273 research outputs found

    Analysis of Training Functions in a Biometric System

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    One of the commonly used Biometric methods is Face Classifica tion . Face images a re obtained from FEI face database. In this paper, different Training F unctio ns of Neural Network a re studied . In this research, a face recognition sy stem i s suggested based on feedforward backpro pagation neural network Neural Network (BPNN) model. Each model i s constructed separately with one input layer, 3 hidden layers and one output layer). Four ANN training algorithms (TRAINLM, TRAINBFG, TRAINGDX, and TRAINRP ) a re used to train each model se parately. Performances using each of the training algorithms were evaluated based on mean square error an d the best training algorithm i s found for the face recognition

    Analisis Kualitas No2 dalam Ruang pada Perparkiran Basement dan Upper Ground ( Studi Kasus : Mall X, Semarang)

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    Nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) is a corrosive and oxidizing reddish - orange - brown gas with a characteristic pungent odor . The largest sources of NO2come from vehicles gas emissions. The amount of NO2 in excessive concentrations (5 ppm) can cause negative impacts for human health , especially cause irritation of respiratory system . Parking area is risk location againts air pollution by vehicle gas emissions because the parking area is a gathering place for vehicles , especially in indoor parking area. Research do in the basement parking area and the upper ground on the Mall X Semarang where both areas have the difference in the ventilation system . Basement using mechanical ventilation while the upper ground area using natural ventilation . The purpose of this study is to compare the concentration of NO2 in the basement parking area with the upper ground area and to analyze the relationship between the number of vehicles , temperature , humidity , and wind speed against concentrations of NO2 . Total exposure of NO2 also calculateto determine how long the parking employee Mall X Semarang can be negatively impact by NO2 . The results of the study conclude that the concentration of NO2 in the basement is higher than the upper ground and both are still below the ambient air quality standard for NO2(316 μg/Nm3 by Central Java Governor Decree No. 8 , 2001) . There is a significant relationship between the number of vehicles , temperature , and wind speed against concentrations of NO2 . Parking employee of Mall X Semarang can be negatively impact by NO2after 142 working days on basement and 222 working days on the upper ground

    Compact Tunable Filters for Broadband Applications

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    AbstractMicrowave filters are essential components of modern communication systems. Miniaturization of microwave filters is of much demand in today's rapidly changing communication world with ever more growing wireless applications. The paper presents compact tunable band pass filters to provide multiple bands of operation. The filter employs tunable/chip inductors along with an inter-digital coupled line for introducing transmission zeros on both band edges. Tunability is achieved by varying the inductor values. The stop band attenuation is improved by etching Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRR's) and Defected Ground Structures (DGS) in the ground plane

    Home delivery and newborn care practices among urban women in western Nepal: a questionnaire survey

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    BACKGROUND: About 98% of newborn deaths occur in developing countries, where most newborns deaths occur at home. In Nepal, approximately, 90% of deliveries take place at home. Information about reasons for delivering at home and newborn care practices in urban areas of Nepal is lacking and such information will be useful for policy makers. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was carried out in the immunisation clinics of Pokhara city, western Nepal during January and February, 2006. Two trained health workers administered a semi-structured questionnaire to the mothers who had delivered at home. RESULTS: A total of 240 mothers were interviewed. Planned home deliveries were 140 (58.3%) and 100 (41.7%) were unplanned. Only 6.2% of deliveries had a skilled birth attendant present and 38 (15.8%) mothers gave birth alone. Only 46 (16.2%) women had used a clean home delivery kit and only 92 (38.3%) birth attendants had washed their hands. The umbilical cord was cut after expulsion of placenta in 154 (64.2%) deliveries and cord was cut using a new/boiled blade in 217 (90.4%) deliveries. Mustard oil was applied to the umbilical cord in 53 (22.1%) deliveries. Birth place was heated throughout the delivery in 88 (64.2%) deliveries. Only 100 (45.8%) newborns were wrapped within 10 minutes and 233 (97.1%) were wrapped within 30 minutes. Majority (93.8%) of the newborns were given a bath soon after birth. Mustard oil massage of the newborns was a common practice (144, 60%). Sixteen (10.8%) mothers did not feed colostrum to their babies. Prelacteal feeds were given to 37(15.2%) newborns. Initiation rates of breast-feeding were 57.9% within one hour and 85.4% within 24 hours. Main reasons cited for delivering at home were 'preference' (25.7%), 'ease and convenience' (21.4%) for planned deliveries while 'precipitate labor' (51%), 'lack of transportation' (18%) and 'lack of escort' during labor (11%) were cited for the unplanned ones. CONCLUSION: High-risk home delivery and newborn care practices are common in urban population also. In-depth qualitative studies are needed to explore the reasons for delivering at home. Community-based interventions are required to improve the number of families engaging a skilled attendant and hygiene during delivery. The high-risk traditional newborn care practices like delayed wrapping, bathing, mustard oil massage, prelacteal feeding and discarding colostrum need to be addressed by culturally acceptable community-based health education programmes
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