168 research outputs found

    La motivaci?n como elemento fundamental en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel transici?n de la instituci?n educativa San Francisco

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    53 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto titulado la motivaci?n como elemento fundamental en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco Sede Cural La Tigrera, ha sido realizado con el objetivo de Identificar la relaci?n entre familia y escuela como agentes motivacionales en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel de transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco Sede Cural la tigrera, la idea es establecer posibles soluciones a esta problem?tica identificada, ya que la misma est? generando en los educandos diferentes dificultades en sus procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje, con ello se pretende lograr sacar las conclusiones de dichos comportamientos y realizar algunas recomendaciones que den pie para un mejoramiento en cuando a la integraci?n entre familia y escuela, permita el mejor desempe?o del estudiante en todos los aspectos de su labor estudiantil y la responsabilidad compartida entre familia y escuela, todo ello a trav?s de las encuestas y entrevistas informales realizadas a padres de familia y docentes de la instituci?n. De esta manera, se logr? identificar, causas, consecuencias, y caracter?sticas, las cuales permitieron favorecer la motivaci?n hacia el aprendizaje. El proyecto concluye con un an?lisis de resultados y diferentes recomendaciones que pretenden dar posibles alternativas de soluci?n a la problem?tica identificada, que permitan crear un ambiente favorable para la motivaci?n y el aprendizaje de los infantes, desde sus intereses y necesidades. Partiendo de la importancia de la motivaci?n en los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje y del compromiso entre familia y escuela para generar procesos integrales en los ni?os y ni?as del nivel transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco Sede Cural La Tigrera. Palabras claves: aprendizaje, motivaci?n, ense?anza, l?dica, integraci?n, comunidad educativa.The project entitled Motivation as a fundamental element in the teaching and learning processes of children at the transition level of the Educational Institution San Francisco Cural La Tigrera Headquarters, has been carried out with the aim of Identifying the relationship between family and school as motivational agents in the teaching and learning processes of children in the transition level of the San Francisco Educational Institution Cural la tigrera Headquarters, the idea is to establish possible solutions to this identified problem, since it is generating in the different students difficulties in their teaching and learning processes, with the aim of achieving the conclusions of these behaviors and make some recommendations that lead to an improvement in when the integration between family and school, allows the best performance of the student in all aspects of their student work and responsibility with between family and school, all through informal surveys and interviews with parents and teachers of the institution. In this way, it was possible to identify, causes, consequences, and characteristics, which allowed to favor the motivation towards learning. The project concludes with an analysis of results and different recommendations that seek to provide possible solutions to the problem identified, to create a favorable environment for the motivation and learning of the infants, from their interests and needs. Starting from the importance of motivation in the teaching and learning processes and the commitment between family and school to generate integral processes in the children of transition level of the Educational Institution San Francisco Cural La Tigrera Headquarters. Keywords: learning, motivation, teaching, playfulness, integration, educational community

    Factores asociados a la insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Cl?nica Ibagu? del 1 de mayo de 2016 al 31 de octubre del 2017

