42 research outputs found

    Optimisation of processing variables of Kenaf derived cellulose reinforce polylactic acid

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    Optimisation of composite processing variables (temperature and time) was carried out by monitoring both the stabilisation zone (to ensure composite is well mix at sufficient duration) and the maximum mixing temperature (below 200 °C to avoid fibre degradation) by analysing mixing torque curves upon compounding 5 wt % KDC/PLA using Brabender internal mixer at 160-180 °C for 10, 20 and 30 min., respectively. The composites were pressed and cut into tensile test specimens prior to testing. The 5 wt % KDC/PLA composite demonstrated an optimum tensile strength at three combinations of variables, however the best condition was chosen at 170 °C for 30 min for preparation of composites at various KDC loading (0-60 wt %). The effect of KDC loading on the tensile strength and modulus of composites were investigated. The results demonstrated that increasing KDC loading from 0-60 wt % enhanced the tensile strength and the tensile modulus up to 34 and 107 %, respectively. The a-cellulose was initially derived from kenaf fibre (from bast) by removal of lignin and hemicellulose via chemical (chlorination and mercerization) processes. The absence of these components in the FTIR spectral peaks confirms their removal after been chemically treated

    Intensitas dan prevalensi ektoparasit dan endoparasit pada ikan belanak Liza macrolepis (Smith, 1846) di perairan pantai Barat-Selatan Aceh

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    The Largescale mullet Liza macrolepis is a common fish found in estuaries and coastal areas and the fish is used as a source of protein by coastal communities. This study aims to analyze the prevalence and intensity of parasitic infected on mullets harvested from the waters of the West - South Aceh. This research was conducted from March to April 2019 in 8 locations, namely; Estuary Aceh River, Gampong Jawa, Banda Aceh city, Coastal Ujong Pancu, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar, Estuary Teunom River, Calang, Aceh Jaya, Estuary, and Coastal Kuala Bubon, Samatiga, West Aceh, Estuary Nagan River Langkak Kuala Tuha Nagan Raya, Estuary, and Coastal Susoh, Blang Pidie, Southwest Aceh, Estuary and Coastal Indra Damai, Kluet Selatan, South Aceh and Estuary Sua- Sua River and Ujong Umo River, Simeulue. A total of 343 samples were examined for ectoparasites and endoparasites at the Laboratory of Hatchery, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Syiah Kuala University. The results showed that there were seven species of parasites, infected the mullet samples namely; Ectoparasites (Cymanthoa sp., Ergasilus sp., Lernanthropus sp., Monstriloida sp., Myxobolus sp.) and Endoparasites (Nematodes and Trematodes). Prevalence value of Kota Banda Aceh was 33% ectoparasites and 28% endoparasites), Aceh Besar was 21% ectoparasites and 15% endoparasites, Aceh Jaya was 4% ectoparasites and 4% endoparasites, Southwest Aceh was 2% ectoparasites and 2% endoparasites, Simeulue was 9% ectoparasites and 9% endoparasites. It is concluded that the higher prevalence and intensity were found in fish samples from Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, while no fish from Nagan Raya and Aceh Selatan were infected by parasites.Keywords:ParasiteCoastalEstuaryPollutant ABSTRAKIkan belanak Liza macrolepis sering dijumpai di muara dan pesisir pantai dan dijadikan sebagai sumber protein oleh masyarakat pesisir. Saat ini belum ada penelitian terkait jenis-jenis parasite yang menyerang ikan belanak di perairan Aceh, khususnya di pantai Barat Selatan Aceh. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis prevelensi dan intensitas parasit pada ikan belanak di perairan Barat Selatan Aceh. Penelitian dilakukan sejak Maret sampai April 2019 meliputi 8 lokasi, yaitu; Muara Krueng Aceh, Gampong Jawa Kota Banda Aceh, Ujung Pancu, Peukan Bada Aceh Besar, Muara Krueng Teunom, Calang Aceh Jaya, Muara Sungai/Pesisir Kuala Bubon, Samatiga Aceh Barat, Muara Krueng Nagan, Kuala Tuha Nagan Raya, Muara/Pesisir Susoh, Blang Pidie Aceh Barat Daya, Muara/Pesisir Indra Damai, Kluet Selatan Aceh Selatan dan Muara sungai Ujong Umo dan muara sungai Sua – Sua, tepah barat dan Simeulu Timur, Simeulu.  Metode digunakan adalah preparat ulas (Smeer method). Sebanyak 343 sampel dibedah untuk dilakukan pemeriksan ektoparasit dan endoparasit di Laborarorium Pembenihan Ikan, Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 7 jenis parasit, ektoparasit (Cymanthoa sp., Ergasilus sp., Lernanthropus sp., Monstriloida sp., Myxobolus sp.) dan Endoparasit (Nematoda dan Trematoda). Nilai prevalensi; Kota Banda Aceh (33% ektoparasit, 28% endoparasit), Aceh Besar (21 % ektoparasit, 15% endoparasit), Aceh Jaya (4% ektoprasit dan 4%endoparasit), Aceh Barat Daya (2% ektoprasit dan 2% endoparasit) Simeulu (9% ektoparasit dan 9% endoparasit). Disimpulkan bahwa prevelensi dan intensitas parasit tertinggi dijumpai pada sampel ikan dari Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar, sedangkan ikan sampel dari Nagan Raya dan Aceh Selatan bebas dari serangan parasit. Kata kunci:ParasitpesisirMuara sungaiPencemara

