1,311 research outputs found

    Mediators of mechanotransduction between bone cells

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    Mechanical forces are known to regulate the function of tissues in the body, including bone. Bone adapts to its mechanical environment by altering its shape and increasing its size in response to increases in mechanical load associated with exercise, and by decreasing its size in response to decreases in mechanical load associated with microgravity or prolonged bed rest. Changes in bone size and shape are produced by a cooperative action of two main types of the bone cells - osteoclasts that destroy bone and osteoblasts that build bone. These cell types come from different developmental origins, and vary greatly in their characteristics, such as size, shape, and expression of receptor subtypes, which potentially may affect their responses to mechanical stimuli. The objective of this study is to compare the responses of osteoclasts and osteoblasts to mechanical stimulation. This study has allowed us to conclude the following: 1. A mediator is released from a single source cell. 2. The response to the mediator changes with distance. 3. The value of the apparent diffusion coeficient increases with distance. 4. A plausible proposed mechanism is that ATP is released and degrades to ADP. 5. Future experiments are required to confim that ATP is the mediator as suggested

    Техніка та технологія дезінтеграції й гравітаційного збагачення рідкіснометалічних руд

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    On the base of the analysis of centrifugal concentrators designs there has been justified the selection of apparatus for the rare-metal ores beneficiation. Process of pyrochlore ore grinding in mills of different types has been investigated and the expediency of use of impact centrifugal action mills to ensure selectivity of minerals disclosure has been founded. Efficient technical and technological parameters of the centrifugal action mills have been justified on the base of active experimental method. The influence of disintegration methods on technological indication of rare-metal ore beneficiation of Mazurovske deposits in centrifugal Nelson concentrator has been analyzed.На основі аналізу конструкцій відцентрових концентраторів обґрунтовано вибір апарату для збагачення рідкіснометалічних руд. Виконано дослідження процесу подрібнення пірохлорової руди в млинах різного типу та встановлено доцільність застосування млинів ударно-відцентової дії для забезпечення селективності розкриття мінералів. Методом активного експерименту обґрунтовано раціональні технічні та технологічні параметри млина ударно-відцентрової дії. Проаналізовано вплив способів дезінтеграції на технологічні показники збагачення рідкіснометалевої руди Мазурівського родовища у відцентровому концентраторі Нельсона

    Features of social security in France: an experience for Russia

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    This article discusses the experience of establishment of a welfare state, which has been accumulated for a long time in France. It has the highest public spending for social protection among all the European countries with the highest quality of life. The French social security system is compulsory and, among other things, it solves the problems of retirement, unemployment and national healthcare. These challenges are currently the greatest in the social life of Russia, due to several reasons. Principally due to new phenomena in the economy of the country such as formation of market relations, establishment of a welfare state and in this connection it is useful to experience the French social model.В данной статье рассматривается опыт построения социального гос-ударства, накопленный на протяжении длительного времени, во Франции. По уровню социального обеспечения именно Франция занимает лидирующее положение среди всех европейских стран, обладающих наиболее высоким уровнем жизни. Французская система социального обеспечения является обязательной и, среди прочего, решает проблемы, возникающие в связи с выходом на пенсию, безработицей и получением помощи по линии национального здравоохранения. Данные проблемы в настоящее время относятся к числу наиболее актуальных в общественной жизни России, что обусловлено новыми явлениями в экономике страны — формированием рыночных отношений, построением социального государства и в этой связи опыт французской модели социального государства представляется весьма полезным

    Group dynamics and creativity: A research with young adults in Reggio Emilia, Italy

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    Modern society demands innovativeness and creativity. Few studies have examined group dynamics' influence on individuals' creativity. This study explores creativity in group settings and how the gender of participants influences group dynamics and the creative process by observing specific behaviors, including Social Interaction and Play, Creative Action, and Creative Thinking. In groups of three, thirty participants (20 - 25 years) were asked to create Mosaics representing a “learning community” using LEGO dots. Relationships between group dynamics and creativity, creative thinking and creative action, gender of participants and their orientation to creativity and group dynamics were explored. Results showed negative relationships between group processes, creative thinking, and creative actions: the more intense the group dynamics were, the less the creativity. Surprisingly, female participants were more oriented to the creative task; male participants were more oriented to group dynamics. Further investigation of the relationship between creativity and cultural stereotypes on gender roles is needed

    Защита интеллектуальной собственности в системе дистанционного образования

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    Main aspects of intellectual property protection in the implementation of distance learning are studied. The relevance based on the need of implementation distance learning and the use of the opportunities offered by e-learning. The problem of the protection intellectual property in distance education. It is determined that technical means should provide a program of students' work on the content of the educational material (program of its learning process), a combination of training and education functions, strengthening the control and self-control of the process and its results of the process of learning knowledge, assistance in implementing the ideas of differential and problem learning.В работе рассматриваются основные аспекты защиты интеллектуальной собственности при внедрении дистанционного обучения. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью внедрения дистанционного обучения и использованием возможностей, которые дает электронное обучение. Исследована проблема необходимости защиты интеллектуальной собственности в системе дистанционного образования. Установлено, что технические средства должны обеспечивать программу работы студентов по содержанию учебного материала (программа его учебного процесса), сочетание функций обучения и образования, укрепление контроля и самоконтроля процесса и его результатов процесса обучения знаниям, помощи в реализации идей дифференциального и проблемного обучени

    Formation of Digital Literacy of Undergraduate Students in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals

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    The paper aims to develop a model of a training course aimed at forming undergraduate students’ digital literacy, considering the goals of sustainable development and the implementation of a competency-based approach. The tasks were to analyze digital literacy frameworks in the context of sustainable development goals, analysis of educational standards of higher education at the bachelor’s level, and modeling on this basis the content of the academic discipline, determining the methodological conditions of the learning process, and choosing instrumental solutions for designing the course and implementing academic discipline. In the process of identifying and analyzing the existing framework of digital competencies, international frameworks, and practical experience, we proposed a way to correlate these models with the tasks of implementing a competency-based approach and adapting these models to the national conditions for the implementation of educational programs at the higher education level. We developed a scientific concept and modeled the “Digital Culture” training course, aimed at developing digital literacy of students in all areas of training at the bachelor’s level