436 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Experiential Marketing, Emotional Branding dan Citra Merek terhadap Loyalitas Merek (Survei Konsumen Operator Simpati di YOGYAKARTA)

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    This study aimed to determine the empirical evidence about the influence of experiential marketing, emotional branding and brand image on brand loyalty simultaneously. In addition to knowing the influence of experiential marketing to brand loyalty, emotional branding to brand loyalty and brand image on brand loyalty.This study was conducted on people of Yogyakarta are using the provider Simpati. The number of samples in this study 75 respondents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling where samples were taken based on predetermined criteria. The criteria are the people of Yogyakarta are using the provider Simpati over 3 years. Methods of data collection using questionnaires distributed to the people of Yogyakarta. Simpati Provider related variables experiential marketing, emotional branding, brand image and brand loyalty.Based on the test results t variable experiential marketing and emotional branding does not have a significant effect on brand loyalty, while brand image variables have a significant effect on brand loyalty. Based on F test results indicate that the variable experiential marketing, emotional branding and brand image simultaneous effect on brand loyalty sympathy in Yogyakarta

    Pengaruh Akuntabilitas, Kompetensi, Profesionalisme, Integritas, dan Objektivitas Akuntan Publik terhadap Kualitas Audit dengan Independensi sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Empiris pada Beberapa Kap Afliasi Asing dan Kap Non Afliasi Asing di Jakarta)

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    This research was to obtain empirical evidence on the influence of Accountability, Competence, Professionalism, Integrity, and Objectivity of Public Accountant to the quality of audit with independence as Moderating Variable. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires at several affiliated and non-affiliated registered public accountants located in Jakarta. Analysis modelused to test the hypotheses was multiple linear regression, these analysis was based on valid questionnaires from 117 respondents.These researchoutcomes concluded that the accountability and integrity of partially significant effect on the quality of audit, while the competence, professionalism, and objectivity had no effect on audit quality partially. In addition, this research proved that accountability moderated by theindependence significantly affected the quality of the audit, while the competence, professionalism, integrity and objectivity moderated byindependence had no significant effect on the quality of the audit

    Spatial Distribution of Trace Elements in Rice Field at Prafi District Manokwari

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    Mapping spatial variability of trace elements in rice Ḁeld is necessary to obtain soil quality information to en-hance rice production. ἀis study was aimed to measure concentration and distribution of Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Cd in two diᴀerent sites (SP1, SP2) of PraḀ rice Ḁeld in Manokwari West Papua. ἀe representative 26 soil samples were analysed for their available trace metal concentration (DTPA), soil pH, and C-organic and soil texture. ἀe result indicated that Fe toxicity and Zn deḀcient problems were encountered in both sites.  Rice Ḁeld in SP2 was more deḀcient in Zn than SP1. Site with the highest trace elements (Zn, Fe, Cu, and Cd) concentration had low soil pH and high C-organic. Acidic soil has higher solubility of metals; while high C-organic could improve the formation of dissolve organic carbon-metal binding, hence it improving the trace metals concentration in soil solution

    CyclAir:A Bike Mounted Prototype for Real-Time Visualization of CO2 Levels While Cycling

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    La implementación de las NIIF como herramienta para el mejoramiento de procesos en las pymes de la ciudad de Villavicencio

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    El funcionamiento y desarrollo de las organizaciones se ha visto afectado por la situación actual que se vive a nivel mundial debido a la pandemia, esto ha ocasionado el surgimiento de un nuevo escenario empresarial que hace más complejo el proceso de planeación, en vista de la incertidumbre que se genera por la imposición de medidas que limiten el funcionamiento de las empresas. La aparición de este escenario ha generado la necesidad de renovar los procesos dentro de la organización, esto con fin de hacerlos más adecuados para dar repuesta al cambio constante del entorno y, a su vez, aumentar la capacidad de análisis de información que surge cada día para la formulación de estrategias competentes.--Fil: Labrador, Elen S.. Universidad Nacional Villa María; Argentina.

    Identification of Respondent Characteristics and Relationship of Clinical Manifestations with Chest Radiograph Lesion in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients at Aloei Saboe Hospital

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This study aimed to determine the relationship between clinical manifestations and the results of chest radiographs in adult pulmonary TB patients at Aloei Saboe Hospital.Method: The research design used in this study was cross-sectional by examining the relationship between clinical manifestations and chest radiography results in adult pulmonary TB patients at Aloei Saboe Hospital from October to November 2022. The population of this study was adult pulmonary TB patients using accidental sampling as a sampling technique. The research instrument used was the medical record which contained the patient's anamnesis status and the results of the chest radiography examination. The relationship between variables was then analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.Results: Of the 44 samples, the most common clinical manifestations were dyspnea and chest pain in 12 patients (26.67%). The most chest radiographic results were fibrotic in 21 patients (47.7%). According to the American Thoracic Association (ATA) classification, extensive lesions were predominantly found in 21 patients (47.7%). There was an association between productive cough and chest radiography results (p=0.012). Meanwhile, chest radiographs were not associated with productive cough, hemoptoe, and dyspnea.Conclusion: There is a relationship between productive cough and chest radiography lesions. Further study may determine samples for research that are minimally biased so that the results obtained are more representative of the population

    CARBOTRAF: A decision Support system for reducing pollutant emissions by adaptive traffic management

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    Traffic congestion with frequent “stop & go” situations causes substantial pollutant emissions. Black carbon (BC) is a good indicator of combustion-related air pollution and results in negative health effects. Both BC and CO2 emissions are also known to contribute significantly to global warming. Current traffic control systems are designed to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. The CARBOTRAF system combines real-time monitoring of traffic and air pollution with simulation models for emission and local air quality prediction in order to deliver on-line recommendations for alternative adaptive traffic management. The aim of introducing a CARBOTRAF system is to reduce BC and CO2 emissions and improve air quality by optimizing the traffic flows. The system is implemented and evaluated in two pilot cities, Graz and Glasgow. Model simulations link traffic states to emission and air quality levels. A chain of models combines micro-scale traffic simulations, traffic volumes, emission models and air quality simulations. This process is completed for several ITS scenarios and a range of traffic boundary conditions. The real-time DSS system uses all these model simulations to select optimal traffic and air quality scenarios. Traffic and BC concentrations are simultaneously monitored. In this paper the effects of ITS measures on air quality are analysed with a focus on BC