1,141 research outputs found

    A homoclinic tangle on the edge of shear turbulence

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    Experiments and simulations lend mounting evidence for the edge state hypothesis on subcritical transition to turbulence, which asserts that simple states of fluid motion mediate between laminar and turbulent shear flow as their stable manifolds separate the two in state space. In this Letter we describe a flow homoclinic to a time-periodic edge state. Its existence explains turbulent bursting through the classical Smale-Birkhoff theorem. During a burst, vortical structures and the associated energy dissipation are highly localized near the wall, in contrast to the familiar regeneration cycle

    Peranan USAhatani Kakao Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani Di Desa Wiyono, Gedong Tataan, Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sosial ekonomipetani, mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap besarnya tingkat pendapatanpetani dan mengetahui besarnya sumbangan pendapatan USAhatani kakao terhadappendapatan total rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah metode survei. observasi dan wawancara terstruktur. Teknik analisis datamenggunakan uji statistik berupa metode uji regresi berganda dan tabel frekuensi.Pendapatan yang berasal dari USAhatani kakao memberikan kontribusi yangbesar terhadap pendapatan total rumah tangga petani yaitu sebesar 91,7%. Darihasil uji regresi berganda yang dilakukan pada faktor produksi USAhatani kakaoterhadap pendapatan bersih USAhatani kakao menunjukan bahwa faktor upahtenaga kerja merupakan faktor yang paling banyak mengurangi pendapatan yangdiperoleh petani, sedangkan luas lahan kakao merupakan faktor yang palingbanyak meningkatkan pendapatan yang diperoleh petani

    Trypanosoma rangeli: a new perspective for studying the modulation of immune reactions of Rhodnius prolixus

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    Insects are exposed to a wide range of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) and have interconnected powerful immune reactions. Although insects lack an acquired immune system they have well-developed innate immune defences that allow a general and rapid response to infectious agents

    Analysis of residual plastic deformation of blanked sheets out of automotive aluminium alloys through hardness map

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    Reducing overall vehicle weight is essential to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emission and to improve noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) performances. The substitution with lighter alloys can involve the grand majority of vehicle components, depending on the market sector. In several applications, e.g., chassis, pulleys, and viscodampers, metal sheets are formed in several steps, each of whom work-hardens the material reducing the available residual plasticity. Typically, the process is designed via FEM, whose results are affected by the initial conditions, often neglected, and is performed on pre-processed materials from suppliers. In this regard, correctly simulating the first step of the process is critical. However, the related initial conditions, in terms of residual stress and strain induced by former preliminary operations, are often neglected. This work proposes a quick and economical experimental procedure based on a hardness map to estimate initial conditions and to validate FEM results. The procedure allows evaluating the material's residual plasticity, which is necessary to process engineers to design following manufacturing steps. The approach is demonstrated on an industrially relevant case study, i.e., the blanking of an AA 5754, in use for water pump pulleys

    Overcritical Rotation of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    The rotational motion of an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate confined by a harmonic trap is investigated by solving the hydrodynamic equations of superfluids, with the irrotationality constraint for the velocity field. We point out the occurrence of an overcritical branch where the system can rotate with angular velocity larger than the oscillator frequencies. We show that in the case of isotropic trapping the system exhibits a bifurcation from an axisymmetric to a triaxial configuration, as a consequence of the interatomic forces. The dynamical stability of the rotational motion with respect to the dipole and quadrupole oscillations is explicitly discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Minimization of defects generation in laser welding process of steel alloy for automotive application

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    Laser welding (LW) thanks to its flexibility, limited energy consumption and simple realization has a prominent role in several industrial sectors. LW process requires careful parameters' tuning to avoid generating internal defects in the microstructure or a poor weld depth, which reduce the joining mechanical strength and result in waste. This work exploits a supervised machine learning algorithm to optimize the process parameters to minimize the generated defects, while catering for design specifications and tolerances to predict defect generation probability. The work outputs a predictive quality control model to reduce non-destructive controls in the LW of aluminum for automotive applications

    Immuno-Metabolism and Microenvironment in Cancer: Key Players for Immunotherapy

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have changed therapeutic algorithms in several malignancies, although intrinsic and secondary resistance is still an issue. In this context, the dysregulation of immuno-metabolism plays a leading role both in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and at the host level. In this review, we summarize the most important immune-metabolic factors and how they could be exploited therapeutically. At the cellular level, an increased concentration of extracellular adenosine as well as the depletion of tryptophan and uncontrolled activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway induces an immune-tolerant TME, reducing the response to ICIs. Moreover, aberrant angiogenesis induces a hypoxic environment by recruiting VEGF, Treg cells and immune-suppressive tumor associated macrophages (TAMs). On the other hand, factors such as gender and body mass index seem to affect the response to ICIs, while the microbiome composition (and its alterations) modulates both the response and the development of immune-related adverse events. Exploiting these complex mechanisms is the next goal in immunotherapy. The most successful strategy to date has been the combination of antiangiogenic drugs and ICIs, which prolonged the survival of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), while results from tryptophan pathway inhibition studies are inconclusive. New exciting strategies include targeting the adenosine pathway, TAMs and the microbiota with fecal microbiome transplantation
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