228 research outputs found

    Rate controls on the chemical weathering of natural polymineralic material. I. Dissolution behaviour of polymineralic assemblages determined using batch and unsaturated column experiments

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    Chemical weathering rates for a mudstone obtained from a mining environment were investigated using a combination of batch reactors and hydrologically unsaturated column experiments. Results of tracer tests were combined with relationships between solute concentrations, mass fluxes, flow rates and residence times, and used to calculate element release rates and infer rate-controlling mechanisms for the two different experimental environments

    Rate controls on the chemical weathering of natural polymineralic material. II. Rate-controlling mechanisms and mineral sources and sinks for element release from four UK mine sites, and implications for comparison of laboratory and field scale weathering studies

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    Predictions of mine-related water pollution are often based on laboratory assays of mine-site material. However, many of the factors that control the rate of element release from a site, such as pH, water-rock ratio, the presence of secondary minerals, particle size, and the relative roles of surface-kinetic and mineral equilibria processes can exhibit considerable variation between small-scale laboratory experiments and large-scale field sites. Monthly monitoring of mine effluent and analysis of natural geological material from four very different mine sites have been used to determine the factors that control the rate of element release and mineral sources and sinks for major elements and for the contaminant metals Zn, Pb, and Cu. The sites are: a coal spoil tip; a limestone-hosted Pb mine, abandoned forthe last 200 a; a coal mine; and a slate-hosted Cu mine that was abandoned 150 a ago. Hydrogeological analysis of these sites has been performed to allow field fluxes of elements suitable for comparison with laboratory results to be calculated. Hydrogeological and mineral equilibrium control of element fluxes are common at the field sites, far more so than in laboratory studies. This is attributed to long residence times and low water-rock ratios at the field sites. The high water stor-ativity at many mine sites, and the formation of soluble secondary minerals that can efficiently adsorb metals onto their surfaces provides a large potential source of pollution. This can be released rapidly if conditions change significantly, as in,for example, the case of flooding or disturbance

    Mineralogical, numerical and analytical studies of the coupled oxidation of pyrite and coal

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    Mineralogical, bulk and field leachate compositions are used to identify important processes governing the evolution of discharges from a coal spoil heap in County Durham. These processes are incorporated into a numerical one-dimensional advective-kinetic reactive transport model which reproduces field results, including gas compositions, to within an order of magnitude. Variation of input parameters allows the effects of incorrect initial assumptions on elemental profiles and discharge chemistry to be assessed. Analytical expressions for widths and speeds of kinetic reaction fronts are developed and used to predict long-term development of mineralogical distribution within the heap. Results are consistent with observations from the field site. Pyrite oxidation is expected to dominate O2 consumption in spoilheaps on the decadal timescale, although C oxidation may stabilize contaminants in effluents on the centennial scale

    Impacts of Conservation Agriculture on Soil Structure and Hydraulic Properties of Malawian Agricultural Systems

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    Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces climate change and food insecurity challenges, which require action to create resilient farming systems. Conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted across SSA but the impacts on key soil physical properties and functions such as soil structure and hydraulic properties that govern water storage and transmission are not well understood. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of long term (10–12 years) maize-based CA on soil hydraulic conductivity, water retention and pore size distribution. Root zone (0–30 cm depth) soil total porosity, pore size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and plant available water capacity (PAWC) of conventional maize monocrop farming systems (CP) are compared with those of adjacent CA trials with either sole maize or maize intercrop/rotation with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) or velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens L) in trial locations across central and southern Malawi. Results show that maize-based CA systems result in significant changes to soil hydraulic properties that correlate with improved soil structure. Results demonstrate increases of 5–15 % in total porosity, 0.06−0.22 cm/min in Ksat, 3–7 % in fine pores for water storage and 3–6 % in PAWC. Maize monocrop CA had similar effect on the hydraulic properties as the maize-legume associations. The values of Ksat for CA systems were within optimum levels (0.03–0.3 cm/min) whereas PAWC was below optimum (<20 %). There was no significant build-up in soil organic matter (OM) in the CA systems. The results lead to a recommendation that crop residue management should be more pro-actively pursued in CA guidance from agricultural extension staff to increase soil OM levels, increase yields and enhance climate resilience of sub-Saharan African farming systems

    Impact of fertiliser, water table, and warming on celery yield and CO2 and CH4 emissions from fenland agricultural peat

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    Peatlands are globally important areas for carbon preservation; although covering only 3% of global land area, they store 30% of total soil carbon. Lowland peat soils can also be very productive for agriculture, but their cultivation requires drainage as most crops are intolerant of root-zone anoxia. This leads to the creation of oxic conditions in which organic matter becomes vulnerable to mineralisation. Given the demand for high quality agricultural land, 40% of the UK's peatlands have been drained for agricultural use. In this study we present the outcomes of a controlled environment experiment conducted on agricultural fen peat to examine possible trade-offs between celery growth (an economically important crop on the agricultural peatlands of eastern England) and emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4)) at different temperatures (ambient and ambient +5 °C), water table levels (−30 cm, and −50 cm below the surface), and fertiliser use. Raising the water table from −50 cm to −30 cm depressed yields of celery, and at the same time decreased the entire ecosystem CO2 loss by 31%. A 5 °C temperature increase enhanced ecosystem emissions of CO2 by 25% and increased celery dry shoot weight by 23% while not affecting the shoot fresh weight. Fertiliser addition increased both celery yields and soil respiration by 22%. Methane emissions were generally very low and not significantly different from zero. Our results suggest that increasing the water table can lower emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce the rate of peat wastage, but reduces the productivity of celery. If possible, the water table should be raised to −30 cm before and after cultivation, and only decreased during the growing season, as this would reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions and peat loss, potentially not affecting the production of vegetable crops

    Using microbes to recover rare earths with low environmental impact?

