1,072 research outputs found

    Retrospective Application of Human Reliability Analysis for Oil and Gas Incidents: A Case Study Using the Petro-HRA Method

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    Human reliability analysis (HRA) may be performed prospectively for a newly designed system or retrospectively for an as-built system, typically in response to a safety incident. The SPAR-H HRA method was originally developed for retrospective analysis in the U.S. nuclear industry. As HRA has found homes in new safety critical areas, HRA methods developed predominantly for nuclear power applications are being used in novel ways. The Petro-HRA method represents a significant adaptation of the SPAR-H method for petroleum applications. Current guidance on Petro-HRA considers only prospective applications of the method, such as for review of new systems to be installed at offshore installations. In this paper, we review retrospective applications of Petro-HRA and analyze the Macando Oil Well-Deepwater Horizon accident as a case study

    Seeing motion and apparent motion

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    In apparent motion experiments, participants are presented with what is in fact a succession of two brief stationary stimuli at two different locations, but they report an impression of movement. Philosophers have recently debated whether apparent motion provides evidence in favour of a particular account of the nature of temporal experience. I argue that the existing discussion in this area is premised on a mistaken view of the phenomenology of apparent motion and, as a result, the space of possible philosophical positions has not yet been fully explored. In particular, I argue that the existence of apparent motion is compatible with an account of the nature of temporal experience that involves a version of direct realism. In doing so, I also argue against two other claims often made about apparent motion, viz. that apparent motion is the psychological phenomenon that underlies motion experience in the cinema, and that apparent motion is subjectively indistinguishable from real motion

    Human reliability analysis: exploring the intellectual structure of a research field

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    Humans play a crucial role in modern socio-technical systems. Rooted in reliability engineering, the discipline of Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) has been broadly applied in a variety of domains in order to understand, manage and prevent the potential for human errors. This paper investigates the existing literature pertaining to HRA and aims to provide clarity in the research field by synthesizing the literature in a systematic way through systematic bibliometric analyses. The multi-method approach followed in this research combines factor analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, and bibliometric mapping to identify main HRA research areas. This document reviews over 1200 contributions, with the ultimate goal of identifying current research streams and outlining the potential for future research via a large-scale analysis of contributions indexed in Scopus database

    Using Raccoons as an Indicator Species for Metal Accumulation Across Trophic Accumulation across Trophic Levels: A Stable Isotope Approach

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    : The fact that raccoons (Procyon lotor) are an opportunistic omnivore has severely complicated interpreta- tions of contaminant uptake patterns due to the inability to determine the trophic position an individual occupies. Moreover, few studies have examined the relationships between heavy metal bioaccumulation and trophic struc- ture, especially in the terrestrial environment. In this study, the stable isotopes of nitrogen were used to charac- terize the feeding habits of the raccoon at the population level and to determine whether metal burden was relat- ed to trophic feeding structure within a welldefined ecosystem. Raccoon populations were isotopically distinct, and significant positive relationships existed between some trace element contents and 6 1 5 ~of muscle when site was used as a covariable in a statistical model. Although the transfer of metals through terrestrial ecosystems is com- plex, our study showed that some of the variation in contaminant body burdens in raccoon populations can be attributed to trophic feeding position and that 1 5 ~ / 1 4 ~ ratios of muscle tissue provide a quantitative measure of this process. The potential for using omnivores such as the raccoon, as a sentinel species for contaminant studies, should be explored further since the ambiguity of the relative trophlc level an animal occupies can be directly esti- mated. This provides a more extensive sampling across trophic levels using a single species, which can have broad consequences for ecological risk assessment

    Quantifying energy use efficiency via entropy production: a case study from longleaf pine ecosystems

