604 research outputs found

    Mathematical analysis for perceived annoyance of impulsive sounds in terms of physical factors

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    From the customer satisfaction point of view, sound quality of any product has become one of the important factors these days. The primary objective of this research is to determine factors which affect the acceptability of impulse noise. Though the analysis is based on a sample impulse sound file of a Commercial printer, the results can be applied to other similar impulsive noise. It is assumed that impulsive noise can be tuned to meet the accepTable criteria. Thus it is necessary to find the most significant factors which can be controlled physically. This analysis is based on a single impulse. A sample impulsive sound file is tweaked for different amplitudes, background noise, attack time, release time and the spectral content. A two level factorial design of experiments (DOE) is applied to study the significant effects and interactions. For each impulse file modified as per the DOE, the magnitude of perceived annoyance is calculated from the objective metric developed recently at Michigan Technological University. This metric is based on psychoacoustic criteria such as loudness, sharpness, roughness and loudness based impulsiveness. Software called ā€˜Artemis V11.2ā€™ developed by HEAD Acoustics is used to calculate these psychoacoustic terms. As a result of two level factorial analyses, a new objective model of perceived annoyance is developed in terms of above mentioned physical parameters such as amplitudes, background noise, impulse attack time, impulse release time and the spectral content. Also the effects of the significant individual factors as well as two level interactions are also studied. The results show that all the mentioned five factors affect annoyance level of an impulsive sound significantly. Thus annoyance level can be reduced under the criteria by optimizing the levels. Also, an additional analysis is done to study the effect of these five significant parameters on the individual psychoacoustic metrics

    Clinical submission of supernumerary head of adducter brevis muscle

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    Adductor brevis is an important member of the adductor family occupying the medial compartment of the thigh executing the function of adduction and medial rotation. Deviations from normal anatomy are unusual and rarely reported. A survey of anatomical archives revealed occasional mention of additional bellies of adductor brevis muscle. The present study reports a double belly of adductor brevis muscle (AB) found during a cadaveric dissection class for medical students. The left sided AB displayed two bellies disposed in the same plane. This case report attempts to present the clinical applications of supernumerary bellies of this important adductor muscle of the thigh. It is feasible to categorize these muscular variations upon specialized radiological procedures such as CT and MRI scans only if the radiologist possesses satisfactory understanding of variant anatomy of this region. It is thereafter inferred that upon recognition these muscles present a fair chance of being of utilitised in reconstructions. A biomechanical overview of the present anomaly is also attempte


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    Background: Molecular docking has tremendous applications in the field of Siddha medicine especially herbal formulations were the interactions of the lead molecules of the formulation with that of receptors can be elucidated at the molecular level and furthermore to reach an assumption of its fundamental biochemical processes to which the formulation is targeting. Kuppaimeni Choornam (KC) is a simple herbal formulation used in Siddha medicine for urticaria and other skin allergies. As far as skin allergy is concerned Amino acids such as Asparagine (ASN), Tryptophan (Trp), Aspartate (Asp), Tyrosine (Tyr), Serine (Ser), Isoleucine (Ile), Lysine (Lys), Threonine (Thr), Phenylalanine (Phe) are the main core residues involved in mediating Human histamine receptor (3RZE). Binding of lead compounds with this core residue may inhibit the enzyme activity. Aim & Objectives: Molecular docking studies of Siddha herbal formulation KC and to screen the lead component interaction on the Human Histamine Receptor (3RZE). Methodology: Docking calculations were carried out using Auto Dock 4. Gasteiger partial charges were added to the ligand atoms. Docking simulations were performed using the Lamarckian genetic algorithm (LGA) and the Solis & Wets local search method. Initial position, orientation, and torsions of the ligand molecules were set randomly. All rotatable torsions were released during docking. Results and Conclusion: The compounds present in KC like beta-sitosterol, apigenin, luteolin, cuminaldehyde, kaempferol, and triacetonamine showed maximum interactions with 3RZE when compared to that of the standard cetirizine. Hence, these compounds of test drug possess promising Human histamine 1 receptor (3RZE) inhibition activity. For prospective pharmacological validation of Kuppaimeni Choornam, the docking studies were an important step for its scientific justification

