71 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic analysis of some fungi species in West Kazakhstan based on nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences

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    In this study, phylogenetic analysis of some fungal species distributed in West Kazakhstan was performed based on ITS sequences. All of the mushroom samples were collected from different regions of West Kazakhstan and brought to the laboratory. Total genomic DNA was extracted using a GeneMark commercial kit. ITS1 and ITS4 primers were used for the amplification of the ITS region in PCR analyses. The resulting DNA sequences were then edited using BioEdit and FinchTV. For phylogenetic analysis used MEGA 6.0 program. As a result of the study, ITS sequences ranged from 532 to 715 nucleotides, while the divergence values of the sequences differed between 0.000 and 0.468. The maximum likelihood tree constructed using ITS sequences consists of two clades. According to the phylogenetic analysis results obtained using other fungal species, ITS results were found to be a good indicator for the differentiation of fungal genera

    Teaching geriatric medicine through gamification: a tool for enhancing postgraduate education in geriatric medicine

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    Background Polypharmacy is becoming increasingly common and all doctors must be prepared to manage it competently. Aims The aim of this project is to evaluate the feasibility and use of a novel gamification-based teaching intervention on polypharmacy among doctors undergoing advanced geriatric training. Among others, one of the learning goals for the students was to be able to describe the adherence to medication. Methods Electronic questionnaire sent to students of the third session “evidence-based medicine in geriatrics” of advanced postgraduate course in geriatrics of the European Academy for Medicine of Ageing. Results Most students reported issues with forgetting doses and remembering sufficiently to establish a medication routine due to busy schedules as well as social influences around medication taking. Reflecting on the challenges of the game, most students reported that their own prescribing practice was likely to change. Discussion and conclusion The current model of learning appears to be a feasible approach for postgraduate medical education or in other areas of healthcare such as nursing or physiotherapy. Learning through action and reflection promotes deeper thinking and can lead to behavioral change, in this case thus enhancing the attitudes and understanding regarding pharmacological issues associated with ageing. Recommendations for future research in medical education about medication adherence are outlined.publishedVersio

    Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in vestibular schwannomas and their clinical significance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The objective was to determine the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in vestibular schwannomas as well as to determine predictive factors for estrogen and progesterone receptor positivity.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>The study included 100 cases of vestibular schwannomas operated from January 2006 to June 2009. The clinical details were noted from the medical case files. Formaldehyde-fixed parafiin-embedded archival vestibular schwannomas specimens were used for the immunohistochemical assessment of estrogen and progesterone receptors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neither estrogen nor progesterone receptors could be detected in any of our cases by means of well known immunohistochemical method using well documented monoclonal antibodies. In the control specimens, a strongly positive reaction could be seen.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No estrogen and progesterone receptor could be found in any of our 100 cases of vestibular schwannomas. Hence our study does not support a causative role of estrogen and progesterone in the growth of vestibular schwannoma as well as hormonal manipulation in the treatment of this tumor.</p

    Yalancı Tüylü Fiğ Vicia villosa ssp. dasycarpa Ten. Cav. Hatlarının Ankara Koşullarına Adaptasyonu

