519 research outputs found

    Case study: A GPR survey on a morainic lake in northern Italy for bathymetry, water volume and sediment characterization

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    We carried out an extensive waterborne GPR survey consisting of 50 profiles with a total length of nearly 37 km on the morainic lake of Candia northerly Turin (Italy). Our aim was to test the capability of GPR to estimate the bathymetry, the water volume and the sediment type. We enhanced and controlled the GPR data processing and interpretation with bathymetry acquired with an acoustic echo sounder and measured conductivity and temperature profile of the water column with a multiparametric probe. We also analyzed the diffraction hyperbola that originated within the sediments in order to estimate the velocity and relative permittivity. With the permittivity and dielectric mixing rules, we estimated the porosity of the sediments above the diffracting objects and drew a map of the bottom lake porosity

    Pregnancy outcome in cases of rupture uterus: a clinical study

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    Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate and analyze the risk factors, maternal and perinatal outcome in cases of ruptured uterus.Methods: It is retrospective observational study was designed from January 2015 to December 2015. A total of 69 patients diagnosed with ruptured uterus during the study period were included.Results: The incidence of uterine rupture was 0.64%. The uterine rupture in scarred uterus seen in 66 (95.6%) cases and unscarred uterus 3 (4.4%) cases. Forty five (65.3%) patients did not receive any antenatal care. Sixty six (49.1%) of the cases underwent previous uterine surgery due to cesarean. Other observed predisposing factors were induced/augmented labor seen in 39 cases (29.1%), prolonged labor in 8 (6%), macrosomic fetus 8 (11.6%), grand multiparous 10 (7.5%), multiple pregnancies 4 (3%) and malformed baby 2 (1.5%), cephalopelvic disproportion 2 (1.5%), instrumental deliveries 1 (0.7%) respectively. Primary repair of uterus was performed in 52 (75.2%) of the patients. Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy was performed in 10 patients (15.2%). There were seven fetal deaths and two maternal deaths recorded during the study period.Conclusions: Uterine rupture is a major contributing factor for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Proper antenatal care and early referral of women at risk to tertiary center will significantly improve maternal and perinatal outcome. Uterine rupture is amongst the preventable obstetric complication that carries severe risks both to the mother as well as the baby. Health education of people, training and supervision of health personal will reduce incidence especially in remote areas

    The Mouride Dahira between Marseille and Touba

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    Mouridism is a contemporary Sufi religious movement originating in Senegal at the end of the 19th century. Its founder, Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba, was exiled several times by the colonizers, who saw the movement as a danger to their enterprise. Initially trained in prayer and in working in the fields in the daara and pioneers in the cultivation and sale of groundnuts in Senegal, the Mouride taalibes (disciples) became great merchants. The drought of the 1970s led them to organize new economic activities, notably those related to commerce, initially in Dakar and later in the cities to which they migrated

    Instrumental vaginal deliveries at tertiary centre

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    Background: Operative vaginal delivery has been maligned since the days of W. J. Little with the word “Forceps” becoming synonymous with the “Birth Injury” and “Cerebral palsy”. Instrumental vaginal deliveries in that era were the end result of a long, obstructed labour performed for maternal benefits and to avoid destructive procedures to the fetus. The aims and objectives of the study were to find out the incidence of instrumental vaginal delivery at our tertiary institute and to know the indications of the procedure and to study the impacts of the same on maternal and fetal outcomes.Methods: This was as observational prospective cohort study on Instrumental Vaginal Deliveries (IVD) carried out between Jan 2015 to Dec 2015 at a tertiary hospital in Sion, Mumbai. All the patients who had an instrumental vaginal delivery were studied in terms of maternal age, parity, indications for the same, maternal and fetal outcomes, APGAR scoring, NICU admissions and complications in both.Results: The incidence of Instrumental vaginal delivery was 2.8% of all deliveries, most of the patients between 20- 30yrs (88%) and maximum primigravida (57.19%). In 70.56 % patients it was indicated because of prolonged second stage of labour. 2 patients required blood transfusion, other complications being cervical tear (36 cases) and extension of episiotomy (27 cases). 82 newborn babies had birth asphyxia for which NICU admission was required.Conclusions: It is evident from our study that Instrumental Vaginal Delivery is an important emergency obstetrics procedure in our obstetrics day to day care. It is very important to make Instrumental Vaginal Delivery procedure available and accessible everywhere especially in low resource country like India where the need is high and caesarean section as alternative is not always available. It should be made available for such patient with abnormal prolonged labour and complication should be identified and managed at the earliest

    First trimester bleeding and pregnancy outcome

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    Background: The outcome of first trimester vaginal bleeding is a matter of debate. This study sought to determine the maternal and perinatal outcome in patients presenting with first trimester vaginal bleeding.Methods: This prospective observational study was done on 1007 women with first trimester vaginal bleeding at a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai over a period of one year. A detailed history was taken and USG was done to confirm diagnosis. All these patients were evaluated for the outcomes including  threatened abortions, spontaneous, complete or incomplete abortions, sub-chorionic hematoma, Intra-uterine Fetal Demise, missed abortions, second and third trimester bleeding, Intra-uterine Growth Restriction, premature rupture of membranes and preterm deliveries.Results: Out of the 11835 confinements 1007 patients presented with first trimester vaginal bleeding. The incidence was highest (52.3%) in the age group of 21-30 years. 63.9% primigravidas presented with first trimester bleeding as compared to 36.1% of multigravidas.  It was seen that 76.9% patients who presented before 6 weeks aborted whereas only 7% patients who presented after 10 weeks aborted. Out of the 163 patients that continued pregnancy after first trimester vaginal bleeding 1.8% had a second trimester abortion, 15.3% went into preterm labour 6.75% has premature rupture of membranes and 1.8% had antepartum hemorrhage.Conclusions: According to the results of present study, first trimester vaginal bleeding predicts auxiliary maternal and fetal complications. Also, as the clinical intermediation has an important role in continuance of pregnancy and in reducing the fetal complications precise management and planning by physician is important

