196 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teorema Probabilitas Total dalam Analisis Resiko Gempa

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    Total probabilistic theorem was applied to analyze seismic risk by mean Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). Earthquake as natural earthquakes as a random natural event was approached by the concept of uncertainty. The PSHA method is described in 5 (five) stages of work, called identificating the source of the earthquake,  characterizing the earthquake source, characterizing the seismicity, determinating the movement of soil surface occurring at a location due to the earthquake, the combining the uncertainty of the location of the earthquake, magnitude of the earthquake and prediction of soil surface movement parameters. Ez-Frisk computer Program was used to perform earthquake risk calculation. Earthquake risk analysis for the city of Bontang, East Kalimantan taken as a case study. Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) in Bontang base rocks for some periodic of time presented in chart form as result of earthquake risk analysis


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    ABSTRAK\ud Gangguan muskuloskeletalmerupakan gangguan yang paling sering ditemukan pada hampir semua jenis pekerjaan baik ringan, sedang maupun berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal pada cleaning service di RSUP dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasi analitik dengan pendekatan pontong lintang (Cross Sectional Study).teknik penarikan sampel diambil dengan metode exhaustive sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa angka kejadian muskuloskeletal berat pada cleaning service di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar Tahun 2013 adalah sebesar 49,1% dan ringan sebesar 50,9%. Berdasarkan variabel umur (p = 0,000 < 0,05), jenis kelamin (p =0,051 < 0,05), , masa kerja (p = 0,000 < 0,05) dan sikap kerja (p = 0,000 < 0,05) menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal, sedangkan lama kerja (p = 0,686 > 0,05) menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal.Sikap kerja yang ergonomis dalam melakukan pekerjaaan harus diperhatikan agar dapat mengurangi gangguan muskuloskeletal baik ringan maupun berat, Tenaga kerja yang yang tergolong dalam kelompok tua serta yang masa kerjanya > 3 tahun sebaiknya memperhatikan kesegaran jasmaninya

    Assessing Wearers’ / Observers’ Understanding of the Ceremonial Significance of Academic Procession and Dress in Tertiary Institutions: Evidence from Kumasi Polytechnic

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    Being aware of the level of knowledge of observers and participants regarding the order of academic procession and the various dress distinctions and their components for the varied academic levels was very important. This is because many wearers don the academicals without the slightest knowledge about their ceremonial significance to the academic setting. This paper seeks to determine the knowledge level of the wearers at Kumasi Polytechnic. Using survey data obtained from the participants in the Polytechnic, the overall understanding of the significance of the academic procession and gowns among the sampled participants indicated that 50.6%, 19.1%, 16.4%, 13% and 1% of them believe that they have “poor”, “very good”, “good”, “very poor” and excellent overall understanding of the ceremonial significance of the order of academic procession and academicals respectively. Also from the result, majority of the respondents 56.3% either “strongly disagreed” or “disagreed” that the academicals are borrowed tradition and are too cumbersome to wear and therefore their usage for academic ceremonies must be optional followed by 32.5% who either “agreed” or “strongly agreed” that irrespective of the nature of the dress its usage must be continued with the few 11.2% who chose to sit on the fence. Again most respondents 79.2% and 81.1% respectively claimed that both the Polytechnic’s colours and the faculty colours must be included in the design of the gowns for uniqueness and recognition. In conclusion, the Polytechnic community should be educated to know and appreciate the ceremonial significance of the academic procession and the academicals. Keywords: Ceremonial Significance, Academic Procession, Academic Gowns, Academical

    Contemporary Issues about the Industrial Practical Skills Program in Ghana, Opinion of the Stakeholders: A Study of the Faculty of Creative Arts and Technology- Kumasi Polytechnic

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    Training or education devoid of the requisite practical skills is not enough if professionals should function effectively in their work environments; hence the rationale for Industrial Practical Skills program instituted at the higher educational levels all over the globe. Effective program organization will enhance the benefits and satisfaction of the beneficiaries. Against this backdrop this study set out to verify how effective the IPS program at Kumasi Polytechnic (Faculty of Creative Art and Technology) was. In so doing the study applied case study with mixed method approach. 103 respondents were sampled through purposive sampling. The result indicates that only 51.8% viewed the pre-program activities as being effective with 43.2% holding the contrary position and the rest being “neutral”. 66% “agreed” that the actual practicum activities were effective, 18.3% “disagreed” with 16.53% “uncertain”. Notwithstanding that, they were generally not pleased with the post program aspect. On the average about 47.56% found the program activities to be easy, 30% challenged, with the rest holding the middle position. Approximately 59% of the attachés benefitted from the program to a “great” extent, nearly 26% “moderate” extent whilst the remaining benefitted to either “small” or “no” extent. On the whole whereas close to 61% were satisfied with the program, 25% were neither “satisfied” nor “dissatisfied” and with the rest not “satisfied” This means that much needs to be done concerning every aspect of the program in order to realize a successful program outcome capable of increasing satisfaction levels. Keywords: Industrial practical skills, effective program, challenges, stakeholder satisfaction, program success   Acknowledgement: We are grateful to the Liaison Office-Kumasi Polytechnic, especially Mr. Fidelis Sunzuoye for his contribution to the study