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    68 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa insuficiencia renal aguda es una complicaci?n frecuente en los pacientes cr?ticos, siendo una causa importante de morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Establecer la asociaci?n entre factores socio demogr?fico y cl?nico con la insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad De Cuidados Intensivos de la cl?nica Ibagu? en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 Mayo de 2016 al 31 de Octubre del 2017. Dise?o y m?todos: Se realiz? un estudio Epidemiol?gico Observacional, Anal?tico de Casos y Controles de tipo retrospectivo; se obtuvo informaci?n de fuentes secundarias como las historias cl?nicas de los pacientes Hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de la Cl?nica Ibagu? en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de Mayo de 2016 al 31 de Octubre del 2017. Resultados: Se identific? que la administraci?n de soluci?n salina en las primeras 24 horas de ingreso, increment? la oportunidad de insuficiencia renal aguda 1.8 veces con respecto a los pacientes que se les administr? lactato de ringer (OR=1,8 IC (95% OR: 1.2-2.8), as? mismo se observ? que la oportunidad de insuficiencia renal en los pacientes que ten?an entre 54.1 y 62.1 a?os fue de 2.5 veces con respecto a aquellos pacientes que ten?an entre 62.2 y 93 a?os (OR=2.5 IC(95% OR 1.4-2.4). En los pacientes que ten?an como m?ximo 54 a?os, el riesgo de la insuficiencia renal se increment? 1.6 veces con respecto a los pacientes que ten?an entre 62.2 y 93 a?os y estas diferencias no fueron significativas (p=0.174). Conclusi?n: se puede concluir que al analizar mediante el modelo de regresi?n log?stica planteado, la administraci?n de soluci?n salina a los pacientes en las primeras 24 horas de ingreso increment? la oportunidad de insuficiencia renal aguda 1.8 veces con respecto a los que se les administr? lactato ringer (OR=1,8 IC (95% OR: 1.2-2.8), lo que indica que el lactato ringer es un factor protector en el desarrollo de la insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes hospitalizados en unidad de cuidados intensivos Palabras clave: casos y controles, insuficiencia renal aguda, Lactato Ringer.Acute renal failure is a frequent complication in critical patients, being an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Objective: To establish the association between sociodemographic and clinical factors with acute renal failure in patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Ibagu? clinic in the period from May 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017. Design and methods: An observational, analytical, analytical study of cases and controls of a retrospective type was carried out; Information was obtained from secondary sources such as the medical records of the patients Hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Ibagu? Clinic in the period from May 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017. Results: It was identified that the administration of saline in the first 24 hours of admission, increased the chance of acute renal failure 1.8 times with respect to the patients who were administered ringer's lactate (OR = 1.8 IC (95% OR : 1.2-2.8), likewise it was observed that the chance of renal failure in patients who were between 54.1 and 62.1 years old was 2.5 times compared to those patients who were between 62.2 and 93 years old (OR = 2.5 CI (95% OR 1.4-2.4). In patients who were 54 years of age or older, the risk of renal failure increased 1.6 times with respect to patients who were between 62.2 and 93 years old and these differences were not significant (p = 0.174). Conclusion: it can be concluded that when analyzing using the logistic regression model proposed, the administration of saline to the patients in the first 24 hours of admission, increased the chance of acute renal failure 1.8 times compared to those administered ringer's lactate (OR = 1.8 CI (95% OR: 1.2-2.8), indicating that ringer lactate is a protective factor in the development of acute renal failure in patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit Keywords: cases and controls, acute renal failure, ringer's lactat

    Plan de negocio para un nuevo canal de ventas para el sector retail mediante el uso de c?digos QR en estaciones de transporte masivo en Lima

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    Se ha identificado una oportunidad de negocio que permitir?a satisfacer la necesidad de abastecerse de productos para el consumo sin invertir mayor tiempo en ello, adem?s de realizar las compras en tiempos improductivos del consumidor, tiempos aproximados a 10 minutos en los que un ciudadano espera en un paradero de transporte p?blico. La oportunidad de negocio plantea redirigir los esfuerzos publicitarios de los supermercados hacia canales que rentabilicen efectivamente esta inversi?n y sea medible con el incremento de compras para el supermercado. Esta oportunidad de negocio correlaciona los siguientes aspectos: Supermercados interesados en mayor penetraci?n en los canales electr?nicos, poblaci?n familiarizada con el uso de aplicaciones m?viles, tecnolog?a existente innovadora en el rubro de canales electr?nicos e inter?s por el desarrollo de nuevas Start Ups en el Per?

    El reducido nivel de participaci?n de las medianas empresas en el mercado alternativo de valores como fuente de financiamiento para satisfacer sus necesidades de liquidez en el corto plazo

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    El ?xito del sector empresarial en el Per? depende en gran medida de las diversas fuentes de financiamiento que sus participantes pueden encontrar en el mercado. En este sentido, el brindarles conocimiento de todas las fuentes posibles y educarlos de tal forma que puedan aprovecharlas en alto nivel, es tambi?n labor de los entes reguladores y por ende del Estado. El presente trabajo de investigaci?n expone al MAV (?Mercado Alternativo de Valores?) como una variante del Mercado de Valores, el cual ha sido dise?ado para que las Medianas Empresas exploren una alternativa que antes, por sus condiciones anteriores, le era pr?cticamente inalcanzable. Asimismo, desde las perspectivas de las Medianas Empresas, se busca descubrir el por qu?, desde su creaci?n (2012), el MAV ha tenido tan poca participaci?n a pesar de lo exitoso que han sido los casos registrados. Esta cuesti?n ha sido desarrollada durante el presente documento mediante una investigaci?n exploratoria de tipo cualitativa, con la finalidad de poder realizar recomendaciones en b?squeda de su mayor concurrencia

    Increased urinary markers of kidney damage in the institutionalized frail elderly due to recurrent urinary tract infections.

