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    This study investigated how STAD strategy could be implemented to enhance the studentsā€™ mathematics achievement on the concept of the shape of thecylinder curvature facefor the first semester students in grade IX,MTs. SA Miftahul Huda Mayangan, in the academic year 2014/2015. The research design adopted for this study is classroom action research (CAR)consisted two cycles. The data collection for this action research study took many forms; observation, interview, test, and documentation. The result of data analysis on cycle 1 showed that the studentsā€™ score after altering into percentage gained only 76%. It was very small percentage to fulfill the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) 75%. Based on the result on the first cycle, it was necessary for the researcher to conduct the next cyclical procedure. In cycle 2,the percentage of the studentsā€™ score was significantly increased. It was derived 88%.Accordingly, it proved that the target of CAR success could finally be achieved. Therefore, the next action could be stopped.Keywords: STAD, area of shape, studentsā€™ achievement

    Nutritive potential and utilization of super worm (Zophobas morio) meal in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juvenile

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    Super worm meal (SWM) was evaluated to investigate the effect of partial or total replacement of fish meal (FM) in diets for tilapia juvenile, Oreochromis niloticus. Triplicate groups of fish with average initial body weight (5.57 Ā± 0.15 g) were fed each with 5 isonitrogeneous (32% crude protein) diets formulated to include 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% (diets 1 ā€“ 5, respectively) of FM substituted with SWM. After eight weeks of feeding trials, fish fed with diet 2 and 3 revealed the highest values for live weight gain, specific growth rates, better feed conversion ratio as well as protein efficiency ratio compared to the others. Survival range was 100% in all the treatments. However, fish fed to diet 5 exhibited lower growth than those fed others diets. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the moisture, protein, lipid and ash content in the whole body composition. These results clearly indicate that up to 25% of FM protein in fish diet can be replaced by SWM without any adverse effect on feed utilization and body composition. A decrease in weight gain and other growth associated parameters was observed with higher replacement.Key words: Feed utilization, growth performance, insect based diet, Oreochromis niloticus, super worm meal, Zophobas morio

    Partial Discharge Location within a Transformer Winding using Principal Component Analysis

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    Partial discharge (PD) may occur in a transformer winding due to ageing processes, operational over stressing or defects introduced during manufacture. The presence of PD does not necessarily indicate imminent failure of the transformer but it will lead to serious degradation and ageing mechanisms which can be considered as a precursor of transformer failure. A necessary step is required in order to prevent degradation due to PD activity which may ultimately lead to failure. PD might occur anywhere along the transformer winding, the discharge signal can propagate along the winding to the bushing and neutral to earth connections. As far as maintenance and replacement processes are concerned, it is important to identify the location of PD activity so any repair or replace decision is assured to be cost effective. Therefore, identification of a PD source as well as its location along the transformer winding is of great interest to both manufacturers and system operators. The proposed method for locating PD sources in windings is based on wavelet filtering and principal component analysis. An experiment has been developed based on a high voltage winding section that has been used to produce PD measurement data and to investigate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Location of Partial Discharges within a Transformer Winding Using Principal Component Analysis

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    Partial discharge (PD) may occur in a transformer winding due to ageing processes or defects introduced during manufacture. A partial discharge is defined as a localised electric discharge that only partially bridges the dielectric insulator between conductors when the electric field exceeds a critical value. The presence of PD does not necessarily indicate imminent failure of the transformer but it is a serious degradation and ageing mechanism which can be considered as a precursor of transformer failure. PD might occur anywhere along the transformer winding and the discharge signal can propagate along the winding to the bushing and neutral to earth connections. As far as maintenance and replacement processes are concerned, it is important to identify the location of PD activity so any repair or replace decision is assured to be cost effective. Therefore, identification of a PD source as well as its location along the transformer winding is of great interest to both manufacturers and system operators. The wavelet transform is a mathematical function that can be used to decompose a PD signal into detail levels and an approximation. Wavelet filtering is often used to improve signal to noise ratio (SNR) of measured signals, but in this case it is used to identify the distribution of signal energies in both the time and frequency domains. This method produces a feature vector for each captured discharge signal. The use of principle component analysis (PCA) can compress this data into three dimensions, to aid visualisation. Data captured by sensors over hundreds of cycles of applied voltage can be analysed using this approach. An experiment (Figure 1) has been developed that can be used to create PD data in order to investigate the feasibility of using PCA analysis to identify PD source location

    Pengembangan Media Papancatat dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Asing Level Pemula Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Media Papancatat sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa bahasa Inggris tingkat pemula di IAIN Palopo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan ADDIE, yang meliputi tahapan Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menghadapi kesulitan dalam menguasai bahasa Inggris akibat minimnya minat belajar dan strategi pembelajaran konvensional yang diterapkan oleh dosen. Media Papancatat dikembangkan sebagai solusi untuk memotivasi mahasiswa dan membantu dosen dalam proses pembelajaran. Evaluasi ahli media, ahli materi, dan pengguna menunjukkan bahwa Media Papancatat dinilai positif dan layak digunakan, meskipun perlu beberapa revisi kecil. Rekomendasi penelitian adalah untuk melanjutkan tahap evaluasi guna memastikan kesempurnaan dan efektivitas Media Papancatat yang dikembangkan

