186 research outputs found

    The USNO-B Catalog

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    USNO-B is an all-sky catalog that presents positions, proper motions, magnitudes in various optical passbands, and star/galaxy estimators for 1,042,618,261 objects derived from 3,643,201,733 separate observations. The data were obtained from scans of 7,435 Schmidt plates taken for the various sky surveys during the last 50 years. USNO-B1.0 is believed to provide all-sky coverage, completeness down to V = 21, 0.2 arcsecond astrometric accuracy at J2000, 0.3 magnitude photometric accuracy in up to five colors, and 85% accuracy for distinguishing stars from non-stellar objects. A brief discussion of various issues is given here, but the actual data are available from http://www.nofs.navy.mil and other sites.Comment: Accepted by Astronomical Journa

    A simulation study for comparing testing statistics in response-adaptive randomization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Response-adaptive randomizations are able to assign more patients in a comparative clinical trial to the tentatively better treatment. However, due to the adaptation in patient allocation, the samples to be compared are no longer independent. At large sample sizes, many asymptotic properties of test statistics derived for independent sample comparison are still applicable in adaptive randomization provided that the patient allocation ratio converges to an appropriate target asymptotically. However, the small sample properties of commonly used test statistics in response-adaptive randomization are not fully studied.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Simulations are systematically conducted to characterize the statistical properties of eight test statistics in six response-adaptive randomization methods at six allocation targets with sample sizes ranging from 20 to 200. Since adaptive randomization is usually not recommended for sample size less than 30, the present paper focuses on the case with a sample of 30 to give general recommendations with regard to test statistics for contingency tables in response-adaptive randomization at small sample sizes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among all asymptotic test statistics, the Cook's correction to chi-square test (<it>T</it><sub><it>MC</it></sub>) is the best in attaining the nominal size of hypothesis test. The William's correction to log-likelihood ratio test (<it>T</it><sub><it>ML</it></sub>) gives slightly inflated type I error and higher power as compared with <it>T</it><sub><it>MC</it></sub>, but it is more robust against the unbalance in patient allocation. <it>T</it><sub><it>MC </it></sub>and <it>T</it><sub><it>ML </it></sub>are usually the two test statistics with the highest power in different simulation scenarios. When focusing on <it>T</it><sub><it>MC </it></sub>and <it>T</it><sub><it>ML</it></sub>, the generalized drop-the-loser urn (GDL) and sequential estimation-adjusted urn (SEU) have the best ability to attain the correct size of hypothesis test respectively. Among all sequential methods that can target different allocation ratios, GDL has the lowest variation and the highest overall power at all allocation ratios. The performance of different adaptive randomization methods and test statistics also depends on allocation targets. At the limiting allocation ratio of drop-the-loser (DL) and randomized play-the-winner (RPW) urn, DL outperforms all other methods including GDL. When comparing the power of test statistics in the same randomization method but at different allocation targets, the powers of log-likelihood-ratio, log-relative-risk, log-odds-ratio, Wald-type Z, and chi-square test statistics are maximized at their corresponding optimal allocation ratios for power. Except for the optimal allocation target for log-relative-risk, the other four optimal targets could assign more patients to the worse arm in some simulation scenarios. Another optimal allocation target, <it>R</it><sub><it>RSIHR</it></sub>, proposed by Rosenberger and Sriram (<it>Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference</it>, 1997) is aimed at minimizing the number of failures at fixed power using Wald-type Z test statistics. Among allocation ratios that always assign more patients to the better treatment, <it>R</it><sub><it>RSIHR </it></sub>usually has less variation in patient allocation, and the values of variation are consistent across all simulation scenarios. Additionally, the patient allocation at <it>R</it><sub><it>RSIHR </it></sub>is not too extreme. Therefore, <it>R</it><sub><it>RSIHR </it></sub>provides a good balance between assigning more patients to the better treatment and maintaining the overall power.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Cook's correction to chi-square test and Williams' correction to log-likelihood-ratio test are generally recommended for hypothesis test in response-adaptive randomization, especially when sample sizes are small. The generalized drop-the-loser urn design is the recommended method for its good overall properties. Also recommended is the use of the <it>R</it><sub><it>RSIHR </it></sub>allocation target.</p


