6,567 research outputs found

    Latest results from the EU project AVATAR: aerodynamic modelling of 10 MW wind turbines

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    This paper presents the most recent results from the EU project AVATAR in which aerodynamic models are improved and validated for wind turbines on a scale of 10 MW and more. Measurements on a DU 00-W-212 airfoil are presented which have been taken in the pressurized DNW-HDG wind tunnel up to a Reynolds number of 15 Million. These measurements are compared with measurements in the LM wind tunnel for Reynolds numbers of 3 and 6 Million and with calculational results. In the analysis of results special attention is paid to high Reynolds numbers effects. CFD calculations on airfoil performance showed an unexpected large scatter which eventually was reduced by paying even more attention to grid independency and domain size in relation to grid topology. Moreover calculations are presented on flow devices (leading and trailing edge flaps and vortex generators). Finally results are shown between results from 3D rotor models where a comparison is made between results from vortex wake methods and BEM methods at yawed conditions

    AIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein from Arabidopsis that interacts with regulators of DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling

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    Background: DNA replication and transcription are dynamic processes regulating plant development that are dependent on the chromatin accessibility. Proteins belonging to the Agenet/Tudor domain family are known as histone modification "readers" and classified as chromatin remodeling proteins. Histone modifications and chromatin remodeling have profound effects on gene expression as well as on DNA replication, but how these processes are integrated has not been completely elucidated. It is clear that members of the Agenet/Tudor family are important regulators of development playing roles not well known in plants. Methods: Bioinformatics and phylogenetic analyses of the Agenet/Tudor Family domain in the plant kingdom were carried out with sequences from available complete genomes databases. 3D structure predictions of Agenet/Tudor domains were calculated by I-TASSER server. Protein interactions were tested in two-hybrid, GST pulldown, semi-in vivo pulldown and Tandem Affinity Purification assays. Gene function was studied in a T-DNA insertion GABI-line. Results: In the present work we analyzed the family of Agenet/Tudor domain proteins in the plant kingdom and we mapped the organization of this family throughout plant evolution. Furthermore, we characterized a member from Arabidopsis thaliana named AIP1 that harbors Agenet/Tudor and DUF724 domains. AIP1 interacts with ABAP1, a plant regulator of DNA replication licensing and gene transcription, with a plant histone modification "reader" (LHP1) and with non modified histones. AIP1 is expressed in reproductive tissues and its down-regulation delays flower development timing. Also, expression of ABAP1 and LHP1 target genes were repressed in flower buds of plants with reduced levels of AIP1. Conclusions: AIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein in plants that could act as a link between DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling during flower development

    Chronic breathlessness and sleep problems: a population-based survey

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    ObjectivesThis study aimed to explore the relationship (presence and severity) between chronic breathlessness and sleep problems, independently of diagnoses and health service contact by surveying a large, representative sample of the general population.SettingAnalysis of the 2017 South Australian Health Omnibus Survey, an annual, cross-sectional, face-to-face, multistage, clustered area systematic sampling survey carried out in Spring 2017.Chronic breathlessness was self-reported using the ordinal modified Medical Research Council (mMRC; scores 0 (none) to 4 (housebound)) where breathlessness has been present for more than 3 of the previous 6 months. 'Sleep problems-ever' and 'sleep problem-current' were assessed dichotomously. Regression models were adjusted for age; sex and body mass index (BMI).Results2900 responses were available (mean age 48.2 years (SD=18.6); 51% were female; mean BMI 27. 1 (SD=5.9)). Prevalence was: 2.7% (n=78) sleep problems-past; 6.8% (n=198) sleep problems-current and breathlessness (mMRC 1-4) was 8.8% (n=254). Respondents with sleep problemspast were more likely to be breathless, older with a higher BMI and sleep problems-present also included a higher likelihood of being female.After adjusting for age, sex and BMI, respondents with chronic breathlessness had 1.9 (95% CI=1.0 to 3.5) times the odds of sleep problems-past and sleep problems-current (adjusted OR=2.3; 95% CI=1.6 to 3.3).ConclusionsThere is a strong association between the two prevalent conditions. Future work will seek to understand if there is a causal relationship using validated sleep assessment tools and whether better managing one condition improves the other

    A Hubble Constant Estimate from Galaxy Cluster and type Ia SNe Observations

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    In this work, we constrain the Hubble constant parameter,H0H_0, using a combination of the Pantheon sample and galaxy clusters (GC) measurements from minimal cosmological assumptions. Assuming the validity of the cosmic distance duality relation, an estimator is created for H0H_0 that only depends on simple geometrical distances, which is evaluated from Pantheon and a GC angular diameter distance sample afterward. The statistical and systematic errors in GC measurements are summed in quadrature in our analysis. We find H0=67.22±6.07H_0 = 67.22 \pm 6.07  km s−1 Mpc−1{\rm \,km\, s^{-1}\, Mpc^{-1}} in 1σ1\sigma confidence level. This measurement presents an error of around 9\%, showing that future and better GC measurements can shed light on the current Hubble tension.Comment: 7 pages, two figure

