112 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Struktur Gedung X di Jakarta Berdasarkan Sni 03-1726-2012 Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Gedung

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    Wilayah Jakarta berada pada zonasi gempa menengah berdasarkan peta zonasi gempa 2010 yang dipublikasikan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemukiman (PUSKIM), Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merekomendasikan perkuatan struktur pada eksisting gedung X di Jakarta, agar ketika gempa datang, struktur gedung tersebut tetap mampu memikul beban ultimit. Objek penelitian merupakan gedung kategori high rise building, memiliki jumlah lantai lebih dari 10, dibangun sebelum tahun 2010, berlokasi pada kelas situs tanah lunak dan secara visual terindikasi adanya kerusakan pada elemen struktur. Pemodelan struktur gedung X didesain dan dianalisis menggunakan program ETABS. Pembebanan gempa diberikan secara dinamik menggunakan prosedur analisis spektrum respons ragam. Hasil analisis story drift menunjukan bahwa gedung X dinyatakan aman terhadap kinerja batas ultimit yang telah dihitung berdasarkan pedoman gempa SNI 03-1726-2012. Nilai maksimum simpangan antar lantai pada gedung X untuk arah-x sebesar 68,60 mm dan arah-y sebesar 101,2 mm. Bagaimanapun, hasil analisis struktur pemodelan gedung X pada ETABS menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa elemen balok dan kolom yang membutuhkan perkuatan struktur. Perkuatan elemen balok direncanakan menggunakan CFRP yang dihitung keamanannya berdasarkan pedoman ACI 440.2R-8 Perkuatan elemen kolom direncanakan menggunakan Concrete Jacketing yang dianalisis melalui section designer pada program ETABS dan dihitung keamanannya berdasarkan pedoman SNI 03-2847-2013

    Structure Behavior Analysis with Time History Levelling Method (Case Study in Building E ITERA)

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    Mitigation of structural failure can be based on analyzing the behavioral of the structure by giving a nonlinear dynamic earthquake load of time history. Because Indonesia doesn’t have any data of time history record, it is necessary to match the time history data with the design spectrum response. Gedung E Itera is modeled on reinforced concrete structures with open frame models like as built drawing. Then can be evaluated the structural behavior that is like mass participation, plastic design, displacement, rotation, and base shear with time history load that will be levelling (levelling time history). With levelling the time history load , it can be found the first structural part that collapses and the maximum load that can be retained by the structure for one of the mitigation effort. The analysis uses a nonlinear dynamic time history analysis with the most dominant combination is earthquake combination. The results of this study show structural performance, the location of structural failure, and the maximum load that can be retained by the reinforced concrete structure of gedung E Itera

    Structure Behavior Analysis with TIME History Levelling Method (Case Study in Building E ITERA)

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    Mitigation of structural failure can be based on analyzing the behavioral of the structure by giving a nonlinear dynamic earthquake load of time history. Because Indonesia doesn\u27t have any data of time history record, it is necessary to match the time history data with the design spectrum response. Gedung E Itera is modeled on reinforced concrete structures with open frame models like as built drawing. Then can be evaluated the structural behavior that is like mass participation, plastic design, displacement, rotation, and base shear with time history load that will be levelling (levelling time history). With levelling the time history load , it can be found the first structural part that collapses and the maximum load that can be retained by the structure for one of the mitigation effort. The analysis uses a nonlinear dynamic time history analysis with the most dominant combination is earthquake combination. The results of this study show structural performance, the location of structural failure, and the maximum load that can be retained by the reinforced concrete structure of gedung E Itera

    The Influence of Poly(Lactic Acid) Addition to Thermal Properties of the Blended Polypropylene for Food Packaging Materials

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    The commonly used food packaging materials are made from synthetic polymers derived from petroleum. However, the use of synthetic polymers has negative impacts on the environment, because it is difficult to degrade naturally either by the biotic or abiotic process. Although their complete replacement with eco-friendly packaging films is just impossible to achieve economically, at least for a specific application like food packaging the use of bioplastics should be the future. One of the alternatives is to blend synthetic polymer for instance polypropylene (PP) with a natural polymer like poly-lactic acid (PLA). Because their mixture is an immiscible blend because they have highly different polarity, it is necessary to add a compatibilizer such as polypropylene-grafted maleic anhydride (PP-g-MAH) in order to increase the properties of its blend miscibility. The objective of this research was to study the influence of PLA addition to the thermal properties of their blend product with PP. The combinations of PP with PLA in the ratios of (80:20); (90:10); (95:5) were prepared and then characterized for their thermal property behaviour by means of TG and DSC. The results showed that increasing the amount of PLA will decrease their enthalpy significantl

    Pengaruh Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran, Pengendalian Akuntansi, Sistem Pelaporan Dan Penerapan Akuntabilitas Keuangan Terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (Akip) (Studi Empiris Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provin

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    The research aims to examine the influence of budget goal clarity, accounting control, reporting system and implementation to government performance accountability. The techinique of sampling method is purposive sampling with the sample are the chief of public institution, the chief of financial department and the chief of sub financial department in Lima Puluh Kota public institution. That data are analyzed by linear regression method and SPSS program version 19. The respondents of this research are 85 respondents. The results of this research indicate that budget goal clarity has an effect on performance accountability with 0,000 significance, accounting control has an effect on performance accountability with 0,000 significance, reporting system has an effect on performance accountability with 0,004 significance and financial accountability implementation has an effect on performance accountability with 0,016 significance. The results of this research also showed that coefficient determinant is 46,1%. While the remaining influenced by other variables not included in the regression models were not included in this study as effectivity of system internal control, work motivation and others

    Development of portable automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system on Raspberry Pi

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    ANPR system is used in automating access control and security such as identifying stolen cars in real time by installing it to police patrol cars, and detecting vehicles that are overspeeding on highways. However, this technology is still relatively expensive; in November 2014, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) purchased and installed 20 units of ANPR systems in their patrol vehicles costing nearly RM 30 million. In this paper a cheaper alternative of a portable ANPR system running on a Raspberry Pi with OpenCV library is presented. Once the camera captures an image, image desaturation, filtering, segmentation and character recognition is all done on the Raspberry Pi before the extracted number plate is displayed on the LCD and saved to a database. The main challenges in a portable application include crucial need of an efficient code and reduced computational complexity while offering improved flexibility. The performance time is also presented, where the whole process is run with a noticeable 3 seconds delay in getting the final output

    Development of a portable community video surveillance system

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    In 2016, a crime rate has been evidently increasing particularly in Kuala Lumpur areas, including reports on house break-ins, car thefts, motorcycle thefts and robbery. One way of deterring such cases is by installing CCTV monitoring system in premises such as houses or shops, but this usually requires expensive equipment and installation fees. In this paper a cheaper alternative of a portable community video surveillance system running on Raspberry Pi 3 utilizing OpenCV is presented. The system will detect motion based on image subtraction algorithm and immediately inform users when intruders are detected by sending a live video feed to a Telegram group chat, as well as sound the buzzer alarm on the Raspberry Pi. Additionally, any Telegram group members can request images and recorded videos from the system at any time by sending a get request in Telegram which will be handled by Telegram Bot. This system uses the Pi NoIR camera module as the image acquisition device equipped with a 36 LED infrared illuminator for night vision capability. In addition to the Python language, OpenCV, a computer vision simulation from Intel is also used for image processing tasks. The performance analysis of the completed system is also presented computational complexity while offering improved flexibility. The performance time is also presented, where the whole process is run with a noticeable 3 seconds delay in getting the final output
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