61 research outputs found

    Cross-Over between universality classes in a magnetically disordered metallic wire

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    In this article we present numerical results of conduction in a disordered quasi-1D wire in the possible presence of magnetic impurities. Our analysis leads us to the study of universal properties in different conduction regimes such as the localized and metallic ones. In particular, we analyse the cross-over between universality classes occurring when the strength of magnetic disorder is increased. For this purpose, we use a numerical Landauer approach, and derive the scattering matrix of the wire from electron's Green's function.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in New Journ. of Physics, 27 pages, 28 figures. Replaces the earlier shorter preprint arXiv:0910.427

    Prisutnost Candida sp. u svjeĆŸem voćnom soku

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    Fruit juices are popular soft drinks with an important role in human nutrition. Fruit juices are often infested by yeast species that can survive different storage conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of yeast contamination of freshly squeezed juices in three large supermarkets in Zagreb, Croatia. The analysis included 84 juice samples obtained from freshly squeezed orange, lemon, grapefruit, and apples. Their acidity varied between pH 2.1 and pH 4.9. Juice samples were plated directly on Sabouraud 4 % glucose Agar (Merck, 1.05438) and processed according to standardised methods (HRN ISO 7954:2002). Yeasts were isolated in all 84 samples and ranged between 0.005x103 and 23x103 colony forming units per mL (CFU mL-1). The most common yeasts identifi ed using the API 20C AUX yeast kit included Candida guillermondii, C. krusei, C. famata, C. spherica, C. colliculosa, C. albicans, Trichosporon mucoides, Kloeckera spp. and yeast-like fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. C. guillermondii prevailed in 55.95 % of all samples.Voćni su sokovi tekući ekstrakti voća dobiveni cijeđenjem zrelog voća te su vrlo vaĆŸan čimbenik u svakodnevnoj prehrani ljudi. Najčeơće zastupljeni mikroorganizmi u svjeĆŸem voćnom soku su kvasci koji preĆŸivljavaju niske temperature skladiĆĄtenja. Svrha ovog istraĆŸivanja bila je odrediti prisutnost i brojnost kvasaca u svjeĆŸim voćnim sokovima uzorkovanim u supermarketima na području Republike Hrvatske, odnosno glavnom gradu Zagrebu. Ukupno su uzorkovana i pregledana 84 uzorka svjeĆŸe iscijeđenih naranči, limuna, grejpfruta i jabuka. pH-vrijednost se kretala od 2.1 do 4.9. Uzorci su nacijepljivani direktno na Sabouraudov agar s 4 % glukoze (Merck, Njemačka) u skladu s propisanom normom HRN ISO 7954:2002. U sva 84 uzorka utvrđena je prisutnost kvasaca u broju od 0.005x103 do 23x103 CFU mL-1. Identifi kacija je provedena testom API 20 C AUX (bioMĂ©rieux, 20 210). Najčeơće su izolirani sljedeći kvasci: Candida guillermondii, C. krusei, C. famata, C. spherica, C. colliculosa, C. albicans, Trichosporon mucoides, Kloeckera spp. i kvascu slična gljivica Cryptococcus neoformans. U svim uzorcima C. guillermondii bila je najčeơće izolirani kvasac (55.95 %)

    c-Met overexpression in inflammatory breast carcinomas: automated quantification on tissue microarrays

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    Inflammatory breast carcinoma (IBC) is a rare but aggressive tumour associated with poor outcome owing to early metastases. Increased expression of c-Met protein correlates with reduced survival and high metastatic risk in human cancers including breast carcinomas and is targetable by specific drugs, that could potentially improve the prognosis. In the present study, we compared c-Met expression in IBC (n=41) and non-IBC (n=480) immunohistochemically (Ventana Benchmark autostainer) in two tissue microarrays (TMA) along with PI3K and E-cadherin. The results were quantified through an automated image analysis device (SAMBA Technologies). We observed that (i) c-Met was significantly overexpressed in IBC as compared with non-IBC (P<0.001), (ii) PI3K was overexpressed (P<0.001) in IBC, suggesting that the overexpressed c-Met is functionally active at least through the PI3K signal transduction pathway; and (iii) E-cadherin was paradoxically also overexpressed in IBC. We concluded that overexpressed c-Met in IBC constitutes a potential target for specific therapy for the management of patients with poor-outcome tumours such as IBC. Automated image analysis of TMA proved to be a valuable tool for high-throughput immunohistochemical quantification of the expression of intratumorous protein markers

    Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation

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    WEST is an MA class superconducting, actively cooled, full tungsten (W) tokamak, designed to operate in long pulses up to 1000 s. In support of ITER operation and DEMO conceptual activities, key missions of WEST are: (i) qualification of high heat flux plasma-facing components in integrating both technological and physics aspects in relevant heat and particle exhaust conditions, particularly for the tungsten monoblocks foreseen in ITER divertor; (ii) integrated steady-state operation at high confinement, with a focus on power exhaust issues. During the phase 1 of operation (2017–2020), a set of actively cooled ITER-grade plasma facing unit prototypes was integrated into the inertially cooled W coated startup lower divertor. Up to 8.8 MW of RF power has been coupled to the plasma and divertor heat flux of up to 6 MW m−2 were reached. Long pulse operation was started, using the upper actively cooled divertor, with a discharge of about 1 min achieved. This paper gives an overview of the results achieved in phase 1. Perspectives for phase 2, operating with the full capability of the device with the complete ITER-grade actively cooled lower divertor, are also described
