68 research outputs found

    Analytical modelling of hot-spot traffic in deterministically-routed k-ary n-cubes

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    Many research studies have proposed analytical models to evaluate the performance of k-ary n-cubes with deterministic wormhole routing. Such models however have so far been confined to uniform traffic distributions. There has been hardly any model proposed that deal with non-uniform traffic distributions that could arise due to, for instance, the presence of hot-spots in the network. This paper proposes the first analytical model to predict message latency in k-ary n-cubes with deterministic routing in the presence of hot-spots. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results with those obtained through extensive simulation experiments

    Performance evaluation of flooding in MANETs in the presence of multi-broadcast traffic

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    Broadcasting has many important uses and several mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) protocols assume the availability of an underlying broadcast service. Applications, which make use of broadcasting, include LAN emulation, paging a particular node. However, broadcasting induces what is known as the "broadcast storm problem" which causes severe degradation in network performance, due to excessive redundant retransmission, collision, and contention. Although probabilistic flooding has been one of the earliest suggested approaches to broadcasting. There has not been so far any attempt to analyse its performance behaviour in MANETs. This paper investigates using extensive ns-2 simulations the effects of a number of important parameters in a MANET, including node speed, pause time and, traffic load, on the performance of probabilistic flooding. The results reveal that while these parameters have a critical impact on the reachability achieved by probabilistic flooding, they have relatively a lower effect on the number of saved rebroadcast packets

    Performance evaluation of adjusted probabilistic broadcasting in MANETs

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    Appropriate use of a probabilistic broadcasting method in MANETs can decrease the number of rebroadcasts, and as a result reduce the opportunity of contention and collision among neighbouring nodes. In this paper we evaluate the performance of adjusted probabilistic flooding by comparing it to "simple" flooding as used with the ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol as well as a fixed probabilistic approach. The results reveal that the adjusted probabilistic flooding exhibits superior performance in terms of both reachability and saved rebroadcast

    Non-contiguous processor allocation strategy for 2D mesh connected multicomputers based on sub-meshes available for allocation

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    Contiguous allocation of parallel jobs usually suffers from the degrading effects of fragmentation as it requires that the allocated processors be contiguous and has the same topology as the network topology connecting these processors. In non-contiguous allocation, a job can execute on multiple disjoint smaller sub-meshes rather than always waiting until a single sub-mesh of the requested size is available. Lifting the contiguity condition in non-contiguous allocation is expected to reduce processor fragmentation and increase processor utilization. However, the communication overhead is increased because the distances traversed by messages can be longer. The extra communication overhead depends on how the allocation request is partitioned and allocated to free sub-meshes. In this paper, a new non-contiguous processor allocation strategy, referred to as Greedy-Available-Busy-List, is suggested for the 2D mesh network, and is compared using simulation against the well-known non-contiguous and contiguous allocation strategies. To show the performance improved by proposed strategy, we conducted simulation runs under the assumption of wormhole routing and all-to-all communication pattern. The results show that the proposed strategy can reduce the communication overhead and improve performance substantially in terms of turnaround times of jobs and finish times

    An efficient processor allocation strategy that maintains a high degree of contiguity among processors in 2D mesh connected multicomputers

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    Two strategies are used for the allocation of jobs to processors connected by mesh topologies: contiguous allocation and non-contiguous allocation. In non-contiguous allocation, a job request can be split into smaller parts that are allocated to non-adjacent free sub-meshes rather than always waiting until a single sub-mesh of the requested size and shape is available. Lifting the contiguity condition is expected to reduce processor fragmentation and increase system utilization. However, the distances traversed by messages can be long, and as a result the communication overhead, especially contention, is increased. The extra communication overhead depends on how the allocation request is partitioned and assigned to free sub-meshes. This paper presents a new Non-contiguous allocation algorithm, referred to as Greedy-Available-Busy-List (GABL for short), which can decrease the communication overhead among processors allocated to a given job. The simulation results show that the new strategy can reduce the communication overhead and substantially improve performance in terms of parameters such as job turnaround time and system utilization. Moreover, the results reveal that the Shortest-Service-Demand-First (SSD) scheduling strategy is much better than the First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling strategy

    The effect of real workloads and stochastic workloads on the performance of allocation and scheduling algorithms in 2D mesh multicomputers

