359 research outputs found

    Triple-ionised carbon associated with the low-density neutral hydrogen gas at 1.7 < z < 3.3: the integrated N(HI)-N(CIV) relation

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    From the Voigt profile fitting analysis of 183 intervening CIV systems at 1.7 < z < 3.3 in 23 high-quality UVES/VLT and HIRES/Keck QSO spectra, we find that a majority of CIV systems (~75%) display a well-characterised scaling relation between integrated column densities of HI and CIV with a negligible redshift evolution, when column densities of all the HI and CIV components are integrated within a given (-150, +150) km/sec range centred at the CIV flux minimum. The integrated CIV column density N(CIV, sys) increases with N(HI, sys) at log N(HI, sys) = 14.0--15.5 and log N(CIV, sys) = 11.8--14.0, then becomes almost independent of N(HI, sys) at log N(HI, sys) > 16, with a large scatter: at log N(HI, sys) = 14--22, log N(CIV, sys) = C1 / (log(NHI, sys) + C2) + C3, with C1 = -1.90+0.55, C2 = -14.11+0.19 and C3 = 14.76+0.17, respectively. The steep (flat) part is dominated by SiIV-free (SiIV-enriched) CIV systems. Extrapolating the N(HI, sys)-N(CIV, sys) relation implies that most absorbers with log N(HI) < 14 are virtually CIV-free. The N(HI, sys)-N(CIV, sys) relation does not hold for individual components, clumps or the integration velocity range less than +-100 km/sec. It is expected if the line-of-sight extent of CIV is smaller than HI and N(CIV, sys) decreases more rapidly than N(HI, sys) at the larger impact parameter, regardless of the location of the HI+CIV gas in the IGM filaments or in the intervening galactic halos.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS, 26 pages, 20 figures, 4 tables. On-line materials are found in the submitted civ.tar.gz file: complete Table 2, complete Table 3, complete Table 4, velocity plots civ1.pdf, civ2.pdf, civ3.pdf, civ4.pdf and civ5.pd

    Kinetic or thermal AGN feedback in simulations of isolated and merging disc galaxies calibrated by the M-\ua0 relation

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    We investigate two modes of coupling the feedback energy from a central active galacticnucleus (AGN) to the neighbouring gas in galaxy simulations: kinetic - velocity boost andthermal - heating. We formulate kinetic feedback models for energy-driven wind (EDW)and momentum-driven wind (MDW), using two free parameters: feedback efficiency \u3b5f and AGN wind velocity \u3bd w. A novel numerical algorithm is implemented in the smoothed particlehydrodynamics code GADGET-3, to prevent the expansion of a hole in the gas distributionaround the black hole (BH). We perform simulations of isolated evolution and merger ofdisc galaxies, of Milky Way mass as well as lower and higher masses. We find that in theisolated galaxy BH kinetic feedback generates intermittent bipolar jet-like gas outflows. Weinfer that current prescriptions for BH subgrid physics in galaxy simulations can grow theBH to observed values even in an isolated disc galaxy. The BH growth is enhanced in agalaxy merger, which consequently requires different model parameters to fit the observationsthan an isolated case. Comparing the [MBH-\u3c3*] relation obtained in our simulations withobservational data, we conclude that it is possible to find parameter sets for a fit in all themodels (e.g. \u3bdw = 10 000 km s-1 and \u3b5f = 0.25 for BH kinetic EDW), except for the casewith MDW feedback in a galaxy merger, in which the BH is always too massive. The BHthermal feedback implementation of Springel et al. within the multiphase star formation modelis found to have negligible impact on gas properties, and the effect claimed in all previousstudies is attributed to gas depletion around the BH by the creation of an artificial hole. TheBH mass accretion rate in our simulations exhibit heavy fluctuations. The star formation rate isquenched with feedback by removal of gas. The circumgalactic medium gas at galactocentricdistances (20-100) h-1 kpc is found to give the best metallicity observational diagnostic todistinguish between BH model

    The Significance of Machine Learning in Clinical Disease Diagnosis: A Review

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    The global need for effective disease diagnosis remains substantial, given the complexities of various disease mechanisms and diverse patient symptoms. To tackle these challenges, researchers, physicians, and patients are turning to machine learning (ML), an artificial intelligence (AI) discipline, to develop solutions. By leveraging sophisticated ML and AI methods, healthcare stakeholders gain enhanced diagnostic and treatment capabilities. However, there is a scarcity of research focused on ML algorithms for enhancing the accuracy and computational efficiency. This research investigates the capacity of machine learning algorithms to improve the transmission of heart rate data in time series healthcare metrics, concentrating particularly on optimizing accuracy and efficiency. By exploring various ML algorithms used in healthcare applications, the review presents the latest trends and approaches in ML-based disease diagnosis (MLBDD). The factors under consideration include the algorithm utilized, the types of diseases targeted, the data types employed, the applications, and the evaluation metrics. This review aims to shed light on the prospects of ML in healthcare, particularly in disease diagnosis. By analyzing the current literature, the study provides insights into state-of-the-art methodologies and their performance metrics.Comment: 8 page

    The dense molecular gas in the z6\rm z\sim6 QSO SDSS J231038.88+185519.7 resolved by ALMA