    Characterization Study of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) Fibers Reinforcement in Poly(Butylene) Succinate (PBS)/Starch/Glycerol Composite Sheet

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    In this study, a mixture of thermoplastic polybutylene succinate (PBS), tapioca starch, glycerol and empty fruit bunch fiber was prepared by a melt compounding method using an industrial extruder. Generally, insertion of starch/glycerol has provided better strength performance, but worse thermal and water uptake to all specimens. The effect of fiber loading on mechanical, morphological, thermal and physical properties was studied in focus. Low interfacial bonding between fiber and matrix revealed a poor mechanical performance. However, higher fiber loadings have improved the strength values. This is because fibers regulate good load transfer mechanisms, as confirmed from SEM micrographs. Tensile and flexural strengths have increased 6.0% and 12.2%, respectively, for 20 wt% empty fruit bunch (EFB) fiber reinforcements. There was a slightly higher mass loss for early stage thermal decomposition, whereas regardless of EFB contents, insignificant changes on decomposition temperature were recorded. A higher lignin constituent in the composite (for high natural fiber volume) resulted in a higher mass residue, which would turn into char at high temperature. This observation indirectly proves the dimensional integrity of the composite. However, as expected, with higher EFB fiber contents in the composite, higher values in both the moisture uptake and moisture loss analyses were found. The hydroxyl groups in the EFB absorbed water moisture through formation of hydrogen bonding

    Effect of fiber content and their hybridization on bending and torsional strength of hybrid epoxy composites reinforced with carbon and sugar palm fibers

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of fiber hybridization of sugar palm yarn fiber with carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites. In this work, sugar palm yarn composites were reinforced with epoxy at varying fiber loads of 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt % using the hand lay-up process. The hybrid composites were fabricated from two types of fabric: sugar palm yarn of 250 tex and carbon fiber as the reinforcements, and epoxy resin as the matrix. The ratios of 85: 15 and 80: 20 were selected for the ratio between the matrix and reinforcement in the hybrid composite. The ratios of 50: 50 and 60: 40 were selected for the ratio between sugar palm yarn and carbon fiber. The mechanical properties of the composites were characterized according to the flexural test (ASTM D790) and torsion test (ASTM D5279). It was found that the increasing flexural and torsion properties of the non-hybrid composite at fiber loading of 15 wt % were 7.40% and 75.61%, respectively, compared to other fiber loading composites. For hybrid composites, the experimental results reveal that the highest flexural and torsion properties were achieved at the ratio of 85/15 reinforcement and 60/40 for the fiber ratio of hybrid sugar palm yarn/carbon fiber-reinforced composites. The results from this study suggest that the hybrid composite has a better performance regarding both flexural and torsion properties. The different ratio between matrix and reinforcement has a significant effect on the performance of sugar palm composites. It can be concluded that this type of composite can be utilized for beam, construction applications, and automotive components that demand high flexural strength and high torsional forces