684 research outputs found

    Deteksi Pejalan Kaki Pada Video Dengan Metode Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West (FPDW)

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    — Pedestrian detection in video can be done offline for the purposes of analysis, such as analysis of pedestrian behavior, riots analysis and analysis of traffic accidents. In addition, pedestrian detection process is also done in real-time, such as for driving security systems, indoor navigation system, traffic control system at crossroads and so on. In this paper, a method FPDW (Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West) will be tested to detect pedestrians in a video. Contribution of this paper is to add parameter of minimum confidence to the FPDW algorithm, to improve the accuracy of detection results. Experiments conducted on the video duration of 6 minutes 50 seconds extracted into 1 image per second.Keywords— pedestrian detector, FPDW, HOG, vide

    Globalization and Information Technology: Forging New Partnerships in Public Administration

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    Globalization and Information Technology: An Overview of Issue GLOBALIZATION means new market, particularly for those who are economically well developed. This is the fact. And information technology is one of the technologies fostered to the new market in this increasingly competitive world. The implication of this basic argument could be found in many other sectors, both within the private and within the public sectors. In the private sector, globalization has revolutionized internal management. It has also made easier the interaction between countries, regions and continents, thus contributing to profitability. It is the private sector's philosophy that propelled efforts to utilize every means, including information technology, to make companies survive, even the biggest and the most powerful company in the world. Even though globalization and information technology had been widely accepted as two sides in one coin, this paper argues that there are three factors, which counter the inevitable movement towards globalization. Firstly, the incremental force of technology is flawed. Secondly, the imperialism of technology overcoming all barriers fails to reconcile the cultural dimensions of both the developing context or the application domain. Technology is not culturally neutral but is developed in a cultural context and in the case of information rich countries, IT applications carry that cultural context within their designs. Applications of culturally developed systems, such as office and management systems assume the user's compliance with the design culture, but this inevitably leads to cultural clashes when the systems are applied outside the design context. Thirdly the assumption of universality of economic access and development is incompatible with both the reality and development paths in both developed and developing countries. This inevitably will lead to a divided society split between the internationally mobile, technology-supported communities and those communities that are disadvantaged economically and technologically but are culturally rich. The failure to bridge this gap may leave society as a whole weakened through lack of access to 'variety.' The global information infrastructure mostly comes from the developed countries. Thus, the inevitable question is whether it signals empowerment or imperialism of and for the developing countries? Electronic imperialism and colonization has become new terminology in this increasingly competitive world marketplace. Utilization of IT coul

    Newcomers in a hazardous environment; a qualitative inquiry of sex worker vulnerability to HIV in Bali, Indonesia

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    Background Women new to sex work and those with a greater degree of mobility have higher risk of HIV infection. Using social capital as a theoretical framework, we argue that better understanding of the interactions of micro-level structural factors can be valuable in reshaping and restructuring health promotion programmes in Bali to be more responsive to the concerns and needs of newcomer and mobile female sex workers (FSWs). Methods We conducted interviews with 11 newcomer FSWs (worked  six months). The interviews explored women’s experience of sex work including how and why they came to sex work, relationships with other FSWs and their HIV prevention practices. Results A thematic framework analysis revealed newcomer FSWs faced multiple levels of vulnerability that contributed to increased HIV risk. First, a lack of knowledge and self-efficacy about HIV prevention practices was related to their younger age and low exposure to sexual education. Second, on entering sex work, they experienced intensely competitive working environments fuelled by economic competition. This competition reduced opportunities for positive social networks and social learning about HIV prevention. Finally, the lack of social networks and social capital between FSWs undermined peer trust and solidarity, both of which are essential to promote consistent condom use. For example, newcomer FSWs did not trust that if they refused to have sex without a condom, their peers would also refuse; this increased their likelihood of accepting unprotected sex, thereby increasing HIV risk. Conclusions Public health and social welfare interventions and programmes need to build social networks, social support and solidarity within FSW communities, and provide health education and HIV prevention resources much earlier in women’s sex work careers.School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australi

    Analysis of Water Well Quality Drilling Around Waste Disposal Site in Makassar City Indonesia

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    Abstract. Clean water is one of human need which is very important in carrying out its life. Therefore, this article analyzes the quality of the well water dug around the landfill. The method used is a well water well sample taken from 4 wells around a landfill taken by a purposive sampling at a different distance. The parameters measured are physical, chemical, and biological properties. The results of the analysis were then compared with the standard of drinking water quality criteria allowed under The Regulation of Health Minister of Indonesia No. 416 year 1990 on the Terms and Supervision of Water Quality of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. The result of the research shows that there are two wells whose water quality does not meet the physical requirement i.e Location of Points II and III, based on the construction of wells also does not meet the requirements of the wells in general. While at the well Locations Point I and IV the quality of water physically, chemically and biologically as well as well construction qualify. From the result of this research, the researcher give suggestion of the need to improve the physical condition of dug wells, it is necessary to do the extension to the well water user community for drinking water about the physical condition of the dug well, the need to monitor and supervise the quality of drinking water, and should involve the community to independently meet the needs absolute i.e clean water to drink

    A laboratory study on cold-mix, cold-lay emulsion mixtures

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    This paper describes laboratory experiments and presents results for the performances of cold-mix, cold-lay emulsion mixtures. The main objective of the experiments was to evaluate and improve the properties of the cold mixtures. The mixture properties evaluated were: volumetric properties, indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM), repeated load axial creep and fatigue. These properties were compared with conventional hot asphalt mixtures not containing any waste/recycled materials. To optimise the performances of the mixtures, a target of ITSM value of 2000 MPa was selected. At full curing conditions, the stiffness of the cold mixes was found to be very similar to that of hot mixtures of the same penetration grade base bitumen (100 pen). Test results also show that the addition of 1–2% cement significantly improved the mechanical performance of the mixes and significantly accelerated their strength gain. The fatigue behaviour of the cold mixes that incorporated cement was comparable with that of the hot mixtures
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