168 research outputs found

    Geospatial assessment on land-use changes of Home Gardens in Upper Mahaweli Catchment in Sri Lanka

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    Land use changes are altering the hydrologic regimes in a catchment and have potentially large impacts on its water resources. Tree rich Home Gardens (HGs)in the Upper Mahaweli Catchment (UMC) play a vital role in catchment protection while providing other ecological services especially in areas where lack of forest cover. The main objective of this research study was to assess land-use changes of HGs in UMC and to analyze determinants for changes. An integrated approach was adopted for the methodology by integrating geo-spatial technologies with socio-economic modeling. Multi-temporal satellite imagery taken in 1990, 2005 and 2017 used for spatial assessment. Socioeconomic assessment was carried out to assess determinants for changes by developing a Binary logistic regression model using spatial, biophysical, and socio-economic determinants as predictor variables. According to spatial assessment a significant change has been revealed in Nuwara Eliya District of the UMC from 1990 to 2017. The most prominent changes have been occurred during 1990-2005 compared with to 2005 - 2017. During these periods HG land use has been increased by 14.85 % and 5.25%. In contrast, the distinct land use change was the increment of annual crop-based land use by 44.95% during 1990-2005 period. Spatial determinants were positively influenced for the conversion of HGs into other land uses. All other socio-economic determinants except age of the household head were significant for land use changes. Since conversion of HGs into annual cropbased land use would induce reduce tree cover of the UMC which lead to hinder ecological services of catchment protection function derived from HGs, policy strategies should focus on providing sufficient incentives to enhance tree cover of the HGs to control the conversion and to restore ecological services.DOI: http://doi.org/10.31357/fhss/vjhss.v06i01.0

    Backstepping control of three-phase three-level four-leg shunt active power filter

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    In this paper, backstepping control for three-level four-leg shunt active power filter (SAPF) system is proposed. The adopted filtering topology requires both a three-dimensional space vector modulation (3DSVM) for controlling the three-level four-leg inverter as well as DC voltage and filter currents control. The regulation of the DC voltage and filter currents is accomplished by backstepping controllers. The voltage-balancing control of two split DC capacitors of the three-level four-leg SAPF is achieved using three-level three-dimensional space vector modulation equipped by a balancing strategy based on the effective use of the redundant switching states of the inverter voltage vectors. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed filtering system in terms of the compensation of the harmonics and the zero sequence current and the operation at unity power factor.Keywords: shunt active power filter; three-dimensional space vector modulation; multilevel four-leg inverter; backstepping control; synchronous reference frame theory

    Predatory ability of generalist predators on eggs, young nymphs and adults of the invasive Halyomorpha halys in southern Europe

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    Halyomorpha halys (StÃ¥l, 1855) is an invasive pest causing serious damage to agricultural crops in Europe and the USA. Very little is known about H. halys predators in Europe. This survey evaluated the potential of generalist predators/omnivorous species by means of predation bioassays in tri-dimensional arenas, where the predator had to locate H. halys prey items on the leaves of a bean plant. Eleven species of different taxa were tested and the prey items consisted in fresh eggmasses, 1st and 2nd instar nymphs. One species was also tested against adults. Some predators were species commercially available as biocontrol agents against plant pests, other predators were wild, captured in habitats shared with H. halys. All tested specimens were starved 24 h before starting the experiment. The survivorship of control prey items in predator-excluding cages was compared to that of predator treatment groups to determine the effect of predator presence. According to the results, the generalist species showed a quite low acceptance of H. halys prey items, since only two species caused 80% mortality on at least one item (Eupholidoptera chabrieri and Rhynocoris iracundus) and mortality due the other species never exceed 60%. Among commercially available species only Adalia bipunctata adults and Chrysoperla carnea larvae were effective, predating the eggs and 1st instar nymphs, respectively. Among the field collected specimens, the orthopteran E. chabrieri and the predatory hemipterans R. iracundus, Nagusta goedelii and Himacerus mirmicoides showed efficacy against 1st instar nymphs, E. chabrieri and R. iracundus showed efficacy against 2nd instar nymphs, whereas only E. chabrieri and N. goedelii predated the eggs. R. iracundus was also tested on the adults and successfully predated them. By identifying some of the species that can exploit H. halys as a suitable prey in southern Europe, the present investigation provides an important contribution for conservation biological control of this pest

    Chemical Kinetic Insights into the Octane Number and Octane Sensitivity of Gasoline Surrogate Mixtures