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    Objective: To characterize the impact on kidney injury of recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTI) in the frail elderly. Methods: Prospective observational study in 200 frail elderly subjects for 1 year. Groups: GA (n = 100): subjects without RUTI, GB (n = 100): subjects with RUTI. Variables: age, concomitant diseases, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) at the beginning (NGAL-1) and end (NGAL-2) of the study, urine N-acetyl glucosaminidase (NAG) at the beginning (NAG-1) and the end (NAG-2) of the study, urine transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGFbeta-1). Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney test, Chi-squared test, Fisher's exact test, and multivariate analysis were used. Results: Mean age was 84.33 (65-99) years old, with no difference between GA and GB. Mean NGAL-1 was 1.29 ng/ml (0.04-8). There was lower in GA than in GB. Mean NGAL-2 was 1.41 ng/ml (0.02-9.22). NGAL-2 was lower in GA than in GB. Mean NAG-1 was 0.38 UU.II/ml (0.01-2.63. NAG-1 in GA was lower than in GB. Mean NAG-2 was 0.44 UU.II/ml (0-3.41). NAG-2 was lower in GA compared with GB. Mean TGFbeta-1 was 23.43 pg/ml (0.02-103.76). TGFbeta-1 was lower in GA than GB. There were no differences in the presence of secondary diagnoses between GA and GB. NAG-2 and NGAL-1 were the most determining factors of renal function; in GA it was NGAL-2, followed by NAG-1; in GB it was NGAL-1, followed by NAG-2. Conclusion: Frail elderly with RUTI have higher urinary levels of renal injury markers, specifically NGAL, NAG, and TGFbeta-1, chronically in periods between urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinary markers of renal injury, specifically NGAL, NAG, and TGFbeta-1, identify early deterioration of renal function, compared with serum creatinine, or albuminuria, in frail elderly with recurrent urinary infections

    Volumetric study of the maxillary sinus in patients with sinus pathology

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is 1) to obtain the area and volumes of the maxillary sinuses in patients affected by clinically unilateral sinus pathology by comparing the results to the contralateral sinus and 2) to determine the importance of the volumetric measures when diagnosing the percentage of sinus obliteration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-centre observational retrospective clinical study was conducted in 214 patients with clinically unilateral sinus pathologies. Linear (mm), area (mm2) and volume (mm3) measurements were taken from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images of the affected sinus as well as from the contralateral ones. Histopathological study was performed using haematoxylin/eosin and PAS or Groccot stains. The lesions were classified into non-specific sinusitis, polyps, inverted papilloma, fungal sinusitis, cysts, mucocele and other lesions. Chi-squared test, ANOVA for independent samples and Pearson test were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: A total of 100 sinuses were measured in 50 patients (28 men and 22 women, with an age of 43.6 years (SD = 18.3), 50 pathological and 50 healthy contralateral sinuses. The three-dimensional occupation volume of the affected sinuses was 97.1 mm3 (62.5%) vs. 40.6 mm3 (22.8%) in the healthy ones (p<0.0001). The medial-lateral width of the sinus in the frontal plane was significantly higher in the cysts group (32.4 mm, CI: 23-41.8 mm). CONCLUSION: In medical terms, the global percentage of occupation determined using the classic manual determination method does not differ from the three-dimensional percentage calculated using specific complex software

    Plan de negocios para una empresa dedicada a la prestaci?n de servicios sobre estimulaci?n temprana en Lima Norte

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    El Centro de Estimulaci?n Temprana ?Grandes Peque?os Pasos?, se ubicar? en el distrito de Los Olivos, atendiendo a familias con ni?os de 0 a 36 meses de los estratos socioecon?micos B y C, provenientes de los distritos de Los Olivos, Independencia y San Mart?n de Porres, principalmente. Parte del conjunto de beneficios que ofrecer? el centro de estimulaci?n incluye la presencia de personal altamente calificado, un local acondicionado adecuadamente para las actividades de estimulaci?n, lo mismo que una buena ubicaci?n. As? tambi?n, contar? con una metodolog?a enmarcada dentro de la teor?a del Apego y junto con ?sta, una propuesta innovadora de las actividades pertinentes. ?Grandes Peque?os Pasos? tendr? como visi?n, el ser altamente apreciado y valorado por sus clientes debido a su preocupaci?n por los detalles, la seguridad, y sobre todo por la calidad en la que entrega sus servicios, no s?lo de talleres de estimulaci?n temprana para los infantes sino tambi?n de orientaci?n psicol?gica y pedag?gica para padres de familia. Finalmente, ?Grandes Peque?os Pasos?, se insertar? dentro de una red de aliados estrat?gicos tales como centros de rehabilitaci?n infantiles, cl?nicas pedi?tricas, entre otros servicios complementarios, que le permitir?n afianzar su posicionamiento como l?der en su sector