    Office quality classification theoretical and empirical issues

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    Office quality classification literature recognises identification of office classes through division of office market rent distribution into intervals but failed to provide sound theoretical framework and comprehensive empirical approach to this method. This paper theorised that as office rental levels are a function of office quality; high quality office classes should have their mean rents greater than average market rent and mean rents of low quality classes. Also that heterogeneous nature of property coupled with lack of perfect information to market participants could result into differential evaluation of rent and quality of the same property by different market participants. The behaviour of participants normally reflects in distribution of market rent by depicting natural breaks in the distribution that could be captured by univariate data exploration. Frequency and histograms of rent distributions that were assumed to depict the behaviour of market participants were used to divide rent distribution to intervals to identify office quality classes. The results of this classification were validated by discriminant analysis. 67% and 59% accuracies were achieved for estimation and holdout subsamples respectively. This paper extended theoretical and empirical approaches in office quality classification. The proposed empirical approach could be used in future classification research

    Orientasi Mahasiswa Sosiologi dalam Pemilihan Lapangan Pekerjaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui orientasi mahasiswa dalam pemilihan lapangan pekerjaan terkhusus mahasiswa Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Halu Oleo. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang menggunakan unit analisis populasi dan sampel dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisi deskriptif kualitatif. Mahasiswa Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Halu Oleo dalam memilih lapangan kerja yang paling diminati pertama, adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dengan jumlah 51 orang responden atau 29% dari jumlah data ini mengindikasikan bahwa menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) adalah yang dibamba-dambakan oleh kebanyakan responden. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yaitu mendapat tunjangan hari tua dan mempunyai gaji tetap. Yang paling diminati kedua, adalah BUMN berjumlah 45 orang responden atau 25% dari jumlah tersebut berdasarkan alasan beberapa responden yang memilih berkerja di BUNM, dengan bekerja di BUNM mendapat dukungan dan jaminan dari negara, serta kelangsungan hidup Perusahaan terjamin. Lapangan pekerjaan yang paling diminati ketiga oleh mahasiswa sosiologi adalah Berwirausaha dengan jumlah 42 orang atau 24% berdasarkan hasil penelitian dngan beberapa responden memilih berwirausaha karena sudah menjadi cita-cita atau keinginan mereka untuk mengasah kemampuan diri, agar apa yang mereka harapkan bisa tercapai dengan baik. Serta ada juga mahasiswa sosiologi yang menurutnya Berwirausaha dapat meningkatkan lapangan pekerjaan baru. terakhir atau empat yang kurang diminati oleh mahasiswa jurusan sosiologi adalah Badan Usaha Milik Swasta (BUMS) dengan jumlah hanya 38 orang responden saja atau 22%. Dengan alasan bisa negosiasi gaji sesuai prestasi dan dapat pindah kerja jika mendapat tawaran yang lebih baik

    Behaviour of polymer grouted splices under increasing tensile load

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    This paper presents the behavior and performance of polymer grouted splices under increasing direct tensile load. A spiral is utilized to confine the splicing of two discontinued bars which are interlocked within the spiral through the utilization of high strength polymer grout. The bar embedded lengths and the spiral diameters of the grouted splices were varied in order to investigate their effects on the performance of the polymer grouted splices. The performance was evaluated based on the load-displacement relationship, ultimate loading capacity and failure mode. The best performance of polymer grouted splices was obtained with the spiral diameter of 23mm and embedment length of 125mm in which with these parameters the grouted spiral is able to develop the full tensile strength of the spliced bars

    Optimization of hot press forging parameters in direct recycling of aluminium chip (AA 6061)

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    This study introduces a new approach of direct recycling using the hot press forging process that eliminates the two intermediate processes of cold-compact and pre-heating. This method leads to low energy consumption without intervening the metallurgical processes. In this study, the optimum of machined chips from high speed milling is recycled by hot press forging. The mechanical properties and surface integrity of the different chips were investigated. The performance of recycled aluminium AA 6061 chips in the mechanical and physical properties were compared with the original aluminium billet. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to develop mathematical model of the effects on pre-compaction cycle, holding time and suitable pressure significant to the process. It is hoped that, utilization of primary metal could be fully utilized by direct recycling technique (hot press forging) introduced in this study and at the same time developing a sustainable manufacturing process technology for future needs

    Role of phosphoric acid on the corrosion performance of Pb-1.7%Sb gridof lead-acid batteries

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    The corrosion behavior of a commercial Pb-1.7% Sb gridof lead-acid batteries under open circuit conditions in 5M HĀ 2SO4 in the presence of phosphoric acid is studiedby electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclicvoltammetry. Dependence of corrodibility of the alloy onHĀ 3PO4 concentration is weak up to 0.7M. After days ofcorrosion, the corrosion rate in the presence of HĀ 3PO4 isslightly higher than in its absence, due to retardation of the growth of an insulating PbSOĀ 4 layer that acts as an effective diffusion barrier of the corrosive species. The electronic and diffusion properties of the passive layer formed in the presence of HĀ 3PO4 are substantially inferior. Cyclic voltammetry indicates a decrease in amounts of PbSOĀ 4 and SbĀ 2O3 formed in the presence of H3PO4 and with increasing its concentration. Also, the amount of PbO formed beneath the PbSOĀ 4 layer increases with increasing H3PO4 concentration on the expense of the amount of PbSOĀ 4
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