1,747 research outputs found

    Towards robust experimental design for user studies in security and privacy

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    Background: Human beings are an integral part of computer security, whether we actively participate or simply build the systems. Despite this importance, understanding users and their interaction with security is a blind spot for most security practitioners and designers. / Aim: Define principles for conducting experiments into usable security and privacy, to improve study robustness and usefulness. / Data: The authors’ experiences conducting several research projects complemented with a literature survey. Method: We extract principles based on relevance to the advancement of the state of the art. We then justify our choices by providing published experiments as cases of where the principles are and are not followed in practice to demonstrate the impact. Each principle is a discipline specific instantiation of desirable experiment-design elements as previously established in the domain of philosophy of science. / Results: Five high-priority principles – (i) give participants a primary task; (ii) incorporate realistic risk; (iii) avoid priming the participants; (iv) perform doubleblind experiments whenever possible and (v) think carefully about how meaning is assigned to the terms threat model, security, privacy, and usability. / Conclusion: The principles do not replace researcher acumen or experience, however they can provide a valuable service for facilitating evaluation, guiding younger researchers and students, and marking a baseline common language for discussing further improvements

    Hydrogenophaga defluvii sp nov and Hydrogenophaga atypica sp nov., isolated from activated sludge

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    Two Gram-negative, oxidase-positive rods (strains BSB 9.5T and BSB 41.8T) isolated from wastewater were studied using a polyphasic approach. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons demonstrated that both strains cluster phylogenetically within the family Comamonadaceae: the two strains shared 99·9 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity and were most closely related to the type strains of Hydrogenophaga palleronii (98·5 %) and Hydrogenophaga taeniospiralis (98·0 %). The fatty acid patterns and substrate-utilization profiles displayed similarity to the those of the five Hydrogenophaga species with validly published names, although clear differentiating characteristics were also observed. The two strains showed DNA–DNA hybridization values of 51 % with respect to each other. No close similarities to any other Hydrogenophaga species were detected in hybridization experiments with the genomic DNAs. On the basis of these results, two novel Hydrogenophaga species, Hydrogenophaga defluvii sp. nov. and Hydrogenophaga atypica sp. nov. are proposed, with BSB 9.5T (=DSM 15341T=CIP 108119T) and BSB 41.8T (=DSM 15342T=CIP 108118T) as the respective type strains

    Micro RNA Expression after Ingestion of Fucoidan; A Clinical Study

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    Fucoidans are a class of fucose‐rich sulfated polysaccharides derived from brownmacroalgae that exert a range of biological activities in vitro and in vivo. To generate an unbiasedassessment of pathways and processes affected by fucoidan, a placebo‐controlled double‐blind pilotstudy was performed in healthy volunteers. Blood samples were taken immediately before and 24h after ingestion of a single dose of 1 g of Undaria pinnatifida fucoidan (UPF) or placebo. Levels ofisolated miRNAs were analyzed using Taqman Open Array Human MicroRNA panels. Out of 754miRNAs screened, UPF affected a total of 53 miRNAs. Pathway analysis using the TALOS dataanalysis tool predicted 29 different pathways and processes that were largely grouped into cellsurface receptor signaling, cancer‐related pathways, the majority of which were previouslyassociated with fucoidans. However, this analysis also identified nine pathways and processes thathave not been associated with fucoidans before. Overall, this study illustrates that even a single doseof fucoidans has the potential to affect the expression of genes related to fundamental cellularprocesses. Moreover, it confirms previous data that fucoidans influence immunity, cancer cells,inflammation, and neurological function

    Quantum teleportation on a photonic chip

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    Quantum teleportation is a fundamental concept in quantum physics which now finds important applications at the heart of quantum technology including quantum relays, quantum repeaters and linear optics quantum computing (LOQC). Photonic implementations have largely focussed on achieving long distance teleportation due to its suitability for decoherence-free communication. Teleportation also plays a vital role in the scalability of photonic quantum computing, for which large linear optical networks will likely require an integrated architecture. Here we report the first demonstration of quantum teleportation in which all key parts - entanglement preparation, Bell-state analysis and quantum state tomography - are performed on a reconfigurable integrated photonic chip. We also show that a novel element-wise characterisation method is critical to mitigate component errors, a key technique which will become increasingly important as integrated circuits reach higher complexities necessary for quantum enhanced operation.Comment: Originally submitted version - refer to online journal for accepted manuscript; Nature Photonics (2014

    Emotions and Digital Well-being. The rationalistic bias of social media design in online deliberations

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    In this chapter we argue that emotions are mediated in an incomplete way in online social media because of the heavy reliance on textual messages which fosters a rationalistic bias and an inclination towards less nuanced emotional expressions. This incompleteness can happen either by obscuring emotions, showing less than the original intensity, misinterpreting emotions, or eliciting emotions without feedback and context. Online interactions and deliberations tend to contribute rather than overcome stalemates and informational bubbles, partially due to prevalence of anti-social emotions. It is tempting to see emotions as being the cause of the problem of online verbal aggression and bullying. However, we argue that social media are actually designed in a predominantly rationalistic way, because of the reliance on text-based communication, thereby filtering out social emotions and leaving space for easily expressed antisocial emotions. Based on research on emotions that sees these as key ingredients to moral interaction and deliberation, as well as on research on text-based versus non-verbal communication, we propose a richer understanding of emotions, requiring different designs of online deliberation platforms. We propose that such designs should move from text-centred designs and should find ways to incorporate the complete expression of the full range of human emotions so that these can play a constructive role in online deliberations

