307 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Status of Long-Period Radio Pulsars

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    We analyze the evolutionary status of recently discovered long-period radio sources PSR J0901-4046, GLEAM-X J1627-52, and GPM J1839-10. We discuss the hypothesis that all three sources are radio pulsars. In the framework of standard scenarios, it is often accepted that the pulsar mechanism is switched off when an external matter can penetrate the light cylinder. If the matter is stopped outside the light cylinder then the neutron star is at the ejector stage. We demonstrate that for realistic parameters of the interstellar medium, the 76-second pulsar PSR J0901-4046 might be at this stage. However, sources GLEAM-X J1627-52 and GPM J1839-10 with periods 1000\gtrsim 1000 s can be ejectors only in the case of unrealistically large dipolar fields 1016\gtrsim 10^{16} G. Also, we show that neutron stars with spin periods 100\sim 100 s and dipolar magnetic fields 1013\lesssim 10^{13} G cannot be ejectors in a typical interstellar medium. Thus, we predict that long-period pulsars with standard fields will not be discovered.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted to Astronomy Letters, translation by the author

    Early Accretion Onset in Long-Period Isolated Pulsars

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    We model long-term magneto-rotational evolution of isolated neutron stars with long initial spin periods. This analysis is motivated by the recent discovery of young long-period neutron stars observed as periodic radio sources: PSR J0901-4046, GLEAM-X J1627-52, and GPM J1839-10. Our calculations demonstrate that for realistically rapid spin-down during the propeller stage all isolated neutron stars with velocities 100\lesssim100 km s1^{-1} are able to reach the stage of accretion from the interstellar medium within a few billion years. If neutron stars with long initial spin periods form a relatively large fraction of all Galactic neutron stars then the number of isolated accretors is sufficiently larger than it has been predicted by previous studies.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PAS

    Organization and content of the diagnostics of cognitive development of junior preschool children with disabilities

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    The article deals with the algorithm and rules of organization of psycho-pedagogical examination of junior preschool children with disabilities on their entering a preschool education institution. The article describes a complex of diagnostic methods and the procedure of procession of results of psycho-pedagogical diagnostics. It contains important diagnostic criteria of assessment of cognitive development and the most significant tasks which can be used to select the variant of the educational program most suitable for the child. The psychological achievements of 36-40-month-old children with disabilities of various etiologies are presented in detail.В статье представлена психолого-педагогическая диагностика младших дошкольников с особенностями здоровья при поступлении в дошкольную образовательную организацию

    Discriminability of tryptophan containing dipeptides using quantum control

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    We show that the coherent manipulation of molecular wavepackets in the excited states of trp-containing dipeptides allows efficient discrimination among them. Optimal dynamic discrimination fails, however, for some dipeptide couples. When considering the limited spectral resources at play (3nm bandwidth at 266nm), we discuss the concept of discriminability, which appears uncorrelated to both static spectra and relaxation lifetime

    Light during embryonic development modulates patterns of lateralization strongly and similarly in both zebrafish and chick

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    Some aspects of lateralization are widespread. This is clear for the association between left-eye (LE) use and readiness to respond intensely to releasing stimuli presented by others, which has been found in representatives of all major groups of tetrapods and in fishes. In the chick, this behavioural asymmetry is linked developmentally to greater ability to sustain response against distracting stimuli with right-eye (RE) use, in that both reverse with the reversal of the normal RE exposure to light. In the zebrafish, the same two asymmetries (normally) have similar associations with the LE and the RE, and both also reverse together (owing to epithalamic reversal). Here, we show that light exposure early in development is needed in zebrafish to generate both asymmetries. Dark development largely abolishes both the enhanced abilities, confirming their linkage. Resemblance to the chick is increased by the survival in the chick, after dark development, of higher ability to assess familiarity of complex stimuli when using the LE. A somewhat similar ability survives in dark-developed zebrafish. Here, LE use causes lesser reliance on a single recent experience than on longer term past experience in the assessment of novelty. Such resemblances between a fish and a bird suggest that we should look not only for resemblances between different groups of vertebrates in the most common overall pattern of lateralization, but also for possible resemblances in the nature of inter-individual variation and in the way in which it is generated during development

