724 research outputs found

    The Economic Feasibility of Using Georgia Biomass for Electrical Energy Production

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    This study investigates the potential for using biomass for the production of electricity in Georgia. The volume, important characteristics, and delivered costs per unit of energy are estimated for various locally produced biomass. Production of synthetic fuels using both pyrolysis and gasification technologies is investigated as potential means for converting biomass into electricity. Capital and operating costs for each of these two technologies are projected across three different scales of production. Estimated costs per unit of electricity generated are determined. It appears, under the conditions modeled, these technologies are not cost competitive with currently used technologies. Significant subsidies would be needed to induce the adoption of these technologies under current economic conditions.bio-electricity, bio-feedstocks, biomass, cost, electricity, Agribusiness, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Economic Impacts of Ethanol Production in Georgia

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    Capital costs to construct a conventional ethanol plant producing 100 million gallons per year are 170.593million.Averageannualnetreturnsaverage170.593 million. Average annual net returns average 59.216 million with a 1% chance of annual net returns less than 0.Ethanolproductionstimulatestotaleconomicoutputof0. Ethanol production stimulates total economic output of 314.221 million in the Georgia economy. Wages and benefits total 20.181millionfor408jobsinGeorgia.Stateandlocalgovernmentsderiveatotalof20.181 million for 408 jobs in Georgia. State and local governments derive a total of 4.572 million in tax revenues from ethanol production.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Quantum Mechanics and Linearized Gravitational Waves

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    The interaction of classical gravitational waves (GW) with matter is studied within a quantum mechanical framework. The classical equations of motion in the long wave-length limit is quantized and a Schroedinger equation for the interaction of GW with matter is proposed. Due to its quadrapole nature, the GW interacts with matter by producing squeezed quantum states. The resultant hamiltonian is quite different from one would expect from general principles, however. The interaction of GW with the free particle, the harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom is then studied using this hamiltonian.Comment: 24 pages, written in REVTE

    Place attachment in deprived neighbourhoods: The impacts of population turnover and social mix

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    This paper examines the determinants of individual place attachment, focussing in particular on differences between deprived and others neighbourhoods, and on the impacts of population turnover and social mix. It uses a multi-level modelling approach to take account of both individual- and neighbourhood-level determinants. Data are drawn from a large sample government survey, the Citizenship Survey 2005, to which a variety of neighbourhood-level data have been attached. The paper argues that attachment is significantly lower in more deprived neighbourhoods primarily because these areas have weaker social cohesion but that, in other respects, the drivers of attachment are the same. Turnover has modest direct impacts on attachment through its effect on social cohesion. Social mix has very limited impacts on attachment and the effects vary between social groups. In general, higher status or more dominant groups appear less tolerant of social mix

    Random and Correlated Phases of Primordial Gravitaional Waves

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    The phases of primordial gravity waves is analysed in detail within a quantum mechanical context following the formalism developed by Grishchuk and Sidorov. It is found that for physically relevant wavelengths both the phase of each individual mode and the phase {\it difference} between modes are randomly distributed. The phase {\it sum} between modes with oppositely directed wave-vectors, however, is not random and takes on a definite value with no rms fluctuation. The conventional point of view that primordial gravity waves appear after inflation as a classical, random stochastic background is also addressed.Comment: 14 pages, written in REVTE

    The consequences of perceived age discrimination amongst older police officers : is social support a buffer ?

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    This paper considers the possible psychological consequences of perceived agediscrimination, and the possible buffering effect of social support. Findings, based on a studyof perceived age discrimination amongst police officers in the North of England, suggest thatage discrimination acts as a stressor, with officers experiencing negative effects of perceivedage discrimination on job and life satisfaction, perceived power and prestige of the job, andaffective and normative commitment, along with positive effects on withdrawal cognitionsand continuance commitment. For work-based social support, there were positive maineffects on job and satisfaction, power and prestige of the job, and affective and normativecommitment, and a negative main effect on withdrawal cognitions. However, there were nosignificant moderating effects for work-based social support, and we found the anticipatedbuffering effect for non-work-based social support only for life satisfaction, with reversebuffering for job satisfaction and normative commitment. The limitations and implications ofthe study are discussed

    A Prospective Program to Reduce the Clinical Incidence of Clostridium Difficile Colitis Infection after Cystectomy

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    Purpose The development of Clostridium difficile infection after cystectomy is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We implemented a prospective screening program to identify asymptomatic carriers of Clostridium difficile and assessed its impact on clinical Clostridium difficile infection rates compared to historical matched controls. Materials and Methods Prospective Clostridium Difficile screening prior to cystectomy began in March 2015. The 380 consecutive patients undergoing cystectomy prior to initiation of screening (control cohort) were matched based on 5 clinical factors with the 386 patients who underwent cystectomy from March 2015 to December 2017 (trial cohort). Screened positive patients were placed in contact isolation and treated prophylactically with Metronidazole. Multivariable models were built on an intention-to-screen and an effectiveness of screening basis to determine if screening reduced the rates of symptomatic Clostridium Difficile infections postoperatively. Results With the implementation of the screening protocol, Clostridium difficile infections rates declined from 9.4 to 5.5% (OR 0.52, p=0.0268) on an intention-to-screen protocol and from 9.2 to 4.9% on an effectiveness of screening protocol (OR 0.46, p=0.0174). Conclusions Clostridium difficile screening prior to cystectomy is associated with a significant decrease in rates of clinically symptomatic infections postoperatively. These results should be confirmed in a randomized controlled trial

    Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities?

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    The use and manufacture of tools have been considered to be cognitively demanding and thus a possible driving factor in the evolution of intelligence. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that enhanced physical cognitive abilities evolved in conjunction with the use of tools, by comparing the performance of naturally tool-using and non-tool-using species in a suite of physical and general learning tasks. We predicted that the habitually tool-using species, New Caledonian crows and Galápagos woodpecker finches, should outperform their non-tool-using relatives, the small tree finches and the carrion crows in a physical problem but not in general learning tasks. We only found a divergence in the predicted direction for corvids. That only one of our comparisons supports the predictions under this hypothesis might be attributable to different complexities of tool-use in the two tool-using species. A critical evaluation is offered of the conceptual and methodological problems inherent in comparative studies on tool-related cognitive abilities