4,449 research outputs found

    Temporary Migration, Labour Supply and Welfare

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    This essay addresses the incidence of temporary migration in poor rural economies. The methodological view taken here is that temporary or seasonal migration is a strategy of self-insurance, used largely by peasant households in order to cope with the risk of unemployment and income loss during agricultural slack seasons. Households typically implement the insurance strategy by sending away some of its working members to seek urban jobs during slack seasons while the remaining members pursue rural employment. This allows for diversification of household slack season income risks to the extent that the incomes from rural and urban sources are not fully correlated. The analytical focus of this paper is on exploring how household behaviour, especially with respect to labour supply, is affected by participation in seasonal migration. The market and income distributional outcomes of seasonal migration are also analysed in relation to the corresponding outcomes in the counterfactual state of no migration. The following results are obtained. In the event that the participation in slack season migration is utility/welfare improving, the participating households are likely to supply more labour during the post-migration peak season, compared to the counterfactual state. The intuition is simple. In an intertemporal (i.e., a two season) setting, participation in welfare improving migration in the slack season will allow households to allocate more resources for consumption in the peak season. Higher consumption leads to higher effort supply via the consumption-effort relationship. In terms of the aggregate/market outcomes of migration, the land-owning (employer) households and the peasant households with migrants will experience welfare gains while non-participating peasant households will suffer a welfare loss relative to the counterfactual state.Development; poverty; seasonal rural-to-urban migration; rural labour markets; risk coping strategies

    Modelling exciton-phonon interactions in optically driven quantum dots

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    We provide a self-contained review of master equation approaches to modelling phonon effects in optically driven self-assembled quantum dots. Coupling of the (quasi) two-level excitonic system to phonons leads to dissipation and dephasing, the rates of which depend on the excitation conditions, intrinsic properties of the QD sample, and its temperature. We describe several techniques, which include weak-coupling master equations that are perturbative in the exciton-phonon coupling, as well as those based on the polaron transformation that can remain valid for strong phonon interactions. We additionally consider the role of phonons in altering the optical emission characteristics of quantum dot devices, outlining how we must modify standard quantum optics treatments to account for the presence of the solid-state environment.Comment: Invited Topical Review, 26 pages, 7 figures. V2 - close to published version, 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes to text, added a few new references and two new figure

    Model of the optical emission of a driven semiconductor quantum dot: phonon-enhanced coherent scattering and off-resonant sideband narrowing

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    We study the crucial role played by the solid-state environment in determining the photon emission characteristics of a driven quantum dot. For resonant driving, we predict a phonon-enhancement of the coherently emitted radiation field with increasing driving strength, in stark contrast to the conventional expectation of a rapidly decreasing fraction of coherent emission with stronger driving. This surprising behaviour results from thermalisation of the dot with respect to the phonon bath, and leads to a nonstandard regime of resonance fluorescence in which significant coherent scattering and the Mollow triplet coexist. Off-resonance, we show that despite the phonon influence, narrowing of dot spectral sideband widths can occur in certain regimes, consistent with an experimental trend.Comment: Published version. 5 pages, 2 figures, plus 4 page supplement. Title changed, figure 1 revised, various edits and additions to the tex

    Analysis of Factors Associated with Boarding TIME in Yellow Zone of Emergency Department at Dr.iskak Tulungagung Hospital

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    Patient\u27s visits in the emergency room (ER) increase in number in every year. The increasing number of hospital visits is directly associated with the increasing number of patients who come to the emergency department. The increased number of patients resulted in the buildup of patients in the ER, especially in the Yellow Zone and causing the boarding time after the inpatient decision was decided to be longer. The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems related to variables that have a correlation with the boarding time of the patient after the decision of hospitalization is decided in the yellow zone of the emergency department at RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung. The method of this research was analytic observational research with cross sectional approach. The number of samples was 78 respondents. The sampling technique used nonprobability sampling. Pearson test and Spearman test were applied to identify the correlation between variables and multivariate linear regression test was used to find out the most dominant factor in influencing patient boarding time after the decision of hospitalization was made. The result of bivariate test showed the correlation between boarding time with room preparation time (p = 0.000), laboratory test results (p = 0.000), diagnostic time (p = 0.000), and ratio between nurse and patient (p = 0.000). Boarding time was not correlated with time of arrival (p = 0.263) and insurance coverage (p = 0.980). Multivariate analysis with linear regression obtained result of constant value (B = 681.212), ratio between nurse and patient (p= 0.000; B = -861.011), bed occupancy time (p= 0.000; B =0.620) and diagnostic time (p=0.022; B = 2.636). The implication of this research is to get a formula that able to shorten patient boarding time after the decision of hospitalization was made and can give a standart time for boarding time