    Analyzing the Influence of Diatomite and Mineral Fertilizers on the Features of Cadmium-Contaminated Urban Lawns

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    Contamination with heavy metals is among key anthropogenic pressures, experienced by urban lawns. It results in depletion of their environmental quality and functions. Implementation of fertilizers, containing silicon, is a promising approach to increase urban lawns’ sustainability to heavy metals’ pollution. Based on the field experiment, an influence of cadmium contamination on the chemical features and biomass quality of modeled urban green lawn ecosystems was studied. We demonstrated an increase of cadmium consumption by biomass on the second year of observations as the result of diatomite implementation together with mineral fertilizers. Both total sugar and disaccharides’ content in biomass was 15-20% higher for the contaminated plots where diatomite was implemented together with mineral fertilizers, compared to the uncontaminated control. This evidences a positive effect of the implemented reclaiming on stress tolerance of the green lawns

    Конвергентный подход в формировании общекультурной мировоззренческой компетентности педагога гуманитарного профиля

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    The article shows that application of general scientific principle of conformity makes it possible to consider the implementation of the convergent approach in the educational process of a university as a means of increasing the level of integration, the relevance of which is approved by the dialogical interaction of the natural science and humanitarian spheres of culture forming the corresponding systems of scientific knowledge. In modern education, there is already a certain foundation for the implementation of convergent ideas; this approach takes place in the culturological paradigm of education, the competency model that is currently being implemented in the system of higher education. The idea of convergence, which is realized through a convergent approach, correlates with the fundamental goal of modern education in shaping a holistic world view and scientific outlook of the future specialist and harmoniously fi into the competence matrix of the modern educational process. The content of Federal State Educational Standard of higher education includes not only professional, but also general cultural competence. The common cultural competences, along with the development of both universal and national culture, include the experience of comprehending the scientific picture of the world. During the theoretical stage of the study, the substantive and technological conditions for the implementation of the disciplinary educational process were developed in the logic of a convergent approach. Due to the implementation of the developed methodological conditions, it was possible to ensure an increase in the level of development of the cognitive, activity and personal components of the general cultural worldview competencies of students, which proves the effectiveness of this educational process. Along with this indicator of the effectiveness of the educational process from the standpoint of its compliance with the standards of pedagogical interaction, educational activities and pedagogical impact is the growth of positive manifestations on the part of students in educational interaction. Indicators of satisfaction of subjects of the educational process are seen as their positive feedback and opinions.В статье показано, что применение общенаучного принципа соответствия позволяет рассматривать реализацию конвергентного подхода в образовательном процессе вуза как средство повышения уровня интеграции, актуальность и необходимость которого утверждается диалогическим взаимодействием естественно-научной и гуманитарной сфер культуры, образующих соответствующие системы научного знания. В современном образовании уже имеется опыт реализации конвергентных идей, такой подход имеет место в культурологической парадигме образования, компетентностной модели, реализуемой в настоящее время в системе высшего образования. Идея конвергенции, реализуемая посредством конвергентного подхода, коррелирует с фундаментальной целью современного образования по формированию целостного мировосприятия и научного мировоззрения будущего специалиста и гармонично вписывается в компетентностную матрицу современного образовательного процесса. В содержание ФГОС ВО включены не только предметные, но и общекультурные компетенции. К общекультурным компетенциям вместе с вопросами освоения общечеловеческой и национальной культуры относится опыт постижения научной картины мира. В ходе теоретического этапа исследования были разработаны в логике конвергентного подхода содержательные и технологические условия реализации дисциплинарного образовательного процесса. Вследствие реализации разработанных методических условий удалось обеспечить повышение уровня развития когнитивного, деятельностного и личностного компонентов общекультурных мировоззренческих компетенций обучающихся, что доказывает результативность этого образовательного процесса. Вместе с этим показателем результативности образовательного процесса с позиций его соответствия стандартам педагогического взаимодействия, учебной деятельности и педагогического воздействия является рост положительных проявлений со стороны студентов в образовательном взаимодействии. Показателями удовлетворенности субъектов образовательного процесса являются их положительные отзывы и мнения