    Development of a high throughput, molecular diagnostic assay for predicting telomerase activity in breast cancer cell lines and tissues

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    Telomerase is a cellular enzyme that helps to provide genomic stability in tumor cells by maintaining the integrity of telomeres. Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that contains a protein component (hTERT) and an associated RNA (hTR), which is used as a template for telomere repeat addition. Telomerase activity, while not detectable in most normal human somatic cells, is associated with approximately 85% of malignant human cancers overall, including over 90% of breast cancers. We have optimized a novel, quantitative, high-throughput telomerase activity assay using fluorescently labelled primers and Real Time quantitation via the ABI Prism 7700 (a.k.a., the TaqMan). Using established breast cancer cell lines and a subset of breast tumors, we demonstrate that telomerase levels quantitated from the TaqMan-based assay closely correlate with values obtained using the traditional, gel-based telomerase activity assay (TRAP). In addition, we have assessed the levels of both hTERT mRNA and hTR in each of our samples via RT-PCR to determine whether relative amounts or a ratio of the two telomerase components correlate with activity in a given sample. Our ultimate goal is to develop a Real Time, fluorescent RT-PCR assay to simultaneously measure hTERT and hTR messages in breast tumor samples, in an attempt to convert the enzymatic telomerase activity assay into a quantitative nucleic acid test to predict levels of activity in routinely processed clinical specimens

    Evaluation of distribution and bioaccumulation of arsenic by ICP-MS in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in different environments.

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    The concentration of arsenic in tissues of tilapia was evaluated and an estimation of the risks associated with the consumption of this fish was done, taking into account the guidelines established by FAO/WHO. The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) technique in kinetic energy discrimination (KED) mode was employed and certified reference materials were analyzed with recoveries of 101, 110, and 80% from NIST 1640a (trace elements in water), NIST 1566b (oyster tissue), and DORM-3 (fish protein). In the consumable portion (the muscle fish tissue), the average concentration found was 0.030 ± 0.008 ”g g-1, which is below the arsenic maximum level established by international regulatory agencies. The average concentration found in the viscera (stomach, gills, and liver) was 0.485 ± 0.225 ”g g-1, concluding that the viscera had greater capacity for the bioaccumulation of arsenic. From this study was possible to monitor the arsenic element in different tilapia specimens evidencing its accumulation throughout the body of the fish


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    A laceração traumática da aorta é uma lesão de elevada mortalidade pré-hospitalar e intra-hospitalar. A sobrevivência a este tipo de lesões é rara e escasseiam dados sobre o prognóstico a longo-prazo destes doentes. Descrevemos um caso clínico de reparação primária de laceração da aorta torácica que se apresentou 29 anos após a repa- ração inicial com aneurisma da aorta torácica na mesma topografia. Foi submetido a reparação endovascular do aneurisma. Discutem-se as técnicas de reparação da laceração da aorta e a evidência existente sobre o prognóstico destes doentes, nomea- damente a incidência de lesões secundárias após a cirurgia inicial, e a necessidade de equacionar um plano de seguimento

    Conformational changes produced by ATP binding to the plasma membrane calcium pump

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    The aim of this work was to study the plasma membrane calcium pump (PMCA) reaction cycle by characterizing conformational changes associated with calcium, ATP, and vanadate binding to purified PMCA. This was accomplished by studying the exposure of PMCA to surrounding phospholipids by measuring the incorporation of the photoactivatable phosphatidylcholine analog 1-O-hexadecanoyl-2-O-[9-[[[2-[125I]iodo-4-(trifluoromethyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)benzyl]oxy]carbonyl]nonanoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine to the protein. ATP could bind to the different vanadate-bound states of the enzyme either in the presence or in the absence of Ca2+ with high apparent affinity. Conformational movements of the ATP binding domain were determined using the fluorescent analog 2â€Č(3â€Č)-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5â€Č-triphosphate. To assess the conformational behavior of the Ca2+ binding domain, we also studied the occlusion of Ca2+, both in the presence and in the absence of ATP and with or without vanadate. Results show the existence of occluded species in the presence of vanadate and/or ATP. This allowed the development of a model that describes the transport of Ca2+ and its relation with ATP hydrolysis. This is the first approach that uses a conformational study to describe the PMCA P-type ATPase reaction cycle, adding important features to the classical E1-E2 model devised using kinetics methodology only.Fil: Mangialavori, Irene C.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de QuĂ­mica y FisicoquĂ­mica BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira Gomes, Mariela S.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de QuĂ­mica y FisicoquĂ­mica BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Saffioti, Nicolas A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de QuĂ­mica y FisicoquĂ­mica BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez-Lebrero, Rodolfo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de QuĂ­mica y FisicoquĂ­mica BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Rolando Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de QuĂ­mica y FisicoquĂ­mica BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Juan Pablo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de QuĂ­mica y FisicoquĂ­mica BiolĂłgicas; Argentin