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    The paper provides the data of comparative examinations in morphological properties of carcass and physicochemical indices of the pork of the pigs fattened in control up to 100 kg, Precocious Meat pigs (SM-1) raised in Novosibirsk region and those of Kemerovo universal breed type (UKM) grown in Kemerovo region. Seen for the portion of lean pork separated from fat and bones, SM-1carcasses were revealed superior over UKM ones in control slaughtering. No statistical differences were identified between the animals of the breeds examined in the following parameters: market value and the weight valued by processing industry, such as semi-carcass of the back third. Resting on the examined protein quality index and intensive meat color, higher biological value and more delicate consistency proved to belong to the UKM pork. At the same time, SM-1 meat possessed higher moisture binding capacity versus UKM one, which makes it more preferable for marketing and processing. The paper gives recommendations for pork storage and utilization in merchandizing and processing on the basis of morphological and physicochemical differences. The SM-1 and UKM pork indices examined were compared to other meat types and breeds, both domestic and international. Herewith, it was marked that when breeding farm animals to improve some traits, the decline in other ones takes place, the latter being not of less importance for meat, both as produce and raw stockПредставлены данные сравнительных исследований морфологических свойств туши и физико-химических показателей мяса свиней, выращенных на контрольном откорме до 100 кг, скороспелой мясной породы (СМ-1), разводимой в Новосибирской области, и универсального заводского типа кемеровской породы (УКМ), разводимого в Кемеровской области. Выявлено превосходство туш, полученных при контрольном забое свиней СМ-1 над УКМ по доле постного мяса, отделенного от жира и костей. Установлено отсутствие статистически достоверных различий между животными исследуемых пород по массе такой ценной для торговли и перерабатывающей отрасли части полутуши, как задняя треть. На основе исследований белково-качественного показателя и интенсивности окраски доказано, что более высокая биологическая ценность и более нежная консистенция были присущи мясу свиней УКМ. В то же время мясо СМ-1 обладало большей влагосвязывающей способностью по сравнению с УКМ, что делает его более предпочтительным для торговли и переработки. На основе исследованных морфологических и физико-химических различий даны рекомендации по хранению и использованию в товароведении и переработке. Произведено сравнение показателей мяса исследованных СМ-1 и УКМ с другими мясными типами и породами как отечественной, так и зарубежной селекции. При этом отмечено, что при селекции животных на улучшение одних показателей происходит снижение других, которые являются не менее важными для мяса и как товара, и как сырья

    Translational characterization of the temporal dynamics of metabolic dysfunctions in liver, adipose tissue and the gut during diet-induced NASH development in Ldlr-/-.Leiden mice

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    BackgroundNAFLD progression, from steatosis to inflammation and fibrosis, results from an interplay of intra- and extrahepatic mechanisms. Disease drivers likely include signals from white adipose tissue (WAT) and gut. However, the temporal dynamics of disease development remain poorly understood.MethodsHigh-fat-diet (HFD)-fed Ldlr−/−.Leiden mice were compared to chow-fed controls. At t = 0, 8, 16, 28 and 38w mice were euthanized, and liver, WAT depots and gut were analyzed biochemically, histologically and by lipidomics and transcriptomics together with circulating factors to investigate the sequence of pathogenic events and organ cross-talk during NAFLD development.ResultsHFD-induced obesity was associated with an increase in visceral fat, plasma lipids and hyperinsulinemia at t = 8w, along with increased liver steatosis and circulating liver damage biomarkers. In parallel, upstream regulator analysis predicted that lipid catabolism regulators were deactivated and lipid synthesis regulators were activated. Subsequently, hepatocyte hypertrophy, oxidative stress and hepatic inflammation developed. Hepatic collagen accumulated from t = 16 w and became pronounced at t = 28–38 w. Epididymal WAT was maximally hypertrophic from t = 8 w, which coincided with inflammation development. Mesenteric and subcutaneous WAT hypertrophy developed slower and did not appear to reach a maximum, with minimal inflammation. In gut, HFD significantly increased permeability, induced a shift in microbiota composition from t = 8 w and changed circulating gut-derived metabolites.ConclusionHFD-fed Ldlr−/−.Leiden mice develop obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, essentially as observed in obese NAFLD patients, underlining their translational value. We demonstrate that marked epididymal-WAT inflammation, and gut permeability and dysbiosis precede the development of NAFLD stressing the importance of a multiple-organ approach in the prevention and treatment of NAFLD.Proteomic

