177 research outputs found

    Automation of the Arabic sign language recognition

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    This paper introduces a system to recognize the Arabic sign language using an instrumented glove and a machine learning method. Interfaces in sign language systems can be categorized as direct-device or vision-based. The direct-device approach uses measurement devices that are in direct contact with the hand such as instrumented gloves, flexion sensors, styli and position-tracking devices. On the other hand, the vision-based approach captures the movement of the singer's hand using a camera that is sometimes aided by making the signer wear a glove that has painted areas indicating the positions of the fingers or knuckles. The proposed system basically consists of a PowerGlove that is connected through the serial port to a workstation running the support vector machine algorithm. Obtained results are promising even though a simple and cheap glove with limited sensors was utilized

    Chemical and biological study of Premna resinosa (hochst) Schauer surface extract

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    In this investigation we report the isolation and characterization of labdane diterpenes of the surface extract of P. resinosa. and the evaluation of their antiproliferative effects

    The effect of ultrasound pretreatment on some selected physicochemical properties of black cumin (Nigella Sativa)

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    Background In the present study, the effects of ultrasound pretreatment parameters including irradiation time and power on the quantity of the extracted phenolic compounds quantity as well as on some selected physicochemical properties of the extracted oils including oil extraction efficiency, acidity and peroxide values, color, and refractive index of the extracted oil of black cumin seeds with the use of cold press have been studied. Methods For each parameter, three different levels (30, 60, and 90 W) for the ultrasound power and (30, 45, and 60 min) and for the ultrasound irradiation time were studied. Each experiment was performed in three replications. Results The achieved results revealed that, with enhancements in the applied ultrasound power, the oil extraction efficiency, acidity value, total phenolic content, peroxide value, and color parameters increased significantly (P 0.05). Conclusions In summary, it could be mentioned that the application of ultrasound pretreatment in the oil extraction might improve the oil extraction efficiency, the extracted oil’s quality, and the extracted phenolic compounds content.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cerebellar Pathology in an Inducible Mouse Model of Friedreich Ataxia

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    Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by deficiency of the mitochondrial protein frataxin. Lack of frataxin causes neuronal loss in various areas of the CNS and PNS. In particular, cerebellar neuropathology in FRDA patients includes loss of large principal neurons and synaptic terminals in the dentate nucleus (DN), and previous studies have demonstrated early synaptic deficits in the Knockin-Knockout mouse model of FRDA. However, the exact correlation of frataxin deficiency with cerebellar neuropathology remains unclear. Here we report that doxycycline-induced frataxin knockdown in a mouse model of FRDA (FRDAkd) leads to synaptic cerebellar degeneration that can be partially reversed by AAV8-mediated frataxin restoration. Loss of cerebellar Purkinje neurons and large DN principal neurons are observed in the FRDAkd mouse cerebellum. Levels of the climbing fiber-specific glutamatergic synaptic marker VGLUT2 decline starting at 4 weeks after dox induction, whereas levels of the parallel fiber-specific synaptic marker VGLUT1 are reduced by 18-weeks. These findings suggest initial selective degeneration of climbing fiber synapses followed by loss of parallel fiber synapses. The GABAergic synaptic marker GAD65 progressively declined during dox induction in FRDAkd mice, while GAD67 levels remained unaltered, suggesting specific roles for frataxin in maintaining cerebellar synaptic integrity and function during adulthood. Expression of frataxin following AAV8-mediated gene transfer partially restored VGLUT1/2 levels. Taken together, our findings show that frataxin knockdown leads to cerebellar degeneration in the FRDAkd mouse model, suggesting that frataxin helps maintain cerebellar structure and function

    Leveraging technology-driven strategies to untangle omics big data: circumventing roadblocks in clinical facets of oral cancer

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    Oral cancer is one of the 19most rapidly progressing cancers associated with significant mortality, owing to its extreme degree of invasiveness and aggressive inclination. The early occurrences of this cancer can be clinically deceiving leading to a poor overall survival rate. The primary concerns from a clinical perspective include delayed diagnosis, rapid disease progression, resistance to various chemotherapeutic regimens, and aggressive metastasis, which collectively pose a substantial threat to prognosis. Conventional clinical practices observed since antiquity no longer offer the best possible options to circumvent these roadblocks. The world of current cancer research has been revolutionized with the advent of state-of-the-art technology-driven strategies that offer a ray of hope in confronting said challenges by highlighting the crucial underlying molecular mechanisms and drivers. In recent years, bioinformatics and Machine Learning (ML) techniques have enhanced the possibility of early detection, evaluation of prognosis, and individualization of therapy. This review elaborates on the application of the aforesaid techniques in unraveling potential hints from omics big data to address the complexities existing in various clinical facets of oral cancer. The first section demonstrates the utilization of omics data and ML to disentangle the impediments related to diagnosis. This includes the application of technology-based strategies to optimize early detection, classification, and staging via uncovering biomarkers and molecular signatures. Furthermore, breakthrough concepts such as salivaomics-driven non-invasive biomarker discovery and omics-complemented surgical interventions are articulated in detail. In the following part, the identification of novel disease-specific targets alongside potential therapeutic agents to confront oral cancer via omics-based methodologies is presented. Additionally, a special emphasis is placed on drug resistance, precision medicine, and drug repurposing. In the final section, we discuss the research approaches oriented toward unveiling the prognostic biomarkers and constructing prediction models to capture the metastatic potential of the tumors. Overall, we intend to provide a bird’s eye view of the various omics, bioinformatics, and ML approaches currently being used in oral cancer research through relevant case studies