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    We present ALMA observations of the CO(6-5) and [CII] emission lines and the sub-millimeter continuum of the z6z\sim6 quasi-stellar object (QSO) SDSS J231038.88+185519.7. Compared to previous studies, we have analyzed a synthetic beam that is ten times smaller in angular size, we have achieved ten times better sensitivity in the CO(6-5) line, and two and half times better sensitivity in the [CII] line, enabling us to resolve the molecular gas emission. We obtain a size of the dense molecular gas of 2.9±0.52.9\pm0.5 kpc, and of 1.4±0.21.4\pm0.2 kpc for the 91.5 GHz dust continuum. By assuming that CO(6-5) is thermalized, and by adopting a CO--to--H2H_2 conversion factor αCO=0.8 M K1 (km/s)1 pc2\rm \alpha_{CO} = 0.8~ M_{\odot}~K^{-1}~ (km/s)^{-1} ~pc^{2}, we infer a molecular gas mass of M(H2)=(3.2±0.2)×1010M\rm M(H_2)=(3.2 \pm0.2) \times 10^{10}\rm M_{\odot}. Assuming that the observed CO velocity gradient is due to an inclined rotating disk, we derive a dynamical mass of Mdyn sin2(i)=(2.4±0.5)×1010 M\rm M_{dyn}~sin^2(i) = (2.4\pm0.5) \times 10^{10}~ M_{\odot}, which is a factor of approximately two smaller than the previously reported estimate based on [CII]. Regarding the central black hole, we provide a new estimate of the black hole mass based on the C~IV emission line detected in the X-SHOOTER/VLT spectrum: MBH=(1.8±0.5)×109 M\rm M_{BH}=(1.8\pm 0.5) \times 10^{9}~ M_{\odot}. We find a molecular gas fraction of μ=M(H2)/M4.4\rm \mu=M(H_2)/M^*\sim4.4, where MMdynM(H2)M(BH)\rm M^*\approx M_{dyn} - M(H_2)-M(BH). We derive a ratio vrot/σ12v_{rot}/\sigma \approx 1-2 suggesting high gas turbulence, outflows/inflows and/or complex kinematics due to a merger event. We estimate a global Toomre parameter Q0.20.5Q\sim 0.2-0.5, indicating likely cloud fragmentation. We compare, at the same angular resolution, the CO(6-5) and [CII] distributions, finding that dense molecular gas is more centrally concentrated with respect to [CII]. We find that the current BH growth rate is similar to that of its host galaxy.Comment: A&A in pres

    Imaging in extrapulmonary tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global public health problem, with 1.5 million deaths annually worldwide. One in five cases of TB present as extrapulmonary TB (EPTB), posing major diagnostic and management challenges. Mycobacterium tuberculosis adapts to a quiescent physiological state and is notable for its complex interaction with the host, producing poorly understood disease states ranging from latent infection to active clinical disease. New tools in the diagnostic armamentarium are urgently required for the rapid diagnosis of TB and monitoring of TB treatments, and to gain new insights into pathogenesis. The typical and atypical imaging features of EPTB are reviewed herein, and the roles of several imaging modalities for the diagnosis and management of EPTB are discussed

    Radial Velocities of Six OB Stars

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    We present new results from a radial velocity study of six bright OB stars with little or no prior measurements. One of these, HD 45314, may be a long-period binary, but the velocity variations of this Be star may be related to changes in its circumstellar disk. Significant velocity variations were also found for HD 60848 (possibly related to nonradial pulsations) and HD 61827 (related to wind variations). The other three targets, HD 46150, HD 54879, and HD 206183, are constant velocity objects, but we note that HD 54879 has Hα\alpha emission that may originate from a binary companion. We illustrate the average red spectrum of each target.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP July 2007 issu

    White Spot Lesions and Remineralization

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    As all practitioners are aware, the prevalence and incidence of dental caries keep increasing constantly and therefore early diagnosis and cessation of further progression would greatly help in maintaining the sound tooth structure. One of the earliest signs of dental caries is a white spot lesion, which is mostly missed, and only treated when the condition worsens. WSL are areas of demineralized enamel that occur due to a prolonged period of retained microbial biofilms most commonly associated in patients with poor oral hygiene and fixed orthodontic appliances. If caught early and intervened, WSLs can be reversed. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of WSL are of outmost importance, and this chapter will explain in detail various methods of diagnosing WSLs, its treatment protocol with the significance of remineralization of the same

    Role of skeletal scintigraphy in soft tissue sarcoma: Improving the diagnostic yield

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    Background: The presence of skeletal metastases significantly influences the therapeutic strategy adopted for soft tissue sarcoma. However, literature on the prevalence of skeletal metastases in soft tissue sarcoma is limited and none of the available data is based on the Indian patient population. Aim: To determine the prevalence of skeletal metastases at presentation in patients of soft tissue sarcoma and to rationalise the use of preoperative skeletal scintigraphy in such patients. Methods and Material: Preoperative bone scans were evaluated in 122 patients with soft tissue sarcoma (median age, 34 years; range, 4-83). The scans were classified into 3 grades: Grade 1: metastases very likely; Grade 2: equivocal; Grade 3: normal or benign lesion. In all the patients studied, the ability of the patient to localize the site or sites of pain was recorded and that was correlated with the site of metastases in scintigraphy. Result: Seventeen (13.9%) patients had Grade 1 scan; 16 of them had bony pain that was not readily explainable by trauma or other local factors. Ten ( 8.1%) patients had Grade 2 scan, five of them had bony pain which was not readily explainable by trauma or other local factors. Ninety-five patients (77.8%) had Grade 3 scan. Of these, 9 had localised bone pain which could be definitely associated with trauma or joint degeneration. Conclusion: The prevalence of skeletal metastases at presentation in patients with soft tissue sarcoma is low (13.9%). The low rates of skeletal metastases in bone pain-free patients (0.9%) versus the high rate in symptomatic patients (76.1%) supports the use of bone scanning in symptomatic patients only