    Delivering the power of nanomedicine to patients today

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    The situation of the COVID-19 pandemic reminds us that we permanently need high-value flexible solutions to urgent clinical needs including simplified diagnostic technologies suitable for use in the field and for delivering targeted therapeutics. From our perspective nanotechnology is revealed as a vital resource for this, as a generic platform of technical solutions to tackle complex medical challenges. It is towards this perspective and focusing on nanomedicine that we take issue with Prof Park's recent editorial published in the Journal of Controlled Release. Prof. Park argued that in the last 15 years nanomedicine failed to deliver the promised innovative clinical solutions to the patients (Park, K. The beginning of the end of the nanomedicine hype. Journal of Controlled Release, 2019; 305, 221\u2013222 [1]. We, the ETPN (European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine) [2], respectfully disagree. In fact, the more than 50 formulations currently in the market, and the recent approval of 3 key nanomedicine products (e. g. Onpattro, Hensify and Vyxeos), have demonstrated that the nanomedicine field is concretely able to design products that overcome critical barriers in conventional medicine in a unique manner, but also to deliver within the cells new drug-free therapeutic effects by using pure physical modes of action, and therefore make a difference in patients lives. Furthermore, the >400 nanomedicine formulations currently in clinical trials are expecting to bring novel clinical solutions (e.g. platforms for nucleic acid delivery), alone or in combination with other key enabling technologies to the market, including biotechnologies, microfluidics, advanced materials, biomaterials, smart systems, photonics, robotics, textiles, Big Data and ICT (information & communication technologies) more generally. However, we agree with Prof. Park that \u201c it is time to examine the sources of difficulty in clinical translation of nanomedicine and move forward \u201c. But for reaching this goal, the investments to support clinical translation of promising nanomedicine formulations should increase, not decrease. As recently encouraged by EMA in its roadmap to 2025, we should create more unity through a common knowledge hub linking academia, industry, healthcare providers and hopefully policy makers to reduce the current fragmentation of the standardization and regulatory body landscape. We should also promote a strategy of cross-technology innovation, support nanomedicine development as a high value and low-cost solution to answer unmet medical needs and help the most promising innovative projects of the field to get better and faster to the clinic. This global vision is the one that the ETPN chose to encourage for the last fifteen years. All actions should be taken with a clear clinical view in mind, \u201c without any fanfare\u201d, to focus \u201con what matters in real life\u201d, which is the patient and his/her quality of life. This ETPN overview of achievements in nanomedicine serves to reinforce our drive towards further expanding and growing the maturity of nanomedicine for global healthcare, accelerating the pace of transformation of its great potential into tangible medical breakthroughs

    Genomic Expansion of Magnetotactic Bacteria Reveals an Early Common Origin of Magnetotaxis with Lineage-specific Evolution

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    The origin and evolution of magnetoreception, which in diverse prokaryotes and protozoa is known as magnetotaxis and enables these microorganisms to detect Earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation, is not well understood in evolutionary biology. The only known prokaryotes capable of sensing the geomagnetic field are magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), motile microorganisms that biomineralize intracellular, membrane-bounded magnetic single-domain crystals of either magnetite (Fe3O4) or greigite (Fe3S4) called magnetosomes. Magnetosomes are responsible for magnetotaxis in MTB. Here we report the first large-scale metagenomic survey of MTB from both northern and southern hemispheres combined with 28 genomes from uncultivated MTB. These genomes expand greatly the coverage of MTB in the Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, and Omnitrophica phyla, and provide the first genomic evidence of MTB belonging to the Zetaproteobacteria and “Candidatus Lambdaproteobacteria” classes. The gene content and organization of magnetosome gene clusters, which are physically grouped genes that encode proteins for magnetosome biosynthesis and organization, are more conserved within phylogenetically similar groups than between different taxonomic lineages. Moreover, the phylogenies of core magnetosome proteins form monophyletic clades. Together, these results suggest a common ancient origin of iron-based (Fe3O4 and Fe3S4) magnetotaxis in the domain Bacteria that underwent lineage-specific evolution, shedding new light on the origin and evolution of biomineralization and magnetotaxis, and expanding significantly the phylogenomic representation of MTB


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    Abstract A permanent dipole magnet with variable magnetic field has been designed, fabricated, and tested at SPring-8. Permanent magnet can be advantageous over electromagnet in terms of power consumption, stability and reliability etc. One of critical issues to apply permanent magnets to future light sources and other accelerators is that the magnetic field should be somehow tuned. In designing future light sources, combined-function or longitudinal gradient magnet may play a key role in achieving extremely small emittance. Therefore, it may not be appropriate to change a gap for changing the field. We have proposed an alternative way to tune the magnetic field of permanent magnet by using outer plates, and the performance has been investigated