    Aplikasi Receptionis Rekomendasi Kamar pada Hotel De Warna dengan Metode Fuzzy Berbasis Android

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    Selama ini, informasi yang ada di Hotel Dewarna masih dilakukan dengan cara konvensional yaitu membagikan brosur atau iklan dari hotel sehingga cara tersebut perlu dikembangkan lagi. Salah satu sistem yang dinilai perlu dikembangkan adalah rekomendasi kamar.Maka dari itu, dirancang sebuah aplikasi rekomendasi kamar melalui fasilitas dan harga yang di tawarkan sesuai dengan pemesanan. Aplikasi rekomendasi ini juga dapat memberikan informasi berupa event dan promo dari Hotel Dewarna menggunakan aplikasi berbasis mobile android. Hasil dari aplikasi ini dapat membantu pengunjung dalam menentukan fasilitas kamar sehingga dapat menghemat waktu dan pengunjung tidak perlu datang ke hotel lagi.Kata Kunci: Aplikasi Android, Hotel, Rekomendasi Kamar.ABSTRACKRecently, the information in Hotel Dewarna is still done in the conventional way to distribute flyers or advertisements of hotels, thas that way is needed to be developed further. One of systems assessed to be developed is the room recommendation system.An application of rooms recommendations is designed using the facilities and offer price in accordance with booking. This application of recommendations can also provide information in the form of events and promos of Hotel Dewarna based onandroid applications. The results of this application can help visitors in determining the room facilities to save time and visitors do not need to come to the hotel again

    A general approach to quantum dynamics using a variational master equation: Application to phonon-damped Rabi rotations in quantum dots

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    We develop a versatile master equation approach to describe the non-equilibrium dynamics of a two-level system in contact with a bosonic environment, which allows for the exploration of a wide range of parameter regimes within a single formalism. As an experimentally relevant example, we apply this technique to the study of excitonic Rabi rotations in a driven quantum dot, and compare its predictions to the numerical Feynman integral approach. We find excellent agreement between the two methods across a generally difficult range of parameters. In particular, the variational master equation technique captures effects usually considered to be non-perturbative, such as multi-phonon processes and bath-induced driving renormalisation, and can give reliable results even in regimes in which previous master equation approaches fail.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Published version, revised title, minor changes to the tex

    Recognition Pencitraan pada Uang Kertas untuk Mengetahui Keaslian Uang

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    Uang merupakan suatu alat tukar yang dapat diterima secara umum sebagai alat pembayaran bagi pembelian barang-barang dan jasa-jasa serta kekayan berharga lainnya serta untuk pembayaran utang. Dengan dibutuhkannya uang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, meningkat pula tindak kejahatan pemalsuan uang.Peredaran uang palsu (upal) dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan, untuk itu, diperlukan adanya suatu teknologi aplikasi yang dapat memb edakan dan mengetahui keaslian uang tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan pemrograman java dengan metode k-means cluster ini dapat membantu orang dalam mengetahui keaslian uang.Kata Kunci : Uang, Citra Digital, K-Means ClusterMoney is a medium of exchange that is generally accepted as payment for the purchase of goods and services as well as other valuable wealth as well as for payment of debts. With the money needed in everyday life, so did the crime of counterfeiting money.Circulation of counterfeit money (upal) from year to year continues to increase, for it requires the existence of an application technology that can distinguish and determine the authenticity of the money. Research using java programming with k-means cluster method can help people in knowing the authenticity of money


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    ABSTRACT Air pollution is an environmental problem that threatens major cities in Indonesia, especially from vehicle emissions. This study aimed to determine the alternative air pollution control exhaust emissions from vehicles as well as how the alternative strategy of pollution control. Selection of alternative control using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods, where the methods use expert assessment in the form of questionnaires in data collection. The results showed that the Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT) is an alternative which has the highest priority in controlling pollution of vehicle exhaust emissions while the strategy which became key factor in controlling pollution is to make fuel efficiency. Limitations of government funding are key elements that influence which became constrains, whereas the role of key actors are the central Government, Local Government, Parliament and NGOs Keyword: Emission, Transportation, Control, Pollution
