291 research outputs found

    Risiken im Lebenszyklus: Theorie und Evidenz

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    Der einzelne Mensch ist im Lebensverlauf erheblichen biometrischen, ökonomischen, familiären und politischen Risiken ausgesetzt. Viele meinen, diese wären in den letzten Jahren größer geworden. Haben wir die richtigen Institutionen, um diese Risiken effizient abzudecken? Unter Institutionen verstehen wir individuelles Sparen, familiäre Hilfe, private Versicherungen und schließlich den Staat mit seinen Sozialversicherungen. Wo und wann funktionieren diese Institutionen? Wo und wann nicht? Was muss man tun, um sie zu verbessern? Wie sieht modernes "Social Risk Management" aus? Der erste Teil dieses Übersichtsbeitrags skizziert die wirtschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen des Sparverhaltens, der Portefeuillewahl und der Versicherungsnachfrage. Im Hauptteil werden die empirischen Befunde gesammelt, um im dritten Teil wirtschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen

    Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)

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    A network of scientists under the umbrella of 'Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)' seeks funding under the FP7-Theme: Cooperation - Environment (including Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation) programme of the European Commission.

    The Effects And Efficiency Of Hearing Stories On Vocabulary Acquisition By Students Of German AS A Second Foreign Language In Japan

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    The usual approach to vocabulary learning is to present students with a list of words to be memorized, present them in the context of a text, and then provide exercises to “reinforce” the vocabulary. The purpose of these studies with beginning level German-as-a-foreign language university students in Japan was to determine whether beginning level students with limited vocabulary in German could sustain their interest in hearing a story for over 20 minutes, and to determine how much vocabulary could be gained just from hearing stories, without a list to memorize and supplementary vocabulary exercises. The first experiment showed that hearing a story had a higher acquisition/learning rate than a list method. The second and third experiments showed that supplementary focus on form activities were not worthwhile on vocabulary acquisition/learning, and that the rate of acquisition/learning was .10 words per minute during the seven weeks. It appears to be the case that students acquire six words per hour when they hear stories, while they learn 2.4 words per hour in traditional classes

    Case studies

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    In this chapter, case studies are used as examples of how to gain a better understanding of the risks posed by extreme weather and climate-related events while identifying lessons and best practices from past responses to such occurrences. Using the information in Chapters 1 to 8, it was possible to focus on particular examples to reflect the needs of the whole Special Report. The chosen case studies are illustrative of an important range of disaster risk reduction, disaster risk management, and climate change adaptation issues. They are grouped to examine representative types of extreme events, vulnerable regions, and methodological approaches

    Label-free imaging flow cytometry for analysis and sorting of enzymatically dissociated tissues

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    Biomedical research relies on identification and isolation of specific cell types using molecular biomarkers and sorting methods such as fluorescence or magnetic activated cell sorting. Labelling processes potentially alter the cells’ properties and should be avoided, especially when purifying cells for clinical applications. A promising alternative is the label-free identification of cells based on physical properties. Sorting real-time deformability cytometry (soRT-DC) is a microfluidic technique for label-free analysis and sorting of single cells. In soRT-FDC, bright-field images of cells are analyzed by a deep neural net (DNN) to obtain a sorting decision, but sorting was so far only demonstrated for blood cells which show clear morphological differences and are naturally in suspension. Most cells, however, grow in tissues, requiring dissociation before cell sorting which is associated with challenges including changes in morphology, or presence of aggregates. Here, we introduce methods to improve robustness of analysis and sorting of single cells from nervous tissue and provide DNNs which can distinguish visually similar cells. We employ the DNN for image-based sorting to enrich photoreceptor cells from dissociated retina for transplantation into the mouse eye

    Эмерджентные свойства магнитных ионов и наночастиц в мицеллярных растворах ПАВ: Использование для тонких технологий