    Assessing the Challenges Heads of Department Encounter in Instructional Supervision in Ghana. A Case of Selected Senior High Schools in Kwabre East District

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    The purpose of the study was to assess the challenges HoDs in Senior High Schools face during instructional supervision. In so doing, the study employed case study and used mixed method approach. In all a total of 92 questionnaires were administered with a response rate of 75.40%. The population consisted of School Heads /Assistant Heads, HoDs and Teachers drawn from the three study areas.  45.55% of HoDs “agreed” or “strongly agreed” as against 44.82% either “disagreeing” or “strongly disagreeing” that HoDs face a myriad of challenges that are hindering their efforts. The opinion of the 45.55% was confirmed by 60% school heads/ assistants and nearly 60% teachers as against a little over 25% teachers and similar percentage of school heads /assistant heads disagreeing and apparently supporting the views of the 44.82% HoDs above. HoDs employed varied strategies to overcome some of their challenges. Majority of the respondents believed that HoDs are not adequately empowered to perform creditably and for which over 50% of them think that they are performing to some extent. Resultantly, the study recorded the satisfaction level of HoDs with their condition of service as 35% “moderate”, 35% to a “small” extent and 30% to a “great” or “very great” extent. The study concludes that HoDs must be empowered enough to perform their roles successfully for better results. Keywords: Instructional leadership, Heads of department, Empowerment, Challenges, Satisfactio

    Highly prevalent hyperuricaemia is associated with adverse clinical outcomes among Ghanaian stroke patients: An observational prospective study

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    Background: Although a direct causal relationship between hyperuricaemia and stroke continues to be debated, strong associations between serum uric acid (SUA) and cerebrovascular disease exist. Very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the frequency and association between this potentially modifiable biomarker of vascular risk and stroke in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine the association between hyperuricaemia and the traditional risk factors and the outcomes of stroke in Ghanaian patients.Methods: In this prospective observational study, 147 patients presenting with stroke at a tertiary referral centre in Ghana were consecutively recruited. Patients were screened for vascular risk factors and SUA concentrations measured after an overnight fast. Associations between hyperuricaemia and stroke outcomes were analysed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards regression analysis.Results: The frequency of hyperuricaemia among Ghanaian stroke patients was 46.3%. Non-significant associations were observed between hyperuricaemia and the traditional risk factors of stroke. SUA concentration was positively correlated with stroke severity and associated with early mortality after an acute stroke with unadjusted hazards ratio of 2.3 (1.4 - 4.2, p=0.001). A potent and independent dose-response association between increasing SUA concentration and hazard of mortality was found on Cox proportional hazards regression, aHR (95% CI) of 1.65 (1.14-2.39), p=0.009 for each 100μmol/l increase in SUA.Conclusions: Hyperuricaemia is highly frequent and associated with adverse functional outcomes among Ghanaian stroke patients. Further studies are warranted to determine whether reducing SUA levels after a stroke would be beneficial within our setting.Key words: Hyperuricaemia, stroke, mortality, Ghan

    Reduced levels of intracellular calcium releasing in spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Asthenozoospermia is one of the most common findings present in infertile males characterized by reduced or absent sperm motility, but its aetiology remains unknown in most cases. In addition, calcium is one of the most important ions regulating sperm motility. In this study we have investigated the progesterone-evoked intracellular calcium signal in ejaculated spermatozoa from men with normospermia or asthenozoospermia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human ejaculates were obtained from healthy volunteers and asthenospermic men by masturbation after 4–5 days of abstinence. For determination of cytosolic free calcium concentration, spermatozoa were loaded with the fluorescent ratiometric calcium indicator Fura-2.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment of spermatozoa from normospermic men with 20 micromolar progesterone plus 1 micromolar thapsigargin in a calcium free medium induced a typical transient increase in cytosolic free calcium concentration due to calcium release from internal stores. Similar results were obtained when spermatozoa were stimulated with progesterone alone. Subsequent addition of calcium to the external medium evoked a sustained elevation in cytosolic free calcium concentration indicative of capacitative calcium entry. However, when progesterone plus thapsigargin were administered to spermatozoa from patients with asthenozoospermia, calcium signal and subsequent calcium entry was much smaller compared to normospermic patients. As expected, pretreatment of normospermic spermatozoa with both the anti-progesterone receptor c262 antibody and with progesterone receptor antagonist RU-38486 decreased the calcium release induced by progesterone. Treatment of spermatozoa with cytochalasin D or jasplakinolide decreased the calcium entry evoked by depletion of internal calcium stores in normospermic patients, whereas these treatments proved to be ineffective at modifying the calcium entry in patients with asthenozoospermia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic patients present a reduced responsiveness to progesterone.</p

