375 research outputs found

    Molecular Chemical Engines: Pseudo-Static Processes and the Mechanism of Energy Transduction

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    We propose a simple theoretical model for a molecular chemical engine that catalyzes a chemical reaction and converts the free energy released by the reaction into mechanical work. Binding and unbinding processes of reactant and product molecules to and from the engine are explicitly taken into account. The work delivered by the engine is calculated analytically for infinitely slow (``pseudo-static'') processes, which can be reversible (quasi-static) or irreversible, controlled by an external agent. It is shown that the work larger than the maximum value limited by the second law of thermodynamics can be obtained in a single cycle of operation by chance, although the statistical average of the work never exceeds this limit and the maximum work is delivered if the process is reversible. The mechanism of the energy transductionis also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figues, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Efficiency of Energy Transduction in a Molecular Chemical Engine

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    A simple model of the two-state ratchet type is proposed for molecular chemical engines that convert chemical free energy into mechanical work and vice versa. The engine works by catalyzing a chemical reaction and turning a rotor. Analytical expressions are obtained for the dependences of rotation and reaction rates on the concentrations of reactant and product molecules, from which the performance of the engine is analyzed. In particular, the efficiency of energy transduction is discussed in some detail.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fugures; title modified, figures 2 and 3 modified, content changed (pages 1 and 4, mainly), references adde

    Bose-Einstein condensation in multilayers

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    The critical BEC temperature TcT_{c} of a non interacting boson gas in a layered structure like those of cuprate superconductors is shown to have a minimum Tc,mT_{c,m}, at a characteristic separation between planes ama_{m}. It is shown that for a<ama<a_{m}, TcT_{c} increases monotonically back up to the ideal Bose gas T0T_{0} suggesting that a reduction in the separation between planes, as happens when one increases the pressure in a cuprate, leads to an increase in the critical temperature. For finite plane separation and penetrability the specific heat as a function of temperature shows two novel crests connected by a ridge in addition to the well-known BEC peak at TcT_{c} associated with the 3D behavior of the gas. For completely impenetrable planes the model reduces to many disconnected infinite slabs for which just one hump survives becoming a peak only when the slab widths are infinite.Comment: Four pages, four figure

    Visualization of membrane loss during the shrinkage of giant vesicles under electropulsation

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    We study the effect of permeabilizing electric fields applied to two different types of giant unilamellar vesicles, the first formed from EggPC lipids and the second formed from DOPC lipids. Experiments on vesicles of both lipid types show a decrease in vesicle radius which is interpreted as being due to lipid loss during the permeabilization process. We show that the decrease in size can be qualitatively explained as a loss of lipid area which is proportional to the area of the vesicle which is permeabilized. Three possible mechanisms responsible for lipid loss were directly observed: pore formation, vesicle formation and tubule formation.Comment: Final published versio

    Direct Observation of the Myosin Va Recovery Stroke That Contributes to Unidirectional Stepping along Actin

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    Myosins are ATP-driven linear molecular motors that work as cellular force generators, transporters, and force sensors. These functions are driven by large-scale nucleotide-dependent conformational changes, termed “strokes”; the “power stroke” is the force-generating swinging of the myosin light chain–binding “neck” domain relative to the motor domain “head” while bound to actin; the “recovery stroke” is the necessary initial motion that primes, or “cocks,” myosin while detached from actin. Myosin Va is a processive dimer that steps unidirectionally along actin following a “hand over hand” mechanism in which the trailing head detaches and steps forward ∼72 nm. Despite large rotational Brownian motion of the detached head about a free joint adjoining the two necks, unidirectional stepping is achieved, in part by the power stroke of the attached head that moves the joint forward. However, the power stroke alone cannot fully account for preferential forward site binding since the orientation and angle stability of the detached head, which is determined by the properties of the recovery stroke, dictate actin binding site accessibility. Here, we directly observe the recovery stroke dynamics and fluctuations of myosin Va using a novel, transient caged ATP-controlling system that maintains constant ATP levels through stepwise UV-pulse sequences of varying intensity. We immobilized the neck of monomeric myosin Va on a surface and observed real time motions of bead(s) attached site-specifically to the head. ATP induces a transient swing of the neck to the post-recovery stroke conformation, where it remains for ∼40 s, until ATP hydrolysis products are released. Angle distributions indicate that the post-recovery stroke conformation is stabilized by ≥5 kBT of energy. The high kinetic and energetic stability of the post-recovery stroke conformation favors preferential binding of the detached head to a forward site 72 nm away. Thus, the recovery stroke contributes to unidirectional stepping of myosin Va