    Makna Obesitas

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    Obesitas adalah gangguan medis yang ditandai oleh adanya penimbunan lemak dalam tubuh sebagai akibat dari ketidakseimbangan antara energi yang masuk dan energi yang keluar. Penyebab obesitas bersifat multifaktorial, yakni dari adanya hubungan antara faktor biologis, psikologis, dan faktor sosial atau lingkungan. Obesitas memberi beberapa dampak bagi individu yang mengalaminya. Dampak fisik membuat individu obesitas berisiko terkena penyakit kronis, dampak sosial membuat individu rentan terkena stigma negatif dari masyarakat, dan dampak psikologis dapat menimbulkan perasaan negatif seperti kecemasan, rasa malu, serta memiliki gambaran diri yang buruk. Semua yang dialami individu terkait dengan keadaan obesitasnya memberikan pengalaman, baik menyenangkan maupun tidak menyenangkan. Penilaian individu terhadap pengalamannya memberikan pemaknaan tersendiri bagi individu tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan makna obesitas pada wanita dewasa awal yang mengalami obesitas.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi, karena fokus fenomenologi adalah memahami makna dari suatu peristiwa dan pengaruhnya terhadap individu. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga wanita dewasa awal. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur dengan didukung oleh materi audio. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) dari Smith.Hasil penelitiann menunjukkan bahwa makna obesitas bagi ketiga subjek adalah: obesitas memberi dampak bagi keadaan fisik, obesitas membuat subjek mendapat perlakuan kurang menyenangkan dari orang lain, obesitas memunculkan perasaan-perasaan negatif, obesitas memunculkan pandangan negatif terhadap tubuh, serta obesitas mendorong USAha untuk menyesuaikan diri

    Format Majalah Udara Pada Siaran Pedesaan Di Rri (Radio Republik Indonesia) Semarang (the Format of ā€œMajalah Udaraā€ at Rural Broadcast in Rri Semarang)

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    This reseach have done on September, 2005 in RRI Semarang and pusposed to the know format of ā€œmajalah udaraā€ on rural program at RRI Semarang using case study. Primary data were collected from interview and observation. Data were analysed descriptively. The result indicated that RRIā€Ÿs rural program carried out in the form of extension broadcasting program to increase the farmersā€Ÿ knowledge and in turn can change the farming pattern. The program broadcasted at 05 a.m. and repeated at 7.30 p.m. every Friday, called ā€žLanglang Pradesaā€Ÿ Program

    Pengaruh Fungsi Kelompok terhadap Kemandirian Anggota pada Kelompok Tani Padi Organik di Paguyuban Al-Barokah Desa Ketapang, Kecamatan Susukan Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh fungsi kelompok terhadap kemandirian anggota kelompok tani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Paguyuban Al-Barokah Desa Ketapang, Kecamatan Susukan Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive dengan jumlah responden 109 dari 4 kelompok tani yaitu Al-Barokah 3, Al-Mazroh, Sunan Ampel dan Dewi Sri, variabel fungsi kelompok dalam penelitian ini dijelaskan oleh indikator kelas belajar, kerjasama, unit produksi dan USAha bisnis. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara variabel fungsi kelompok dengan variabel kemandiran anggota. Fungsi kelompok tani sebagai kelas belajar, wahana kerjasama, unit produksi dan USAha bisnis perlu ditingkatkan kedinamisannya. Perlu adanya pengembangan dan pembinaan kelompok tani untuk meningkatkan kemampuan secara merata bagi anggotanya. Pendekatan pembangunan secara partisipatif perlu dikedepankan untuk mendorong kemandirian anggota melalui peningkatan peran serta anggota dalam kegiatan, sehingga tumbuh dan berkembang dalam kreatifitas dan keberanian menghadapi resiko yang ada


