16,709 research outputs found


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    Dinamika kehidupan manusia selalu terdikotomi oleh berbagai permasalahan yang melingkupinya. Salah satu permasalahan yang sering muncul dalam kehidupan manusia yaitu berkaitan dengan kebendaan atau kekayaan, karena kebendaan atau kekayaan merupakan kebutuhan yang fundamental demi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Perselisihan yang menyangkut harta benda kerapkali terjadi ketika masing-masing pihak merasa berhak memiliki dan ingin menguasai atas benda dan kekayaan tersebut. Permasalahan yang akan diteliti dalam penulisan ini adalah faktor apa yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya peralihan harta waris yang berasal dari golongan non pribumi Tionghoa menjadi harta waris Islam dan apa akibat hukum terhadap beralihnya harta waris yang berasal dari golongan non pribumi Tionghoa menjadi warisan harta waris Islam. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan peneliti adalah library research (yurudis normatif). Yaitu suatu pendekatan alternatif yang menganalisa bahan-bahan pustaka di bidang hukum yang norma- normanya tertulis dan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptis analitis, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode dan teori ilmu-ilmu sosial tentang hukum untuk membantu peneliti dalam melakukan analisis. Hasil kesimpulan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yaitu : beralihnya harta waris disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain: karena hubungan darah, ikatan perkawinan, dan karena kesamaan Iman antara pewaris dengan ahli waris. Dalam hadits dinyatakan bahwa ahli waris yang berbeda agama tidak mendapatkan warisan, akan tetapi keadaan tersebut bisa dianulir dengan wasiat wajibah. Akibat hukum terhadap perpindahan agama dan Penetapan Pengadilan berdampak terhadap prosentase pembagian harta warisan. Dengan demikian, hak kepemilikan yang diterima oleh ahli waris atas harta warisan terbagi secara tidak merata antara ahli waris yang satu dengan yang lainnya

    Simulation of brittle damage for fracture process of endodontically treated tooth

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    The mechanics of brittle damage in porcelain of an endodontically treated maxilla incisor tooth was simulated using finite element method (FEM). For this purpose a very complex composite structure of endodontically treated tooth is simulated under transverse loading. Three dimensional (3D) model of human maxilla incisor tooth root was developed based on Computed Tomography (CT) scan images. Crown, core cement, resin core, dental post, post cement and dentin were created using SolidWorks software, and then the model was imported into ABAQUS-6.9EF software for nonlinear behavior analysis. This study utilizes finite element method to simulate onset and propagation of crack in ceramic layer (porcelain) by the cause of both tension and compression loading related to complexity of the geometry of tooth implant. The simulation has been done using brittle damaged model available in ABAQUS/Explicit in quasi-static load condition. The load-displacement response of whole structure is measured from the top of porcelain by controlling displacement on a rigid rod. Crack initiated at the top of porcelain bellow the location of the rod caused by tension damage at equivalent load of 590 N. Damage in porcelain accounts for up to 63% reduction of whole structure stiffness from the undamaged state. The failure process in porcelain layer can be described by an exponential rate of fracture energy dissipation. This study demonstrated that the proposed finite element model and analysis procedure can be use to predict the nonlinear behavior of tooth implant

    A wideband trapezoidal dielectric resonator antenna with circular polarization

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    A new design of a circularly-polarized (CP) trapezoidal dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) for wideband wireless application is presented. A single-layered feed is used to excite the trapezoidal shaped dielectric resonator to increase resonant frequency and axial ratio. Besides its structure simplicity, ease of fabrication and low-cost, the proposed antenna features good measured impedance bandwidth, 87.3% at 4.21 GHz to 10.72 GHz frequency bands. Moreover, the antenna also produces 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of about 710 MHz from 5.17 GHz to 5.88 GHz. The overall size of DRA is 21 mm × 35 mm, which is suitable for mobile devices. Parametric study and measurement results are presented and discussed. Very good agreement is demonstrated between simulated and measured results

    Signal quality measures for unsupervised blood pressure measurement

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    Accurate systolic and diastolic pressure estimation, using automated blood pressure measurement, is difficult to achieve when the transduced signals are contaminated with noise or interference, such as movement artifact. This study presents an algorithm for automated signal quality assessment in blood pressure measurement by determining the feasibility of accurately detecting systolic and diastolic pressures when corrupted with various levels of movement artifact. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared to a manually annotated reference scoring (RS). Based on visual representations and audible playback of Korotkoff sounds, the creation of the RS involved two experts identifying sections of the recorded sounds and annotating sections of noise contamination. The experts determined the systolic and diastolic pressure in 100 recorded Korotkoff sound recordings, using a simultaneous electrocardiograph as a reference signal. The recorded Korotkoff sounds were acquired from 25 healthy subjects (16 men and 9 women) with a total of four measurements per subject. Two of these measurements contained purposely induced noise artifact caused by subject movement. Morphological changes in the cuff pressure signal and the width of the Korotkoff pulse were extracted features which were believed to be correlated with the noise presence in the recorded Korotkoff sounds. Verification of reliable Korotkoff pulses was also performed using extracted features from the oscillometric waveform as recorded from the inflatable cuff. The time between an identified noise section and a verified Korotkoff pulse was the key feature used to determine the validity of possible systolic and diastolic pressures in noise contaminated Korotkoff sounds. The performance of the algorithm was assessed based on the ability to: verify if a signal was contaminated with any noise; the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of this noise classification, and the systolic and diastolic pressure differences between the result obtained from the algorithm and the RS. 90% of the actual noise contaminated signals were correctly identified, and a sample-wise accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 97.0%, 80.61% and 98.16%, respectively, were obtained from 100 pooled signals. The mean systolic and diastolic differences were 0.37 ± 3.31 and 3.10 ± 5.46 mmHg, respectively, when the artifact detection algorithm was utilized, with the algorithm correctly determined if the signal was clean enough to attempt an estimation of systolic or diastolic pressures in 93% of blood pressure measurements

    The Finslerian compact star model

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    We construct a toy model for compact stars based on the Finslerian structure of spacetime. By assuming a particular mass function, we find an exact solution of the Finsler-Einstein field equations with an anisotropic matter distribution. The solutions are revealed to be physically interesting and pertinent for the explanation of compact stars.Comment: Published in Eur.Phys.J.