    One-loop QCD Corrections to Top Quark Decay into a Neutralino and Light Stop

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    We calculate the one-loop QCD corrections to tt~1χ~j0t\rightarrow \tilde t_1 \tilde \chi^0_j using dimensional reduction scheme, including QCD and supersymmetric QCD corrections. The analytic expressions for the corrections to the decay width are given, which can easily be extended to tχ~j+b~it\rightarrow \tilde \chi^+_j \tilde b_i . The numerical results show that the correction amounts to more than a 10\% reduction in the partial width relative to the tree level result. We also compare the corrections in the no-mixing stop case with those in the mixing stop case.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, revised version(using dimensional reduction technique, the corrections have been recalculated

    Exploring metabolic responses of potato tissue induced by electric pulses

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    In this study, we investigated the metabolic responses of potato tissue induced by pulsed electric field (PEF). Potato tissue was subjected to field strengths ranging from 30 to 500 V/cm, with a single rectangular pulse of 10 μs, 100 μs, or 1 ms. Metabolic responses were monitored using isothermal calorimetry, changes on electrical resistance during the delivery of the pulse, as well as impedance measurements. Our results show that the metabolic response involves oxygen consuming pathways as well as other unidentified events that are shown to be insensitive to metabolic inhibitors such as KCN and sodium azide. The metabolic response is strongly dependent on pulsing conditions and is independent of the total permeabilization achieved by the pulse. Evidence shows that calorimetry is a simple and powerful method for exploring conditions for metabolic stimulation, providing information on metabolic responses that can not be obtained from electrical measurements. This study set the basis for further investigations on defense-related consequences of PEF-induced stress.Sparbanksstiftelsen Färs & Frosta (Sweden).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Lund University (Sweden).Department of Cell and Organism Biology; Department of Plant Biochemistry

    Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Verification of Electroporation-Based Treatments

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    Clinical electroporation (EP) is a rapidly advancing treatment modality that uses electric pulses to introduce drugs or genes into, e.g., cancer cells. The indication of successful EP is an instant plasma membrane permeabilization in the treated tissue. A noninvasive means of monitoring such a tissue reaction represents a great clinical benefit since, in case of target miss, retreatment can be performed immediately. We propose diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) as a method to monitor EP tissue, using the concept of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). We hypothesize that the plasma membrane permeabilization induced by EP changes the ADC, suggesting that DW-MRI constitutes a noninvasive and quick means of EP verification. In this study we performed in vivo EP in rat brains, followed by DW-MRI using a clinical MRI scanner. We found a pulse amplitude–dependent increase in the ADC following EP, indicating that (1) DW-MRI is sensitive to the EP-induced changes and (2) the observed changes in ADC are indeed due to the applied electric field

    The dynamic stator stalk of rotary ATPases

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    Rotary ATPases couple ATP hydrolysis/synthesis with proton translocation across biological membranes and so are central components of the biological energy conversion machinery. Their peripheral stalks are essential components that counteract torque generated by rotation of the central stalk during ATP synthesis or hydrolysis. Here we present a 2.25-Å resolution crystal structure of the peripheral stalk from Thermus thermophilus A-type ATPase/synthase. We identify bending and twisting motions inherent within the structure that accommodate and complement a radial wobbling of the ATPase headgroup as it progresses through its catalytic cycles, while still retaining azimuthal stiffness necessary to counteract rotation of the central stalk. The conformational freedom of the peripheral stalk is dictated by its unusual right-handed coiled-coil architecture, which is in principle conserved across all rotary ATPases. In context of the intact enzyme, the dynamics of the peripheral stalks provides a potential mechanism for cooperativity between distant parts of rotary ATPases