    Structural study of the type II 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables.The structure of the type II dehydroquinate dehydratase (DHQase) from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, the third enzyme of the shikimate pathway, has been determined. Crystals diffracting to 1.7 Å were obtained in space and on earth using the counter-diffusion technique. The structure was solved using molecular replacement and refined to high resolution. The overall structure of the dodecameric enzyme is described and compared with structures of DHQases from other bacteria. DHQases contain a flexible loop that presumably closes over the active site upon substrate binding. The enzyme can exist in an open or closed conformation. The present structure displays the open conformation, with a sulfate anion bound in the active site. The availability of this structure opens a route to structure-based antibiotics targetting this pathogenic bacterium.We thank Professor Kabsch for providing XDS free of charge. We acknowledge the support of the European Space Agency and the European Community Action to Research Infrastructure Action of the Improving Human Potential Programme to the EMBL Hamburg Outstation, contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00017. We thank Olivier Minster (ESA) for his support of space science. The authors acknowledge the excellent work of Dr Eva ManÄ as in managing the logistics concerning the space mission. We thank Viscount Dirk Frimout for his support for space crystallization experiments.Peer reviewe

    Results of Epizootiological Monitoring of Small Mammals Habitant in Crimea Over the Period of 2015–2017

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    Objective of this work is to analyze the spatial distribution of various species of small mammals, caught between 2015 and 2017, and to identify the dominant species in different landscape areas, as well as their role in functioning of natural foci of zoonotic infections (tularemia, leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, hantavirus infection) in the territory of Crimea. Materials and methods. Small mammals were caught during the period of 2015–2017 and investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and direct hemagglutination reaction. Results and conclusions. The dominant species of small mammals, containing the causative agents of some or other natural-focal infection are ubiquitous species, i.e. disseminated across the territory of the whole peninsula. In the presence of concomitant favorable conditions, they may contribute to the expansion of the natural foci of these infections. Positive tests for Lyme disease detected not only in small mammals caught in mountain-forest areas, but in steppe zone too may testify to the fact that the border of the natural focus of this infection is expanded. To clarify the boundaries of the natural foci of infections circulating in the territory of Crimea, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive analysis of distribution of small mammals, blood-sucking ectoparasites, and also epidemic manifestations in different natural areas of Crimea

    Interaction of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G with the nuclear cap-binding complex provides a link between nuclear and cytoplasmic functions of the m7 guanosine cap

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    In eukaryotes the majority of mRNAs have an m7G cap that is added cotranscriptionally and that plays an important role in many aspects of mRNA metabolism. The nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC; consisting of CBP20 and CBP80) mediates the stimulatory functions of the cap in pre-mRNA splicing, 3' end formation, and U snRNA export. As little is known about how nuclear CBC mediates the effects of the cap in higher eukaryotes, we have characterized proteins that interact with CBC in HeLa cell nuclear extracts as potential mediators of its function. Using cross-linking and coimmunoprecipitation, we show that eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF4G), in addition to its function in the cytoplasm, is a nuclear CBC-interacting protein. We demonstrate that eIF4G interacts with CBC in vitro and that, in addition to its cytoplasmic localization, there is a significant nuclear pool of eIF4G in mammalian cells in vivo. Immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that, in contrast to the cytoplasmic pool, much of the nuclear eIF4G is not associated with eIF4E (translation cap binding protein of eIF4F) but is associated with CBC. While eIF4G stably associates with spliceosomes in vitro and shows close association with spliceosomal snRNPs and splicing factors in vivo, depletion studies show that it does not participate directly in the splicing reaction. Taken together the data indicate that nuclear eIF4G may be recruited to pre-mRNAs via its interaction with CBC and accompanies the mRNA to the cytoplasm, facilitating the switching of CBC for eIF4F. This may provide a mechanism to couple nuclear and cytoplasmic functions of the mRNA cap structure