1,671 research outputs found

    Data user's notes of the radio astronomy experiment aboard the OGO-V spacecraft

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    General information concerning the low-frequency radiometer, instrument package launching and operation, and scientific objectives of the flight are provided. Calibration curves and correction factors, with general and detailed information on the preflight calibration procedure are included. The data acquisition methods and the format of the data reduction, both on 35 mm film and on incremental computer plots, are described

    The Objectivity of Ordinary Life

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    Metaethics tends to take for granted a bare Democritean world of atoms and the void, and then worry about how the human world that we all know can possibly be related to it or justified in its terms. I draw on Wittgenstein to show how completely upside-down this picture is, and make some moves towards turning it the right way up again. There may be a use for something like the bare-Democritean model in some of the sciences, but the picture has no standing as the basic objective truth about the world; if anything has that standing, it is ordinary life. I conclude with some thoughts about how the notion of bare, “thin” perception of non-evaluative reality feeds a number of philosophical pathologies, such as behaviourism, and show how a “thicker”, more value-laden, understanding of our perceptions of the world can be therapeutic against them

    The Disjunctive Conception of Perceiving

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    John McDowell's conception of perceptual knowledge commits him to the claim that if I perceive that P then I am in a position to know that I perceive that P. In the first part of this essay, I present some reasons to be suspicious of this claim - reasons which derive from a general argument against 'luminosity' - and suggest that McDowell can reject this claim, while holding on to almost all of the rest of his conception of perceptual knowledge, by supplementing his existing disjunctive conception of experience with a new disjunctive conception of perceiving. In the second part of the essay, I present some reasons for thinking that one's justification, in cases of perceptual knowledge, consists not in the fact that one perceives that P but in the fact that one perceives such-and-such. I end by suggesting that the disjunctive conception of perceiving should be understood as a disjunctive conception of perceiving such-and-such

    Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Business and Corporate Law

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    This article reviews recent developments in the law affecting Virginia businesses and corporations. Part II discusses recent judicial decisions in Virginia courts involving businesses and corporations. Part III discusses several acts of the 1995 session of the Virginia General Assembly that amend Virginia\u27s corporate, partnership, limited liability company and securities act statutes

    The giant deep-sea octopus Haliphron atlanticus forages on gelatinous fauna

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    Feeding strategies and predator-prey interactions of many deep-sea pelagic organisms are still unknown. This is also true for pelagic cephalopods, some of which are very abundant in oceanic ecosystems and which are known for their elaborate behaviors and central role in many foodwebs. We report on the first observations of the giant deep-sea octopus Haliphron atlanticus with prey. Using remotely operated vehicles, we saw these giant octopods holding medusae in their arms. One of the medusae could be identified as Phacellophora camtschatica (the egg-yolk jelly). Stomach content analysis confirmed predation on cnidarians and gelatinous organisms. The relationship between medusae and H. atlanticus is discussed, also in comparison with other species of the Argonautoidea, all of which have close relationships with gelatinous zooplankto

    Performance of Warranted Asphalt Pavements: Smoothness and Performance of Indiana Warranted Asphalt Pavements

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    In the early 1990s the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) developed a five-year warranty specification for asphalt pavements with the first project being built in 1996. In 2004, results indicated that the asphalt pavements built with the warranty specification had improved performance over the conventional asphalt pavements. Nineteen years have passed since the original asphalt pavement warranty project was placed in Indiana. It has been eleven years since the performance of the warranted asphalt pavements has been analyzed to determine the effectiveness of warranties. Therefore, it is prudent to reexamine the potential benefits of asphalt pavement warranties. Hence, the ultimate goal of the project is to advise the INDOT on whether the use of asphalt pavement warranties has potential benefit for lowering the cost of ownership for asphalt paved roadways. Overall, performance comparisons of Indiana’s warranted and non-warranted asphalt pavements indicate that warranted asphalt pavements tend to perform more effectively than do non-warranted asphalt pavements. On average, warranted asphalt pavement sections had lower IRI values and rut depths than did non-warranted sections. The variability in IRI values and rut depths was also found to be less for warranted pavement sections than for the non-warranted sections. In terms of service life based on changes in IRI and rut depth, analyses indicate that warranted asphalt pavements could last 10 to 14 years longer than non-warranted asphalt pavements. When both initial capital costs and maintenance expenditures are considered, warranted asphalt pavements appear to be 15 to 40% more cost effective over a 5-year (short-term) period and 47 to 61% more cost effective over a 15-year (long-term) period. These savings do not include potential benefits of reduced user costs nor reduced INDOT inspection costs
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