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Music is one of the inexpensive, safe, and non-pharmacological stress-reducing factors. Various surgeries increase the stress levels ofthe patient by increasing their blood pressure and anxiety level. This change in blood pressure can be lowered by certain safe and non-invasivetechniques. One of the significant techniques is to listen to music. Hence, the objective of this study is to validate the fact that music help acts a stressrelieving factor by decreasing the blood pressure of the patient who is undergoing dental surgeries.Methods: About 20 participants were selected for the study; out of which, 15 participants participated in this study, and others were excludedas they did not meet the inclusion criteria. The blood pressure was calculated at rest position before the surgery, and then pleasant soft musicwas played to the patient during the surgery. Then, the blood pressure was measured at an interval of 5 minutes for a span of 15 minutes. Theobserved blood pressure was recorded. Statistical analysis was done with the recorded data in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Software(version 20).Results: Initially, the blood pressure of the patient was found to be at a mean level of 107/65 mmHg which rose to a greater heights of 116/68 mmHgwhich then lowered down to a mean level of 108/61 mmHg at the end of 15 minutes after the music was played to the patient during the surgery.Conclusion: This study can conclude by saying that pleasant and soft music has an ability to stabilize the systolic blood pressure of patients undergoingdental surgeries.Keywords: Systolic blood pressure, Music, Stress, Dental surgeries, Stress busters, Soft music


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    ABSTRACTStorage must guarantee the qualitiy and safety of pharmaceutical preperations, medical devices, and medical materials after use in accordance with pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and medical materials after used in accordance with pharmaceutical requirements.. The aim of this study was to evaluated theĀ storage of medicines and to determineĀ indicators of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats that affect the storage stageĀ in the warehouse of Pharmacy Installation of Lapangan Sawang of Sitaro District Hospital. This research was used descriptive analytical study conducted using qualitative methods.Ā The results showed thatĀ there was 4 strength indicators, 3 weakness indicators, 1 opportunity indicator and 3 threat indicators. In conclusion, the Pharmacy Installation warehouse of Lapangan Sawang Hospital is 68% accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health No.72 2016, but it needs to be equipped indoor lighting, thermometers and naming (labels) on the storage rack. The warehouse strength indicators are good pharmaceutical supply management system, utilization of inventory evaluation management information systems, access to receiving goods from distributors, the person in charge of pharmaceutical personnel, the weaknesses are the number of human resources that are lacking to meet shifts, the existence of expired or damaged drugs, and have not met warehouse requirements based on the regulation. The warehouse opportunities are the development of an inventory evaluation management information system, the threat of which is the change in the inventory module, distributor regulations regarding non-returnable goods, and demand for goods or drugs during the night shiftĀ Key Word: Ā Storage, Medicine, Hospital Pharmacy InstallationABSTRAKPenyimpanan harus menjamin kualitas dan keamanan Sediaan Farmasi, Alat Kesehatan, dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai sesuai dengan persyaratan kefarmasian. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian yaitu untuk mengevaluasi penyimpanan obat dan menetapkan indikator kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, ancaman yang mempengaruhi tahap penyimpananĀ  di gudang Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit (IFRS) Umum Daerah Lapangan Sawang Sitaro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitis yang dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 4 indikator kekuatan, 3 indikator kelemahan, 1 indikator peluang dan 3 indikator ancaman. Kesimpulannya gudang IFRS Umum Daerah Lapangan Sawang 68% sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan (PMK) No.72 Tahun 2016, namun perlu untuk dilengkapi penerangan dalam ruangan, termometer dan penamaan (label) pada rak penyimpanan. Indikator kekuatannya ialah sistem penataan perbekalan farmasi yang baik, pemanfaatan sistem informasi manajemen evaluasi inventory, akses penerimaan barang dari distributor, penanggung jawab dari tenaga kefarmasian, kelemahannya yaitu kurangnya jumlah SDM untuk memenuhi shift, adanya obat kadaluarsa/rusak, dan belum memenuhi persyaratan gudang berdasarkan PMK. Peluangnya ialah perkembangan sistem informasi manajemen evaluasi inventory, ancamannya yaitu perubahan modul inventory, peraturan distributor barang yang tidak dapat diretur, dan permintaan barang/obat saat shift malam.Ā Kata Kunci: Penyimpanan, Obat, Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Saki
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