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    Kurak Bölgelerde Uluslararas ı Tar ı msal Araşt ı rma Enstitüsü ICARDA taraf ı ndan Ankara koşulları na adaptasyonunu belirlemek için yollanan farkl ı orijinli 15 yalanc ı tüylü fiğ hatt ı ve kontrol olarak kullan ı lan L-1437 nolu TARM tüylü fiğ çeşidi ile yap ı lan bu ara şt ı rma Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlas ı nda 1994 ve 1996 yı llar ı aras ı nda yürütülmüştür. Ara şt ı rma sonuçlar ı na göre, en iyi bitki gelişimi 2562 nolu hatta, en erken çiçeklenme 2562 ve 2456 no'lu hatlarda, en erken hasat olgunlu ğ u 2446, 2454 ve 2445 no'lu hatlarda, bitki boyu en fazla 2562 nolu hatta ve L1437 nolu TARM tüylü fi ğ çeşidinde, biyolojik verim en fazla 2456, 2446 ve 2562 nolu hatlarda, dane verimi en faz1a . 2431 ve 2424 nolu hatlarda, bin dane ağı rl ığı en fazla birinci y ı l 2424, 2431, 2456, 2454, 2451, 2455, 2442 ve 2457 nolu hatlarda, ikinci yı l ise 2457 nolu hat ve L-1437 nolu yerel TARM tüylü fi ğ çeşidi hariç di ğer tüm hatlarda, hasat indeksi en fazla 2562, 2431, 2451, 2457 ve 2424 nolu hatlarda belirlenmi ştir. Bitki gelişimi, erkencilik ve biyolojik verim bak ı m ı ndan oldukça yüksek sonuçlar veren 2562 Suriye orijinli ve 2456 Japonya orijinli nolu hatlar ı n, yeşil ot, kuru ot ve silo yemi amac ı yla Ankara koşulllannda yetiştirilmesi tavsiye edilebilir. 2431 Suriye orijinli ve 2424 Suriye orijinli nolu yalanc ı tüylü fiğ hatlar ı ise en fazla dane verimi ve hasat indeksine sahip hatlar olarak yine Ankara şartları nda dane yemi amac ı yla yetiştirilebilirler. Kontrol amac ı yla kullan ı lan yerel L-1437 nolu TARM tüylü fi ğ çeşidi, yalanc ı tüylü fiğ hatları na göre daha fazla boylanm ış , daha geç çiçeklenerek, hasat olgunlu ğuna gelmiş ve daha az dane verimine sahip çeşit olmuştur. Ikinci yı l ekim tarihinin birinci y ı ldan daha erken olmas ı , bu y ı lda tüm hatlarda biyolojik verimin ve dane veriminin daha fazla olmas ı ile sonuçlanm ışt ı r

    Effect of Seeding After Barley and Wheat Harvest on Yield Components of Forage Turnip Brassica rapa L. Cultivars

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    Bu araştırma Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlasında 2003 – 2004 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Orta Anadoluda sulanabilen alanlarda arpa ve buğday hasadından sonra 2. ürün olarak ekilebilecek yem şalgamı çeşitlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla kurulmuştur. Ekimler arpa ve buğday hasadından sonraki tarihlerde yapılmıştır. Araştırmada material olarak dört yem şalgamı çeşidi Agressa, Volenda, Polybra and Siloganova kullanılmıştır. Ekim tarihinin yem şalgamı çeşitleri üzerinde etkisi oldukça önemli olmuş ve arpa hasadından sonraki ekimlerden daha fazla kök ve yaprak verimi elde edilmiştir. En fazla kök ve yaprak verimi Volenda çeşidinden alınmıştır. Bu çeşidin sulanan şartlarda arpa hasadından sonra ikinci ürün olarak yem bitkisi amacıyla yetiştirilebileceği gözlenmişti

    Robust C–C bonded porous networks with chemically designed functionalities for improved CO2 capture from flue gas

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    Effective carbon dioxide (CO2) capture requires solid, porous sorbents with chemically and thermally stable frameworks. Herein, we report two new carbon–carbon bonded porous networks that were synthesized through metal-free Knoevenagel nitrile–aldol condensation, namely the covalent organic polymer, COP-156 and 157. COP-156, due to high specific surface area (650 m2/g) and easily interchangeable nitrile groups, was modified post-synthetically into free amine- or amidoxime-containing networks. The modified COP-156-amine showed fast and increased CO2 uptake under simulated moist flue gas conditions compared to the starting network and usual industrial CO2 solvents, reaching up to 7.8 wt % uptake at 40 °C

    The Comparison of Standard and Salvage Chemotherapy Regimens Regarding to CD34(+) Peripheric Stem Cell Harvesting Success

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    WOS: 000325121400007Although regimens of harvesting peripheric stem cell vary from one center to another, the most common ones are chemotherapy plus growth factor or growth factor alone. We aimed to determine which variables of harvesting peripheral stem cells are effective on the number of harvested CD34+ cells and successfull mobilisation defined as "the collection of >2.0 x 106 CD34+ cells/kg b.w. with a maximum of three leukaphereres". From August 2008 to January 2011, the documents of 56 patients included in the autologous peripheral stem cell harvesting program were retrieved retrospectively. Regarding harvesting regimens, 28 patients (50.0%) were administered filgrastim 10 mu g/kg/day (filgrastim group), 18 patients (32.1%) were administered a standard regime with ifosphamide + etoposide + epirubicin + filgrastim 5 mu g/kg/day or cyclophosphamide + etoposide + filgrastim 5 mu g/kg/day (standard group), and 10 patients (17.9%) were administered a salvage regime + filgrastim 5 mu g/kg/day (salvage group). Rituximab was added if the disease was CD20 positive. The median number of CD34+ cells and the number of inadequate collection did not differ between these 3 groups. Transplantation before mobilization was found to have a negative effect on the harvesting success. The transplantated patients had a lower number of harvested CD34+ cells than the patients without transplantation history. But no clear relationship was seen between harvest success and the diagnosis of the patients, pretransplant response, radiotherapy history before mobilization, or mobilization with a standard regimen. Finally, the number of standard CT cycles before mobilization were found to have a borderline negative effect on the harvested CD34+ cells

