3,724 research outputs found

    The Development Methodology Of Operational Dashboard As A Tool For Organizational Performance Monitoring (A Case Study: Telkom Polytechnic)

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    The management needs to monitor and measure the performance of the organization continuously to restrain that business processes aims at the organization's mission and vision. This study assist management to monitor the organization performance continuously to restrain that business processes aims at the organization's goals. Providing the information about the achievement on KPIs that really fit the needs of its users, conveying the information are accurately and timely in the comfortable presentation format that effective. The information comes from various units within organization, so the management can take action or strategic decision-making quickly and precisely targeted for the improvement of the organization. The problems can be solved with information provider tools of the dashboard software. Dashboard software to be built is operational dashboard for the study program. Operational dashboard provides information on the ongoing activities, along with changes in real time to provide awareness to the things that need to be responded quickly, the information presented is very specific to the sufficient depth detail level, it is dynamic because it uses the data with higher frequency real time updates. The methodology proposed by Eva Hariyanti [5] was modified to suitable with environment condition. Her methodology aimed to develop dashboard at strategic and tactical level, while this study to produced operational dashboard. Her methodology concerns in provide data/information, personalized and collaboration among user. The methodology to develop operational dashboard was not cover analytical and trackability characteristic. Keywords : monitor, KPI, performance, operational dashboar


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    Didalam SMP Kartini taman sidoarjo hanya mempunyai data yang berupa laporan yang masih ditulis secara manual. Pengarsipan data secara manual masih menjadi kendala untuk mendapatkan hasil pencatatan yang baik karena kesalahan-kesalahan dalam pencatatan data sering terjadi serta waktu yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan suatu laporan. Sistem informasi penilaian berbasis web yang telah dibuat dapat membantu pengelolaan data penilaian. Solusi yang diberikan sistem ini adalah mengurangi adanya kesalahan data yang dimasukan ke dalam penilaian siswa. Tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk membuat Aplikasi Penilaian di SMP Kartini menggunakan framework codeigniter, codeigniter merupakan sebuah framework untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi website dinamis menggunakan PHP yang dapat digunakan dengan cepat dan mudah tanpa harus membangun aplikasi PHP dari awal. Penilaian pada sekolah merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam suatu proses belajar-mengajar. Penilaian adalah koleksi dari informasi yang valid, reliabel, dan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penampilan. Penilaian memerlukan informasi yang baik dan informasi yang baik itu harus valid dan reliabel. Analisa dan rancangan yang digunakan antar lain, flowchart, use case diagram, activity diagram, ERD, CDM, PDM, design interface. Perangkat yang digunakan dalam pembuatan sistem ini yaitu, bahasa pemrograman web (PHP). Dengan adanya sistem penilaian ini yaitu siswa dapat melihat informasi nilai ataupun informasi sekolah, dan dapat memudahkan atau efektif dan efisein dalam memberikan informasi nilai dan informasi tentang sekolah yang ada di sekolah SMP KARTINI taman sidoarjo. Dan mampu memberikan sebuah informasi kepada orang tua atau wali murid atas penilaian siswa/ siswi yang bersangkutan di sekolah tersebut melalui sms gateway. Kata kunci : sistem penilaian akademik, informasi, sms gatewa

    Konsistensi Dan Korelasi Antara UUD 1945 Dan Uupa 1960

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    UUPA 1960, as the first constitution created to unite the national agrarian law, was designed to manage agrarian matters. The constitution was made in accordance to Pancasila as its philosophical foundation and the 1945 Constitution as its constitutional base. In the current political agrarian dynamics, as a consequence of changes in facing globalisation era, UUPA 1960 is expected to be able to anticipate these changes and adjust to the ever developing aspirations

    Tanggapan Wisatawan terhadap Kuliner Tradisional di Desa Wisata Bokor Kecamatan Rangsang Barat Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    This research purposed to get know about how tourist response to the traditional culinary the tourist villagge Bokor sub-distric west rangsang regency archipelago meranti, Riau ProvinceThis research used qualitative desciptive method to analyze the problems. The sample in this research are 50 samples by using accidental sampling. And then the technique to collected data in this research are using questionnaire, interview, and observation. And it was using likert scale to know the length of intervals.Based on the research results, the tourist response about traditional culinaryin bokor village rangsang barat sub-district kepulauan meranti regency was in four step, there were looking the preparation, how to make, presenting and have the food.Keywords : tourist response, traditional culinary, the tourist villagge Boko

