621 research outputs found

    Generic baggage: encountering other people in “À une passante” and “Les Veuves"

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    Baudelaire’s exploitation and challenging of generic conventions have implications for readers’ impressions of a text, including their perceptions of the other people with whom the speaker comes into contact. This article explores these issues in relation to two short texts: ‘À une passante’ – a sonnet evoking one of the most celebrated Baudelairean encounters – and ‘Les Veuves’, a poème en prose in which an apparently similar subject is treated very differently. I conclude that generic baggage can be as problematic as the heuristic assumptions we bring to our everyday dealings with other people

    Convection in the Earth's core driven by lateral variations in the core-mantle boundary heat flux

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    Moving core fluid maintains an isothermal core-mantle boundary (CMB), so lateral variations in the CMB heat flow result from mantle convection. Such variations will drive thermal winds, even if the top of the core is stably stratified. These flows may contribute to the magnetic secular variation and are investigated here using a simple, non-magnetic numerical model of the core. The results depend on the equatorial symmetry of the boundary heat flux variation. Large-scale equatorially symmetric (ES) heat flux variations at the outer surface of a rapidly rotating spherical shell drive deeply penetrating flows that are strongly suppressed in stratified fluid. Smaller-scale ES heat flux variations drive flows less dominated by rotation and so less inhibited by stratification. Equatorially anti-symmetric flux variations drive flows an order of magnitude less energetic than those driven by ES patterns but, due to the nature of the Coriolis force, are less suppressed by stratification. The response of the rotating core fluid to a general CMB heat flow pattern will then depend strongly on the subadiabatic temperature profile. Imposing a lateral heat flux variation linearly related to a model of seismic tomography in the lowermost mantle drives flow in a density stratified fluid that reproduces some features found in flows inverted from geomagnetic data

    Kinematic dynamo action in a sphere: Effects of periodic time-dependent flows on solutions with axial dipole symmetry

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    Choosing a simple class of flows, with characteristics that may be present in the Earth's core, we study the ability to generate a magnetic field when the flow is permitted to oscillate periodically in time. The flow characteristics are parameterised by D, representing a differential rotation, M, a meridional circulation, and C, a component characterising convective rolls. Dynamo action is sensitive to these flow parameters and fails spectacularly for much of the parameter space where magnetic flux is concentrated into small regions. Oscillations of the flow are introduced by varying the flow parameters in time, defining a closed orbit in the space (D,M). Time-dependence appears to smooth out flux concentrations, often enhancing dynamo action. Dynamo action can be impaired, however, when flux concentrations of opposite signs occur close together as smoothing destroys the flux by cancellation. It is possible to produce geomagnetic-type reversals by making the orbit stray into a region where the steady flows generate oscillatory fields. In this case, however, dynamo action was not found to be enhanced by the time-dependence. A novel approach is taken to solving the time-dependent eigenvalue problem, where by combining Floquet theory with a matrix-free Krylov-subspace method we avoid large memory requirements for storing the matrix required by the standard approach.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynam., as accepted (2004

    Kinematic dynamo action in a sphere. II. Symmetry selection

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    The magnetic fields of the planets are generated by dynamo action in their electrically conducting interiors. The Earth possesses an axial dipole magnetic field but other planets have other configurations: Uranus has an equatorial dipole for example. In a previous paper we explored a two-parameter class of flows, comprising convection rolls, differential rotation (D) and meridional circulation (M), for dynamo generation of steady fields with axial dipole symmetry by solving the kinematic dynamo equations. In this paper we explore generation of the remaining three allowed symmetries: axial quadrupole, equatorial dipole and equatorial quadrupole. The results have implications for the fully nonlinear dynamical dynamo because the flows qualitatively resemble those driven by thermal convection in a rotating sphere, and the symmetries define separable solutions of the nonlinear equations. Axial dipole solutions are generally preferred (they have lower critical magnetic Reynolds number) for D > 0, corresponding to westward surface drift. Axial quadrupoles are preferred for D 0), axial dipoles are preferred. The equatorial dipole must change sign between east and west hemispheres, and is not favoured by any elongation of the flux in longitude (caused by D) or polar concentrations (caused by M): they are preferred for small D and M. Polar and equatorial concentrations can be related to dynamo waves and the sign of Parker's dynamo number. For the three-dimensional flow considered here, the sign of the dynamo number is related to the sense of spiralling of the convection rolls, which must be the same as the surface drif