    A randomized controlled pilot study of a brief web-based mindfulness training

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    Background: Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in treating various medical and mental problems. Especially its incorporation in cognitive-behavioural interventions has improved long-term outcomes of those treatments. It has also been shown, that brief mindfulness-based trainings are effective in reducing distress. There have been few web-based interventions incorporating mindfulness techniques in their manual and it remains unclear whether a brief web-based mindfulness intervention is feasible. Methods: Out of 50 adults (different distress levels; exclusion criteria: < 18 years, indication of psychotic or suicidal ideation in screening) who were recruited via e-mail and screened online, 49 were randomized into an immediate 2-weeks-treatment group (N = 28) or a waitlist-control group (N = 21), starting with a 2-week delay. Distress (BSI), perceived stress (PSQ), mindfulness (FMI), as well as mood and emotion regulation (PANAS/SEK-27) were measured at pre-, post- and 3-month follow-up (3MFU). Intention-to-treat analyses using MI for missing data and per-protocol analyses (≥ 50% attendance) were performed. Results: 26 participants of the treatment group completed post-measures. Most measures under ITT-analysis revealed no significant improvement for the treatment group, but trends with medium effect sizes for PSQ (d = 0.46) and PANASneg (d = 0.50) and a small, non-significant effect for FMI (d = 0.29). Per-protocol analyses for persons who participated over 50% of the time revealed significant treatment effects for PSQ (d = 0.72) and PANASneg (d = 0.77). Comparing higher distressed participants with lower distressed participants, highly distressed participants seemed to profit more of the training in terms of distress reduction (GSI, d = 0.85). Real change (RCI) occurred for PSQ in the treatment condition (OR = 9). Results also suggest that participants continued to benefit from the training at 3MFU. Conclusion: This study of a brief web-based mindfulness training indicates that mindfulness can be taught online and may improve distress, perceived stress and negative affect for regular users. Although there were no significant improvements, but trends, for most measures under ITT, feasibility of such a program was demonstrated and also that persons continued to use techniques of the training in daily life


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    The paper characterizes 52 producers of red steppe, 49 - red Danish and 169 Angler bulls of “Barnaulskoye” enterprise in terms of erythrocyte antigen occurrence. The authors used 53 antiserums in order to determine erythrocytic antigens of 9 genetic systems. The highest frequency observed was F antigen frequency equal to 0.976-1.000. This gene was not observed in one servicing red steppe bull and four servicing Angler bulls. All red Danish bulls had F allele in a homo- or heterozygous state. The concentration of antigens A2, B2, O1, Y2, G’, Q’ (system B), C1, C2, E, R2, W, X2 (system C), H’ (system S) in the red bulls was high and equal to 0.249-0.592. The frequency of erythrocytic antigens B1, I1, P2, T1, T2, Y1, I’, D’, J2’, P1’, B” (B), R1 (C), J (J), S2, U and H” (S) was the lowest at 0-0.122. All 53 blood factors were observed in Angler cattle, but no antigens B1, P2, R1, U и B1, Y1, B” were observed in the red steppe and red Danish cattle. There are no significant differences observed in genetic similarity among three red breeds; the index of genetic similarity are 0.9211-0.9307, which indicates a high relationship among them. The highest number of ejaculates and native sperm was obtained from Angler servicing bulls, the excess over other breeds was 11.9-13.9 and 15.1-42.8%. Red steppe bulls were characterized by lowest amount of ejaculate and less bioproducts for cryopreservation were received from them. The total breeding efficiency of cows with red steppe bull sperm was 85.1%, the superiority over Danish and Angler red cattle was 7.1-11.5%.Приведена характеристика 52 производителей красной степной, 49 – красной датской и 169 быков англерской породы ОАО Племпредприятие «Барнаульское» по встречаемости эритроцитарных антигенов. В тестах использовано 53 антисыворотки, с помощью которых определяли эритроцитарные антигены 9 генетических систем. Наибольшей была частота антигена F, составив 0,976–1,000, он отсутствовал только у одного производителя красной степной породы и у четырёх – англерской породы. Все быки красной датской породы были носителями аллеля F в гомо- или гетерозиготном состоянии. Концентрация антигенов A2, B2, O1, Y2, Gʹ, Qʹ (система В), С1, С2, Е, R 2, W, X2 (система С), Hʹ (система S) у быков красных пород была высокой и составила 0,249–0,592. Наоборот, частота эритроцитарных антигенов B1, I1, P2, T1, T2, Y1, Iʹ, Dʹ, J2 ʹ, P1ʹ, Bʹʹ (B), R1 (C), J (J), S2, U и Hʹʹ (S) была наименьшей и составила 0–0,122. У англерских производителей встречались все 53 определяемых фактора крови, однако у красных степных и у красных датских не выявлены соответственно эритроцитарные антигены B 1, P2, R1, U и B1, Y1, Bʹʹ. Между животными трёх красных пород не выявлено достоверных различий по индексам генетического сходства, которые равны 0,9211–0,9307, что свидетельствует о высоком родстве между ними. От производителей англерской породы получено наивысшее количество эякулятов и нативной спермы, превышение над другими породами составило 11,9–13,9 и 15,1–42,8 %. Красные степные быки характеризовались наименьшим объёмом эякулята и от них получено меньше доз биопродукции для криоконсервации. Общая оплодотворяемость коров спермой быков красной степной породы составила 85,1 %, превосходство над красными датскими и англерскими производителями составило 7,1–11,5 абс.%

