111 research outputs found

    Применение метода подвижных клеточных автоматов для оптимизации внутренней структуры эндопротеза тазобедренного сустава человека

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    На основе метода подвижных клеточных автоматов проведено изучение влияния конструкционных изменений эндопротеза тазобедренного сустава человека на деформационные и прочностные свойства, а также динамику генерации и развития повреждений в системе "сустав-эндопротез-бедренная кость". Структура протеза модифицировалась введением в шейку демпфирующих включений и нанесением покрытия на ножку имплантата. Показано, что наличие таких включений практически не изменяет прочность системы, но при этом ведет к заметному увеличению предельной деформации структуры "кость - протез", а также оказывает влияние на динамику зарождения и развития повреждений в костной ткани

    Myelination synchronizes cortical oscillations by consolidating parvalbumin-mediated phasic inhibition

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    Parvalbumin-positive (PV+) γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) interneurons are critically involved in producing rapid network oscillations and cortical microcircuit computations but the significance of PV+ axon myelination to the temporal features of inhibition remains elusive. Here using toxic and genetic mouse models of demyelination and dysmyelination, respectively, we find that loss of compact myelin reduces PV+ interneuron presynaptic terminals, increases failures and the weak phasic inhibition of pyramidal neurons abolishes optogenetically driven gamma oscillations in vivo. Strikingly, during behaviors of quiet wakefulness selectively theta rhythms are amplified and accompanied by highly synchronized interictal epileptic discharges. In support of a causal role of impaired PV-mediated inhibition, optogenetic activation of myelin-deficient PV+ interneurons attenuated the power of slow theta rhythms and limited interictal spike occurrence. Thus, myelination of PV axons is required to consolidate fast inhibition of pyramidal neurons and enable behavioral state-dependent modulation of local circuit synchronization

    Analysis of Endocytic Pathways in Drosophila Cells Reveals a Conserved Role for GBF1 in Internalization via GEECs

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    In mammalian cells, endocytosis of the fluid phase and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) forms GEECs (GPI-AP enriched early endosomal compartments) via an Arf1- and Cdc42-mediated, dynamin independent mechanism. Here we use four different fluorescently labeled probes and several markers in combination with quantitative kinetic assays, RNA interference and high resolution imaging to delineate major endocytic routes in Drosophila cultured cells. We find that the hallmarks of the pinocytic GEEC pathway are conserved in Drosophila and identify garz, the fly ortholog of the GTP exchange factor GBF1, as a novel component of this pathway. Live confocal and TIRF imaging reveals that a fraction of GBF1 GFP dynamically associates with ABD RFP (a sensor for activated Arf1 present on nascent pinosomes). Correspondingly, a GTP exchange mutant of GBF1 has altered ABD RFP localization in the evanescent field and is impaired in fluid phase uptake. Furthermore, GBF1 activation is required for the GEEC pathway even in the presence of Brefeldin A, implying that, like Arf1, it has a role in endocytosis that is separable from its role in secretion

    EULAR recommendations for the health professional’s approach to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis

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    Pain is the predominant symptom for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) and osteoarthritis (OA) mandating the development of evidence-based recommendations for the health professional’s approach to pain management. A multidisciplinary task force including professionals and patient representatives conducted a systematic literature review of systematic reviews to evaluate evidence regarding effects on pain of multiple treatment modalities. Overarching principles and recommendations regarding assessment and pain treatment were specified on the basis of reviewed evidence and expert opinion. From 2914 review studies initially identified, 186 met inclusion criteria. The task force emphasized the importance for the health professional to adopt a patient-centered framework within a biopsychosocial perspective, to have sufficient knowledge of IA and OA pathogenesis, and to be able to differentiate localized and generalized pain. Treatment is guided by scientific evidence and the assessment of patient needs, preferences and priorities; pain characteristics; previous and ongoing pain treatments; inflammation and joint damage; and psychological and other pain-related factors. Pain treatment options typically include education complemented by physical activity and exercise, orthotics, psychological and social interventions, sleep hygiene education, weight management, pharmacological and joint-specific treatment options, or interdisciplinary pain management. Effects on pain were most uniformly positive for physical activity and exercise interventions, and for psychological interventions. Effects on pain for educational interventions, orthotics, weight management, and multidisciplinary treatment were shown for particular disease groups. Underpinned by available systematic reviews and meta-analyses, these recommendations enable health professionals to provide knowledgeable pain management support for people with IA and OA

    Cyberdreams: visualizing music in extended reality

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    From the visual music films of the twentieth century to the Video Jockey (VJ) performances seen at the latest electronic dance music festivals, there is an extensive body of artistic work that seeks to visualize sound and music. The form that these visualizations take has been shaped significantly by the capabilities of available technologies; thus, we have seen a transition from paint to film; from hand-drawn animations to motion-graphics; and from analog to digital projection systems. In the twenty-first century, visualizations of music are now possible with extended reality (XR) technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented/mixed reality (AR/MR), and related forms of multi-projection environment such as fulldome. However, the successful design of visual music and VJ performances using XR technologies requires us to consider the compositional approaches that can be used by artists and designers. To investigate this area, this chapter will begin with an analysis of existing work that visualizes music using XR technologies. This will allow us to consider the spectrum of existing design approaches, and provide a commentary on the possibilities and limitations of the respective technologies. Following this, the chapter will provide an in-depth discussion of Weinel’s practice-led research, which extends from work exhibited at the Carbon Meets Silicon exhibitions held at Wrexham Glyndŵr University (2015, 2017), and includes AR paintings, VJ performances, and a VR application: Cyberdream VR. Through the discussion of these works, the chapter will demonstrate possible compositional principles for visualizing music across media ranging from paint to XR, enabling the realization of work that reinforces the conceptual meanings associated with music

    Mutations in Zebrafish lrp2 Result in Adult-Onset Ocular Pathogenesis That Models Myopia and Other Risk Factors for Glaucoma

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    The glaucomas comprise a genetically complex group of retinal neuropathies that typically occur late in life and are characterized by progressive pathology of the optic nerve head and degeneration of retinal ganglion cells. In addition to age and family history, other significant risk factors for glaucoma include elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) and myopia. The complexity of glaucoma has made it difficult to model in animals, but also challenging to identify responsible genes. We have used zebrafish to identify a genetically complex, recessive mutant that shows risk factors for glaucoma including adult onset severe myopia, elevated IOP, and progressive retinal ganglion cell pathology. Positional cloning and analysis of a non-complementing allele indicated that non-sense mutations in low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2 (lrp2) underlie the mutant phenotype. Lrp2, previously named Megalin, functions as an endocytic receptor for a wide-variety of bioactive molecules including Sonic hedgehog, Bone morphogenic protein 4, retinol-binding protein, vitamin D-binding protein, and apolipoprotein E, among others. Detailed phenotype analyses indicated that as lrp2 mutant fish age, many individuals—but not all—develop high IOP and severe myopia with obviously enlarged eye globes. This results in retinal stretch and prolonged stress to retinal ganglion cells, which ultimately show signs of pathogenesis. Our studies implicate altered Lrp2-mediated homeostasis as important for myopia and other risk factors for glaucoma in humans and establish a new genetic model for further study of phenotypes associated with this disease