167 research outputs found

    Geoinformation, Geotechnology, and Geoplanning in the 1990s

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    Over the last decade, there have been some significant changes in the geographic information available to support those involved in spatial planning and policy-making in different contexts. Moreover, developments have occurred apace in the technology with which to handle geoinformation. This paper provides an overview of trends during the 1990s in data provision, in the technology required to manipulate and analyse spatial information, and in the domain of planning where applications of computer technology in the processing of geodata are prominent. It draws largely on experience in western Europe, and in the UK and the Netherlands in particular, and suggests that there are a number of pressures for a strengthened role for geotechnology in geoplanning in the years ahead

    Planning support science: Developments and challenges

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    In this paper, we provide an update of recent developments and forthcoming challenges in the field of planning support systems, following earlier reviews in 2003 and 2009. The rationale for this update is the rapid development of information and communication technologies and their impact on planning support systems. After a brief retrospective assessment of past planning support system developments, the paper presents a synthesis of the experiences and views of a worldwide sample of invited planning support system experts, whose innovative contributions comprise a new Handbook of Planning Support Science. The developments documented by the experts together substantiate our impression that a fundamental transformation is taking place – a paradigm shift – wherein the field of planning support systems is maturing into a planning support science. From this perspective, it is expected that planning support systems will become indispensable instruments in the planning process in the not too distant future. The signs of this maturation are already visible in research, education and practice

    'Do the resilient things.' Residents' perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England

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    Residents should take adaptive action to reduce flood risk – this claim increasingly resonates in the academic debate on flood risk management (FRM). Hence it must be assumed that a change in the division of responsibilities between actors involved is an imperative, i.e., beyond the public authorities, residents should become more responsible for their own flood resilience. However, residents’ perspectives on their own and other’s responsibility for adaptive action has not yet been explored extensively. In this contribution, we distinguish between four notions of responsibility in analysing the perspectives of residents regarding flood risk adaptation measures undertaken by public authorities, insurance companies and residents themselves. A qualitative study in England shows how residents perceive responsibilities for flood risk adaptation across the various notions and actors, including themselves. We found that residents have clear expectations and perceptions on how they think responsibility is divided among stakeholders and how they would like it to be. Additionally, the discourse on responsibility division in FRM raises questions and causes mismatches between the formal legal parameters and residents’ perceptions. With the insights into residents’ perceptions, opportunities arise to better inform and encourage them to take flood risk adaptation measures and thereby improve flood resilience

    Зарубіжний досвід стимулювання розвитку малого та середнього бізнесу

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    У статті визначено основні сучасні центри ефективних технологій підтримки підприємництва, проведено аналіз особливостей державної політики розвитку малого та середнього бізнесу в США, визначено ефективні методи стимулювання розвитку малого та середнього бізнесу в умовах кризи.В статье определены основные современные центры эффективных технологий поддержки предпринимательства, проведен анализ особенностей государственной политики развития малого и среднего бизнеса в США, определены эффективные методы стимулирования развития малого и среднего бизнеса в условиях кризиса.In the article the main modern centers of effective technologies of supporting of business development are identified, the features of the state policy of small and medium businesses development in the U.S. are analyzed; most effective methods of stimulating of small and medium businesses development in conditions of crisis are identified

    Модус перехідності в англійській та російській “малій прозі” рубежу XIX–XX ст. (Неоромантизм і неореалізм).

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    Відгук офіційного опонента Хлибової Наталії Олександрівни на дисертацію Долгої Наталі Миколаївн

    'Do the resilient things.' Residents' perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England

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    Residents should take adaptive action to reduce flood risk – this claim increasingly resonates in the academic debate on flood risk management (FRM). Hence it must be assumed that a change in the division of responsibilities between actors involved is an imperative, i.e., beyond the public authorities, residents should become more responsible for their own flood resilience. However, residents’ perspectives on their own and other’s responsibility for adaptive action has not yet been explored extensively. In this contribution, we distinguish between four notions of responsibility in analysing the perspectives of residents regarding flood risk adaptation measures undertaken by public authorities, insurance companies and residents themselves. A qualitative study in England shows how residents perceive responsibilities for flood risk adaptation across the various notions and actors, including themselves. We found that residents have clear expectations and perceptions on how they think responsibility is divided among stakeholders and how they would like it to be. Additionally, the discourse on responsibility division in FRM raises questions and causes mismatches between the formal legal parameters and residents’ perceptions. With the insights into residents’ perceptions, opportunities arise to better inform and encourage them to take flood risk adaptation measures and thereby improve flood resilience

    Modelling urban growth evolution and land-use changes using GIS based cellular automata and SLEUTH models: the case of Sana'a metropolitan city, Yemen.

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    An effective and efficient planning of an urban growth and land use changes and its impact on the environment requires information about growth trends and patterns amongst other important information. Over the years, many urban growth models have been developed and used in the developed countries for forecasting growth patterns. In the developing countries however, there exist a very few studies showing the application of these models and their performances. In this study two models such as cellular automata (CA) and the SLEUTH models are applied in a geographical information system (GIS) to simulate and predict the urban growth and land use change for the City of Sana’a (Yemen) for the period 2004–2020. GIS based maps were generated for the urban growth pattern of the city which was further analyzed using geo-statistical techniques. During the models calibration process, a total of 35 years of time series dataset such as historical topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite imageries was used to identify the parameters that influenced the urban growth. The validation result showed an overall accuracy of 99.6 %; with the producer’s accuracy of 83.3 % and the user’s accuracy 83.6 %. The SLEUTH model used the best fit growth rule parameters during the calibration to forecasting future urban growth pattern and generated various probability maps in which the individual grid cells are urbanized assuming unique “urban growth signatures”. The models generated future urban growth pattern and land use changes from the period 2004–2020. Both models proved effective in forecasting growth pattern that will be useful in planning and decision making. In comparison, the CA model growth pattern showed high density development, in which growth edges were filled and clusters were merged together to form a compact built-up area wherein less agricultural lands were included. On the contrary, the SLEUTH model growth pattern showed more urban sprawl and low-density development that included substantial areas of agricultural lands