    Naturally presented HLA class I-restricted epitopes from the neurotrophic factor S100-? are targets of the autoimmune response in type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) results from the destruction of pancreatic beta-cells by the immune system, and CD8(+) T lymphocytes are critical actors in this autoimmune response. Pancreatic islets are surrounded by a mesh of nervous cells, the peri-insular Schwann cells, which are also targeted by autoreactive T lymphocytes and express specific antigens, such as the neurotrophic factor S100-beta. Previous work has shown increased proliferative responses to whole S100-beta in both human T1D patients and the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse model. We describe for the first time naturally processed and presented epitopes (NPPEs) presented by class I human leukocyte antigen-A*02:01 (A2.1) molecules derived from S100-beta. These NPPEs triggered IFN-gamma responses more frequently in both newly diagnosed and long-term T1D patients compared with healthy donors. Furthermore, the same NPPEs are recognized during the autoimmune response leading to diabetes in A2.1-transgenic NOD mice as early as 4 wk of age. Interestingly, when these NPPEs are used to prevent diabetes in this animal model, an acceleration of the disease is observed together with an exacerbation in insulitis and an increase in S100-beta-specific cytotoxicity in vaccinated animals. Whether these can be used in diabetes prevention needs to be carefully evaluated in animal models before use in future clinical assays.-Calvino-Sampedro, C., Gomez-Tourino, I., Cordero, O. J., Reche, P. A., Gomez-Perosanz, M., Sanchez-Trincado, J. L., Rodriguez, M. A., Sueiro, A. M., Vinuela, J. E., Calvino, R. V. Naturally presented HLA class I-restricted epitopes from the neurotrophic factor S100-beta are targets of the autoimmune response in type 1 diabetes

    Antihyperthermic treatment decreases perihematomal hypodensity

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect on perihematomal hypodensity and outcome of a decrease in body temperature in the first 24 hours in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). METHODS: In this retrospective study on a prospectively registered database, among the 1,100 patients, 795 met all the inclusion criteria. Temperature variations in the first 24 hours and perihematomal hypodensity (PHHD) were recorded. Patients >/=37.5 degrees C were treated with antihyperthermic drugs for at least 48 hours. The main objective was to determine the association among temperature variation, PHHD, and outcome at 3 months. RESULTS: The decrease in temperature in the first 24 hours increased the possibility of good outcome 11-fold. Temperature decrease, lower PHHD volume, and a good outcome were observed in 31.8% of the patients who received antihyperthermic treatment. CONCLUSION: The administration of early antihyperthermic treatment in patients with spontaneous ICH with a basal axillary temperature >/=37.5 degrees C resulted in good outcome in a third of the treated patients

    Increased Serum Levels of sCD14 and sCD163 Indicate a Preponderant Role for Monocytes in COVID-19 Immunopathology

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    Background: Emerging evidence indicates a potential role for monocytes in COVID-19 immunopathology. We investigated two soluble markers of monocyte activation, sCD14 and sCD163, in COVID-19 patients, with the aim of characterizing their potential role in monocyte-macrophage disease immunopathology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind. Methods: Fifty-nine SARS-Cov-2 positive hospitalized patients, classified according to ICU or non-ICU admission requirement, were prospectively recruited and analyzed by ELISA for levels of sCD14 and sCD163, along with other laboratory parameters, and compared to a healthy control group. Results: sCD14 and sCD163 levels were significantly higher among COVID-19 patients, independently of ICU admission requirement, compared to the control group. We found a significant correlation between sCD14 levels and other inflammatory markers, particularly Interleukin-6, in the non-ICU patients group. sCD163 showed a moderate positive correlation with the time lapsed from admission to sampling, independently of severity group. Treatment with corticoids showed an interference with sCD14 levels, whereas hydroxychloroquine and tocilizumab did not. Conclusions: Monocyte-macrophage activation markers are increased and correlate with other inflammatory markers in SARS-Cov-2 infection, in association to hospital admission. These data suggest a preponderant role for monocyte-macrophage activation in the development of immunopathology of COVID-19 patients
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