    WldS requires Nmnat1 enzymatic activity and N16–VCP interactions to suppress Wallerian degeneration

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    Slow Wallerian degeneration (WldS) encodes a chimeric Ube4b/nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyl transferase 1 (Nmnat1) fusion protein that potently suppresses Wallerian degeneration, but the mechanistic action of WldS remains controversial. In this study, we characterize WldS-mediated axon protection in vivo using Drosophila melanogaster. We show that Nmnat1 can protect severed axons from autodestruction but at levels significantly lower than WldS, and enzyme-dead versions of Nmnat1 and WldS exhibit severely reduced axon-protective function. Interestingly, a 16–amino acid N-terminal domain of WldS (termed N16) accounts for the differences in axon-sparing activity between WldS and Nmnat1, and N16-dependent enhancement of Nmnat1-protective activity in WldS requires the N16-binding protein valosin-containing protein (VCP)/TER94. Thus, WldS-mediated suppression of Wallerian degeneration results from VCP–N16 interactions and Nmnat1 activity converging in vivo. Surprisingly, mouse Nmnat3, a mitochondrial Nmnat enzyme that localizes to the cytoplasm in Drosophila cells, protects severed axons at levels indistinguishable from WldS. Thus, nuclear Nmnat activity does not appear to be essential for WldS-like axon protection

    Antibacterial activity of Thymoquinone, an active principle of Nigella sativa and its potency to prevent bacterial biofilm formation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thymoquinone is an active principle of <it>Nigella sativa </it>seed known as "Habbah Al-Sauda" in Arabic countries and "Sinouj" in Tunisia. Bacterial biofilms tend to exhibit significant tolerance to antimicrobials drugs during infections.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The antibacterial activity of Thymoquinone (TQ) and its biofilm inhibition potencies were investigated on 11 human pathogenic bacteria. The growth and development of the biofilm were assessed using the crystal violet (CV) and the 2, 3-bis [2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT) reduction assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>TQ exhibited a significant bactericidal activity against the majority of the tested bacteria (MICs values ranged from 8 to 32 μg/ml) especially Gram positive cocci (<it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>ATCC 25923 and <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>CIP 106510). Crystal violet assay demonstrated that the minimum biofilm inhibition concentration (BIC50) was reached with 22 and 60 μg/ml for <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>ATCC 25923 and <it>Staphylococcus epidermidis </it>CIP 106510 respectively. In addition our data revealed that cells oxidative activity was influenced by TQ supplementation. In the same way, TQ prevented cell adhesion to glass slides surface.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ability of TQ to prevent biofilm formation warrants further investigation to explore its use as bioactive substances with antibiofilm potential.</p

    Absence of Aquaporin-4 in Skeletal Muscle Alters Proteins Involved in Bioenergetic Pathways and Calcium Handling

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    Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) is a water channel expressed at the sarcolemma of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibers, whose expression is altered in several forms of muscular dystrophies. However, little is known concerning the physiological role of AQP4 in skeletal muscle and its functional and structural interaction with skeletal muscle proteome. Using AQP4-null mice, we analyzed the effect of the absence of AQP4 on the morphology and protein composition of sarcolemma as well as on the whole skeletal muscle proteome. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the absence of AQP4 did not perturb the expression and cellular localization of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex proteins, aside from those belonging to the extracellular matrix, and no alteration was found in sarcolemma integrity by dye extravasation assay. With the use of a 2DE-approach (BN/SDS-PAGE), protein maps revealed that in quadriceps, out of 300 Coomassie-blue detected and matched spots, 19 proteins exhibited changed expression in AQP4−/− compared to WT mice. In particular, comparison of the protein profiles revealed 12 up- and 7 down-regulated protein spots in AQP4−/− muscle. Protein identification by MS revealed that the perturbed expression pattern belongs to proteins involved in energy metabolism (i.e. GAPDH, creatine kinase), as well as in Ca2+ handling (i.e. parvalbumin, SERCA1). Western blot analysis, performed on some significantly changed proteins, validated the 2D results. Together these findings suggest AQP4 as a novel determinant in the regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism and better define the role of this water channel in skeletal muscle physiology

    The Tissue-Specific Rep8/UBXD6 Tethers p97 to the Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane for Degradation of Misfolded Proteins

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    The protein known as p97 or VCP in mammals and Cdc48 in yeast is a versatile ATPase complex involved in several biological functions including membrane fusion, protein folding, and activation of membrane-bound transcription factors. In addition, p97 plays a central role in degradation of misfolded secretory proteins via the ER-associated degradation pathway. This functional diversity of p97 depends on its association with various cofactors, and to further our understanding of p97 function it is important that these cofactors are identified and analyzed. Here, we isolate and characterize the human protein named Rep8 or Ubxd6 as a new cofactor of p97. Mouse Rep8 is highly tissue-specific and abundant in gonads. In testes, Rep8 is expressed in post-meiotic round spermatids, whereas in ovaries Rep8 is expressed in granulosa cells. Rep8 associates directly with p97 via its UBX domain. We show that Rep8 is a transmembrane protein that localizes to the ER membrane with its UBX domain facing the cytoplasm. Knock-down of Rep8 expression in human cells leads to a decreased association of p97 with the ER membrane and concomitantly a retarded degradation of misfolded ER-derived proteasome substrates. Thus, Rep8 tethers p97 to the ER membrane for efficient ER-associated degradation