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    Objectives. To establish expected emergent (unexpected) properties of magnetic materials when obtained in aqueous micellar solutions of surfactants (aqueous quantum materials), and their use in fine technologies.Methods. Chemical synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles in aqueous micellar solutions of surfactants of various nature. Characterization of magnetic solutions and nanoparticles by magnetic measurements, spectroscopy, diffractometry, small-angle X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, and others.Results. The term “water quantum material” refers to materials (micellar solutions) whose properties are mainly determined by the nuclear quantum effect on macroscopic scales (emergent property). Micellar solutions exhibit phenomena and functionality not always consistent with the classical theory of micellization. The article presents in detail the experimental results that suggest the manifestation of the emergent properties of magnetic materials obtained in aqueous micellar solutions of surfactants. In particular, Gd3+ ions in an aqueous micellar solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate exhibit paramagnetic properties, possibly indicating their random arrangement in solution contrary to the classical theory of micellization with an ordered adsorption layer on micelles. Hybrid Pt–Gd nanoparticles are formed in a quantum material with cetylpyridinium chloride as a matrix, although Gd3+ ions must be repelled by CP+ ions on micelles. Nanosized powders of cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite obtained in a micellar solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate have superparamagnetic properties, although the presence of their precursor ions in the adsorption layer in classical micelles should lead to ferromagnetic properties.Conclusions. The synthesis of nanoparticles in a quantum material opens up the possibility of reducing ions of different signs in one stage during the processing of metallurgy waste, in order to obtain nanoparticles of various metals and their composites. Magnetic nanoparticles obtained in a quantum surfactant material self-assemble on various substrates, enabling the creation of materials whose residual magnetization and coercive field can be controlled at room temperatures.Цели. Выявить предполагаемые эмерджентные (неожиданные) свойства магнитных материалов при их получении в водных мицеллярных растворах поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) (водных квантовых материалах), которые можно использовать для тонких технологий.Методы. Химический синтез магнитных наночастиц в водных мицеллярных растворах ПАВ различной природы; характеризация магнитных растворов и наночастиц методами магнитных измерений, спектроскопии, дифрактометрии, малоугловой рентгеновской дифракции, сканирующей зондовой микроскопии и другими.Результаты. Термин «водный квантовый материал» относится к материалам (мицеллярным растворам), свойства которых в основном определяются ядерным квантовым эффектом в макроскопических масштабах (эмерджентное свойство). Мицеллярные растворы демонстрируют явления и функциональные возможности, не всегда соотносимые с классической теорией мицеллобразования. В статье подробно представлены экспериментальные результаты, которые позволяют предположить проявление эмерджентных свойств магнитных материалов, получаемых в водных мицеллярных растворах ПАВ. В частности, ионы гадолиния Gd3+ в водно-мицеллярном растворе додецилсульфата натрия проявляют парамагнитные свойства, что, возможно, указывает на их беспорядочное расположение в растворе вопреки классической теории мицеллообразования с адсорбционным упорядоченном слое на мицеллах. Гибридные наночастицы Gd–Pt образуются в квантовом материале с хлоридом цетилпиридиния в качестве матрицы, хотя ионы Gd3+ должны отталкиваться ионами цетилпиридиния ЦП+ на  мицеллах. Наноразмерные порошоки феррита кобальта и феррита никеля, получаемые в мицеллярном растворе додецилсулфата натрия, обладают суперпарамагнитными свойствами, хотя присутствие их прекурсорных ионов в адсорбионном слое в классических мицеллах должно было бы привести к ферромагнитным свойствам.Выводы. Синтез наночастиц в квантовом материале открывает возможность восстановления ионов разных знаков за одну стадию при переработке отходов металлургии с целью получения наночастиц различных металлов и их композитов. Магнитные наночастицы, получаемые в квантовом материале ПАВ, самоорганизуются на различных подложках, что позволяет создавать материалы, остаточная намагниченность и коэрцитивное поле которых можно регулировать при комнатных температурах. Таким образом, показано, каким образом эмерджентные свойства квантовых материалов можно применять для тонких технологий

    A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order caryophyllales

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    The Caryophyllales constitute a major lineage of flowering plants with approximately 12?500 species in 39 families. A taxonomic backbone at the genus level is provided that reflects the current state of knowledge and accepts 749 genera for the order. A detailed review of the literature of the past two decades shows that enormous progress has been made in understanding overall phylogenetic relationships in Caryophyllales. The process of re-circumscribing families in order to be monophyletic appears to be largely complete and has led to the recognition of eight new families (Anacampserotaceae, Kewaceae, Limeaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Montiaceae and Talinaceae), while the phylogenetic evaluation of generic concepts is still well underway. As a result of this, the number of genera has increased by more than ten percent in comparison to the last complete treatments in the “Families and genera of vascular plants” series. A checklist with all currently accepted genus names in Caryophyllales, as well as nomenclatural references, type names and synonymy is presented. Notes indicate how extensively the respective genera have been studied in a phylogenetic context. The most diverse families at the generic level are Cactaceae and Aizoaceae, but 28 families comprise only one to six genera. This synopsis represents a first step towards the aim of creating a global synthesis of the species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales integrating the work of numerous specialists around the world. © 2015 BGBM Berlin