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    The performance of the existing non-contiguous processor allocation strategies has been traditionally carried out by means of simulation based on a stochastic workload model to generate a stream of incoming jobs. To validate the performance of the existing algorithms, there has been a need to evaluate the algorithms' performance based on a real workload trace. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of several well-known processor allocation and job scheduling strategies based on a real workload trace and compare the results against those obtained from using a stochastic workload. Our results reveal that the conclusions reached on the relative performance merits of the allocation strategies when a real workload trace is used are in general compatible with those obtained when a stochastic workload is used

    Improving route discovery in on-demand routing protocols using local topology information in MANETs

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    Most existing routing protocols proposed for MANETs use flooding as a broadcast technique for the propagation of network control packets; a particular example of this is the dissemination of route requests (RREQs), which facilitate route discovery. In flooding, each mobile node rebroadcasts received packets, which, in this manner, are propagated network-wide with considerable overhead. This paper improves on the performance of existing routing protocols by reducing the communication overhead incurred during the route discovery process by implementing a new broadcast algorithm called the adjusted probabilistic flooding on the Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol. AODV [3] is a well-known and widely studied algorithm which has been shown over the past few years to maintain an overall lower routing overhead compared to traditional proactive schemes, even though it uses flooding to propagate RREQs. Our results, as presented in this paper, reveal that equipping AODV with fixed and adjusted probabilistic flooding, instead, helps reduce the overhead of the route discovery process whilst maintaining comparable performance levels in terms of saved rebroadcasts and reachability as achieved by conventional AODV\@. Moreover, the results indicate that the adjusted probabilistic technique results in better performance compared to the fixed one for both of these metrics

    On quantifying fault patterns of the mesh interconnect networks

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    One of the key issues in the design of Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MP-SoCs), multicomputers, and peerto- peer networks is the development of an efficient communication network to provide high throughput and low latency and its ability to survive beyond the failure of individual components. Generally, the faulty components may be coalesced into fault regions, which are classified into convex and concave shapes. In this paper, we propose a mathematical solution for counting the number of common fault patterns in a 2-D mesh interconnect network including both convex (|-shape, | |-shape, ĂƒÂœ-shape) and concave (L-shape, Ushape, T-shape, +-shape, H-shape) regions. The results presented in this paper which have been validated through simulation experiments can play a key role when studying, particularly, the performance analysis of fault-tolerant routing algorithms and measure of a network fault-tolerance expressed as the probability of a disconnection

    On the performance of probabilistic flooding in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This paper investigates using extensive simulations the effects of a number of important system parameters in a typical MANETs, including node speed, pause time, traffic load, and node density on the performance of probabilistic flooding. The results reveal that most of these parameters have a critical impact on the reachability and the number of saved rebroadcast messages achieved by probabilistic flooding, prompting the need for dynamically adjusting nodal retransmission probabilities depending on the current state of the network

    Caractérisation, purification et détermination de la structure partielle d'une bactériocine produite par la souche Lacfococcuus lactis CI6

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    La production de la bactĂ©riocine CI6 en milieu Elliker Ă  30°C, par la souche Lactococcus lactis C16 isolĂ©e du lait est effective aprĂšs cinq heures de culture. La production volumĂ©trique maximale est atteinte en 10 h. Cette bactĂ©riocine a un spectre d'action Ă©troit vis-Ă -vis des bactĂ©ries lactiques. Les souches de lactococcus sont les plus sensibles Ă  son action (17 inhibĂ©es sur 22 testĂ©es). Elle agit aussi sur Bacillus, quelques Clostridium. et une souche de Listeria parmi les trois testĂ©es. La bactĂ©riocine C16 est sensible Ă  plusieurs protĂ©ases. À pH acide, elle rĂ©siste Ă  70°C pendant 20 min et perd 50% de son activitĂ© aprĂšs un cycle d'autoclavage (15min Ă  120°C). La bactĂ©riocine C16 a Ă©tĂ© purifiĂ©e par une mĂ©thode simple et rapide, en deux Ă©tapes: son adsorption puis sa dĂ©sorption des cellules productrices, en fonction du pH et de la force ionique, suivie d'une chromatographie liquide haute performance en phase inverse. La spectrophotomĂ©trie de masse indique, pour la bactĂ©riocine purifiĂ©e, un poids molĂ©culaire de 8,280 kD. La composition en acides aminĂ©s, de la protĂ©ine montre la prĂ©dominance de la glycine, des acides aminĂ©s hydrophobes notamment l'alanine et les acides aminĂ©s basiques (Lys et Arg). Le microsĂ©quençage de la proteine N-terminale a permis d'identifier 15 acides aminĂ©s