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    Ecosystems are open systems that exchange matter and energy with their environment. They differ in their efficiency in doing so as a result of their location on Earth, structure and disturbance, including anthropogenic legacy. Entropy has been proposed to be an effective metric to describe these differences as it relates energy use efficiencies of ecosystems to their thermodynamic environment (i.e., temperature) but has rarely been studied to understand how ecosystems with different disturbance legacies respond when confronted with environmental variability. We studied three sites in a longleaf pine ecosystem with varying levels of anthropogenic legacy and plant functional diversity, all of which were exposed to extreme drought. We quantified radiative (effrad), metabolic and overall entropy changes – as well as changes in exported to imported entropy (effflux) in response to drought disturbance and environmental variability using 24 total years of eddy covariance data (8 years per site). We show that structural and functional characteristics contribute to differences in energy use efficiencies at the three study sites. Our results demonstrate that ecosystem function during drought is modulated by decreased absorbed solar energy and variation in the partitioning of energy and entropy exports owing to differences in site enhanced vegetation index and/or soil water content. Low effrad and metabolic entropy as well as slow adjustment of effflux at the anthropogenically altered site prolonged its recovery from drought by approximately 1 year. In contrast, stands with greater plant functional diversity (i.e., the ones that included both C3 and C4 species) adjusted their entropy exports when faced with drought, which accelerated their recovery. Our study provides a path forward for using entropy to determine ecosystem function across different global ecosystems.</p

    Fermi Surface of The One-dimensional Kondo Lattice Model

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    We show a strong indication of the existence of a large Fermi surface in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model. The characteristic wave vector of the model is found to be kF=(1+ρ)π/2k_F=(1+\rho )\pi /2, ρ\rho being the density of the conduction electrons. This result is at first obtained for a variant of the model that includes an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction JHJ_H between the local moments. It is then directly observed in the conventional Kondo lattice (JH=0)(J_H=0), in the narrow range of Kondo couplings where the long distance properties of the model are numerically accessible.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Differential roles of CCL2 and CCR2 in host defense to coronavirus infection.

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    The CC chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) is important in coordinating the immune response following microbial infection by regulating T cell polarization as well as leukocyte migration and accumulation within infected tissues. The present study examines the consequences of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) infection in mice lacking CCL2 (CCL2(-/-)) in order to determine if signaling by this chemokine is relevant in host defense. Intracerebral infection of CCL2(-/-) mice with MHV did not result in increased morbidity or mortality as compared to either wild type or CCR2(-/-) mice and CCL2(-/-) mice cleared replicating virus from the brain. In contrast, CCR2(-/-) mice displayed an impaired ability to clear virus from the brain that was accompanied by a reduction in the numbers of antigen-specific T cells as compared to both CCL2(-/-) and wild-type mice. The paucity in T cell accumulation within the central nervous system (CNS) of MHV-infected CCR2(-/-) mice was not the result of either a deficiency in antigen-presenting cell (APC) accumulation within draining cervical lymph nodes (CLN) or the generation of virus-specific T cells within this compartment. A similar reduction in macrophage infiltration into the CNS was observed in both CCL2(-/-) and CCR2(-/-) mice when compared to wild-type mice, indicating that both CCL2 and CC chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) contribute to macrophage migration and accumulation within the CNS following MHV infection. Together, these data demonstrate that CCR2, but not CCL2, is important in host defense following viral infection of the CNS, and CCR2 ligand(s), other than CCL2, participates in generating a protective response

    Extending a mobile device's interaction space through body-centric interaction

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    Modern mobile devices rely on the screen as a primary input modality. Yet the small screen real-estate limits interaction possibilities, motivating researchers to explore alternate input techniques. Within this arena, our goal is to develop Body-Centric Interaction with Mobile Devices: a class of input techniques that allow a person to position and orient her mobile device to navigate and manipulate digital content anchored in the space on and around the body. To achieve this goal, we explore such interaction in a bottomup path of prototypes and implementations. From our experiences, as well as by examining related work, we discuss and present three recurring themes that characterize how these interactions can be realized. We illustrate how these themes can inform the design of Body-Centric Interactions by applying them to the design of a novel mobile browser application. Overall, we contribute a class of mobile input techniques where interactions are extended beyond the small screen, and are instead driven by a person's movement of the device on and around the body. Copyright 2012 ACM


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    This paper describes a cognitively based human reliability analysis (HRA) quantification technique for estimating the human error probabilities (HEPs) associated with operator and crew actions at nuclear power plants. The method described here, Standardized Plant Analysis Risk-Human Reliability Analysis (SPAR-H) method, was developed to aid in characterizing and quantifying human performance at nuclear power plants. The intent was to develop a defensible method that would consider all factors that may influence performance. In the SPAR-H approach, calculation of HEP rates is especially straightforward, starting with pre-defined nominal error rates for cognitive vs. action-oriented tasks, and incorporating performance shaping factor multipliers upon those nominal error rates
