing channels leaf of III with a total cost of Rp. 5950, a profit of Rp. 10,450 and Rp marketing margin. 16,400. While marketing channels IV grass jellyleaves has a total cost of Rp. 2225, a profit of Rp. 5.575 and marketing margins Rp. 6.800.(3) The most efficient marketing channel for the stems is marketing channels IV and for the grass jelly leaves is marketing channel II. Suggestions for grass jelly farmers to actively search for grass jelly price information, while traders of grass jelly, to improve the communication with farmers about prices of the grass jelly and for the government, to improve the infrastructure in which to support marketing activities of grass jelly

    Study Of Academic Self Efficacy, Social Support And Learning Self-regulatory Of Student Guidance And Counseling

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    This study is correlation research, which aims to find the relationship between academic self-efficacy, social support and self-regulation in learning. Study participants are students of Guidance and Counseling. Measuring instrument used is the scale of academic self-efficacy, social support scale and the scale of self-regulation. Methods of data analysis using product moment correlation. The results of the study (1) the image of self-efficacy of students\u27 academic middle category, social support parents of students that are in the low category, and regulation of student learning in middle category, (2) there is a relationship which significant between self-efficacy of academic regulations learning, there the relationship between social support parents with regulation of learning, and there is a mutual relationship between academic self-efficacy and parental support with regulation of student learning

    The politics of local government environmental evaluations: Assessing bureaucracy in post-Reformasi Indonesia

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    This article argues that bureaucracy plays politics in Indonesia, not only during the electoral periods, but also in public service. Using the case of environmental evaluation in local government, where natural resources comprise most of the local economy, this article discusses the politics of bureaucracy in undergoing daily governing processes. The environment and natural resource businesses are two opposing fields. Environmental evaluation becomes a contentious area and is usually highly political. This article identifies the bureaucracy’s politicisation in environmental evaluation as occuring in at least in two forms—in measurement and in project implementation. In terms of measurement, bureaucracy tends to use minimum standards, while in project implementation, there are some occasions where bureaucracy tends to sub-contract the work to the third party, usually NGOs, especially in relations to sensitive issues, so that it is politically safer for them, once the result is not as pleasing as expected. This article uses some cases in Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Java, and Bangka Belitung, and applied case study as research approach

    Pengembangan Media Buku Permainan Labirin Fantasi (Buperlafa) dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Cerita Fantasi Berbasis Psychowriting Kelas VII SMP

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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan yang menghasilkan produk berupa media pembelajaran. Penelitian pengembangan media Buperlafa merupakan pengembangan media untuk materi cerita fantasi pada semester gasal dan diujicobakan di SMP Negeri 1 Cerme, Gresik. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari pentingnya penggunaan media dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Media pembelajaran dapat membantu peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa Indonesia dengan mudah dan menyenangkan. Diciptakannya produk baru berupa media pembelajaran Buperlafa sebagai media yang inovatif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan. Media Buperlafa digunakan untuk membantu peserta didik dalam belajar materi cerita fantasi khusunya pembelajaran menulis, sehingga menambah semangat dan minat peserta didik terhadap budaya literasi. Penelitian pengembangan media ini menggunakan model pengembangan Sadiman yang memiliki enam langkah. Hasil dari penelitian ini meliputi 1) proses pengembangan media menggunakan model pengembangan Sadiman, 2) kualitas pengembangan media Buperlafa berbasis psychowriting dalam pembelajaran cerita fantasi kelas VII semester gasal di SMP Negeri 1 Cerme, Gresik dari tiga aspek, yaitu kevalidan, keefektifan, dan kepraktisan media Buperlafa dalam pembelajaran cerita fantasi. Kevalidan media memiliki persentase keseluruhan 88,72%, sehingga media Buperlafa termasuk dalam kategori “sangat layak”. Keefektifan pengembangan media Buperlafa berdasarkan hasil belajar peserta didik, aktivitas pendidik, dan aktivitas peserta didik memiliki persentase 87,75% termasuk dalam ketegori “sangat baik” dan tergolong “efektif”. Kepraktisan media Buperlafa didapatkan dari hasil respons peserta didik terhadap media Buperlafa. Kepraktisan media Buperlafa berbasis psychowriting termasuk dalam kategori “sangat praktis” dengan persentase 90% dan mendapatkan skor 2,65 yang menunjukkan kriteria “memenuhi”