777 research outputs found

    Assessing the future of air freight

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    The role of air cargo in the current transportation system in the United States is explored. Methods for assessing the future role of this mode of transportation include the use of continuous-time recursive systems modeling for the simulation of different components of the air freight system, as well as for the development of alternative future scenarios which may result from different policy actions. A basic conceptual framework for conducting such a dynamic simulation is presented within the context of the air freight industry. Some research needs are identified and recommended for further research. The benefits, limitations, pitfalls, and problems usually associated with large scale systems models are examined

    Infrastructure dynamics: A selected bibliography

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    The term infrastructure is used to denote the set of life support and public service systems which is necessary for the development of growth of human settlements. Included are some basic references in the field of dynamic simulation, as well as a number of relevant applications in the area of infrastructure planning. The intent is to enable the student or researcher to quickly identify such applications to the extent necessary for initiating further work in the field

    Air freight demand models: An overview

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    A survey is presented of some of the approaches which have been considered in freight demand estimation. The few existing continuous time computer simulations of aviation systems are reviewed, with a view toward the assessment of this approach as a tool for structuring air freight studies and for relating the different components of the air freight system. The variety of available data types and sources, without which the calibration, validation and the testing of both modal split and simulation models would be impossible are also reviewed

    Planning and evaluation parameters for offshore complexes

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    Issues are presented for consideration in the planning and design of offshore artificial complexes. The construction of such complexes, their social, economic, and ecological impacts, and the legal-political-institutional environments within which their development could occur, are discussed. Planning, design, and construction of near-shore complexes located off the Mid-Atlantic coast of the United States is emphasized

    The role of the helicopter in transportation

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    A general overview is presented of the role that the helicopter plays in the current aviation scene with special emphasis on its use in the airport access function. Technological problems of present-day aircraft are discussed along with some plausible solutions. The economic and regulatory aspects of commercial helicopter operations are presented. Finally six commercial operations utilizing helicopters are reviewed and conditions that enhance the success of the helicopter in the airport access function are proposed

    Economics of wastewater collection networks

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    U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological SurveyOpe

    The environmental analysis of helicopter operations by Federal agencies: Current procedures and research needs

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    The technical, economic, and environmental problems restricting commercial helicopter passenger operations are reviewed. The key considerations for effective assessment procedures are outlined and a preliminary model for the environmental analysis of helicopters is developed. It is recommended that this model, or some similar approach, be used as a common base for the development of comprehensive environmental assessment methods for each of the federal agencies concerned with helicopters. A description of the critical environmental research issues applicable to helicopters is also presented

    A study of the manuscript Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb, by Shaydhala (12th century): author, methodology and investigation strategies

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    هذه الدراسة تركز على تحليل مخطوطة "لوامع أنوار القلوب فى جوامع أسرار المحب والمحبوب" للفقيه الشافعي أبو المعالى عزيزي بن عبد الملك بن منصور الجيلي، المعروف بشَيذَلَة (القرن الثانى عشر الميلادى). هذه المخطوطة غير المنشورة والتى تتكون من عشرة فصول يجب تصنيفها فى الأدب العربى فى العصور الوسطى ضمن كتب الصوفية,فبعد دراسة البنية الداخلية للمخطوطة ,والترجمة للمؤلف وظروف حياته والتعرف على أسلوبه؛ تبيَّن أنَّ هذا العمل يركز بشكل أساسي على اللغة والمصطلحات والموضوعات والعناصر والسمات الممي زة لهذا النوع من الجنس الأدبى القاصد لوصف الحب الإلهي ,ومن بين هذه المسائل وغيرها؛ نستنتج أ ن هذه المخطوطة تُش كل حلقةً أخرى فى سلسلة كتب الأدب الصوفي الذى يقود إلى معانى الرقة المفرطة ,والمتعة,والمؤانسة,والنورانية ,والتقارب بين المرء وخالقه.Este estudio se centra en el análisis del manuscrito Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb fī ŷawāmi‘ asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (El brillo de las luces de los corazones en en el conjunto de los secretos del amante y el amado), del jurista šafi‘ī Abū l-Ma‘ālī ‘Azīzī b. ‘Abd al-Malik b. Manṣūr al-Ŷīlī, conocido como Šaydala (s. XII). Se trata de una obra inédita, de diez capítulos, que debe ser clasificada entre los libros de sufismo de la literatu-ra árabe medieval. Tras estudiar la estructura interna del manuscrito, al autor y su contexto, este trabajo se centra principalmente en el lenguaje, la terminología, los temas y los ele-mentos característicos de este tipo de género literario destinado a describir el amor divino. Entre otras cuestiones, se llega a la conclusión de que este manuscrito constituye un esla-bón más de la serie de libros de literatura sufí que apuntan al refinamiento, disfrute, socia-bilidad, iluminación y convergencia entre el hombre y su creador.This study analyzes the manuscript Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb fī jawāmi‘ asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (The brilliance of the lights of hearts in the series of secrets known by the lover and the beloved), by the jurist shafi‘ī Abū l-Ma‘ālī ‘Azīzī b. ‘Abd al-Malik b. Manṣūr al-Jīlī, known as Shaydhala (12th century). The manuscript is of an un-published work of ten chapters that must be classified alongside the Sufism books of me-dieval Arabic literature. After studying the work's internal structure, author and context, attention is given to the language, terminology, themes and the elements characteristic of this literary genre, the purpose of which was to describe divine love. Among other ques-tions, the paper reaches the conclusion that this manuscript represents yet another link in the series of books in Sufi literature that point to the refinement, enjoyment, sociability, enlightenment and convergence between man and his creator

    General aviation and community development

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    The summer program is summarized. The reports presented concern (1) general aviation components, (2) general aviation environment, (3) community perspective, and (4) transportation and general aviation in Virginia