495 research outputs found

    The Influence of Hellenism on the Literary Style of 1 and 2 Maccabees

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    The Jewish people living within Hellenistic Greece experienced great freedoms, and many assimilated into the non-Jewish societies around them. Yet, under the Seleucid King Antiochus IV in the 2nd century BCE, the Jewish people experienced oppression and persecution, which has been chronicled in the books 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees. At a glance, these books appear opposed to the blending of Hellenistic culture and society into surrounding Jewish communities, but a deeper analysis of both texts reveals that the authors depended on Hellenistic constructs to effectively tell their story. This paper explores the degree to which the authors of 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees were influenced by Hellenism, specifically focusing on how they incorporated Hellenistic styles of literature and language into their works

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    Radiative Forcing by Dust and Black Carbon on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska

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    Here we present the first known data set on black carbon (BC) and mineral dust concentrations in snow from the Juneau Icefield (JIF) in southeastern Alaska, where glacier melt rates are among the highest on Earth. In May 2016, concentrations of BC (0.4–3.1 μg/L) and dust (0.2–34 mg/L) were relatively low and decreased toward the interior of the JIF. The associated radiative forcing (RF) averaged 4 W/m2. In July, after 10 weeks of exposure, the aged snow surface had substantially higher concentrations of BC (2.1–14.8 μg/L) and dust (11–72 mg/L) that were not spatially distributed by elevation or distance from the coast. RF by dust and BC ranged from 70 to 130 W/m2 (87 W/m2 average) across the JIF in July, and RF was dominated by dust. The associated median snow water equivalent reduction in the July samples is estimated at 10–18 mm/day, potentially advancing melt on the scale of days to weeks. Aging of the snow surface in summer likely resulted in a positive feedback of melt consolidation, enhanced solar absorption and melting, and further concentration of surface particles. Regional projections of warming temperatures and increased rain at the expense of snow make it likely that summer season darkening will become a more important contributor to the high melt rates on the JIF. Further studies are needed to elucidate the spatiotemporal occurrence of various light‐absorbing particles on the JIF, and models of ice field wastage should incorporate their associated RF

    Controls on the composition and lability of dissolved organic matter in Siberia's Kolyma River basin

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    High-latitude northern rivers export globally significant quantities of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the Arctic Ocean. Climate change, and its associated impacts on hydrology and potential mobilization of ancient organic matter from permafrost, is likely to modify the flux, composition, and thus biogeochemical cycling and fate of exported DOC in the Arctic. This study examined DOC concentration and the composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) across the hydrograph in Siberia's Kolyma River, with a particular focus on the spring freshet period when the majority of the annual DOC load is exported. The composition of DOM within the Kolyma basin was characterized using absorbance-derived measurements (absorbance coefficienta330, specific UV absorbance (SUVA254), and spectral slope ratio SR) and fluorescence spectroscopy (fluorescence index and excitation-emission matrices (EEMs)), including parallel factor analyses of EEMs. Increased surface runoff during the spring freshet led to DOM optical properties indicative of terrestrial soil inputs with high humic-like fluorescence, SUVA254, and low SRand fluorescence index (FI). Under-ice waters, in contrast, displayed opposing trends in optical properties representing less aromatic, lower molecular weight DOM. We demonstrate that substantial losses of DOC can occur via biological (∼30% over 28 days) and photochemical pathways (>29% over 14 days), particularly in samples collected during the spring freshet. The emerging view is therefore that of a more dynamic and labile carbon pool than previously thought, where DOM composition plays a fundamental role in controlling the fate and removal of DOC at a pan-Arctic scale

    Pre- and postnatal maturation are important for fentanyl exposure in preterm and term newborns: a pooled population pharmacokinetic study

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    Fentanyl is an opioid commonly used to prevent and treat severe pain in neonates; however, its use is off label and mostly based on bodyweight. Given the limited pharmacokinetic information across the entire neonatal age range, we characterized the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl across preterm and term neonates to individualize dosing. We pooled data from two previous studies on 164 newborns with a median gestational age of 29.0 weeks (range 23.9-42.3), birthweight of 1055 g (range 390-4245), and postnatal age (PNA) of 1 day (range 0-68). In total, 673 plasma samples upon bolus dosing (69 patients; median dose 2.1 μg/kg, median 2 boluses per patient) or continuous infusions (95 patients; median dose 1.1 μg/kg/h for 30 h) with and without boluses were used for population pharmacokinetic modeling in NONMEM® 7.4. Clearance in neonates with birthweight of 2000 and 3000 g was 2.8- and 5.0-fold the clearance in a neonate with birthweight of 1000 g, respectively. Fentanyl clearance at PNA of 7, 14, and 21 days was 2.7-fold, 3.8-fold, and 4.6-fold the clearance at 1 day, respectively. Bodyweight-based dosing resulted in large differences in fentanyl concentrations. Depending on PNA and birthweight, fentanyl concentrations increased slowly after the start of therapy for both intermittent boluses and continuous infusion and reached a maximum concentration at 12-48 h. As both prenatal and postnatal maturation are important for fentanyl exposure, we propose a birthweight- and PNA-based dosage regimen. To provide rapid analgesia in the first 24 h of treatment, additional loading doses need to be considered.Pharmacolog

