215 research outputs found

    Strong HI Lyman-α\alpha variations from the 11 Gyr-old host star Kepler-444: a planetary origin ?

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    Kepler-444 provides a unique opportunity to probe the atmospheric composition and evolution of a compact system of exoplanets smaller than the Earth. Five planets transit this bright K star at close orbital distances, but they are too small for their putative lower atmosphere to be probed at optical/infrared wavelengths. We used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument onboard the Hubble Space Telescope to search for the signature of the planet's upper atmospheres at six independent epochs in the Ly-α\alpha line. We detect significant flux variations during the transits of both Kepler-444e and f (~20%), and also at a time when none of the known planets was transiting (~40%). Variability in the transition region and corona of the host star might be the source of these variations. Yet, their amplitude over short time scales (~2-3 hours) is surprisingly strong for this old (11.2+-1.0Gyr) and apparently quiet main-sequence star. Alternatively, we show that the in-transits variations could be explained by absorption from neutral hydrogen exospheres trailing the two outer planets (Kepler-444e and f). They would have to contain substantial amounts of water to replenish such hydrogen exospheres, which would reveal them as the first confirmed ocean-planets. The out-of-transit variations, however, would require the presence of a yet-undetected Kepler-444g at larger orbital distance, casting doubt on the planetary origin scenario. Using HARPS-N observations in the sodium doublet, we derived the properties of two Interstellar Medium clouds along the line-of-sight toward Kepler-444. This allowed us to reconstruct the stellar Ly-α\alpha line profile and to estimate the XUV irradiation from the star, which would still allow for a moderate mass loss from the outer planets after 11.2Gyr. Follow-up of the system at XUV wavelengths will be required to assess this tantalizing possibility.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Name of the system added to the title in most recent versio

    A Holder Continuous Nowhere Improvable Function with Derivative Singular Distribution

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    We present a class of functions K\mathcal{K} in C0(R)C^0(\R) which is variant of the Knopp class of nowhere differentiable functions. We derive estimates which establish \mathcal{K} \sub C^{0,\al}(\R) for 0<\al<1 but no KKK \in \mathcal{K} is pointwise anywhere improvable to C^{0,\be} for any \be>\al. In particular, all KK's are nowhere differentiable with derivatives singular distributions. K\mathcal{K} furnishes explicit realizations of the functional analytic result of Berezhnoi. Recently, the author and simulteously others laid the foundations of Vector-Valued Calculus of Variations in LL^\infty (Katzourakis), of LL^\infty-Extremal Quasiconformal maps (Capogna and Raich, Katzourakis) and of Optimal Lipschitz Extensions of maps (Sheffield and Smart). The "Euler-Lagrange PDE" of Calculus of Variations in LL^\infty is the nonlinear nondivergence form Aronsson PDE with as special case the \infty-Laplacian. Using K\mathcal{K}, we construct singular solutions for these PDEs. In the scalar case, we partially answered the open C1C^1 regularity problem of Viscosity Solutions to Aronsson's PDE (Katzourakis). In the vector case, the solutions can not be rigorously interpreted by existing PDE theories and justify our new theory of Contact solutions for fully nonlinear systems (Katzourakis). Validity of arguments of our new theory and failure of classical approaches both rely on the properties of K\mathcal{K}.Comment: 5 figures, accepted to SeMA Journal (2012), to appea

    Hot Exoplanet Atmospheres Resolved with Transit Spectroscopy (HEARTS) I. Detection of hot neutral sodium at high altitudes on WASP-49b

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    High-resolution optical spectroscopy during the transit of HD 189733b, a prototypical hot Jupiter, allowed the resolution of the Na I D sodium lines in the planet, giving access to the extreme conditions of the planet upper atmosphere. We have undertaken HEARTS, a spectroscopic survey of exoplanet upper atmospheres, to perform a comparative study of hot gas giants and determine how stellar irradiation affect them. Here, we report on the first HEARTS observations of the hot Saturn-mass planet WASP-49b. We observed the planet with the HARPS high-resolution spectrograph at ESO 3.6m telescope. We collected 126 spectra of WASP-49, covering three transits of WASP-49b. We analyzed and modeled the planet transit spectrum, while paying particular attention to the treatment of potentially spurious signals of stellar origin. We spectrally resolve the Na I D lines in the planet atmosphere and show that these signatures are unlikely to arise from stellar contamination. The large contrasts of 2.0±0.5%2.0\pm0.5\% (D2_2) and 1.8±0.7%1.8\pm0.7\% (D1_1) require the presence of hot neutral sodium (2,950500+4002,950^{+400}_{-500} K) at high altitudes (\sim1.5 planet radius or \sim45,000 km). From estimating the cloudiness index of WASP-49b, we determine its atmosphere to be cloud free at the altitudes probed by the sodium lines. WASP-49b is close to the border of the evaporation desert and exhibits an enhanced thermospheric signature with respect to a farther-away planet such as HD 189733b.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 14 page

    A spectral survey of an ultra-hot Jupiter: Detection of metals in the transmission spectrum of KELT-9 b