    Low frequency of the TIRAP S180L polymorphism in Africa, and its potential role in malaria, sepsis, and leprosy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Toll-like receptors (TLRs) mediate innate immunity to various pathogens. A mutation (S180L) in the TLR downstream signal transducer <it>TIRAP </it>has recently been reported to be common in Europeans and Africans and to roughly half the risks of heterogeneous infectious diseases including malaria, tuberculosis, bacteremia, and invasive pneumococal disease in heterozygous mutation carriers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We assessed the <it>TIRAP </it>S180L variant by melting curve and RFLP analysis in 1095 delivering women from malaria-endemic Ghana, as well as in a further 1114 individuals participating in case control studies on sepsis and leprosy in Germany, Turkey and Bangladesh.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In Ghana, the <it>TIRAP </it>S180L polymorphism was virtually absent. In contrast, the mutation was observed among 26.6%, 32.9% and 12% of German, Bangladesh and Turkish controls, respectively. No significant association of the heterozygous genotype with sepsis or leprosy was observed. Remarkably, homozygous <it>TIRAP </it>180L tend to increase the risk of sepsis in the German study (<it>P </it>= 0.04).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A broad protective effect of <it>TIRAP </it>S180L against infectious diseases <it>per se </it>is not discernible.</p

    Adolescent health in rural Ghana: A cross-sectional study on the co-occurrence of infectious diseases, malnutrition and cardio-metabolic risk factors.

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, infectious diseases and malnutrition constitute the main health problems in children, while adolescents and adults are increasingly facing cardio-metabolic conditions. Among adolescents as the largest population group in this region, we investigated the co-occurrence of infectious diseases, malnutrition and cardio-metabolic risk factors (CRFs), and evaluated demographic, socio-economic and medical risk factors for these entities. In a cross-sectional study among 188 adolescents in rural Ghana, malarial infection, common infectious diseases and Body Mass Index were assessed. We measured ferritin, C-reactive protein, retinol, fasting glucose and blood pressure. Socio-demographic data were documented. We analyzed the proportions (95% confidence interval, CI) and the co-occurrence of infectious diseases (malaria, other common diseases), malnutrition (underweight, stunting, iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency [VAD]), and CRFs (overweight, obesity, impaired fasting glucose, hypertension). In logistic regression, odds ratios (OR) and 95% CIs were calculated for the associations with socio-demographic factors. In this Ghanaian population (age range, 14.4-15.5 years; males, 50%), the proportions were for infectious diseases 45% (95% CI: 38-52%), for malnutrition 50% (43-57%) and for CRFs 16% (11-21%). Infectious diseases and malnutrition frequently co-existed (28%; 21-34%). Specifically, VAD increased the odds of non-malarial infectious diseases 3-fold (95% CI: 1.03, 10.19). Overlap of CRFs with infectious diseases (6%; 2-9%) or with malnutrition (7%; 3-11%) was also present. Male gender and low socio-economic status increased the odds of infectious diseases and malnutrition, respectively. Malarial infection, chronic malnutrition and VAD remain the predominant health problems among these Ghanaian adolescents. Investigating the relationships with evolving CRFs is warranted

    A novel microdeletion syndrome at 3q13.31 characterised by developmental delay, postnatal overgrowth, hypoplastic male genitals, and characteristic facial features

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    Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: Congenital deletions affecting 3q11q23 have rarely been reported and only five cases have been molecularly characterised. Genotype-phenotype correlation has been hampered by the variable sizes and breakpoints of the deletions. In this study, 14 novel patients with deletions in 3q11q23 were investigated and compared with 13 previously reported patients. METHODS: Clinical data were collected from 14 novel patients that had been investigated by high resolution microarray techniques. Molecular investigation and updated clinical information of one cytogenetically previously reported patient were also included. RESULTS: The molecular investigation identified deletions in the region 3q12.3q21.3 with different boundaries and variable sizes. The smallest studied deletion was 580 kb, located in 3q13.31. Genotype-phenotype comparison in 24 patients sharing this shortest region of overlapping deletion revealed several common major characteristics including significant developmental delay, muscular hypotonia, a high arched palate, and recognisable facial features including a short philtrum and protruding lips. Abnormal genitalia were found in the majority of males, several having micropenis. Finally, a postnatal growth pattern above the mean was apparent. The 580 kb deleted region includes five RefSeq genes and two of them are strong candidate genes for the developmental delay: DRD3 and ZBTB20. CONCLUSION: A newly recognised 3q13.31 microdeletion syndrome is delineated which is of diagnostic and prognostic value. Furthermore, two genes are suggested to be responsible for the main phenotype.1 februari 201