    From canopy to consumer: what makes and modifes terrestrial DOM in a temperate forest

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    To investigate how source and processing control the composition of “terrestrial” dissolved organic matter (DOM), we combine soil and tree leachates, tree DOM, laboratory bioincubations, and ultrahigh resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in three common landscape types (upland forest, forested wetland, and poor fen) of Southeast Alaska’s temperate rainforest. Tree (Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis) needles and bark and soil layers from each site were leached, and tree stemflow and throughfall collected to examine DOM sources. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were as high as 167 mg CL−1 for tree DOM, suggesting tree DOM fluxes may be substantial given the hypermaritime climate of the region. Condensed aromatics contributed as much as 38% relative abundance of spruce and hemlock bark leachates suggesting coniferous trees are potential sources of condensed aromatics to surface waters. Soil leachates showed soil wetness dictates DOM composition and processing, with wetland soils producing more aromatic formulae and allowing the preservation of traditionally biolabile, aliphatic formulae. Biodegradation impacted soil and tree DOM differently, and though the majority of source-specific marker formulae were consumed for all sources, some marker formulae persisted. Tree DOM was highly biolabile (> 50%) and showed compositional convergence where processing homogenized DOM from different tree sources. In contrast, wetland and upland soil leachate DOM composition diverged and processing diversified DOM from different soil sources during bioincubations. Increasing precipitation intensity predicted with climate change in Southeast Alaska will increase tree leaching and soil DOM flushing, tightening linkages between terrestrial sources and DOM export to the coastal ocean.The authors thank Emily Whitney for her invaluable feld, laboratory, and logistical assistance and Molly Tankersley for creating Fig. 1. They are also grateful to all the helpful researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory who enabled data acquisition and processing. This work took place on the lands of the Aak’w Kwáan Tlingit. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to MIB. A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory ICR User Facility, which is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry and Division of Materials Research through DMR-1644779 and the State of Florida. Conficts of interest/ Competing interests: The authors have no conficts of interests to declare.Ye

    From canopy to consumer: what makes and modifies terrestrial DOM in a temperate forest

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    To investigate how source and processing control the composition of “terrestrial” dissolved organic matter (DOM), we combine soil and tree leachates, tree DOM, laboratory bioincubations, and ultrahigh resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in three common landscape types (upland forest, forested wetland, and poor fen) of Southeast Alaska’s temperate rainforest. Tree (Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis) needles and bark and soil layers from each site were leached, and tree stemflow and throughfall collected to examine DOM sources. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were as high as 167 mg CL−1 for tree DOM, suggesting tree DOM fluxes may be substantial given the hypermaritime climate of the region. Condensed aromatics contributed as much as 38% relative abundance of spruce and hemlock bark leachates suggesting coniferous trees are potential sources of condensed aromatics to surface waters. Soil leachates showed soil wetness dictates DOM composition and processing, with wetland soils producing more aromatic formulae and allowing the preservation of traditionally biolabile, aliphatic formulae. Biodegradation impacted soil and tree DOM differently, and though the majority of source-specific marker formulae were consumed for all sources, some marker formulae persisted. Tree DOM was highly biolabile (> 50%) and showed compositional convergence where processing homogenized DOM from different tree sources. In contrast, wetland and upland soil leachate DOM composition diverged and processing diversified DOM from different soil sources during bioincubations. Increasing precipitation intensity predicted with climate change in Southeast Alaska will increase tree leaching and soil DOM flushing, tightening linkages between terrestrial sources and DOM export to the coastal ocean.The authors thank Emily Whitney for her invaluable feld, laboratory, and logistical assistance and Molly Tankersley for creating Fig. 1. They are also grateful to all the helpful researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory who enabled data acquisition and processing. This work took place on the lands of the Aak’w Kwáan Tlingit. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to MIB. A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory ICR User Facility, which is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry and Division of Materials Research through DMR-1644779 and the State of Florida. Conficts of interest/ Competing interests: The authors have no conficts of interests to declare.Ye