225 research outputs found

    On computing the degree of convexity of polyominoes

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    In this paper we present an algorithm which has as input a convex polyomino P and computes its degree of convexity, de\ufb01ned as the smallest integer k such that any two cells of P can be joined by a monotone path inside P with at most k changes of direction. The algorithm uses space O(m + n) to represent a polyomino P with n rows and m columns, and has time complexity O(min(m, rk)), where r is the number of corners of P. Moreover, the algorithm leads naturally to a decomposition of P into simpler polyominoes

    On the Chlorination Thermodynamics

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    L-Convex Polyominoes are Recognizable in Real Time by 2D Cellular Automata

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    A polyomino is said to be L-convex if any two of its cells are connected by a 4-connected inner path that changes direction at most once. The 2-dimensional language representing such polyominoes has been recently proved to be recognizable by tiling systems by S. Brocchi, A. Frosini, R. Pinzani and S. Rinaldi. In an attempt to compare recognition power of tiling systems and cellular automata, we have proved that this language can be recognized by 2-dimensional cellular automata working on the von Neumann neighborhood in real time. Although the construction uses a characterization of L-convex polyominoes that is similar to the one used for tiling systems, the real time constraint which has no equivalent in terms of tilings requires the use of techniques that are specific to cellular automata

    Kinetics of Chlorination of Tantalum Pentoxide with Carbon Tetrachloride

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    Tantalum chloride is used as a feed material for the plasma reduction using hydrogen and in the chloride bath fused salt electrolysis routes to produce tantalum. Most of the tantalum, however, occurs in nature in the oxide form. The traditional chlorination process employs gaseous chlorine and carbon as reductant at high temperatures (1073-1273 K). Use of carbon tetrachloride as the chlor- inating agent is expected to reduce the chlorination tem-peratures significantly resulting in lower energy cons-umption and cost of capital equipment for chlorination. The purpose of the present study was to explore the use of carbon tetrachloride as an alternative chlorinating agent for Ta205. The kinetics of chlorination of pure tantalum pentoxide powders with carbon tetrachloride in nitrogen atmosphere was investigated in the temperature range 733-853 K and Pccia in the range 20-60 kPa. The kinetic results were found to conform to a diffusion controlled reaction model. Equilibrium conversions to chloride and the gas phase composition at different temperatures and partial pressures of CCI4 were calculated using the free energy minimisation technique

    A New Quantitative Classification of the Extrahepatic Biliary Tract Related to Cystic Duct Implantation

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    Background: Knowledge regarding biliary anatomy and its variations, including the cystic duct (CD), is important in the pre-surgical setting and for predicting biliary diseases. However, no large series has focused on CD evaluation using a quantitative analysis. The primary aim of this prospective study was to create a ‘taxonomic’ classification of CD anatomy in a large cohort of subjects who underwent magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). The secondary aim was to evaluate the correlations between extrahepatic bile duct (EHBD) variants and biliary diseases. Methods: We enrolled patients who underwent MRCP for different clinical indications from January 2017 to May 2019. Demographical, anatomical and clinical data were evaluated using statistical analyses, as appropriate. The anatomical assessment of EHBD was performed using the standard classification for CD in low, medium, and high insertions, and the lengths of CD to the duodenal papilla (DP), and EHBD was determined to conduct a new quantitative analysis. Results: The final study population comprised 1004 subjects. A new classification for EHBD as per the percentile distribution of the ratio CDDP/EHBD was designed, and the following categories were obtained: type 1 (below the 25th percentile) for CDDP/EHBD ratio ≤ 50%; type 2 (25th to 75th percentile) for CDDP/EHBD ratio 51–75% and type 3 (above the 75th percentiles) for CDDP/EHBD ratio > 75%. Type 1 of the new classification of CD implantation was significantly superior in terms of the detection of low, medial and intra-pancreatic CD that was significantly correlated with a high risk of choledochal lithiasis in comparison with the standard classification (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The new classification of CD implantation enables identification of the vast majority of intra-pancreatic CDs that are correlated with a high risk of choledochal lithiasis in a single category (type 1) that is easy to identify using imaging

    Imaging of colorectal liver metastases: New developments and pending issues

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    Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 18-fluorideoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18 FDG-PET) are historically the most accurate imaging techniques for diagnosing liver metastases. Recently, the combination of diffusion-weighted imaging and hepatospecific contrast media, such as gadoxetic acid in MRI, have been demonstrated to have the highest diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for detecting liver metastases. Various recent meta-analyses have confirmed the diagnostic superiority of this combination (diffusion-weighted imaging and gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI), especially in terms of per lesion sensitivity, as compared with CT and18 FDG-PET, even for smaller lesions ( 641 cm). However, none of the oncological guidelines have suggested the use of MRI as a first-line technique for liver metastasis detection during the staging process of oncological patients. This review analyzes the history of the principal imaging techniques for the diagnosis of liver metastases, in particular of colorectal liver metastases, focusing on the most accurate method (diffusion-weighted imaging combined with gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI), possible reasons for the lack of its diffusion in the guidelines, and possible future scenarios