    The Geometric Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem

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    We consider the traveling salesman problem when the cities are points in R^d for some fixed d and distances are computed according to geometric distances, determined by some norm. We show that for any polyhedral norm, the problem of finding a tour of maximum length can be solved in polynomial time. If arithmetic operations are assumed to take unit time, our algorithms run in time O(n^{f-2} log n), where f is the number of facets of the polyhedron determining the polyhedral norm. Thus for example we have O(n^2 log n) algorithms for the cases of points in the plane under the Rectilinear and Sup norms. This is in contrast to the fact that finding a minimum length tour in each case is NP-hard. Our approach can be extended to the more general case of quasi-norms with not necessarily symmetric unit ball, where we get a complexity of O(n^{2f-2} log n). For the special case of two-dimensional metrics with f=4 (which includes the Rectilinear and Sup norms), we present a simple algorithm with O(n) running time. The algorithm does not use any indirect addressing, so its running time remains valid even in comparison based models in which sorting requires Omega(n \log n) time. The basic mechanism of the algorithm provides some intuition on why polyhedral norms allow fast algorithms. Complementing the results on simplicity for polyhedral norms, we prove that for the case of Euclidean distances in R^d for d>2, the Maximum TSP is NP-hard. This sheds new light on the well-studied difficulties of Euclidean distances.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; revised to appear in Journal of the ACM. (clarified some minor points, fixed typos

    Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Stress Kerja Perawat Pelaksana Di Ruang Igd RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan

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    Ruang Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) merupakan ruang dengan ritme kerja yang komplek. Stress kerja yang direspon positif akan menghasilkan inovasi dan kreativitas. Namun jika direspon negatif akan dapat mengganggu dalam melakukan aktivitas. Hal ini tentunya akan mempengaruhi mutu pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh perawat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan beban kerja dengan stres kerja perawat pelaksana di ruang Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan. Desain yang digunakan adalah analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang diambill sebanyak 23 orang perawat pelaksana dengan menggunakan teknik sampling simple random sampling. Data peneltian diambil menggunakan lembar kuesioner dan observasi work sampling pada bulan Maret – April 2014. Setelah dianalisis data ditabulasi menggunakan uji spearman rank dengan tingkat kemaknaan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beban kerja perawat pelaksana di RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan hampir seluruh responden atau sebanyak 18 orang (78%) mengalami beban kerja ringan atau merasa tidak terbebani Untuk stres kerja hampir seluruh responden atau sebanyak 18 orang (78%) mengalami stres kerja ringan . hasil pengujian statistik diperoleh hasil ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara beban kerja dengan stres kerja perawat pelaksana dengan tingkat signifikansi r = 0,000 (r<0,05)

    Theory of ω-languages. II: A study of various models of ω-type generation and recognition

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    ω-languages are sets consisting of ω-length strings; ω-automata are recognition devicesfor ω-languages. In a previous paper the basic notions of ω-grammars, ω-context-free languages (ω-CFL's), and ω-pushdown automata (ω-PDA's) were first defined and studied. In this paper various modes of ω-type generation are introduced and the effect of certain restrictions on the derivations in ω-grammars is investigated. Several distinct models of recognition in ω-PDA's are considered, giving rise to a hierarchy of subfamilies of the ω-CFL's. The relations among these subfamilies are established and characterizations for each family are derived. Non-leftmost derivations in ω-CFG's are studied and it is shown that leftmost generation in ω-CFG's is strictly more powerful than non-leftmost generation


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    AbstrakPada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah produk untuk pembelajaran berupa Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Android Materi Zat Aditif Dan Zat Adiktif Pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan yaitu ADDIE. Model ini menerapkan beberapa tahap yakni Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. Dalam pengembangan memperoleh data melalui teknik wawancara dan angket. Tujuan dari wawancara dan angket yaitu untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari media, materi dan bahan penyerta. Instrument angket yang digunakan untuk uji kelayakan pengembangan ini yaitu menggunakan skala likert. Kelayakan materi, dilakukan melalui uji coba ahli materi dengan mendapatkan persentase sebesar 76%, yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Kelayakan media yakni dengan melakukan uji coba kepada ahli media, mendapatkan persentase sebesar 91,8% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Selanjutnya, uji coba kepada ahli media untuk kelayakan bahan penyerta mendapatkan persentase sebesar 96% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Android ini layak digunakan untuk proses kegiatan pembelajaran materi zat aditif dan zat adiktif pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam kelas VIII di SMPN 50 Surabaya.Kata Kunci : Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif, Zat Aditif dan Zat Adiktif, Ilmu Pengetahuan AlamAbstractThis study aims to develop a product for learning in the form of Android-Based Interactive Multimedia Material Additives and Addictive Substances in Natural Science Subjects. This studyuses a development model, namely ADDIE. This model applies several stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. In the development of obtaining data through interview techniques and questionnaires. The purpose of interviews and questionnaires is to determine the feasibility of the media, materials and accompanying materials. The questionnaire instrument used for the feasibility test of this development is using a Likert scale. The feasibility of the material was carried out through a material expert trial by getting a percentage of 76%, which was included in the good category. The feasibility of the media, namely by conducting trials with media experts, got a percentage of 91.8% which was included in the very good category. Furthermore, the trial to media experts for the feasibility of accompanying materials got a percentage of 96% which was included in the very good category. It can be concluded that this Android-Based Interactive Multimedia is suitable for use in the learning process of additives and addictive substances in natural science subjects for class VIII at SMPN 50 Surabaya.Keywords : Development of Interactive Multimedia, Additives and Addictive Substances, Natural Scienc
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