    Cyclospora cayetanensis em amostra de escarro

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    We report the observation of acid-fast Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts in a sputum sample. The patient, a 60 year-old, HIV negative man, was successfully treated for pulmonary tuberculosis during 1997. On February 1998, he was admitted to our center due to loss of weight, cough with purulent expectoration, dysphonia and a radiological picture of pulmonary fibrosis. Bacilloscopic study of sputum (negative for acid-fast bacilli) stained with Ziehl-Neelsen technique showed large (8-10 µm) spherical, acid-fast Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts. No other pathogens were isolated on cultures from this sample or from laryngeal biopsy. Serial parasitologic studies showed C. cayetanensis and also eggs of Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides and Hymenolepis nana and of Entamoeba coli cysts. The patient lives in the outskirts of Buenos Aires in a brick-made house with potable water and works as builder of sewers. He travelled in several occasions to the rural area of province of Tucumán which has poor sanitary conditions. C. cayetanensis is an emergent agent of diarrhea and as far as we know this is the first time the parasite is observed in respiratory samples.Comunicamos a observação de grandes oocistos (8-10 µm de diâmetro) esféricos, ácido-álcool-resistentes de Cyclospora cayetanensis em amostra de escarro corada com a técnica de Ziehl-Neelsen. Na amostra não foram observados nem cultivados outros agentes patogênicos. Trata-se de um paciente do sexo masculino, 60 anos de idade, HIV (-), tratado previamente para tuberculose pulmonar (1997). Em fevereiro de 1998 apresentou-se em nosso hospital com perda de peso, tosse com expectoração purulenta, disfonia e imagens radiológicas de fibrose pulmonar. As culturas das amostras de escarro e da biopsia de laringe foram negativas. O exame parasitológico seriado de fezes mostrou ovos de Ascaris lumbricoides, Hymenolepis nana e Trichuris trichiura e cistos de Entamoeba coli. O paciente mora nos arredores de Buenos Aires numa casa de alvenaria com água potável e é construtor de fossas (cloacas). Realizou varias viagens à zona rural da província de Tucumán. Cyclospora cayetanensis é um agente emergente de diarréia e esta é, até onde nós sabemos, a primeira observação de oocistos deste parasito em amostra de vias respiratórias

    Management practices and forage quality affecting the contamination of milk with anaerobic spore‐forming bacteria

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    BACKGROUND: Anaerobic spore-forming bacteria (ASFB) in milk derive from the farm environment, and the use of silages and management practices are the main responsible of milk ASFB contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships between feeding, milking routine and cow hygiene and milk and Grana Padano cheese (produced with and without lysozyme) ASFB contamination. RESULTS: The study involved 23 dairy farms. ASFB in corn silage were on average 2.34\ub10.87 log10 MPN g-1. For grass, Italian ryegrass and alfalfa, ASFB (log10 MPN g-1) were numerically higher for silages (3.22) than hays (2.85). The use of corn silages of high quality (high lactic and acetic acids concentrations) decreased the milk ASFB contamination, whilst the use of herbage silages did not affect it. The presence (>40%) of cows with dirty udders increased the ASFB contamination of milk, while forestripping had a positive effect (-9% ASFB). Ripened Grana Padano had an ASFB count below the analytical limit; Clostridium tyrobutyricum DNA was found only in wheels produced without lysozyme, which also showed late blowing. CONCLUSION: The factors increasing milk spore contamination were corn silage quality, cow udder hygiene and inadequate milking routine. Late blowing was present only in cheeses without lysozyme

    Summer diet of cattle grazing in lenga forests (Nothofagus pumilio) and flood meadows of Chubut, Argentina

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    Se determinó la composición de la dieta de verano de bovinos pastoreando en sistemas formados por bosques de Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) y mallines, del noroeste del Chubut. Se estimó la disponibilidad forrajera de los mallines y del sotobosque mediante cortes de biomasa aérea, y se determinó la composición dietaria mediante análisis microhistológico de heces. La dieta está integrada principalmente por especies de gramíneas y graminoides, que disminuyeron su frecuencia al final del verano, mientras que los renovales de lenga y otras especies leñosas la aumentaron. El ganado selecciona gramíneas en ambos períodos, y al final del verano también los renovales de lenga. La ganadería constituye una importante y creciente forma de subsistencia para los pobladores rurales del noroeste del Chubut. Este trabajo aporta elementos para avanzar en la búsqueda de herramientas que permitan la sustentabilidad de los bosques de lenga.Summer diet composition of cattle grazing in systems formed by Nothofagus pumilio forests (lenga) and flood meadows, in Northwest of Chubut, was determined. Forage availability in flood meadows and understory were estimated by cutting aboveground biomass. Cattle diet composition was assessed using faeces microhistological analysis. Diet consisted mainly of Poaceae and Cyperaceae species, which decreased in frequency at the end of summer grazing, on the other hand, frequency of woody species including lenga saplings, increased at the same period. Cattle selected grass species in both periods, and also lenga saplings in the end of summer. Livestock is an important economic activity for the inhabitants of the region. This paper provides information that can be for the elaboration of guideline for sustainable coexistence of forest and cattle.Fil: Quinteros, Claudia P.. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (Chubut, Argentina)Fil: Feijóo, Sandra M.. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Departamento de BiologíaFil: Arias, Nadia S.. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Departamento de BiologíaFil: López Bernal, Pablo M.. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (Chubut, Argentina)Fil: Bava, José O.. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (Chubut, Argentina