    Thermal and electrical conductivity of iron at Earth's core conditions

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    The Earth acts as a gigantic heat engine driven by decay of radiogenic isotopes and slow cooling, which gives rise to plate tectonics, volcanoes, and mountain building. Another key product is the geomagnetic field, generated in the liquid iron core by a dynamo running on heat released by cooling and freezing to grow the solid inner core, and on chemical convection due to light elements expelled from the liquid on freezing. The power supplied to the geodynamo, measured by the heat-flux across the core-mantle boundary (CMB), places constraints on Earth's evolution. Estimates of CMB heat-flux depend on properties of iron mixtures under the extreme pressure and temperature conditions in the core, most critically on the thermal and electrical conductivities. These quantities remain poorly known because of inherent difficulties in experimentation and theory. Here we use density functional theory to compute these conductivities in liquid iron mixtures at core conditions from first principles- the first directly computed values that do not rely on estimates based on extrapolations. The mixtures of Fe, O, S, and Si are taken from earlier work and fit the seismologically-determined core density and inner-core boundary density jump. We find both conductivities to be 2-3 times higher than estimates in current use. The changes are so large that core thermal histories and power requirements must be reassessed. New estimates of adiabatic heat-flux give 15-16 TW at the CMB, higher than present estimates of CMB heat-flux based on mantle convection; the top of the core must be thermally stratified and any convection in the upper core driven by chemical convection against the adverse thermal buoyancy or lateral variations in CMB heat flow. Power for the geodynamo is greatly restricted and future models of mantle evolution must incorporate a high CMB heat-flux and explain recent formation of the inner core.Comment: 11 pages including supplementary information, two figures. Scheduled to appear in Nature, April 201

    Experimental pig-to-pig transmission dynamics for African swine fever virus, Georgia 2007/1 strain

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) continues to cause outbreaks in domestic pigs and wild boar in Eastern European countries. To gain insights into its transmission dynamics, we estimated the pig-to-pig basic reproduction number (R 0) for the Georgia 2007/1 ASFV strain using a stochastic susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) model with parameters estimated from transmission experiments. Models showed that R 0 is 2·8 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1·3–4·8] within a pen and 1·4 (95% CI 0·6–2·4) between pens. The results furthermore suggest that ASFV genome detection in oronasal samples is an effective diagnostic tool for early detection of infection. This study provides quantitative information on transmission parameters for ASFV in domestic pigs, which are required to more effectively assess the potential impact of strategies for the control of between-farm epidemic spread in European countries.ISSN:0950-2688ISSN:1469-440

    Comparison of pre-emptive and reactive strategies to control an incursion of bluetongue virus serotype 1 to Great Britain by vaccination.

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    Bluetongue (BT) is a disease of ruminants caused by bluetongue virus (BTV), which is spread between its hosts by Culicoides midges. Vaccination is the most effective way to protect susceptible animals against BTV and was used reactively to control the recent northern European outbreak. To assess the consequences of using vaccination pre-emptively we used a stochastic, spatially explicit model to compare reactive and pre-emptive vaccination strategies against an incursion of BTV serotype 1 (BTV-1) into Great Britain. Both pre-emptive and reactive vaccination significantly reduced the number of affected farms and limited host morbidity and mortality. In addition, vaccinating prior to the introduction of disease reduced the probability of an outbreak occurring. Of the strategies simulated, widespread reactive vaccination resulted in the lowest levels of morbidity. The predicted effects of vaccination were found to be sensitive to vaccine efficacy but not to the choice of transmission kernel

    Flock-level risk factors for scrapie in Great Britain: analysis of a 2002 anonymous postal survey

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    BACKGROUND: In November 2002, an anonymous postal survey of sheep farmers in Great Britain (GB) was conducted to identify factors associated with the flock-level occurrence of scrapie. This survey was undertaken to update an earlier postal survey in 1998, and was the first occasion in which a large-scale postal survey had been repeated. RESULTS: The results of the 2002 survey indicated that scrapie was more likely to occur in certain geographic regions; in purebred compared to commercial flocks; in larger flocks; in flocks which lambed in group pens compared to those which lambed in individual pens; in flocks which always lambed in the same location compared to those which did not; and in farms which kept certain breeds of sheep. In addition to these factors, the likelihood of the disease occurring in homebred animals was higher in flocks which bred a greater proportion of replacement animals or which bought-in lambs. Finally, within-flock transmission following exposure was more likely to occur in hill flocks compared to other farm types; in flocks which bred a greater proportion of replacement animals; and in farms which kept a certain crossbreed of ewe. CONCLUSION: The risk factors identified from the 1998 and 2002 anonymous postal surveys in Great Britain were similar. However, differences between the surveys were identified in the influence of region and of purchasing behaviour on the risk of scrapie. These differences are most likely a consequence of changes in farmer awareness and the impact of the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic, respectively