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    Using Microbes to recover Rare Earths with low environmental impact Barbara Palumbo Roe, Simon Gregory, Antoni Milodowski, Julia West, Joanna Wragg British Geological Survey, Nicker Hill, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK Steve Banwart, Maria Romero González, Wei Huang, Emma Wharfe Kroto Research Institute, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7HQ, UK John Harding, Colin Freeman, Shaun Hall Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK Microbes play an important role in the fate and transport of rare earth elements (REE) in relation to the REE exploitation life cycle. A step change in understanding is needed for key mobilisation, concentration and fractionation processes such as bioleaching, biosorption and biomineralisation and how they can 1) be harnessed to recover REE in situ from low grade ores or secondary deposits, and 2) be quantified for reactive transport in environmental risk assessment and management of mining operations. Heap/in-situ leaching methods are relatively low impact mining technologies, requiring less energy (for comminution) and in the case of in-situ leaching have a minimal footprint. Furthermore, biologically-assisted leaching and separation processes represent a more sustainable alternative to chemical processes. We discuss the microbial potential to accelerate dissolution of REEs from source minerals, and how the natural selectivity of mineral and microbial surfaces as ligands for adsorption and biomineralisation of REE dissolved species could be exploited in the recovery of REEs from fluids

    Evolution of trees and mycorrhizal fungi intensifies silicate mineral weathering.

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    Forested ecosystems diversified more than 350 Ma to become major engines of continental silicate weathering, regulating the Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by driving calcium export into ocean carbonates. Our field experiments with mature trees demonstrate intensification of this weathering engine as tree lineages diversified in concert with their symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi. Preferential hyphal colonization of the calcium silicate-bearing rock, basalt, progressively increased with advancement from arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) to later, independently evolved ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, and from gymnosperm to angiosperm hosts with both fungal groups. This led to 'trenching' of silicate mineral surfaces by AM and EM fungi, with EM gymnosperms and angiosperms releasing calcium from basalt at twice the rate of AM gymnosperms. Our findings indicate mycorrhiza-driven weathering may have originated hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously recognized and subsequently intensified with the evolution of trees and mycorrhizas to affect the Earth's long-term CO(2) and climate history

    Measuring and modelling the impact of outdoor pigs on soil carbon and nutrient dynamics under a changing climate and different management scenarios

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    A mixed agricultural system that integrates livestock and cropping is essential to organic, agroecological, and regenerative farming. The demand for improved welfare systems has made the practice of outdoor rearing of pigs very popular; it currently makes up 40% of the UK pig industry and has also been integrated into arable rotations. Besides the benefits of outdoor production systems, they also potentially pose environmental risks to farmlands, such as accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, soil erosion and compaction and carbon loss. Despite this, the impact of outdoor pigs and arable crop rotations on soil health has been under-researched relative to other livestock species. This study was conducted at the University of Leeds Research Farm from 2018 to 2020 using a combined experimental and modelling approach to understand the impact of outdoor pigs on soil carbon and nutrient dynamics. The physio-chemical properties of arable soil were measured prior to the introduction of the pigs and after introducing the pigs at the end of first and second years, consecutively. There was assessment of control sites (without pigs, mowing once a year) and pig pens (pigs in a rotation with arable crops). The soil was sampled at two different depths, 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm. It was observed that measured soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the soil depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm layer were decreased by 7% and 3%, respectively, in the pig pens from 2019 to 2020, and total available nitrogen and phosphorus were significantly higher in pig pens than the control sites. Hence, at a depth between 0 and 20 cm, the average total available nitrogen was 2.51 and 2.68 mg kg−1 in the control sites and 21.76 and 20.45 mg kg−1 in the pig pens in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The average total available phosphorus at 0–20 cm was 26.54 and 37.02 mg kg−1 in control sites and 48.15 and 63.58 mg kg−1 in pig pens during 2019 and 2020, respectively. A process-based model (DayCent) was used to simulate soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the arable rotation with outdoor pigs and showed SOC stock losses of – 0.09 ± 0.23 T C ha−1 year−1 using the future climate CMIP5 RCP 8.5 scenario for 2020 to 2048. To reduce this loss, we modelled the impact of changing the management of the pig rotation and found that the loss of SOC stock could be decreased by shortening the period of pig retention in the field, growing grass in the field, and leguminous crops in the crop rotation

    Human dissemination of genes and microorganisms in Earth's Critical Zone

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    Earth's Critical Zone sustains terrestrial life and consists of the thin planetary surface layer between unaltered rock and the atmospheric boundary. Within this zone, flows of energy and materials are mediated by physical processes and by the actions of diverse organisms. Human activities significantly influence these physical and biological processes, affecting the atmosphere, shallow lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. The role of organisms includes an additional class of biogeochemical cycling, this being the flow and transformation of genetic information. This is particularly the case for the microorganisms that govern carbon and nitrogen cycling. These biological processes are mediated by the expression of functional genes and their translation into enzymes that catalyze geochemical reactions. Understanding human effects on microbial activity, fitness and distribution is an important component of Critical Zone science, but is highly challenging to investigate across the enormous physical scales of impact ranging from individual organisms to the planet. One arena where this might be tractable is by studying the dynamics and dissemination of genes for antibiotic resistance and the organisms that carry such genes. Here we explore the transport and transformation of microbial genes and cells through Earth's Critical Zone. We do so by examining the origins and rise of antibiotic resistance genes, their subsequent dissemination, and the ongoing colonization of diverse ecosystems by resistant organisms