28 research outputs found

    Adolf Reinach: An Intellectual Biography

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    The essay provides an account of the development of Reinach’s philosophy of “Sachverhalte” (states of affairs) and on problems in the philosophy of law, leading up to his discovery of the theory of speech acts in 1913. Reinach’s relations to Edmund Husserl and to the Munich phenomenologists are also dealt with

    Data from: Human-mediated evolution in a threatened species? Juvenile life-history changes in Snake River salmon

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    Evaluations of human impacts on Earth's ecosystems often ignore evolutionary changes in response to altered selective regimes. Freshwater habitats for Snake River fall Chinook salmon (SRFCS), a threatened species in the U.S., have been dramatically changed by hydropower development and other watershed modifications. Associated biological changes include a shift in juvenile life history: historically essentially 100% of juveniles migrated to sea as subyearlings, but a substantial fraction have migrated as yearlings in recent years. In contemplating future management actions for this species should major Snake River dams ever be removed (as many have proposed), it will be important to understand whether evolution is at least partially responsible for this life-history change. We hypothesized that if this trait is genetically based, parents who migrated to sea as subyearlings should produce faster-growing offspring that would be more likely to reach a size threshold to migrate to sea in their first year. We tested this with phenotypic data for over 2600 juvenile SRFCS that were genetically matched to parents of hatchery and natural origin. Three lines of evidence supported our hypothesis: 1) the animal model estimated substantial heritability for juvenile growth rate for three consecutive cohorts; 2) linear modeling showed an association between juvenile life history of parents and offspring growth rate; and 3) faster-growing juveniles migrated at greater speeds, as expected if they were more likely to be heading to sea. Surprisingly, we also found that parents reared a full year in a hatchery produced the fastest-growing offspring of all—apparently an example of cross-generational plasticity associated with artificial propagation. We suggest that SRFCS is an example of a potentially large class of species that can be considered to be “anthro-evolutionary”—signifying those whose evolutionary trajectories have been profoundly shaped by altered selective regimes in human-dominated landscapes

    Life history data

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    Contains information about growth rate of juvenile offspring and life history information about their parent

    Parental genotypes

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    Microsatellite genotypes for all adults spawned 2007-200

    Juvenile migration data

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    Contains information about migration of tagged juvenile salmon through the Snake and Columbia River hydropower syste