    CD34 Pozitif Periferik Kök Hücre Toplama Başarısında Standart ve Salvaj Kemoterapi Rejimlerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Periferik kök hücre toplama rejimleri merkezden merkeze değişmekle birlikte, en sık tercih edilen kemoterapi ile birlikte büyüme faktörü (G-CSF, GM-CSF) veya yalnızca büyüme faktörü uygulanmasıdır. CD34+ kök hücreler standart toplama rejimleri ardından toplanabileceği gibi salvaj kemoterapileri takiben de toplanabilir. Çalışmamızda standart toplama ve salvaj kemoterapi protokollerinin mobilizasyon başarısı açısından karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Ağustos 2008- Ocak 2011 arasında otolog periferik kök hücre toplama programına dahil edilen 56 hastanın dosyaları retrospektif olarak tarandı. Yirmi sekiz hastaya (50.0%) filgrastim 10 µg/kg/gün (1. grupfilgrastim), 18 hastaya (32.1%) ifosfamid + etoposid + epirubisin + filgrastim 5 g/kg/gün veya siklofosfamid + etoposid + 5 µg/kg/gün’den oluşan bir standart toplama protokolü (2. grup-standart), 10 hastaya (17.9%) ise bir salvaj rejim + filgrastim 5 µg/kg/gün (3. grup-salvaj) uygulanmıştı. Mobilize edilen median CD34+ hücre ve yetersiz toplama sayıları her üç grupta da benzerdi. Mobilizasyon öncesi nakil öyküsünün olması, toplama işleminin başarısı üzerinde negatif bir etkiye sahip bulundu. Nakil öyküsü olanlarda, olmayanlara göre toplanan CD34+ hücre sayısı daha düşüktü. Bununla birlikte hastaların tanıları, nakil öncesi hastalık durumları, mobilizasyon öncesi radyoterapi öyküsü gibi parametrelerin toplama işleminin başarısı üzerine etkisi saptanmadı. Çalışmamızda CD34+ hücre mobilizasyonu açısından standart toplama ve salvaj kemoterapi protokolleri arasında fark saptanmamıştır. Standart toplama ve salvaj kemoterapi protokollerinin mobilizasyon başarısı açısından karşılaştırılması için çok sayıda olgu içeren prospektif ve randomize klinik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Although regimens of harvesting peripheric stem cell vary from one center to another, the most common ones are chemotherapy plus growth factor or growth factor alone. We aimed to determine which variables of harvesting peripheral stem cells are effective on the number of harvested CD34+ cells and successfull mobilisation defined as “the collection of >2.0 x 106 CD34+ cells/kg b.w. with a maximum of three leukaphereres”. From August 2008 to January 2011, the documents of 56 patients included in the autologous peripheral stem cell harvesting program were retrieved retrospectively. Regarding harvesting regimens, 28 patients (50.0%) were administered filgrastim 10 mg/kg/day (filgrastim group), 18 patients (32.1%) were administered a standard regime with ifosphamide + etoposide + epirubicin + filgrastim 5 mg/kg/day or cyclophosphamide + etoposide + filgrastim 5 mg/kg/day (standard group), and 10 patients (17.9%) were administered a salvage regime + filgrastim 5 mg/kg/day (salvage group). Rituximab was added if the disease was CD20 positive. The median number of CD34+ cells and the number of inadequate collection did not differ between these 3 groups. Transplantation before mobilization was found to have a negative effect on the harvesting success. The transplantated patients had a lower number of harvested CD34+ cells than the patients without transplantation history. But no clear relationship was seen between harvest success and the diagnosis of the patients, pretransplant response, radiotherapy history before mobilization, or mobilization with a standard regimen. Finally, the number of standard CT cycles before mobilization were found to have a borderline negative effect on the harvested CD34+ cells