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    Gasoline octane number is a significant empirical parameter for the optimization and development of internal combustion engines capable of resisting knock. Although extensive databases and blending rules to estimate the octane numbers of mixtures have been developed and the effects of molecular structure on autoignition properties are somewhat understood, a comprehensive theoretical chemistry-based foundation for blending effects of fuels on engine operations is still to be developed. In this study, we present models that correlate the research octane number (RON) and motor octane number (MON) with simulated homogeneous gas-phase ignition delay times of stoichiometric fuel/air mixtures. These correlations attempt to bridge the gap between the fundamental autoignition behavior of the fuel (e.g., its chemistry and how reactivity changes with temperature and pressure) and engine properties such as its knocking behavior in a cooperative fuels research (CFR) engine. The study encompasses a total of 79 hydrocarbon gasoline surrogate mixtures including 11 primary reference fuels (PRF), 43 toluene primary reference fuels (TPRF), and 19 multicomponent (MC) surrogate mixtures. In addition to TPRF mixture components of iso-octane/n-heptane/toluene, MC mixtures, including n-heptane, iso-octane, toluene, 1-hexene, and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, were blended and tested to mimic real gasoline sensitivity. ASTM testing protocols D-2699 and D-2700 were used to measure the RON and MON of the MC mixtures in a CFR engine, while the PRF and TPRF mixtures' octane ratings were obtained from the literature. The mixtures cover a RON range of 0-100, with the majority being in the 70-100 range. A parametric simulation study across a temperature range of 650-950 K and pressure range of 15-50 bar was carried out in a constant-volume homogeneous batch reactor to calculate chemical kinetic ignition delay times. Regression tools were utilized to find the conditions at which RON and MON best correlate with simulated ignition delay times. Furthermore, temperature and pressure dependences were investigated for fuels with varying octane sensitivity. This analysis led to the formulation of correlations useful to the definition of surrogates for modeling purposes and allowed one to identify conditions for a more in-depth understanding of the chemical phenomena controlling the antiknock behavior of the fuels

    Morphometry-based radiomics for predicting therapeutic response in patients with gliomas following radiotherapy

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    IntroductionGliomas are still considered as challenging in oncologic management despite the developments in treatment approaches. The complete elimination of a glioma might not be possible even after a treatment and assessment of therapeutic response is important to determine the future course of actions for patients with such cancers. In the recent years radiomics has emerged as a promising solution with potential applications including prediction of therapeutic response. Hence, this study was focused on investigating whether morphometry-based radiomics signature could be used to predict therapeutic response in patients with gliomas following radiotherapy.Methods105 magnetic resonance (MR) images including segmented and non-segmented images were used to extract morphometric features and develop a morphometry-based radiomics signature. After determining the appropriate machine learning algorithm, a prediction model was developed to predict the therapeutic response eliminating the highly correlated features as well as without eliminating the highly correlated features. Then the model performance was evaluated.ResultsTumor grade had the highest contribution to develop the morphometry-based signature. Random forest provided the highest accuracy to train the prediction model derived from the morphometry-based radiomics signature. An accuracy of 86% and area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.91 were achieved for the prediction model evaluated without eliminating the highly correlated features whereas accuracy and AUC value were 84% and 0.92 respectively for the prediction model evaluated after eliminating the highly correlated features.DiscussionNonetheless, the developed morphometry-based radiomics signature could be utilized as a noninvasive biomarker for therapeutic response in patients with gliomas following radiotherapy

    Weakly Consistent Regularisation Methods for Ill-Posed Problems

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    This Chapter takes its origin in the lecture notes for a 9 h course at the Institut Henri Poincaré in September 2016. The course was divided in three parts. In the first part, which is not included herein, the aim was to first recall some basic aspects of stabilised finite element methods for convection-diffusion problems. We focus entirely on the second and third parts which were dedicated to ill-posed problems and their approximation using stabilised finite element methods. First we introduce the concept of conditional stability. Then we consider the elliptic Cauchy-problem and a data assimilation problem in a unified setting and show how stabilised finite element methods may be used to derive error estimates that are consistent with the stability properties of the problem and the approximation properties of the finite element space. Finally, we extend the result to a data assimilation problem subject to the heat equation

    Serum Islet Cell Autoantibodies During Interferon α Treatment in Patients With HCV-Genotype 4 Chronic Hepatitis

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    Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a leading cause of end-stage liver disease worldwide and HCV genotype 4 (HCV4) is predominant in African and Middle Eastern countries. It is well established that interferon-α (IFNa) treatment for HCV may trigger serum autoantibodies against pancreatic islet cells (ICA) in a subgroup of patients. Available data on the incidence of ICA during IFNa therapy for chronic HCV4 infection are not conclusive. We investigated the appearance of ICA in 40 naïve Egyptian patients (38 males, 32 ± 6 years) with histologically defined chronic HCV4 infection undergoing IFNa treatment at a dose of 9-million U/week for 24 weeks. Serum samples were collected at baseline and following IFNa therapy and ICA were detected using indirect immunofluorescence. Baseline evaluation indicated that 2/40 (5%) patients had detectable serum ICA. After the completion of the treatment scheme, 12/38 (32%) previously ICA negative patients became ICA positive; however, no patient developed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or diabetes during follow-up. In conclusion, we submit that IFNa treatment for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) may induce serum ICA in one-third of Egyptian patients with HCV4. These autoantibodies, however, do not lead to alterations in glucose metabolism
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