    Evidence for glycosylation on a DNA-binding protein of Salmonella enterica

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    BACKGROUND: All organisms living under aerobic atmosphere have powerful mechanisms that confer their macromolecules protection against oxygen reactive species. Microorganisms have developed biomolecule-protecting systems in response to starvation and/or oxidative stress, such as DNA biocrystallization with Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells). Dps is a protein that is produced in large amounts when the bacterial cell faces harm, which results in DNA protection. In this work, we evaluated the glycosylation in the Dps extracted from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. This Dps was purified from the crude extract as an 18-kDa protein, by means of affinity chromatography on an immobilized jacalin column. RESULTS: The N-terminal sequencing of the jacalin-bound protein revealed 100% identity with the Dps of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium. Methyl-alpha-galactopyranoside inhibited the binding of Dps to jacalin in an enzyme-linked lectin assay, suggesting that the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of jacalin is involved in the interaction with Dps. Furthermore, monosaccharide compositional analysis showed that Dps contained mannose, glucose, and an unknown sugar residue. Finally, jacalin-binding Dps was detected in larger amounts during the bacterial earlier growth periods, whereas high detection of total Dps was verified throughout the bacterial growth period. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results indicate that Dps undergoes post-translational modifications in the pre- and early stationary phases of bacterial growth. There is also evidence that a small mannose-containing oligosaccharide is linked to this bacterial protein

    Retrospective evaluation of foot-and-mouth disease vaccineeffectiveness in Turkey

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    AbstractFoot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is present in much of Turkey and its control is largely based on vaccination. The arrival of the FMD Asia-1 serotype in Turkey in 2011 caused particular concern, spreading rapidly westwards across the country towards the FMD free European Union. With no prior natural immunity, control of spread would rely heavily on vaccination.Unlike human vaccines, field protection is rarely evaluated directly for FMD vaccines. Between September 2011 and July 2012 we performed four retrospective outbreak investigations to assess the vaccine effectiveness (VE) of FMD Asia-1 vaccines in Turkey. Vaccine effectiveness is defined as the reduction in risk in vaccinated compared to unvaccinated individuals with similar virus exposure in the field.The four investigations included 12 villages and 1230 cattle >4 months of age. One investigation assessed the FMD Asia-1 Shamir vaccine, the other three evaluated the recently introduced FMD Asia-1 TUR 11 vaccine made using a field isolate of the FMD Asia-1 Sindh-08 lineage that had recently entered Turkey.After adjustment for confounding, the TUR 11 vaccine provided moderate protection against both clinical disease VE=69% [95% CI: 50%–81%] and infection VE=63% [95% CI: 29%–81%]. However, protection was variable with some herds with high vaccine coverage still experiencing high disease incidence. Some of this variability will be the result of the variation in virus challenge and immunity that occurs under field conditions.In the outbreak investigated there was no evidence that the Asia-1 Shamir vaccine provided adequate protection against clinical FMD with an incidence of 89% in single vaccinated cattle and 69% in those vaccinated two to five times.Based on these effectiveness estimates, vaccination alone is unlikely to produce the high levels of herd immunity needed to control FMD without additional control measures

    Transient asymptomatic pulmonary opacities and interstitial lung disease in EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer treated with osimertinib

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    Introduction: Osimertinib is a third-generation epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) approved as first-line therapy for advanced EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Some osimertinib-related interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) were shown to be transient, called transient asymptomatic pulmonary opacities (TAPO)—clinically benign pulmonary opacities that resolve despite continued osimertinib treatment—and are not associated with the clinical manifestations of typical TKI-associated ILDs. Methods: In this multicentric study, we retrospectively analyzed 92 patients with EGFR-mutated NSCLC treated with osimertinib. Computed tomography (CT) examinations were reviewed by two radiologists and TAPO were classified according to radiologic pattern. We also analyzed associations between TAPO and patients’ clinical variables and compared clinical outcomes (time to treatment failure and overall survival) for TAPO-positive and TAPO-negative groups. Results: TAPO were found in 18/92 patients (19.6%), with a median follow-up of 114 weeks. Median onset time was 16 weeks (range 6–80) and median duration time 14 weeks (range 8–37). The most common radiologic pattern was focal ground-glass opacity (54.5%). We did not find any individual clinical variable significantly associated with the onset of TAPO or significant difference in clinical outcomes between TAPO-positive and TAPO-negative groups. Conclusions: TAPO are benign pulmonary findings observed in patients treated with osimertinib. TAPO variability in terms of CT features can hinder the differential diagnosis with either osimertinib-related mild ILD or tumor progression. However, because TAPO are asymptomatic, it could be reasonable to continue therapy and verify the resolution of the CT findings at follow-up in selected cases