    Comparison of Monthly Ibandronate Versus Weekly Risedronate in Preference, Convenience, and Bone Turnover Markers in Korean Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women

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    Patient preferences, convenience, and bone turnover markers were evaluated for the monthly ibandronate over the weekly risedronate regimen in Korean postmenopausal osteoporotic women. This was a 6-month, prospective, randomized, open-label, multicenter study with a two-period and two-sequence crossover treatment design. After a 30-day screening period, eligible participants with postmenopausal osteoporosis were randomized to receive either monthly oral ibandronate 150 mg for 3 months followed by weekly oral risedronate 35 mg for 12 weeks (sequence A) or the same regimen in reverse order (sequence B). Patient preference and convenience were evaluated by questionnaire. The changes in serum C-telopeptide after 3 months of treatment were analyzed. A total of 365 patients were enrolled in this study (sequence A 182, sequence B 183). Of patients expressing a preference (83.4%), 74.8% preferred the monthly ibandronate regimen over the weekly regimen (25.2%). More women stated that the monthly ibandronate regimen was more convenient (84.2%) than the weekly regimen (15.8%). There was no significant difference in the change in bone turnover marker between the two treatments. The two regimens were similarly tolerable. There were fewer adverse events in the monthly ibandronate group compared to the weekly risedronate group in terms of gastrointestinal side effects (nausea and abdominal distension). This study revealed a strong preference and convenience for monthly ibandronate over weekly risedronate in Korean postmenopausal osteoporotic women. There was no significant difference in change of bone turnover marker and safety profile between the two regimens

    A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of physical examination for the detection of cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND: We conducted a review of the diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. The objectives were: to identify studies assessing the accuracy of clinical examination in the detection of cirrhosis; to summarize the diagnostic accuracy of reported physical examination findings; and to define the effects of study characteristics on estimates of diagnostic accuracy. METHODS: Studies were identified through electronic literature search of MEDLINE (1966 to 2000), search of bibliographic references, and contact with authors. Studies that evaluated indicants from physical examination of patients with known or suspected liver disease undergoing liver biopsy were included. Qualitative data on study characteristics were extracted. Two-by-two tables of presence or absence of physical findings for patients with and without cirrhosis were created from study data. Data for physical findings reported in each study were combined using Summary Receiver Operating Characteristic (SROC) curves or random effects modeling, as appropriate. RESULTS: Twelve studies met inclusion criteria, including a total of 1895 patients, ranging in age from 3 to 90 years. Most studies were conducted in referral populations with elevated aminotransferase levels. Ten physical signs were reported in three or more studies and ten signs in only a single study. Signs for which there was more study data were associated with high specificity (range 75–98%), but low sensitivity (range 15–68%) for histologically-proven cirrhosis. CONCLUSIONS: Physical findings are generally of low sensitivity for the diagnosis of cirrhosis, and signs with higher specificity represent decompensated disease. Most studies have been undertaken in highly selected populations