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    Context: KELT-9 b exemplifies a newly emerging class of short-period gaseous exoplanets that tend to orbit hot, early type stars - termed ultra-hot Jupiters. The severe stellar irradiation heats their atmospheres to temperatures of 4,000\sim 4,000 K, similar to the photospheres of dwarf stars. Due to the absence of aerosols and complex molecular chemistry at such temperatures, these planets offer the potential of detailed chemical characterisation through transit and day-side spectroscopy. Studies of their chemical inventories may provide crucial constraints on their formation process and evolution history. Aims: To search the optical transmission spectrum of KELT-9 b for absorption lines by metals using the cross-correlation technique. Methods: We analyse 2 transits observed with the HARPS-N spectrograph. We use an isothermal equilibrium chemistry model to predict the transmission spectrum for each of the neutral and singly-ionized atoms with atomic numbers between 3 and 78. Of these, we identify the elements that are expected to have spectral lines in the visible wavelength range and use those as cross-correlation templates. Results: We detect absorption of Na I, Cr II, Sc II and Y II, and confirm previous detections of Mg I, Fe I, Fe II and Ti II. In addition, we find evidence of Ca I, Cr I, Co I, and Sr II that will require further observations to verify. The detected absorption lines are significantly deeper than model predictions, suggesting that material is transported to higher altitudes where the density is enhanced compared to a hydrostatic profile. There appears to be no significant blue-shift of the absorption spectrum due to a net day-to-night side wind. In particular, the strong Fe II feature is shifted by 0.18±0.270.18 \pm 0.27 km~s1^{-1}, consistent with zero. Using the orbital velocity of the planet we revise the steller and planetary masses and radii.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics on January 18, 2019. Accepted on May 3, 2019. 26 pages, 11 figure

    The Hot Neptune WASP-166 b with ESPRESSO II: Confirmation of atmospheric sodium

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    The hot Neptune desert, a distinct lack of highly irradiated planets in the size range of Neptune, remains one of the most intriguing results of exoplanet population studies. A deeper understanding of the atmosphere of exoplanets sitting at the edge or even within the Neptune desert will allow us to better understand if planetary formation or evolution processes are at the origin of the desert. A detection of sodium in WASP-166b was presented previously with tentative line broadening at the 3.4 sigma with the HARPS spectrograph. We update this result with two transits observed with the ESPRESSO spectrograph, confirming the detection in each night and the broadened character of the line. This result marks the first confirmed resolved sodium detection within the Neptune desert. In this work, we additionally highlight the importance of treating low-SNR spectral regions, particularly where absorption lines of stellar sodium and planetary sodium overlap at mid-transit - an important caveat for future observations of the system.Comment: Letter, re-submitted to MNRAS after minor referee report; comments welcom

    DREAM: III.A helium survey in exoplanets on the edge of the hot Neptune desert with GIANO-B@TNG

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    The population of close-in exoplanets features a desert of hot Neptunes whose origin is uncertain. These planets may have lost their atmosphere, eroding into mini-Neptunes and super-Earths. Direct observations of evaporating atmospheres are essential to derive mass-loss estimates and constrain this scenario. The metastable 1083.3nm HeI triplet represents a powerful diagnostic of atmospheric evaporation since it traces the hot gas in extended exoplanet atmospheres, is observable from the ground, and is weakly affected by interstellar medium absorption. We conducted a uniform HeI transmission spectroscopy survey, focusing on 9 planets located at the edges of the Neptunian desert, aiming to gain insights into the role of photo-evaporation in its formation. We observed one transit per planet using the high-resolution, near-infrared spectrograph GIANO-B on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We focused our analysis on the HeI triplet by computing high-resolution transmission spectra. We then employed the p-winds model to interpret the observed transmission spectra. We found no sign of planetary absorption in the HeI triplet in any of the investigated targets. We thus provided 3sigma upper-limit estimations on the thermosphere absorption, temperature, and mass loss, and combined them with past measurements to search for correlations with parameters thought to be drivers in the formation of the HeI triplet. Our results strengthen the importance of performing homogeneous surveys and analyses to bring clarification in the HeI detection and hence in the Neptunian desert origin. Our findings corroborate the literature expectations that the HeI absorption signal correlates with the stellar mass and the received XUV flux. However, these trends seem to disappear in terms of mass-loss rates; further studies are essential to shed light on this aspect and to understand better the photo-evaporation process.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, after language editin

    Neutral Iron Emission Lines From The Day-side Of KELT-9b -- The GAPS Programme With HARPS-N At TNG XX

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    We present the first detection of atomic emission lines from the atmosphere of an exoplanet. We detect neutral iron lines from the day-side of KELT-9b (Teq \sim 4, 000 K). We combined thousands of spectrally resolved lines observed during one night with the HARPS-N spectrograph (R \sim 115, 000), mounted at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We introduce a novel statistical approach to extract the planetary parameters from the binary mask cross-correlation analysis. We also adapt the concept of contribution function to the context of high spectral resolution observations, to identify the location in the planetary atmosphere where the detected emission originates. The average planetary line profile intersected by a stellar G2 binary mask was found in emission with a contrast of 84 ±\pm 14 ppm relative to the planetary plus stellar continuum (40 ±\pm 5%\% relative to the planetary continuum only). This result unambiguously indicates the presence of an atmospheric thermal inversion. Finally, assuming a modelled temperature profile previously published (Lothringer et al. 2018), we show that an iron abundance consistent with a few times the stellar value explains the data well. In this scenario, the iron emission originates at the 10310^{-3}-10510^{-5} bar level.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJL; 19 pages, 4 figures, 3 table